2022-12-19 18:45:34


仅是个例子哈KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that the undersigned ----------, Board Chairman of -------------------. lawfully authorized to represent and act on behalf of the said company, whose registered address is -------------------------------------do hereby appoint ----------------, ------------------ Co., Ltd., whose signature appears below to be true and lawful attorney, and authorize the said attorney to execute all the necessary matters related thereto, in the name and on behalf of the said company in connection with the Contract--------------------of-----------------Project.In witness thereof, we have hereto set out respective hands this --------------- day (month and year)Signature of Legal Representative: ________________________________Signature of Attorney: _______________________________________Witnessed by: _____________________________________________Name and Title of Witness: _____ Name of Firm of Witness: ______Address of Witness: ___。



KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that __________________(company name) is situated at_______________________(address), the People's Republic of China with__________(name of CEO of Director), as the legal representative hereby nominate, constitute and appoint, by means of this Power of Attorney, ________(name of licensee), as the true, lawful Attorney-in Fact, to take the VISAs of ______(Name of visa's owner) and to undertake all necessary matters related thereto, solely on behalf of the _____(company name). And the attorney must legitimately perform his correlative conducts subject to the scope of the authorization.

The specimen of _________ (name of licensee)signature is .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the _______________(company name) has caused this Power of Attorney to be valid untill ________(invalidation date).


__________(Name of Director)

________________________(Company name)


最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:lmy19850918 个人授权委托书格式及模板模板一:_________单位:本人因______________________原因不能亲自到______________办理_______兹授权委托_______先生/女士处理代办事项。






My English attorney format is not clear, translation level is limited, afraid of translation errors, so need translation, online, etc. With each big translation (Google, yahoo, youdao, baidu) don't give points, forgive me

Content: a power of attorney

Client: (name), (sex), (passport).

By client:

Because I have in the Chinese academic busy, cannot go through the relevant formalities IELTS, specially commissioned XXX as my legal agent, the plenipotentiary my conduction related matters, to the trustor in handling the foregoing matters in the process of relevant documents signed, I shall be recognized, and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

Entrust deadline: since the date of signing of the foregoing matters through to date.


Years June 21

5.简短的委托书 中文翻译英文

委托书 Power of Attorney 委托人:李均采 女 1961年6月9日出生 Principal: Li JunCai, female, Date of Birth: Sep 6, 1961 住址: 证件号码: Address:。

.. ID number: 受托人:李军 女 1946年8月21日出生 Attorney-in-fact: Li Jun, female, Date of Birth: Aug 21, 1946 住址: 证件号码: Address:。

. ID number: 陈苗已与1994年7月25日死亡, 林惠是住在广州市海珠区XXXXX 302,303号房屋 (房地产权证)编号: CXXXXX,CXXXXX号)的权属人,上述产权依法是陈苗与林惠的夫妻共有产权。 我是陈苗的女儿,是陈苗的合法继承人 现我委托李军为我的合法代理人。

代我执行和处理下列事项: Chen Miao deceased on July 25 1994. Lin Hui, the wife of the deceased Chen Miao, lives at #302 and #303 xxxxxx,HaiZhu District,GuangZhou, China (Building Proprietary Right Certificate No. Cxxxxx, xxxxx) and owns title to the abovementioned property. According to the law, the abovementioned property is Community Property owned jointly by both spouses. I am the daughter of the deceased Chen Miao and the legitimate heir to the abovementioned property. I hereby authorize Li Jun to be my attorney-in-fact, to act in my name in any way which I could act for myself, with respect to the following matters: 1. 向公证机关申办继承权公证手续 To submit application to the notary public for notarization of inheritance. 2. 向房管部门申请办理上述房屋产权登记,查验,更正和领取房屋产权证以及相关的一切手续 To submit application to Housing Authority and Housing Department for registration, authentication and transfer of the building proprietary right, and other relevant procedures. 3. 向有关部征纳上述房产的税务和支付一切正常费用,受委托人对上述委托事项,有转委托权,。 To pay property tax and other regular fees to the competent authorities. The attorney-in-fact has authority to delegate his powers to a sub-agent to handle the matters specifically expressed in this clause. 4. 受委托人在办理上述事项过程中签署的一切法律文件 我均予承认。

I will acknowledge all documents signed by the attorney-in-fact on my behalf pursuant to this Power of Attorney during the process of the abovemented property transfer. 此委托书有效期为办结事项为止。 This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until satisfactory completion of the abovemented property transfer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the undersigned, have hereunto signed my name this xx day of xxx, 2009. ________________Principal: Li JunCai, ID number:你要在这里签名。

6.简短的委托书 中文翻译英文

委托书 Power of Attorney 委托人:李均采 女 1961年6月9日出生 Principal: Li JunCai, female, Date of Birth: Sep 6, 1961 住址: 证件号码: Address:。

.. ID number: 受托人:李军 女 1946年8月21日出生 Attorney-in-fact: Li Jun, female, Date of Birth: Aug 21, 1946 住址: 证件号码: Address:。

. ID number: 陈苗已与1994年7月25日死亡, 林惠是住在广州市海珠区XXXXX 302,303号房屋 (房地产权证)编号: CXXXXX,CXXXXX号)的权属人,上述产权依法是陈苗与林惠的夫妻共有产权。 我是陈苗的女儿,是陈苗的合法继承人 现我委托李军为我的合法代理人。

代我执行和处理下列事项: Chen Miao deceased on July 25 1994. Lin Hui, the wife of the deceased Chen Miao, lives at #302 and #303 xxxxxx,HaiZhu District,GuangZhou, China (Building Proprietary Right Certificate No. Cxxxxx, xxxxx) and owns title to the abovementioned property. According to the law, the abovementioned property is Community Property owned jointly by both spouses. I am the daughter of the deceased Chen Miao and the legitimate heir to the abovementioned property. I hereby authorize Li Jun to be my attorney-in-fact, to act in my name in any way which I could act for myself, with respect to the following matters: 1. 向公证机关申办继承权公证手续 To submit application to the notary public for notarization of inheritance. 2. 向房管部门申请办理上述房屋产权登记,查验,更正和领取房屋产权证以及相关的一切手续 To submit application to Housing Authority and Housing Department for registration, authentication and transfer of the building proprietary right, and other relevant procedures. 3. 向有关部征纳上述房产的税务和支付一切正常费用,受委托人对上述委托事项,有转委托权,。 To pay property tax and other regular fees to the competent authorities. The attorney-in-fact has authority to delegate his powers to a sub-agent to handle the matters specifically expressed in this clause. 4. 受委托人在办理上述事项过程中签署的一切法律文件 我均予承认。

I will acknowledge all documents signed by the attorney-in-fact on my behalf pursuant to this Power of Attorney during the process of the abovemented property transfer. 此委托书有效期为办结事项为止。 This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until satisfactory completion of the abovemented property transfer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the undersigned, have hereunto signed my name this xx day of xxx, 2009. ________________ Principal: Li JunCai, ID number:你要在这里签名。



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