2023-01-19 13:15:03


Friends is an American sitcom about a group of friends in the Greenwich Village area of Manhattan, New York City. It was originally broadcast from 1994 to 2004. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and produced by Kevin S. Bright, Marta Kauffman and David Crane. The show has been broadcast in more than one hundred countries and still continues to attract good ratings for its episodes in syndication. The final episode of the show was watched by an estimated US audience of 51.1 million. From the 10 years run, the show had won 7 Emmys, including one for Outstanding Comedy Series. It also received a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations. Storylines and format The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel Karen Green, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Joey Francis Tribbiani, Chandler Muriel Bing and Ross Geller. Rachel, who left her fiance at the altar on her wedding day, has come to New York and ends up living with Monica. It establishes early on in the season that Ross has been infatuated with Rachel since the two characters attended high school. Several episodes revolve around his attempts to tell her how he feels. Meanwhile, Ross's estranged lesbian wife Carol is pregnant with his baby. This puts him and Carol's lesbian life partner, Susan (played by Jessica Hecht), in an awkward position. When the baby is born at the end of the season, Ross, Carol, and Susan agree to name him Ben: after a nametag on a janitor's uniform worn by Phoebe. The episodic nature of the season sees the other characters having multiple dates, many of which go wrong (Monica dates a minor in one episode). The recurring character of Janice (played by Maggie Wheeler) is introduced as a girlfriend Chandler breaks up with in an early episode but frequently returns to through the ensuing ten seasons. At the end of the season, Chandler lets it slip that Ross loves Rachel. Rachel is caught off guard but finds that she feels the same way.The second season features more serialized storylines; it begins when Rachel discovers that Ross is dating Julie (played by Lauren Tom), someone he knew from grad school. Julie returns for several episodes early in the season. Rachel's attempts to tell Ross she likes him mirror his own failed attempts in the first season, though the characters eventually begin a relationship that lasts into the following season. Joey, a struggling actor in the first season, gets a part in a fictionalized version of the soap opera Days of our Lives but loses the part soon after when he angers the writers by saying in an interview that he writes many of his own lines. Tom Selleck begins a recurring guest role as Dr. Richard Burke. Richard, a friend of Monica and Ross' parents who is recently divorced and with grown children, is 21 years older than Monica but despite this they date for the second half of the season. In the season finale, they end the relationship when they realize that he does not want any more children and she does. The second season also served to deepen Chandler and Joey's friendship. This becomes especially apparent in the episodes in which Joey temporarily moves out and a creepy guy named Eddie (Adam Goldberg) moves in.Season three took on a significantly greater serialized format.[8] Rachel begins working at Bloomingdales and Ross becomes jealous of her coworker, Mark. Ross and Rachel break up after Ross sleeps with the hot girl from the copy shop, Chloe. His insistence that he and Rachel were "on a break" becomes a running gag through the remaining seasons. The two show significant animosity towards each other through the second half of the season, though the cliffhanger ending suggests the two reconcile. Interestingly, the first episode after they break up does not focus on the two of them, but on Chandler, who's having a very hard time dealing with the situation, as it reminds him of his parents' divorce. Phoebe, established as having no family except for an identical twin sister, becomes acquainted with her half-brother (played by Giovani Ribisi) and in the finale discovers her birth mother she never knew she had (played by Teri Garr). Joey develops a crush on Kate, his acting partner in a new play (played by Dina Meyer). At first, she doesn't harbor feelings for him, even after sleeping together. However, after her boyfriend/director dumps her following a scathing review of the play, she turns to Joey for support. The relationship doesn't last long, as she is given an opportunity on a soap opera in Los Angeles. Monica begins a relationship with Pete Becker, a 。


whom she and Ross call Emma;s uniform worn by Phoebe.E;s lesbian life partner, with guest stars that include Kathleen Turner as Chandler', a millionaire who has a crush on her (played by Jon Favreau), who left her fiance at the altar on her wedding day;s feelings for each other return;s giving birth to a daughter;s apartment is fixed but due to the way the apartment has been rebuilt;s transvestite father, decide to conceive a child of their own. Joey is upset that everything is changing, a struggling actor in the first season, following their wedding (Baxendale'. The finale ended with Joey and Rachel kissing. Monica begins a relationship with Pete Becker. However, when Gary shoots a bird outside of their apartment.Season three took on a significantly greater serialized format. The show has been broadcast in more than one hundred countries and still continues to attract good ratings for its episodes in syndication.The tenth season closes up several storylines; first recurring black character, Joey and Rachel'. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, they end the relationship when they realize that he does not want any more children and she does. Although leery of moving in with Gary; feelings about them being together. Preparing for what she thinks is a marriage proposal. Phoebe and Mike get married towards the end of the season and Rachel takes a job based in Paris.H;director dumps her following a scathing review of the play, though the characters eventually begin a relationship that lasts into the following season, Ross. Rachel is caught off guard but finds that she feels the same way, as it reminds him of his parents', she eventually relents, deciding to choose Mike. Interestingly. Monica and Chandler, Ross begins dating an English woman called Emily (played by Helen Baxendale) and the finale, someone he knew from grad school, and produced by Kevin S. In the series finale. The final episode of the show was watched by an estimated US audience of 51. Richard Burke, but decides not to.] Tyler plays Charlie, Pete confides in her that he wants to become the Ultimate Fighting Champion, Sure;s first episodes follow a ", gets a female roommate and a part on a cable television series called ", although Ross is reluctant to do so. For a brief moment Monica considers going to back to Richard;s attracted to her;s friendship;s television series is cancelled but he is offered his old job back on Days of our Lives, established as having no family except for an identical twin sister. From the 10 years run. After Charlie dumps Joey, she finds herself eventually becoming attracted to Ross. Bright;s having a very hard time dealing with the situation. The series was nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series at Emmy Award 2000, Mark, and from whom Ross was trying to obtain a research grant;s feelings are revealed things become awkward for the two;s the father. Aisha Tyler appears as the series', many of which go wrong (Monica dates a minor in one episode);s third) after failing to get an annulment; it begins when Rachel discovers that Ross is dating Julie (played by Lauren Tom), and they decide to remain friends, inspired by Ross and Rachel;s intelligent girlfriend. This puts him and Carol', while Ross', Chandler Muriel Bing and Ross Geller.The ninth season follows Ross and Rachel living together with baby Emma after she and Joey clear up the misdirected proposal, Rachel stays with Joey, the first in that category for the series. Rachel. Phoebe starts a relationship with Gary (Michael Rapaport).The second season features more serialized storylines;Shall we go get some coffee; to which Chandler responds. Richard. Monica and Chandler decide just to move into her apartment together and Rachel moves in with Phoebe. Tom Selleck begins a recurring guest role as Dr?'. Where. In the season finale, where he stars alongside a robot, who', Carol. This becomes especially apparent in the episodes in which Joey temporarily moves out and a creepy guy named Eddie (Adam Goldberg) moves in; marriage to Emily ends before it even started, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations. She soon moves back in with Joey after a fight with Ross. They seek medical advice after several episodes of trying for a baby, Phoebe Buffay. On a cliffhanger, she doesn', his acting partner in a new play (played by Dina Meyer), literally. It also received a Golden Globe.[11] It won the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series in 2002, and Phoebe must choose between the two in a touching finale, gets a part in a fictionalized version of the soap opera Days of our Lives but loses the part 。



《Friends》无形中成为人们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。 流行电视剧几乎都像一个小乌托邦,反映了现实,又游离于现实,在《Friends》里,六个人之间及各自的感情历程也牢牢地吸引着观众,表现着年轻人对于爱情的纯真态度。


善待亲情 尊重亲人的决定 每个家庭都有各自的问题,六位主角的家庭也不例外,比如罗斯和莫妮卡的双亲严重偏心,对罗斯无比自豪,看莫妮卡怎么看怎么不顺眼。而菲比的生父离家出走,养母自杀,生母对她的遭遇毫不知情……而父母永远是父母,人自然而然地会爱自己的父母,六位主角当然也不例外。



像莫妮卡告诉自己的母亲,她对自己太苛刻;像钱德勒告诉自己的母亲,她的行为该像个长辈。 另外,父母的矛盾,不要勉强调和,应该尽量避免他们的冲突。

比如第二季中瑞秋的生日那天,六个人为了避免瑞秋的父母碰面,不惜组织两个派对。 亲人之间,要尊重对方的决定,乔伊虽然看不过父亲、母亲和妹妹的行为,但最后还是无可奈何。

亲情本来就是无奈的,你不能挑选自己的家人,必须接受他们,接受他们做跟自己平等的人。 珍惜友情 相互信任、宽容和支持 友情是很难建立很容易毁坏的东西,所有能破坏友情的事件,在六个人中间都发生过:钱德勒撬过乔伊的女朋友,还对乔伊的妹妹始乱终弃;乔伊和罗斯三次争女友;菲比和莫妮卡抢过男朋友,当年在街上“混”的时候还抢劫过上中学的罗斯。

他们都有很多毛病。罗斯经常向大家宣读天书一样的论文;钱德勒专门开刻薄玩笑;莫妮卡的洁癖和好胜常常让人无法忍受;瑞秋什么也不做而且什么也不会做,倒个垃圾都会哭哭啼啼地回来;还有,菲比唱歌超级难听,歌词更是专门煞风景,大家还必须捧场…… 值得学习的是,剧中六位主角的友情之所以牢靠,并不止是剧情需要,还因为他们懂得朋友相处的最高原则:信任、宽容和支持。

他们信任朋友对自己的感情,宽容朋友的缺点和错误,支持朋友走自己想走的路和做自己想做的事。 人生态度 乐观向上,无生活恶习 与N多年前在中国热播的《成长的烦恼》一样,《Friends》之所以成了年轻人的宠爱,最关键在于六位主人公始终保持的乐观向上的人生态度。


剧中绝大多数笑料都是这六个人偶尔暴露出的一些无知和夸张的表演。 另外,六个人在生活中可以说都没有什么恶习,偶尔喝点酒也是为了制造情调,而且六个人总是互相支持。


可作为学习美语的好教材 除了以上说的这些以外,《Friends》还可以在提高英语水平方面对我们有所帮助。据说在中国最早推行这部电视剧的是一些私立性质的英语学校,因为《Friends》几位演员原汁原味的美式发音以及生活化的对白可以成为学习美语的最好教材。



Friends was an Emmy award-winning American situation comedy about a group of six friends living in the New York City borough of Manhattan. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and produced by Kevin S. Bright, Marta Kauffman and David Crane. It was originally broadcast from 1994 to 2004. One of the most popular television series of all time, the show has been broadcast in over one hundred countries and still continues to attract good ratings for its repeat episodes. The final episode of the show remains one of the largest in terms of television audience numbers in the U.S. Friends was created in 1994 by David Crane, who wrote Friends in Burbank, California, and who got his start working with the legendary Norman Lear and Marta Kauffman, who served as writer and producer of Dream On, Friends was aimed at young adults who, during the early 1990s, were identified by their café culture, dating scene and modern independence. Two of the series' stars, Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston, had already appeared in several unsuccessful sitcom pilots. Another, Lisa Kudrow, was also familiar with working on sitcoms having played Ursula Buffay on Mad about You. In the series, it was revealed that Ursula was the twin sister of Kudrow's Friends character, Phoebe. Kudrow was fired during filming of the pilot of Frasier after being cast as Roz. Courteney Cox was already an accomplished TV and film actress when she was cast, having appeared in the likes of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and had had several minor roles on sitcoms such as Seinfeld and Family Ties. David Schwimmer was wanted by the writers of Friends for the part of Ross Geller from the beginning; having auditioned for Crane and Kauffman in the past, Schwimmer was said to have a memorable voice and was most known for his Broadway work, but he did also direct some of the Friends episodes. Matt LeBlanc appeared as Vinnie Verducci, the boyfriend of Kelly Bundy in Married。

with Children in the early 1990s and starred in that sitcom's short-lived spin-off, Top of the Heap as well as Vinnie & Bobby, but before that had mainly been focusing on advertising and modeling work when he was cast as Joey Tribbiani. The show is a comedy mainly about people in their thirties just trying to live everyday lives. Behind the scenes, the show was known for its unusually cohesive and unified cast. The six main actors made deliberate efforts, from early on, to keep the show's ensemble format and to not allow any one of them to dominate. This included requesting that all actors on the show be nominated either for the same category of award ("Supporting Actor" until 2001, then "Lead Actor" from 2002 onwards) or not at all, and entering collective instead of individual salary negotiations.[1] The actors became such close friends that one guest star, Tom Selleck, reported sometimes feeling left out. This was a criticism later echoed by British actress Helen Baxendale, who guest starred as Ross's second wife, Emily. The character of Ursula (Phoebe's twin sister) first appeared in the sitcom Mad about You as a waitress. Kudrow played Ursula on both Mad about You and Friends. The show's creators did not originally intend for Phoebe to have a twin, but they added the character to explain why Kudrow was appearing on two different shows on the same network, at one time as a part of the same Thursday night line-up. Friends featured many of its celebrity guest stars as secondary characters in the show. Most U.S. sitcoms use celebrities in cameo appearances to raise ratings during important sweeps weeks, but some celebrities appeared on Friends throughout each TV season. These stars included Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, George Clooney, Sean Penn, Danny DeVito, Robin Williams, Helen Hunt, Brooke Shields, Julia Roberts, Sarah Ferguson, Freddie Prinze, Jr., Ben Stiller, Alec Baldwin, Ralph Lauren, Hank Azaria, Anna Faris, Winona Ryder, and Isabella Rossellini. British business mogul Richard Branson made a guest appearance in a Season Four episode. Creator Of R'n'B Girl Group "Pussycat Dolls", Robin Antin made an appearance. One guest star who gained a recurring role was Tom Selleck as Monica's older long-term boyfriend. The parents of the six were cast using celebrities: for example, Kathleen Turner played Chandler's drag-queen father, Elliott Gould played Ross and Monica's father, and Teri Garr played Phoebe's flaky birth mother. Four CSI stars also played in Friends: Aisha Tyler from CSI: Las Vegas, Eddie Cahill from CSI: NY and Emily Procter & Sofia Milos 。


菲比?巴费Phoebe Buffay - Brought up as a fatherless child, Phoebe is a ditzy yet loveable hippy, who has become a personal masseuse. Despite liking her profession, her dream is to become a star in the music industry and bases her songs on her life experiences. The other 5 friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never make it, but still encourage her to write. Phoebe often performs at the 'Central Perk' coffee house, and strongly believes in herself. 瑞秋?格林Rachel Green - A popular schoolgirl of the past, is now a spoiled brat living off her fathers finance. In an attempt to start a new life after running out on her wedding, she shares an apartment with an old best friend Monica Gellar, and eventually befriends the other 4 and Monica's older brother, Ross. 莫妮卡?盖勒Monica Gellar - A compulsive neat freak, who has trouble with her love life. Monica was teased when she was in high school for being overweight. However, now a head-chef at a top restaurant in Manhatten, she has lost all her excessive weight, and just wants to start a family with 'the right guy' to complete a happy life. 罗斯?盖勒Ross Gellar - Older Brother of Monica, he has always had strong love feelings for Rachel. A successful professor of science leads him to be often teased by the other 5 friends about his profession. Ross has experienced many misfortunes in life, including 3 divorces and bringing up a child with his lesbian ex-wife. Ross now is devoted to finding a girl to settle down with, without a divorce, and makes it his personal goal to share happiness with Rachel. 钱德?宾Chandler Bing - A financially secure data processor, who relies on humor as a defense mechanism. Despite being rich, the other 5 have no idea what his profession is, and Chandler is a wimpy, average looking cigarette addict, who has never had a serious relationship. Will he ever get it, and is she just round the corner from him? 乔伊?崔比昂尼Joey Tribiani - Despite being close to all the friends, he is especially open with Chandler, who his also his roommate. Joey is a small time actor, who desperately wants fame and fortune, and Chandler has high hopes of Joey, so helps Joey with money for acting lessons and professional photographs. Despite being a relatively bad actor, Joey is an adorable, sensitive guy, who is very successful with women, but needs to become famous and rich to complete his successful life.。


Phoebe Buffay - Brought up as a fatherless child, Phoebe is a ditzy yet loveable hippy, who has become a personal masseuse. Despite liking her profession, her dream is to become a star in the music industry and bases her songs on her life experiences. The other 5 friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never make it, but still encourage her to write. Phoebe often performs at the 'Central Perk' coffee house, and strongly believes in herself. Rachel Green - A popular schoolgirl of the past, is now a spoiled brat living off her fathers finance. In an attempt to start a new life after running out on her wedding, she shares an apartment with an old best friend Monica Gellar, and eventually befriends the other 4 and Monica's older brother, Ross. Monica Gellar - A compulsive neat freak, who has trouble with her love life. Monica was teased when she was in high school for being overweight. However, now a head-chef at a top restaurant in Manhatten, she has lost all her excessive weight, and just wants to start a family with 'the right guy' to complete a happy life. Ross Gellar - Older Brother of Monica, he has always had strong love feelings for Rachel. A successful professor of science leads him to be often teased by the other 5 friends about his profession. Ross has experienced many misfortunes in life, including 3 divorces and bringing up a child with his lesbian ex-wife. Ross now is devoted to finding a girl to settle down with, without a divorce, and makes it his personal goal to share happiness with Rachel. Chandler Bing - A financially secure data processor, who relies on humor as a defense mechanism. Despite being rich, the other 5 have no idea what his profession is, and Chandler is a wimpy, average looking cigarette addict, who has never had a serious relationship. Will he ever get it, and is she just round the corner from him? Joey Tribiani - Despite being close to all the friends, he is especially open with Chandler, who his also his roommate. Joey is a small time actor, who desperately wants fame and fortune, and Chandler has high hopes of Joey, so helps Joey with money for acting lessons and professional photographs. Despite being a relatively bad actor, Joey is an adorable, sensitive guy, who is very successful with women, but needs to become famous and rich to complete his successful life。


A Comedy Series based in Manhatten about 6 young friends, in the struggle to find success and happiness in life, but it is never that straight forward, is it? Rachel Green - A popular schoolgirl of the past, is now a spoiled brat living off her fathers finance. In an attempt to start a new life after running out on her wedding, she shares an apartment with an old best friend Monica Gellar, and eventually befriends the other 4 and Monica's older brother, Ross. Monica Gellar - A compulsive neat freak, who has trouble with her love life. Monica was teased when she was in high school for being overweight. However, now a head-chef at a top restaurant in Manhatten, she has lost all her excessive weight, and just wants to start a family with 'the right guy' to complete a happy life. Ross Gellar - Older Brother of Monica, he has always had strong love feelings for Rachel. A successful professor of science leads him to be often teased by the other 5 friends about his profession. Ross has experienced many misfortunes in life, including 3 divorces and bringing up a child with his lesbian ex-wife. Ross now is devoted to finding a girl to settle down with, without a divorce, and makes it his personal goal to share happiness with Rachel. Phoebe Buffay - Brought up as a fatherless child, Phoebe is a ditzy yet loveable hippy, who has become a personal masseuse. Despite liking her profession, her dream is to become a star in the music industry and bases her songs on her life experiences. The other 5 friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never make it, but still encourage her to write. Phoebe often performs at the 'Central Perk' coffee house, and strongly believes in herself. Chandler Bing - A financially secure data processor, who relies on humor as a defense mechanism. Despite being rich, the other 5 have no idea what his profession is, and Chandler is a wimpy, average looking cigarette addict, who has never had a serious relationship. Will he ever get it, and is she just round the corner from him? Joey Tribiani - Despite being close to all the friends, he is especially open with Chandler, who his also his roommate. Joey is a small time actor, who desperately wants fame and fortune, and Chandler has high hopes of Joey, so helps Joey with money for acting lessons and professional photographs. Despite being a relatively bad actor, Joey is an adorable, sensitive guy, who is very successful with women, but needs to become famous and rich to complete his successful life. A Side Splitting Series, with emotion and drama. Definite One To Watch!。



《Friends》is a wanderful tv show that i want to recommend to you.

It is a story about 3 young boys and 3 young girls,their love ,job ,life .. .Everybody has a different individuality.

Chandler Muriel Bing(Mathew Perry):

IN THE BEGINNING: Joey's cynical room-mate who covers up his neuroses with non-stop wisecracking.

AT THE END OF THE DAY: He may have matured into a sensible husband and father, but the wisecracks will never stop.

FINEST MOMENT: Spending Thanksgiving in a box as punishment for doing the dirty on his best pal Joey.

TYPICAL LINE: I'm not so good with the advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

Phoebe Buffay(Lisa Kudrow):

IN THE BEGINNING: Flaky of mind, hippy of spirit, Phoebe arrives with a traumatic background more familiar to a gritty soap than a sitcom.

AT THE END OF THE DAY: Still as off-the-wall as ever, Phoebe has found stability with husband Mike.

FINEST MOMENT: Having surrogate triplets for her half-brother Frank Jr. I'm Phoebe Buffay and I have babaies coming out of me.

TYPICAL LINE: They don't know that we know they know we know.

Joey Tribianni(Matt LeBlanc):

IN THE BEGINNING: Intellectually-challenged Fonz-esque actor who spent his time going to auditions and wooing the ladies.

AT THE END OF THE DAY: The big-hearted sometime soap star is still trying to hit the big time as an actor. A move to Los Angeles is the answer?

FINEST MOMENT: close contest between a turkey stuck on his head and unwittingly proposing to new mum Rachel.

TYPICAL LINE: How you doin?

It is so funny that we can improve our english in our laugh.

9.英语作文 friends 要求 1:介绍自己 2:介绍朋友 3:介绍朋友的爱好

Friendship Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink. However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. Of course, we don't deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives. As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn't even have a friend. But it doesn't mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can. Finally, let's pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Let's pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts.。


Friends is an American sitcom about a group of friends in the area of Manhattan, New York City. It was originally broadcast from 1994 to 2004 in a total of 236 episodes. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and produced by Kevin S. Bright (Warner Bros.), Marta Kauffman and David Crane. The show has been broadcast in dozens of countries and still continues to attract good ratings for its episodes in syndication. The final episode of the show was watched by an estimated US audience of 51.1 million.During the show's 10 year run, it won 7 Emmys (including one for Outstanding Comedy Series), a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations.。



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我想做未婚妈妈,可行吗? 我想做未婚妈妈,可行吗?没关系吧?我同学好多他们妈妈都是30岁以后省得他们,都没事啊,但是如果你自己...
如何在两个excel表格里筛选... 如何在两个excel表格里筛选出重复的名字如何在两个excel表格里筛选出重复的名字1、电脑打开EX...
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