2022-12-20 07:31:36


你代表中国国家纺织I/E公司,浙江分公司。你们出售玉春牌绒衫。一位墨西哥的商人从你处订购了价值为15 000 美元的绒衫。现在你们谈论如何支付货款,他想通过远期信用证来支付,但是你知道如果对方通过远期信用证来支付货款,你方就必须先呈递单据而之后才能收到货款,虽然支付交易有银行的保障。再说,你方还必须承担汇率变化的风险,所以你真的很犹豫。最后你还是同意了,但是你告诉该进口商你方会对远期信用证收取利息并且将利息算在总成本里面,最终他方同意。



1, Division I form of payment for the contract within three days after the pre-paid 30 percent of the total loan, the remaining 70 percent paid at the delivery.

2, Division I control module on the specific technical specifications to allow production to the control module manufacturers to us, such as a get-related information, I immediately made MAIL to you.

3, annex to you is the price list, but I hope you can give orders to my specific request, because the prices of the last relatively unstable, so only you can give orders to my specific request, I can give you a relatively accurate to Prices (these words as far as possible that the subtle point, should not be too straightforward)


How about TT? My other business partners are all using TT

Humm..I was think about LC or DP. It's more safe that way.

Yeah I understand but TT is much faster. Time is money, right?

I know. In terms of our current situation, time means more than anything. So let's go TT then.



现状] Scarlette林莹表明沙水稻正处于neotiation表,讨论的条款付款payment.Scarlette建议对L / C ,但沙insits支付由T / T.At最后他们同意支付由T /吨30在装运前%和70 %后发货。



1 )卖方的建议:付款信用证/炭

2 )理由:这是他们的惯常做法,付款信用证/炭

3 )买方的建议:付款由T /吨

4 )原因:老客户,节省时间和金钱



Terms of Payment支付条款Dialogue 1W: Well, we've settled the question of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.W: I see. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?B: I'm afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit.W: To tell you the truth, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import. When I open a letter of credit with a bank, I have to pay a deposit. That'll tie up my money and increase my cost.B: Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum.-- 好吧,既然价格、质量和数量问题都已谈妥,现在来谈谈付款方式 怎么样?-- 我们只接受不可撤消的、凭装运单据付款的信用证。

-- 我明白。你们能不能破例接受承兑交单或付款交单?-- 恐怕不行,我们是坚决要求采用信用证付款。

-- 老实说,信用证会增加我方进口货的成本。要在银行开立信用证,我得付一笔押金。

这样会占压我的资金,因而会增加成本。-- 你和开证行商量一下,看他们能否把押金减少到最低限度。

W: Still, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/A or D/P. You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit. It makes no great difference to you, but it does to me.B: Well, Mrs. Wang, you must be aware that an irrevocable letter of cred it gives the exporter the additional protection of the bank er's guarantee. We always require L/C for our exports. And the other way round, we pay by L/C for our imports.W: To meet you half way, what do you say if 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?B: I'm very sorry, Mrs. Wang. But I'm afraid I can't promise you even that. As I've said, we require payment by L/C.-- 即便那样,开立信用证还是要支付银行手续费。假如你能接受承兑 交单或付款交单,这就帮我大忙了。

你就当作是信用证一样向我开 汇票。这对你来说区别不大,但是对我来说就大不一样了。

-- 王小姐,你应该也知道,不可撤消的信用证给出口商增加了银行的 担保。我们出口一向要求采用信用证;反过来讲,我们进口也是信 用证付款。

-- 我们都各让一步吧,货价的百分之五十用信用证,其余的采用付款 交单,你看怎么样?-- 对不起,王小姐。即便那样,我恐怕也不能答应。

我都说过了,我 们要求用信用证付款。Dialogue 2A: Well, Mr. Brown, we've settled everything in connection with this transaction except the question of payment in yen. Now can you explain to me how to make payment in yen?B: Many of our business friends in England, France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany are paying for our exports in Japan currency. It is quite easy to do so.A: I know some of them are doing that. But this is new to me. I've never made payment in yen before. It is convenient to make pay- ment in pound sterling, but I may have some difficulty in making payment in yen.B: Many banks in Europe now carry accounts in yen. They are in a position to open letters of credit and effect payment in yen. Con- sult your banks and you'll see that they are ready to offer you this service.A: Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in yen with a bank in London or Bonn?B: Sure you can. Several of the banks in London, such as the National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank are in a position to open letters of credit in yen. They'll do so against our sales confirmation or contract.A: I see.-- 布朗先生,除了日元付款问题外,我们已经谈妥了有关这笔交易 的所有事项。

现在,能不能请你解释一下如何用日元付款?-- 我们在英国、法国、瑞士、意大利及德国的许多商界朋友都用日元 支付我们的出口货物。这很容易做到。

-- 我知道有些人是这么做。但对我来说,这是新做法。

我从来没用过 日元付款。用英镑付款很方便,但用日元付款可能会有些麻烦。

-- 现在欧洲许多银行都可以开立日元账户。他们可以开立信用证并且 用日元支付。

你去银行咨询就可知道,他们会替你办理这项业务的。-- 你是说我可以在伦敦或者波恩的银行开立日元信用证吗?-- 当然可以。

在伦敦有好几家银行,如国家威斯敏斯特银行和巴克 莱银行等都可以凭我们的销售确认书或合同开立日元信用证。-- 我知道了。




B:Good evening sir,what can i do for u?

A:oh,good evening.i call here is to change my room.

B:Is there anything u don't satisfy in your room?

A:No,the room is very beautiful and clean.But i know you hotel is beside the sea,i want to change to a bigger room that can see the whole beach.Have u got any kind of room like this?

B:Well,in that case ,i recommend(推荐)the Deluxe sea view twin.(豪华海景房)In this room you can see all the beach and enjoy the sea breeze when lying in your bed.

A:That's great!can you change that one to me?

B:No problem!could u please tell me what's your room number now?


B:wait a second please。.(扮演接待员的假装登记一会)。OK,the room number of sea view twin is 812,and this is your key.Wish you a nice stay in your new room.

A:Thank you so much!

B:you're welcome!














Maria: Hello, is Allen there?

Allen: Yes, this is Allen.

Maria: Hi Allen! Would you like to go to the zoo with me tomorrow?

Allen: Sure! I would love to!

Maria: Great! How about tomorrow morning at 7?

Allen: It is abit too early. How about 9 o'clock?

Maria: No problem! See you there!

Allen: Bye!


Buyer(B):Everything seems ready except the payment,isn't it?(除了付款一切就绪了,是吧)Seller(S):Definitely.It is really an enjoyable time to cooperate with you.(没错.跟你合作真愉快)(B):Me too.So could I finish the payment via D/P?Because it is really convenient and can help us save a great deal of time.(我也是.那么我可以用D/P结清应付账款吗?这样非常方便,还能帮我们节省很多时间)(S):Actually,I'm afraid not.We've never cooperated with each other before,therefore I prefer something with higher security,such as credit card.I hope you can understand.(事实上恐怕不行.我们过去从来没有合作过,所以我更倾向于通过信用卡之类的可以用更高的保障.(B):Sure,I'got your idea.But in fact,our company hasn't applied for credit card in China yet,if we submit application now,it may take 3 business days to approve at least.In other words,we both sides have to wait another 3 days.(当然,我明白你的意思.但是我们公司还没有在中国申请信用卡,如果现在递交申请的话,最少要等三个工作日)(S):But we've never used such a way as D/P for transaction before.I've no idea how it works.(可是我们没有用过这种交易方式,我不知道它是怎么运作的)(B):Don't worry about that.This is not the first time i used it in China.I can show you some transaction history as evidence.Does it make sence?(这个你不必担心.这也不是我第一次在中国用D/P,我可以给你看我的交易历史纪录作为证据,可以吗?)(S):I don't think so.Wait a minute,would you mind to pay some deposit in cash and the rest amount via D/P or whatever?(可能不行..等一下,你介意付一部分现金作为押金,然后余款通过D/P或者其他什么方式?)(B):It depents.At what percentage?(不好说,得看情况.什么比例?)(S):50%?(50%?)(B):I'm afraid not.It is a little too high and meanwhile,we dont have so much cash at this moment.How about 30%?(恐怕不行,有点高,并且我们现在没有这么多现金.30%怎么样)(S):Ok,deal!But we'd better add this terms into our contract,isn't it?(好吧,成交!不过我们最好把这项条款加如我们的合同,是吧?)(B):Absolutely!(完全正确!)因为是我自己编的,所以你可以任意添加一些对话,比如一开始双方的寒暄之类的.后面的属于比较专业下订单的说法,都作了相应的翻译.。



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