2023-03-09 18:04:39


Food 'printer' saves time


Scientists at Cornell University are building a 3-D food printer as part of the bigger Fab@home project, which they hope one day will be as commonplace as the microwave oven, BBC reported. Just pop the raw food "inks" in the top, load the recipe - and the machine will do the rest. The goal is to blow the lid off cooking as we know it and change the future of food production. People lacking even basic culinary skills could download recipe files from master chefs or print out nutrition-packed dishes recommended by their doctors.(See photo)




Asia Stocks Post Weekly Drop on Record Oil, Growth Concern 亚洲库存在记录油的岗位每周下落,成长关心 May 10 (Bloomberg) -- Asian stocks fell this week, snapping a two-week rally, led by banks and oil refiners on concern earnings at banks and automakers will slow with record oil prices and a slowing U.S. economy. Bloomberg) 5月10日 -- 亚洲股票落这个星期,攫取一次两星期集会,带领由银行和在关心收入的油去渣机在银行和汽车制造商将减慢与记录油价和缓慢的美国经济。

Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Average fell 2.8 percent to 13,655.34, while the broader Topix Index declined 2.6 percent. Japan's markets were closed Monday and Tuesday.而更加宽广的东证指数下降了2.6%,日本的日经225储蓄平均下跌2.8%到13,655.34。 日本的市场是闭合的星期一和星期二。

The Chinese government maintains price caps for refined oil products in an attempt to restrain inflation. Crude oil topped $125 a barrel to a record in New York this week on concern supplies of diesel and gasoline may be insufficient to meet demand during the U.S. summer driving season.中国政府维护精制油产品的工资上限为克制通货膨胀。 原油名列前茅$125每桶对一个纪录在纽约在柴油关心供应的这个星期,并且汽油也许是不足适应需要在驾驶季节的美国夏天期间。

Clinton, a New York senator, has 275.5 to Obama's 271, according to lists provided by both campaigns and public announcements. Obama has gained three times as many superdelegates as Clinton since the March 4 round of election contests. The New York Times and ABC News, using different methods of counting, put Obama ahead克林顿,纽约参议员,有275.5对Obama的271,根据竞选和公告提供的名单。 Obama获取了三次许多superdelegates作为克林顿从3月4日圆竞选比赛。



Asia Stocks Post Weekly Drop on Record Oil, Growth Concern 亚洲库存在记录油的岗位每周下落,成长关心 May 10 (Bloomberg) -- Asian stocks fell this week, snapping a two-week rally, led by banks and oil refiners on concern earnings at banks and automakers will slow with record oil prices and a slowing U.S. economy. Bloomberg) 5月10日 -- 亚洲股票落这个星期,攫取一次两星期集会,带领由银行和在关心收入的油去渣机在银行和汽车制造商将减慢与记录油价和缓慢的美国经济。

Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Average fell 2.8 percent to 13,655.34, while the broader Topix Index declined 2.6 percent. Japan's markets were closed Monday and Tuesday.而更加宽广的东证指数下降了2.6%,日本的日经225储蓄平均下跌2.8%到13,655.34。 日本的市场是闭合的星期一和星期二。

The Chinese government maintains price caps for refined oil products in an attempt to restrain inflation. Crude oil topped $125 a barrel to a record in New York this week on concern supplies of diesel and gasoline may be insufficient to meet demand during the U.S. summer driving season.中国政府维护精制油产品的工资上限为克制通货膨胀。 原油名列前茅$125每桶对一个纪录在纽约在柴油关心供应的这个星期,并且汽油也许是不足适应需要在驾驶季节的美国夏天期间。

Clinton, a New York senator, has 275.5 to Obama's 271, according to lists provided by both campaigns and public announcements. Obama has gained three times as many superdelegates as Clinton since the March 4 round of election contests. The New York Times and ABC News, using different methods of counting, put Obama ahead克林顿,纽约参议员,有275.5对Obama的271,根据竞选和公告提供的名单。 Obama获取了三次许多superdelegates作为克林顿从3月4日圆竞选比赛。



A purported new video of Osama bin Laden shows the al-Qaeda leader urging Americans to convert to Islam to stop the Iraq war, but the video does not contain any overt threat ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The videotape's authenticity has not yet been /confirm/ied, but media organizations have quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying it appeared to have been made as recently as this summer.

In a soft voice, and measured tone, the man purported to be bin Laden delivers a wandering 30-minute tirade against democracy, capitalism and Western political leaders.

He specifically refers to U.S. President George W. Bush, the Democratic victory in U.S. Congress, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May, and new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who took office in June.








575 coming from Hong Kong;re faking(虚假的;s actions in the occupied territories risk a boycott(制裁) by the UK's leading lecturers' union. Under plans being considered by the Scottish Executive:Israeli academics(大学教师)who refuse to condemn(谴责) their government'. Since 2002-03, numbers of Chinese students rose by more than a third from 35. Lecturers may boycott Israeli academics (以色列大学教师因为支持政府占领巴勒斯坦领土将被禁止在其他国家的讲坛上讲课) According to The Guardian , will also debate whether to boycott three of Israel's eight universities - Haifa University, Bar Ilan University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem - over their alleged (被指控的)complicity(同谋) with the government's policies on the Palestinian territories. online test is designed to unmask the false smile (真假一笑, medical students from England could be charged up to £15Scotland considers raising costs for students fleeing top-up fees (苏格兰将向前往苏格兰就读大学的英格兰学生征收惩罚性高价学费) According to The Times :Students from England who choose to study at a university in Scotland are facing steep (陡、突然)rises in tuition fees in a move designed to prevent a flood of applicants trying to avoid top-up fees south of the border,000 over five years to study in Scotland - the same as they will face in England from next year,上网可辨) According to The Independent :No one likes to admit they', hopes the use this information to determine the nature of intuition and to find the most important part of the face for expressing real happiness. The experiment is being run as part of the Edinburgh Science Festival and he expects to have results in 10 days time. US bars Sandinista academic (美国禁止支持桑地诺主义的学者入境) According to The Guardian :More than 120 North American academics have begun campaigning to get the US State Department to change its mind about banning a leading figure from the Nicaraguan Sandinista revolution(尼加拉瓜争取民族解放与独立的桑地诺革命)from teaching in the US. Dora María Téllez has been prevented from teaching at Harvard because she is considered to have taken part in "terrorist acts" - the Sandinistas' overthrow(推翻)of the dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979. The Association of University Teachers'. Chinese yen for universities (英伦高校六分之一的海外学生来自中国) According to The Times :Nearly one in six overseas students at university in Britain is from China as universities turn to overseas students to remain solvent(有偿付能力的), which begins on April 20 in Eastbourne; annual council(年度会议), the Higher Education Statistics Agency revealed(披露)yesterday. Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield,伪装的)it - but now a mass experiment threatens to unmask the secrets of a smile,740 last year - with another 10. Business studies was the most popular course in 2003-04 with 12.5 per cent of the student population choosing this subject. Members of the public are being urged to take part in an online experiment to determine whether smiles are genuine(真)or fake, followed by biological and social sciences with 9.2 per cent,155 to 47 展开。


1.More cancelled flights for American Airlines and Delta. Both carriers scrubbing hundreds of flights as they continue to inspect wire bundles in planes. The focus is on spacing between the wires. The airlines say safety was not compromised.2.Gunfire hits vehicles along a stretch of interstate in Virginia briefly closing the road, injuring two motorists.Traffic is flowing now as police search for those responsible for firing the bullets.3.U.S. diplomats are taking cover in Baghdad, warned to stay inside reinforced structures because of rocket fire from insurgents that killed two government workers. The Green Zone where the embassy is located first came under rocket attack on Easter. 4.Flocke gets a look outside for the first time. The German polar bear had an early morning outing, preparing for her public debut next month. The cub navigated some rocks and gave the world a sniff.1. 美国航空公司及德尔塔公司的更多班机被取消了。


航空公司申称飞机安全性不会受到损害。 2. 维吉尼亚洲边公路上发生枪击车辆事件,造成两名摩托车驾驶员受伤。

交通现已畅通,警方正在调查此次枪击的责任人。 3. 美国外交官正在巴格达避难,他们被警告必须停留在安全防御地带以防起义军火箭炮袭击。


4. 弗洛克第一次向外面张望了一下。这只德国北极熊早上已经出来散过步了,它正在为它下月举行的首次公众登台表演做准备。



银行抢劫案〃I wish Central Bank would be robbed,〃George Pickens said to himself. He had been making this wish daily from the time he had started work as a teller at the bank. All over the country banks were being robbed, George thought sourly. Why not this bank ?Were robbers scornful of its four-million-dollar capital?Were they afraid of Mr. Ackerman, the old bank guard, who hadn't pulled out his gun in twenty-two years? Of course, George had a reason for wanting the bank to be robbed. After all, he couldn't simply take the thick bundles of bills that were under his hands all day long. So he had thought of another way to get them. His plan was simple. It went like this: If Bank Robber A holds up Bank Teller B… And if Bank Teller B gives Bank Robber A a certain amount of money… What is to prevent Bank Teller B from keeping all the money left and claiming that it was stolen by Bank Robber A? There was only one problem. Where was Bank Robber A? One morning George entered the bank feeling something was about to happen.〃Good morning, Mr. Burrows.〃he said cheerfully. The bank president muttered something and went into his office. At two o'clock Bank Robber A walked in. George knew he was a bank robber. For one thing, he slunk in. For another thing, he wore a mask. 〃This is a holdup.〃the man said roughly. He took a pistol from his pocket. The guard made a small sound.〃You,〃the bank robber said,〃lie down on the floor.〃Mr. Ackerman lay down. The robber stepped over to George's cage. 〃All right.〃he said.〃Hand it over.〃〃Yes, sir.〃said George.〃Would you like it in ten-or-twenty-dollar bills?〃 〃Just hand it over!〃 George reached into his cashbox and took all the bills from the top section, close to six thousand dollars. He passed them through the window. The robber snatched them, stuffed them into his pocket, and turned to leave. Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top section of the cashbox and slipped bills from the bottom section into his pockets. The bank robber was gone. George fainted. When he woke he smiled up at the worried faces looking down at him.〃I'm all right.〃he said bravely. 〃Perhaps you should go home, George.〃Mr. Bell, the chief auditor, said. As soon as he was safely behind his bedroom door, George took the money from his pockets and counted it. He had seven thousand dollars. He was very happy。

The next morning when George arrived at the bank, it was not open for business. But everyone was there, helping to examine the bank's records for the special audit Mr. Bell was taking. George was called into Mr. Burrows's office. The bank president seemed strangely cheerful.〃George,〃he said,〃I want you to meet Mr. Carruthers, who used to be president of our bank.〃 〃Good morning, George.〃said Mr. Carruthers.〃I was sorry to hear you fainted yesterday. Are you all right now?〃 〃Yes, sir. Just fine, thanks.〃 〃I'm glad to hear it. That was quite an adventure. It just goes to show how easy it is to rob our bank.〃 〃Sir?〃said George, confused.〃 George, I was sorry to give you a hard time yesterday, but with all the banks being robbed these days I thought it would be a good idea to prove that our little bank can be robbed too. I have retired, but I haven't stopped thinking. That's why I played my little game yesterday, just to keep everybody on his toes.〃 〃I don't understand.〃said George.〃What game?〃 The old man laughed and whipped out a mask. He placed it over his face and said,〃All right. Hand it over!〃Mr. Burrows laughed but George did not. 〃And the money?〃George asked in a small voice. 〃Don't worry.〃Mr. Carruthers said.〃I put it all back in your cashbox, all six thousand. We're just finishing up the audit now.〃George turned cold with fear. Behind them, the door opened and Mr. Bell, the chief auditor, put his head into the room.〃Mr.Burrows,〃he said gravely,〃may I see you a moment?〃 欢迎到我们银行来 “我真希望中央银行遭劫。”乔治·皮肯斯自言自语道。

自从他在这家银行当上出纳以来,天天都这样希望。 全国的银行都被抢了,怎么不抢这家?他越想越不是滋味儿。

难道强盗们看不上这里400万美元的资金?还是他们怕这里的老警卫阿克门先生?他已经22年没掏出他的枪了。 当然,乔治有理由盼望这个银行遭劫。


他的计划很简单,大致如下: 假如强盗甲劫持了银行出纳员乙……假设乙把一定数额的钱交给了甲…… 那么又有什么能阻止乙把剩下的钱全部私吞,然后就说所有的钱都被甲。


BBC六分钟前刚到的早间新闻:(更多精彩尽在Google Reader!!)Wariner leads U.S. to 400 sweep, sets personal bestOSAKA, Japan -- Defending and Olympic champion Jeremy Wariner led an American sweep of the medals in the 400 meters Friday at the track and field world championships.Wariner won in a personal best 43.45 seconds, with LaShawn Merritt taking silver in 43.96 and Angelo Taylor getting bronze in 44.32.It was the first medal sweep for any country in the men's 400 at the world championships.Chris Brown of Bahamas was fourth in 44.45.The American gold rush continued in the women's 200, as Allyson Felix defended her world title.Days after skipping the 100 meters to concentrate on the 200, Felix had all the power her competitors lacked to surge down the home stretch.Her face intense with concentration, she let go of a big "yes" and broke into an immediate smile once she streaked across the line in a season's best of 21.81 seconds.She was 0.53 seconds clear of Veronica Campbell, who had to settle for silver after winning gold in the 100.Jamaica's Campbell had the best start and kept ahead until halfway, but then the toil of eight races in six days caught up to her. Felix swept ahead and, keeping her lithe body and elegant stride under control, won the United States' seventh gold medal of the meet.Susanthika Jayasinghe of Sri Lanka won bronze in 22.63. Americans filled fourth and fifth places with Torri Edwards in 22.65 and Sanya Richards in 22.70.However, not all was well for the United States.Bryan Clay's defense of his decathlon world title was over by the end of the first day.Clay hurt his right quadriceps when he planted his foot for his second attempt in the high jump at 6-6?, and slumped under the bar onto the mat. He limped away and did not return to competition."He heard something pop," said his agent, Paul Doyle, adding the injury made it impossible for Clay to run the 400 meters.Jamaican Maurice Smith also failed at the same height and could not further build his lead in the standings. Czech Olympic champion Roman Sebrle however moved up into second place when he cleared a season's best 6-11?.After 4 of 10 events, Smith had 3,591 points for a 28-point edge over Sebrle. Clay had faded to third with 3,558.Clay's misfortune in the high jump spoiled a good opening to the competition. He started with victories in the 100 and the long jump. But he slipped behind Smith after the shot put.After failing to defend his 1,500 title and finishing with silver, Rachid Ramzi of Bahrain could not even make the final of the 800 on Friday. In his semifinal, he faltered badly and finished last of his race. Favorite Yuri Borzakovsky easily won his semifinal to advance to Sunday's final.While Clay and Ramzi had trouble in the stadium, for Russia, it was a walk in the park earlier Friday.Olga Kaniskina led a 1-2 finish in the women's 20-kilometer walk through the muggy parkland outside the Nagai stadium, keeping Russia in close contention with the United States in the medal standings.And Russia had to do it without defending champion Olimpiada Ivanova, who walked out early when the pain of an old skiing accident became too much.Instead of 37-year-old Ivanova, a new generation took over. Kaniskina, 22, who walked away from the pack early, was never troubled again. Behind her, 19-year-old Tatyana Shemyakina won silver."To be world champion after 2? years of serious walking training is great," said Kaniskina.Russia now has 13 medals, including four gold. The U.S. team also has 13 medals, but has six gold.In other results Friday, Yargelis Savigne kept Russia's Tatyana Lebedeva from a triple-and-long jump double Friday by winning the multistep event with a season's best leap of 50 feet, 1? inches. Lebedeva jumped 49-5?.In the high jump, season's leader Blanka Vlasic of Croatia was among 16 who reached the qualifying mark of 6-4. Defending champion Kajsa Bergqvist of Sweden, Olympic champion Yelena Slesarenko and European titlist Tia Hellebaut also advanced.In women's javelin, Barbara Spotakova of the Czech Republic won the title with a national record throw of 220 feet, 0 inches.Christina Obergfoll of Germany finished second at 218 feet, her second silver medal at consecutive world championships. Steffi Nerius of Germany, the Olympic silver medalist, was third at 211-4.World record holder Osleidys Menendez of Cuba did not defend her title because of injury.In men's javelin, defending champion Andrus Varnik of Estonia failed to qualify for the final.Vadims Vasilevskis of Latvia had the top throw of 286-7. Season's 。



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