2023-03-02 06:33:56


Merry Chiristmas Do you know? Origin of Chdstmas___圣诞由来 The name Christmas is short for“Christ's Mass”.A Mass is a kind of Church service.Christmas is a religious festivaI.It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world.But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion.Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas In the world. The birth of Jesus had a story:In Nazareth,a city of Galilee.The vIrgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph.Before they came together,she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.Joseph,her husband was minded to put her away secretly.While he thought about these things,Gabriel,an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told hIm did not be afraid to take Mary as wife.And Mary,will bring forth a Son,and he shall call his name,Jesus,for he will save his people from their sins. Before Jesus births.Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria.So all went to be registered,everyone to his own city.Joseph also went up out of Galilee.out of the city of Nazareth.into Judea,to the city of David.which iS called Bethlehem,because he was of the house and of the lineage of David,to be registered with Mary。

his betrothed wife,who was with child.So it was that while they were there.the days were completed for her to be delivered.And she brought forth her firstborn Son.and wrapped him in swaddling cloths.and laid him in a manger.because there was no room for them jn the jnn.And that.Christmas IS the feast of the nativity of Jesus.is on 25th,December every year.But nobody know the acluaI birthday of Jesus.And the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1 846 and the concept of a joily Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth Century. “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。





经过研究,一般认为12月25日伴为圣诞节可能开始于公元336年的罗马教会)约在公元375年传到小亚细亚的安提阿,公元430年传到埃及的亚历山大里亚,耶路撒冷的教会接受得最晚,而亚美尼亚的教会则仍然坚持1月6日主显节是耶稣的诞 辰。 12月25日原来是波斯太阳神(即光明之神)密特拉(Mithra)的诞辰,是一个异教徒节日,同时太阳神也是罗马国教众神之一。

这一天又是罗马历书的冬至节,崇拜太阳神的异教徒 都把这一天当作春天的希望,万物复苏的开始。可能由于这个原因,罗马教会才选择这一天作为圣诞节。

这是教会初期力图把异教徒的风俗习惯基督教化的措施之一。 后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又固各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,于是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定为圣诞节节期(Christmas Tide),各地教会可以根据当地具体情况在这段节期之内庆祝圣诞节。


在欧美许多国家里,人们非常重视这个节日,把它和新年连在一起,而庆祝活动之热闹与隆 重大大超过了新年,成为一个全民的节日。12月25日的主要纪念活动都与耶稣降生的传说有关。



arranges a fir tree (tree of the Garden of Eden)at home、德国皇子艾伯特加以推广普及,通常会在家里陈设一棵圣诞树、玩具。

在西方, Christmas day is also a family reunification and jubilation'. In China and Japan,圣诞塔和伊甸园树合并为圣诞树,在家里布置一株枞树(伊甸园之树)。近代改用各式小甜饼代替圣饼,the christmas tree is brought to north america by the German、彩花,至19世纪广为流行.In the West, the Christmas tower and Garden of Eden tree merge to a Christmas tree. 近代圣诞树起源于德国, and hangs up each kind of Christmas present,结合着北半球冬季的圣诞装饰和圣诞老人神话出现了。

树上装饰着各种灯烛,圣诞树传到英国,small sweet cake in place of thin biscuit、波兰和荷兰也颇流行, the candle and a star,象征生命长存, the star, at last,多饰以彩色缤纷的纸花。圣诞树一般是用杉柏之类的常绿树做成, usually will arrange a Christmas tree at home、蜡烛和一颗星, the people gather round the Christmas tree to sing dance,上有许多小架格放置基督雕像, was unifying Northern Hemisphere winter Christmas decoration and the Santa Claus myth appears,以增加节日的欢乐气氛。

德国人于每年12月24日,and also often add candles which on symbolize of Christ, the toy.In the early 19th century. Usually the people make around the Christmas an evergreen plant,过圣诞节时都要准备一棵圣诞树. The tower body plays the part of by the evergreen branches and leaves, the indoor is also equipped with the Christmas tower。 今天我们讨论些圣诞节的习俗 christmas tree is one of the old traditionnal festival,不论是否基督徒。

并把一个天使或星星放在树的顶上. The Christmas tree is generally makes with the cedar cypress and evergreen tree which symbolic that life exists forever, but was not popular in the nation until the 19th century,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞. 在西方国家里, hangs with the ribbon and the paper chain on the branch,put an angel or the star on the top of the tree, is heartily happy, the Christmas tree passed to Britain. Night of the Christmas。 In the Western country,so as in Austria,and be widely popular in the 19th century,即亚当和夏娃节.In addition, the color flower. On the tree is decorating kinds of lamp candle、瑞士, and has many small frame standards to lay aside the Christ statue,everyone wuold prepare a Christmas tree to increases the holiday the happy atmosphere, German emperor'。

早在17世纪圣诞树即由德国移民带到北美, multi-decorations by riot of color artificial flower, during the Christmas day;s son Albert promoted the popularization, the candy and the variety cakes and pastries, with Christmas lamp and the colored widget decoration in the room or in the outdoors. To the 16th century。到16世纪, when whether the Christian. The German in every year December 24;s holiday。


在奥地利。在中国和日本,塔身饰以常青树枝叶,用丝带和纸链吊挂在树枝上, the Christmas tree was spread in the 19 and 20th century by the American missionaries。

圣诞之夜.Today we talks about some customs of chiristmas day;19世纪中叶维多利亚女王的丈夫,成为德国根深柢固的传统。通常人们在圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物如松树弄进屋里或者在户外. In the mid-19th century,但直至19世纪才流行全国;s husband,这种风俗在德国信义宗信徒中颇流行, which becames the German solid tradition. 18世纪. 圣诞树(Christmas tree)是圣诞节庆祝中最有名的传统之一,室内还设有圣诞塔, Poland and Holland , Switzerland,象徵圣饼(基督徒赎罪的标记),圣诞节也是一个家庭团聚和喜庆的节日. The Victoria type Christmas tree equipped by the candle, Queen Victoria',挂上各种圣诞礼物。

此外。 The modern Christmas tree stems from Germany,还常加上象徵基督的蜡烛,将薄饼乾挂在上面, which is a lignin triangle structure. 自从圣诞庆祝习俗在北欧流行后.In the modern times.In the early of the 17th century, hangs the thin biscuit in above, namely Adam and the Eve festival,并用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰,as pine tree 双语阅读经典美文欣赏圣诞节习俗之Christmas tree圣诞树(英汉对照) Celebrates the custom popularly since the Christmas after Northern Europe、星星。

This kind of custom was quite popular in the German lutherans follower during 18th century,尽情欢乐、糖果和花色糕点, (mark which the symbolic sacramental wafer Christian makes reparations)。

3.圣诞习俗 英文(简短)

Christmas Day

Christmas is a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In some European countries, Father Christmas, or Saint Claus, comes into houses in the night and leaves gifts for the children. Saint Nicholas

is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and long white beard.

Most children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. All year he lists the names of children, both those who have been good and those who have been bad. He decides what presents to give to the good children. Each child hung a stocking, or sock, over the fireplace. Santa entered down the chimney and

left candy and presents inside the socks for the children. On the morning of Christmas day. Each child can't wait to open his or her eyes to see what Santa has left in the stocking.

Christmas Cards

Another important custom of Christmas is to send and receive Christmas cards, which are meant to help express the sentiment of the season. Americans begin sending Christmas cards early in December to friends,

acquaintances, and co-workers. The post office advises customers to mail early in the season and avoid the Christmas rush. Some people heed the advice; others wait until the last minute and then are upset when their loved ones have not received the greeting card or the present which they sent.



1. Preparation of the Christmas cake——烘烤圣诞蛋糕

2. Decorating the Christmas tree——装扮圣诞树

3. Lighting up the Christmas candle——点燃圣诞蜡烛

4. Sending gifts to loved ones——给亲友送礼物

5. Singing Christmas carols——唱圣诞颂歌

6. Making of Cribs——制作圣诞马槽

7. Distributing Christmas candies——分发圣诞糖果。








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