2023-02-26 15:31:37


学习英语的方法和目的!!As we know,English gets growingly important now。

Then how can we learn English well?First, you should develop the interest on English reading。 There is a saying that interest in the best teacher。

If you have interest on English, you may read English materials as much as possible actively。 After so much Englsih reading you can find you have formed the English feeling。

Second, you should ste up the goal of English study。 This means you know it clearly that which is the importance that you should make progress in。

For those whose speaking ability is poor, it's better to make more oral communications with others while for those who can hardly perform well in any reading test, more practice on reading is a good choice。 Furthermore, we should relate listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation together instead of getting them separated。

Third, to master English knowledge better, we should use English in practice。 For example, if we have any chance to talk with a foreign guest, we'd better go and speak loudly and bravely。


Yao Ming is a member of H.R.(Houston Rockets).He was born on 12th September,1980 in Shanghai and he looks so tall.He is 2.26 metres tall and he weighs 134 kilos.But he doesn't look fat at all. He joined ter he left S.S(Shanghai Sharks).Many people like to watch him.His next match is in London.。


The Spring Festival is our traditional fastival and the most important holiday.The holiday often lasts one month.The Spring Festival in China is like Christmas inwestern countries.Before the Spring Festival comes,Families usually clean their houses.On the Spring Festival Every the night before the Spring Festival,Children put their new clothes and shoes beside their beds before they go to sleep.Children like the Spring Festival very much.They often get money form their parents or other older people.Children can use the money to buy a lot of things for themselves.On the morning of the Spring Festival,people get up very early.children put on their new clothes and shoes when they wake up.They eat lots of delicious food with their parents.A special food --dumping is usually eaten on the Spring Festival.People often put coins in some of the dumpings.If aperson gets the dumping with acoin,he will have a good luck for the rest of the year.After breakfest,people do lots of things,such as playing cards,visiting relatives and friends and so on .In many places people like to set off fire crackers.It's very interesting.Now however,Setting off fure crackers is not allowed in some big cities because it is not safe.During the Spring Festival,families get together.These are the happiest days of the year.。


背景:Jackson Wu是北京诺森公司的市场部经理,此公司专门生产时尚太阳镜。


Good morning everyone and thanks for coming. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jackson Wu, and I'm the Marketing Manager in Beijing for Notson Limited. I'm here today to present our new marketing plan, which is designed to introduce our products to the wealthy Chinese market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting to be tapped here in China, so we're excited at the opportunities we see for Notson. I hope that some of our excitement and enthusiasm will rub off on all of you.I'd like to start off by outlining a few facts and figures about the consumer market in China. Then, I'll go over the standard types of advertising that have been successful for similar products in China in the past, including some recent campaigns that you may have seen. After that, I'll introduce our analysis of the current opportunities that exist in the Chinese market as we see them. Finally, I'll finish by explaining how we will go about entering the Chinese market, based on conclusions from our research. A booklet on the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details that we'll be discussing here today.There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions and a general discussion, so please leave asking your questions until then. Ok, as we're all running to a tight schedule, I'd like to get to the first point, the current state of China's consumer market.我首先会汇报一些中国消费市场的实际情况与数据;然后,再说明过去比较成功的典型广告案例,包括近来大家都知道的一些例子。接着,我会给大家分析目前中国市场潜在的机会。



我知道大家都很忙,我想马上开始介绍今天简报的第一项主题:中国消费市场的现况。二、实用英语口语短语① marketing plan 行销计划A:约翰,明天可以把本月行销计划给我吗?B: Sure.B:可以。

② facts and figures 实际情况与数据B: I am awfully sorry this. I'll change it at once.B:非常抱歉,我马上去修改。③ standard type 典型;标准类型B: I still need to think it over.B:我还需要考虑一下。

④ tight schedule 很忙;没有空余时间A: I know everybody has a tight schedule, anyway, we have to spend time discussing this serious problem.A:我知道大家都很忙,但是,我们必须抽出时间来讨论这个严重的问题。A: All right. Let's begin.B:既然如此,咱们就开始吧。

⑤ current state of目前的情况A: The current state of the economy is good.A:目前的经济形势是挺好的。


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提问者: 溜溜糖糖球球 - 二级最佳答案What should we do

Ladies and gentlemen the World Expo is coming.What should we do as a student of Shanghai.

The first ,study English hard.Millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.So we must study the international language harder.

The second,be polite,be civilized.Do it from little things.Like do not spit sputum in rude.When you do somethings ,remember ladies first.In all,be a kind and polite man.

Welcome World Expo!A time to make friends.

Thanks you very much.

The World Expo in 2010

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government

has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai








(三)论文——引言 是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。一段好的论文引言常能使读者明白你这份工作的发展历程和在这一研究方向中的位置。要写出论文立题依据、基础、背景、研究目的。要复习必要的文献、写明问题的发展。文字要简练。

(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。

(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原因,不能在总结处理时因不合常态而任意剔除。废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。


(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。要对实验结果作出分析、推理,而不要重复叙述实验结果。应着重对国内外相关文献中的结果与观点作出讨论,表明自己的观点,尤其不应回避相对立的观点。 论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。

(七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。论文的文字应简洁,可逐条写出。不要用“小结”之类含糊其辞的词。

(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。

(九)论文——致谢 论文的指导者、技术协助者、提供特殊试剂或器材者、经费资助者和提出过重要建议者都属于致谢对象。论文致谢应该是真诚的、实在的,不要庸俗化。不要泛泛地致谢、不要只谢教授不谢旁人。写论文致谢前应征得被致谢者的同意,不能拉大旗作虎皮。




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