2023-02-23 12:45:23

1.求一篇短篇的英文新闻 要国内的 最好要接近生活的



Now, Mr. Li, the chairman of Hong Kong conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., is leading a growing group of wealthy Chinese who are challenging tradition and embracing a more open approach to giving. Last year, Mr. Li announced plans to give a third of his fortune -- a pledge estimated at more than US$10 billion -- to his foundations that fund philanthropic projects around the world. The move will give the Li Ka-shing Foundation an endowment that rivals the $11 billion Ford Foundation, the second-largest U.S. philanthropy after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

译文:现在,由和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.)董事长李嘉诚领军,已经有越来越多的中国富人正在挑战传统,走上一条更开放的慈善之路。去年,李嘉诚宣布将自己三分之一的财产归入李嘉诚基金会名下,致力于全世界的慈善事业。据估计这笔财产总价值超过100亿美元,这令李嘉诚基金的规模足以媲美福特基金(Ford Foundation)。后者是美国第二大慈善基金,规模达110亿美元,仅次于比尔及梅林达-盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)。


You know the economic crisis is really rippling when it starts making foreign men less attractive to Chinese women.

Chinese dating websites report a recent drop in the number of women seeking foreigners, but that is not because of a sudden availability of Chinese bachelors. It's because one of the big advantages Western men seem to offer – a financially secure future – now looks a lot less certain.




BBC英语新闻及翻译 The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has rejected an accusation made by President Trump that Beijing is interfering in November's US congressional elections. Mr. Trump told the UN Security Council that Beijing didn't want his republican party to win because his administration was challenging China on trade. 中国外交部部长王毅驳回了特朗普的指控。

特朗普说中国政府要干预美国11月的中期选举。特朗普在联合国安理会上发言时表示,中国政府不希望特朗普所在的共和党获胜,因为特朗普政府向中国发起了贸易战 Speaking afterwards at the press conference, Mr. Trump added that Beijing was wary of his powerful intellect. If you look at Mr. Pillsbury, the leading authority on China, he was on a good show - I won't mention the name of the show - recently. 在随后的新闻发布会上,特朗普又说,中国政府忌惮特朗普强大的脑力。

如果大家对皮尔斯伯里有所关注的话,就会知道他是我们对中国战略头号机构的负责人。他最近上演了一出好戏--我不会点名道姓地说是什么好戏 And he was saying that China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very very large a brain. He said without Donald Trump, they don't know what to do. 他说中国对特朗普和特朗普大大的脑袋佩服地五体投地。

他说,如果没有唐纳德 特朗普(Donald Trump),他们就不知道该怎么办了 President Trump has said that he doesn't have a time frame for North Korea to dispose of its nuclear weapons. He made the comments after his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he planned to visit Pyongyang next month. 特朗普总统表示自己对于朝鲜无核化进程没有时间框架。这番话是在国务卿迈克 蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)说他计划下个月出访朝鲜后做出的 The International Monetary Fund has agreed to speed up a batch of emergency loans to Argentina and provide a bigger bailout than initially planned. The IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said it was the largest ever program of payments put together by the IMF. 国际货币基金组织同意加速一批给阿根廷的紧急贷款,提供比之前计划更大力度的紧急救助。

该组织的常务董事克里斯蒂娜 拉加德(Christine Lagarde)表示,这是国际货币基金组织有史以来最大的支出项目 扩展资料: BBC介绍 英国广播公司成立于1922年,总部位于英国伦敦,是英国最大的新闻广播机构,也是世界最大的新闻广播机构之一,负责传播世界各地的新闻消息,是沟通世界各地的媒介,获得许多荣誉。 参考资料: 百度百科――英国广播公司。


Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Pittsburgh on Thursday to attend the Group of 20 summit which focuses on how to nurture recovery from the global economic and financial recession.

President Hu is expected to outline in Pittsburgh China's stance on how to promote the world economic recovery, how to reform the international financial system, and how to achieve a balanced and sustainable growth, according to Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei.

The Pittsburgh G20 will be the third such summit held since the onset of the global economic recession caused by a financial crisis.


1 Super singer CHINESE TV host and singer He Jiong has a new album, "Myself". It came out on December 5. In Beijing, he talked about how he works hard for his music. He was moved to tears when he sang the theme (主题曲) song. This is the third album he has made. 2 Table tennis winner CHINESE player Guo Yan beat (打败) her teammate and good friend Zhang Yining to win the women's table tennis World Cup. The World No 3 player beat the world No 1 Zhang in Xinjiang on October 1. She lost to Zhang twice last year。


1Victory still out of battling Reds' reachPosted October 24, 2009 20:43:00 Grinding it out。

Hughes scored Adelaide's lone goal, but the contest was closer than the scoreline. (Getty Images: Lucas Dawson)Map: Melbourne 3000A gutsy second half effort by Adelaide United gave Melbourne a fright but the reigning A-League premiers escaped with a 3-1 victory at Docklands on Saturday evening.An 88th-minute goal to Adrian Leijer, completely untroubled by the visitors' defence, was enough to seal United's fate for good after youngster Mate Dugandzic scored the opening two goals.The three points sent Melbourne temporarily to the top of the A-League, and it will stay there if Gold Coast and Sydney lose this weekend.Adelaide is left hovering in the middle of the competition table after 12 rounds.The grand final rematch was the eighth time in a row the Reds have lost against Melbourne, but they often looked every bit as good as their opponents.Coach Aurelio Vidmar said earlier in the week that the team had been working on self-belief and it certainly showed after the break, when the visitors came out with renewed vigour and kept the Victory on a tight leash.But a strike by Adam Hughes in the 63th minute could only lessen the blow for United.He turned a sweet header from Lloyd Owusu around the corner and into the back of the net past Glen Moss, who had a busy night in the box as Adelaide attacked with fervour.Dugandzic banged in two goals, one on either side of the break, to send the Reds a message that they would have to battle for a win in front of a rabid Melbourne crowd.He opened the scoring in the 17th minute off the back of an assist from Thai international Sutee Suksomkit, who started for the Victory in his first A-League match.Sutee seemed to have plenty of confidence on the field and was given ample opportunity on the attack as he shared the midfield with Dugandzic.Dugandzic extended Melbourne's lead when he finished from a tidy Carlos Hernandez setup after Matthew Kemp threaded a long ball through the ambling Adelaide defence.The 20-year-old's second goal was almost a nod to the referees, who dealt him a yellow card just minutes earlier for talking back.2Lockyer salivating at Marshall challengePosted October 24, 2009 19:46:00 Opposing numbers and skippers are set to go head-to-head. (Getty Images: Cameron Spencer)The one-on-one battle between Benji Marshall and Darren Lockyer is the one that could decide the war, and it has the Kangaroos' skipper salivating ahead of his side's opening Four Nations clash against New Zealand on Sunday morning (AEDT).While each will need a little help from team-mates, particularly the forwards, whoever comes out on top in this man-on-man match-up at The Stoop in London will put their side within sight of a Four Nations final berth."It's not regular that your opposite number is also the opposition captain, but that's a little challenge out there on the field," Lockyer said."As I start to think more about the game between now and kick-off, they're are one of the little battles that will get the blood flowing."Marshall, too, is eagerly awaiting the showdown."I love challenging myself 。 to get the opportunity to play against the world's best five-eighth in a Test match is something special," he said.While both will be doing their best to unlock the other side's defence, there is little doubt they will also be called upon to do plenty of tackling.And it will not be just any tackling - it is stopping Goliaths like Kiwi backrower Frank Pritchard and rampaging Kangaroos lock Anthony Watmough.Australian backrower Trent Waterhouse has been handed the job of protecting Lockyer, with his main aim keeping Penrith team-mate Pritchard quiet."The challenge is there for Trent to come out on top of his team-mate, and I'm sure Pritchard's thinking the same thing," Kangaroos coach Tim Sheens said."If anyone knows [Pritchard], Trent knows him."It's going to be a good challenge on that side. I said to Trent that if Pritchard gets to Lockyer, then Trent's had a bad game."The match kicks off at 6:00am AEDT Sunday morning.都是最新的其他的在这里:mercial flights diverted from Japanese airports.日本的大规模地震造成数百人死亡。










1.Murray Seeded Above Nadal for US Open

Scotsman Andy Murray has been seeded second in the US Open, which begins on Monday at Flushing Meadows. The seeding puts Murray ahead of former world number one Rafael Nadal for the sake of the tournament. He was seeded third.

The seeding this year is quite controversial, with Russian Dinara Safina seeded first ahead of Serena and Venus Williams, despite the fact that she has never won a Grand Slam. The US Open seeds strictly in line with world rankings.

2.Death of Michael Jackson Ruled a Homicide

The LA County Court has ruled Michael Jackson's death as homicide, according to media reports. Determination of the homicide have revealed that the popular singer died from lethal levels of propofol, an anesthetic.

LA Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner Dr. Sathyavagiswaran determined the finding. Michael Jackson died on June 25 aged 50 (SN reported) after suffering cardiac arrest.

Investigations into his death are continuing, and his doctor, Conrad Murray. Other doctors have also come under scrutiny in the investigation.

3.Michael Jackson May Have Died of Homicide

Michael Jackson may not have died of his cardiac disease but rather was murdered. This statement is based from sources at the Los Angeles Police Department. A drug named Propofol may have caused his death but it's not known how it got into his body.

It is alleged that the star's doctor may have given Jacko the drug but it's not confirmed by the doctor's lawyers.

4.Michael Jackson Dead

At 12:12 p.m. EST, it is believed that Michael Jackson suffered a massive heart attack. Paramedics were called when Jackson was found to be not breathing.

Jackson was rushed to the hospital where he died shortly after.

There is no further information at this time.


Food 'printer' saves time食物'打印机'省时又省力Scientists at Cornell University are building a 3-D food printer as part of the bigger Fab@home project, which they hope one day will be as commonplace as the microwave oven, BBC reported. Just pop the raw food "inks" in the top, load the recipe - and the machine will do the rest. The goal is to blow the lid off cooking as we know it and change the future of food production. People lacking even basic culinary skills could download recipe files from master chefs or print out nutrition-packed dishes recommended by their doctors.(See photo)据英国广播公司报道,美国康奈尔大学的研究人员正在研制一种3D食物"打印机",只需将食材跟打印机墨汁似的放在上面,然后输入菜谱,接下来的一切就不用你操心啦。





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