2023-01-17 08:45:23


Penguins live around the South Pole. They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. only during the egg-laying and mating periods do penguins actually live on land. During the egg-laying period, the female penguin lays usually one egg. This egg is kept in a flap of skin, much like a pocket, located near the top of the penguin's feet. The male and female penguins take turns caring for the egg. After the baby penguin is hatched, its mother takes care of it until it is able to walk. Then it joins the other babies, and the whole group is watched by a few adults.

Penguins commonly are black with black heads and white breasts. Large penguins often stand about 3 feet in height. Since a penguin's legs are placed far back, it is able to maintain a very erect posture. It is amusing to watch penguins and to see how much the upright birds resemble humans in dress suits walking in a comical fashion.

企鹅居住在南极地区. 他们通常会动用所有睡觉的时间在水中. 仅在产蛋和交配期企鹅其实生活在陆地. 在产蛋期,女性penguinlays通常一个鸡蛋. 这种蛋是存放在一个瓣的皮肤,像一个口袋, 位于上层的企鹅的脚. 雌雄企鹅轮流照料卵子. 之后婴儿是企鹅孵出,其母亲的照顾它,直到它能够走路. 然后加入其他婴儿,整个集团是观看了数名成年人. 企鹅通常是黑人与黑人校长和白色的乳房. 大企鹅经常站在约3英尺的高空. 因为企鹅的腿被安置在背部,它可以保持一个很直立的姿态. 这是一个有趣的观赏企鹅,看看有多少正派鸟类似于人类的西装裙走 以诙谐的方式.


【基本信息】 鸟纲企鹅目(Sphenisciformes)所有种类的通称。


各个种的主要区别在於头部色型和个体大小。 1620年法国的Beaulier船长在非洲南端首度惊见会潜游捕食的企鹅时,称其为『有羽毛的鱼』。


企鹅常以极大数目的族群出现,占有南极地区85% 的海鸟数量。 和鸵鸟一样,企鹅是一群不会飞的鸟类。

虽然现在的企鹅不能飞,但根据化石显示的资料,最早的企鹅是能够飞的哦!直到65万年前,它们的翅膀慢慢演化成,能够下水游泳的鳍肢,成为目前我们所看到的企鹅。 1、其主要食物是小鱼及磷虾。

2、企鹅通常很长寿,如帝王企鹅可达20-30岁。 3、现今世界上有17种企鹅,在生物学上可区分为6个属 【身体结构】 企鹅本身有其独特的结构: 企鹅羽毛密度比同一体型的鸟类大三至四倍,羽毛的作用是调节体温。


双眼上的盐腺可以排泄多余的盐份。 企鹅双眼由于有平坦的眼角膜,所以可在水底及水面看东西。

双眼可以把影像传至脑部作望远集成使之产生望远作用。 【企鹅种类】 企鹅科的各种短腿而不会飞的水鸟,产于南半球,在陆地上直立而笨拙地行走,身上披覆短、硬、鳞形的羽,主要食甲壳类、软体动物和鱼。





英文:Penguin [Basic information: Bird gang of penguins Head (Sphenisciformes) all types of name. Characteristics can not fly; pin was born in the lower part of the body, it was upright posture; Zhijian have problems; metatarsal line (of other birds to toe the ground); forelimb-fin-shaped; feathers short, in order to reduce friction and turbulence; feathers Inter hold a layer of air for insulation. Black back, white belly. The main difference between the various types of head-and individual-size. 1620 French Beaulier captain in the southern tip of Africa will be the first time Alarmed by the potential predator Penguin Tour, has called for 'fish' feathers. Penguins on the planet is one of the cute animals. The world's total of 17 kinds of penguins, their entire distribution in the southern hemisphere; Antarctic and Subantarctic region about 80 species, which breed in Antarctica coast are two kinds, the other in the Antarctic continent and Subantarctic coast between the islands. Penguins often with great number of ethnic groups there, the Antarctic region occupies 85 percent of the number of seabirds. And ostrich, a group of penguins are not flying birds. Although the penguins can not fly, but according to fossils show that the information is the earliest penguins can fly! Until 65 years ago, they gradually evolved into the wings, fins to swim the limb, as we see the penguins. 1, its main food is fish and krill. 2, penguins are usually very long life, such as emperor penguins up to 20-30 years of age. 3, now the world's 17 species of penguins, in the biological area can be divided into six [Body] structure Penguin has its own unique structure: Penguin feathers density than the same size junior to four times the birds, feathers is the role of regulating body temperature. Although his legs are basically the penguins and other birds flying about, but their bones strong and relatively short and EOC. With such features as only a short paddle wing, the penguins can fly in the bottom ''. Eyes on the salt of the gland can excrete excess salt. Penguin eyes because of a flat cornea, can be underwater and surface look at things. Binocular image can be spread to the brain for a long-term perspective integrated to produce a long-term perspective role. [Types of] the Penguin Penguin Branch of the waterfowl Duantui not fly, produced in the Southern Hemisphere, on land and clumsy walk upright, drape on the short, 。

3.用英文介绍企鹅 带翻译



各个种的主要区别在于头部色型和个体大小。Now known around the world with a total of eighteen species of penguin. Characteristics of foot cannot fly; born in lower their body, so the upright posture; webbed toes; plantigrade ( other birds in the toe touching the ground); forelimb into fin; feather short, to reduce friction and turbulence; feathers remain a layer of air, is used for thermal insulation. Back in black, abdomen white. The main difference is that the head of each kind of color and size。

4.企鹅 简介 英文

The penguin is bird outline penguin welwitschiales (Latin: Sphenisciformes) all kinds of intellectuals. Live mainly in the earth's equator, present known worldwide penguins were 18. Features for cannot fly, Born in the lower body feet, reason is erect po唬抚杠幌蕲呵搁童功阔sture, Between toes have webbed; The metatarsal line sex (the other birds to toe touchdown); Forelegs into fins shape, Feather short to reduce the friction and turbulence, Feather reserved a layer of air between to adiabatic. Back in black, white belly. Each kind of the main difference between the head and body size color type.

Features for cannot fly, Born in the lower body feet, reason is erect posture, Between toes have webbed; The metatarsal line sex (the other birds to toe the ground), Forelegs into fins shape, Feather short to reduce the friction and turbulence, Feather reserved a layer of air between to adiabatic. Back in black, white belly. Each kind of the main difference between the head and body size color type.


March of the Penguins 简介: Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. Emperor penguins in their thousands abandon the deep blue security of their ocean home and clamber onto the frozen ice to begin their long journey into a region so bleak, so extreme, it supports no other wildlife at this time of year. In single file, the penguins march blinded by blizzards, buffeted by gale force winds. Guided by instinct, by the otherworldly radiance of the Southern Cross, they head unerringly for their traditional breeding ground where--after a ritual courtship of intricate dances and delicate maneuvering, accompanied by a cacophony of ecstatic song--they will pair off into monogamous couples and mate. The females remain long enough only to lay a single egg. once this is accomplished, exhausted by weeks without nourishment, they begin their return journey across the ice-field to the fish-filled seas. The male emperors are left behind to guard and hatch the precious eggs, which they cradle at all times on top of their feet. After two long months during which the males eat nothing, the eggs begin to hatch. once they have emerged into their ghostly white new world, the chicks can not survive for long on their fathers' limited food reserves. If their mothers are late returning from the ocean with food, the newly-hatched young will die. once the families are reunited, the roles reverse, the mothers remaining with their new young while their mates head, exhausted and starved, for the sea, and food. While the adults fish, the chicks face the ever-present threat of attack by prowling giant petrels. As the weather grows warmer and the ice floes finally begin to crack and melt, the adults will repeat their arduous journey countless times, marching many hundreds of miles over some of the most treacherous territory on Earth, until the chicks are ready to take their first faltering dive into the deep blue waters of the Antarctic.。


Living mainly in the Earth's southern hemisphere, now known to the world a total of 18 kinds of penguins. Features that can not fly; legs was born in the lower part of the body, it was upright posture; toes webbed; plantigrade sex (other birds in order to toe the ground); forelimbs into flippers; feathers short, in order to reduce friction and turbulence; feathers between the retained a layer of air for insulation. Back in black, belly white. The main difference is that the various kinds of color head-and body size.。


The penguin is a flightless bird.


The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported.


Incapable of flying. Used of certain birds, such as the penguin.




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