2023-01-16 07:45:17


I understand that that is the golden eagle Here are some of us on the golden eagle: English name: Golden Eagle Chinese Alias: golden eagle, white eagle, the old carved English name: Golden eagle Latin scientific name: Aquila chrysaetos Category: sector: the animal world Animalia Phylum: Chordata Chordata Class: Aves Aves Order: Falconiformes Falconiformes Family: Accipitridae Accipitridae Genus: Aquila Aquila true species: Golden Eagle A. chrysaetos level of protection: protection of animals belonging to the national level. Accipitridae (Accipitridae) of a brown eagle Uzbekistan class scientific name Aquila chrysaetos. Spearhead-shaped neck with golden feathers, eyes dark, iris yellow, gray beak, legs of Health Man-feathers, feet thick, yellow, huge claws. Wings show up to 2.3 meters (nearly 8 feet). Mexico's national bird. In North America, golden eagles ranged from central Mexico along the Pacific coast across the northern Rockies until the Alaska and Newfoundland. Golden Eagle Protection Act in the United States by the Federal. In Europe, the few breeding golden eagle is still living in Norway, Scotland, Spain, the Alps, Italy and the Balkans. Is also found in the north-west Africa, but more common in high-latitude regions and the East - across Russia and Siberia, as well as from small Asia through Iran and Pakistan to southern China and Japan. On the bluff caves or isolated nest trees. 1 to 4 eggs per litter (usually 2) pieces. The color change with the nest egg from completely white to brown spot block. Parents together eggs, incubation period of 40 ~ 45 days. Chicks (usually only one or two survived) about 3 months old covered in feathers. Golden eagle is a well-known birds of prey on the northern hemisphere. Its outstanding appearance and strong flight agility famous. Is a drift of birds, the main habitat in the mountain forest, autumn and winter often to the forest edge, hilly, and slopes Strip. More to the forest edge, slopes, swamps, glades feeding. The main prey hare, marmot, pheasants, quail class, geese and ducks, et al. Sometimes attack roe deer, wild boar and other animal larvae, but also eat a large animal carcasses. Populations of rare, about 4-6 pieces now included Russia, Japan, Red Data Book of rare and endangered animals, is a national key protected birds Grade Ⅰ. Shape features a large bird of prey. Full-length 76 - 102 cm, a wingspan of up to 2.3 meters and weighing 2 - 6.5 kilograms. Body feathers are mainly chestnut brown. Did not grow into, the head and neck feathers, yellow-brown; In addition to the primary flight feathers, the outermost of the three, all of the base of the flight feathers are white patches Zhuiyou; tail gray, dark brown tip, long into the later, wings and tail feathers are not white; head feathers deepened, presenting golden brown. Mouth dark brown, dip the base of the Blue. Toes, claws yellow. Mouth-shaped large and strong, head Gampsocleis, neck auburn, shoulder feather color is a light, was auburn, cutting-edge Gampsocleis underneath the tail, feather base dark brown, with dark stain, and the tail tip 1 / 4 black, the rest is gray brown. Xia near the base of flight feathers in the half gray, with a wide horizontal black spots instead of the rule, secondary flight feathers was marble-like color, nearly half of the feather base was gray. Lower body dark brown。


The Savannah Sparrow is widespread and abundant in open habitats throughout North America although, like other grassland sparrows, it is often overlooked because of its secretive habits. During the breeding season its persistent buzzy song can be heard in agricultural fields, meadows, marshes, coastal grasslands, and tundra. Insects and other arthropods are its main prey in summer; in winter and on migration its diet shifts to small seeds found on the ground. Most populations are migratory, although salt marsh populations breeding in the southwest are mainly resident. As in many passerines, annual mortality of adults is about 50%. Adults tend to reoccupy the same breeding site, and in island populations birds commonly return to their natal site. Such strong philopatry has resulted in reproductive isolation and substantial geographic variation; 17 subspecies are currently recognized, including the Ipswich Sparrow, which breeds on Sable Island, Nova Scotia.。


Here is an exciting and informative guide to the fascinating world of bird life. Superb color photographs of feathers, wings, skeletons, eggs, nests and newly hatched chicks only days old offer a unique "eyewitness" view of the natural history, behavior and life cycle of birds. See how newborn chicks hatch from eggs, how nestings grow in their first few days, how birds camouflage themselves against predators what birds eat and how they catch their prey. Learn how birds' bodies are designed for flight, why wings are different shapes and sizes, how birds evolved from their prehistoric ancestors and which are the world's biggest, smallest, slowest and fastest birds. Discover how and where birds make their nests, why eggs are different colors, how many feathers birds have and what each one is for and how to watch birds and attract them to your garden.。


The pearl bird is really good! The friend delivers me a pair of pearl bird, I raise them in the basket which a bamboo strip arranges.In the basket has group hay, that is a nest which the bird also is comfortable warms. Some people said that, this is one kind is afraid the human the bird. I hang the basket in front of the window.There is a trough luxuriant France bracket plant.I let the bracket plant be covered with the green leaf the vine cover on the birdcage, the pearl bird on hides in the profound jungle same security likely, spreads the flute also is thin the cry which shines, also especially was relaxed is comfortable. The positive photoemission enters the window to come, illuminates a bracket plant's string string small leaf the like jasper.Bird's shadow in this middle indistinctly flashes, looked not completely, sometimes links the basket also not to be able to see, actually sees their lovable bright red small mouth to extend from the green leaf. I very little push aside Ye Man to look them, they then gradually dare to stretch out the small head take a look at me.We like this were little are familiar with. After three months, inside that group increasingly luxuriant vine, sends out one high-pitched and fine tender and delicate cry.I guessed correctly that, was they had young.I? Lifts the leaf blade to look in no way toward in, adds when continually the food watering does not open the eyes the greatly curious eye to alarm them.Soon after, some small head has come out suddenly from Ye Jiantan.Is precisely their young! This kid can easily drill the family background by the basket in.Looks, looks like it the mother: The red mouth red foot, the cold color wool, only is the back has not given birth the round lemon spot which the pearl resembles.It is qu。


Birds are warm bodied creatures with wings and feathers. The body temperature of birds is generally higher than that of humans, so they seem warm to the touch. Birds lay eggs which they incubate until hatching -- or, in some cases, get some other bird to do the incubating. In some species such as our songbirds, the young hatch naked and helpless and must be fed and cared for by a parent bird. Others, like the chickens and their relatives, produce down-covered young that are able run about and feed themselves. They are still dependent for protection upon adult birds.鸟有温暖的翅膀和羽毛。





There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain….有一个传说,说的是有那么一只鸟儿,它一生只唱一次,那歌声比世上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听。





There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain….















The little egret is a delicate poetry.

Pigment, gestures, everything is appropriate.

The White crane is too large, too stiff, pink Ibis or grey heron, also think big, and too unusual.

However, egrets are because it's common, and oblivion its beauty.

The snow-white body hair, it s a streamlined structure, the iron color growing, cyan's feet, one of the increasing by one of reducing too long, too short branch, one of the suspicion of swells and white Diane come at the expense of one of the suspicion of the dark.

In clear water when there is a field only two standing fishing, the entire field has become a site of embedded in the glass box. The size of the field as Egret design seems to people from all walks of the mirror box.

Sunny in the morning, saw it alone at the apex of the tree stand, it seems as if it is not stable, yet it is. This is the other birds difficult performance hobby. People say that it is within our grasp whistle, it really is in sight whistle? twilight sky rare low-flying egret is a rural life in favor. It was c lear to visualize, and have a life.

Some people might feel beauty, Egret can't sing. However, egrets are not of itself is a very beautiful songs?-no, the reason the song too.

The little egret is a poem, a charm in the heart of prose poems.


Go Outing

Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some cakes with us for lunch. We left quite early before there was too much traffic. After aborn two bours we came to a nice place. It was near a river, with some large trees beside it. So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for a swim. It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing. After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. Then we went for a walk.

We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies. After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home.

We got home very late and terribly exhausted. But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend's outings.



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