2023-01-03 21:45:56

1.一篇关于Chinese history的英语小文章

Modern Chinese history leads us to the conclusion that socialism, not capitalism is best for China. But how a socialist China should look at capitalism and more importantly, make use of the better side of capitalism for its own advantage is of vital(至关) importance to the country. As far as our country's economic construction is concerned, taking advantage of the part of capitalism that is useful to us means we need to develop foreign trade, introduce advanced technology and better management, and make use of foreign funds. It also means we can absorb some of the economic theories, and make use of those economic policies, methods and measures that comply with(遵循) the law of mass production and a commodity economy. By opening our windows wider to the outside world, people can learn more about other peoples and learn to make sensible judgments. Absorbing the better part of the cultures of other people to enrich ourselves is the best way to safeguard our socialist culture. So taking advantage of capitalism and stepping up economic reforms is the only way to make China strong. Closing the county to international exchanges will only keep it weak.。



3.英语介绍 a chinese history people

Mao ZedongMao Zedong (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976) was a Chinese military and political leader, who led the Communist Party of China (CPC) to victory against the Kuomintang (KMT) in the Chinese Civil War, and was the leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC) from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976. Regarded as one of the most important figures in modern world history, Mao is still a controversial figure today, over thirty years after his death. He is held in high regard in China where he is often portrayed as a great revolutionary and strategist who eventually defeated Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese Civil War, and transformed the country into a major power through his policies. However, many of Mao's socio-political programs such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution are blamed by critics from both within and outside China for causing severe damage to the culture, society, economy and foreign relations of China, as well as enormous and unnecessary loss of lives, a peacetime death toll in the tens of millions. Although still officially venerated in China, his influence has been largely overshadowed by the political and economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping and other leaders since his death. Mao is also recognized as a poet and calligrapher.。

4.关于Chinese food的一段介绍,英文,短小精悍字数尽量浓缩,谢谢了

Chinese food has a long history. Many different kinds of styles of cooking, depends on the area, have gradually formed during the year,such as Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Canton cuisine. Chinese food has now more and more welcomed by foreign people, and more and more chinese restaurants are appearing in other countries.Chinese food is healthy and delicious, I love it!。


Chinese culture has a long history.Thousands of years ago,acient Chinese people has created colorful culture.There are many acient legends in Chinese culture,which tells a lot of things about acient Chinese culture.There are many different dynastise in Chinese history.The first dynasty is the Xia Dynasty and last one is the Qing Dynasty.Acient Chinese culture still infuluences Chinese people's lifestyle nowadays.For example,we still celebrate (庆祝)Dragon Boat Festival(端午节),which is for the famous Chinese character Qu Yuan.The chopsticks have also been used by Chinese people since long long ago.In a word ,Chinese culture is very colorful and original.We should take pride in it !





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