2023-01-03 09:04:24

1.新学期开学的英语致辞 急需 (短一些稍微简单些)英语的


Schoolmates, early spring beginning, new semester beginning. In this hopful season, is being everywhere vigorous the vitality, everywhere sprouts was hoping, we also filled naturally to the new semester had yearned. looks back past the semester, just liked yesterday. Perhaps, you yesterday once had magnificently, but that has become nearby the pillow section of happy aftertastes; Perhaps, you yesterday once suffered the setback, but that has become nearby the cheek several drop of bitter and astringent tear stains. Forgot that the beforehand successful garland and defeat's grief, we only need the experience and the lesson inscribe in the heart, takes a broad view at the new semester, will take a broad view at the future, you looked, front the scenery will be just right! new semester, a new departure, new look! Schoolmates, only then thick product, but sends thinly, can calmly facing now society's challenge, only then fosters the conscientious study attitude, can cause itself to become a study talented person, can own raise the outstanding talent who keeps pace with the times; Must want to obtain tomorrow that broad bright sky, essential will walk from now on work carefully and make steady progress. bang-bang studies the sound is we give to the sun to approve the ritual, the crystal clear dewdrop is we greets the sunrise the eye. “young and strong not diligently, the eldest child person is sad.”Let us hand in hand, grows in the joy, progresses, pities like the gold when the growth, strives for success enterprising, will become the national useful material for the future, starts from today, will start from oneself, will struggle diligently!Schoolmate dear, please treasure each sunny morning, with the life in the richest fervor, the most earnest anticipation greets the sunrise, lets that bright Chaoyang light our grand life!Schoolmate , the new semester, we joint effort!







A new semester approaching, we stand on a new starting point, faced with greater challenges, I am well aware that this is not an easy way to take, but once we mastered the knack of this, it is exciting to wait for the better tomorrow. After the study, in order to have a correct direction, I devised a study plan. First, there must be confidence, confidence is the first secret of success, both in life and in learning, self-confidence is crucial. No matter how tomorrow, but today has come, grasp this is the most sensible choice. No matter how great the gap between themselves and others, but to enter the second semester, and it is a new beginning, always believe they can be successful.



翻译了很长时间的!才那我啊!~ 中文::尊敬的领导老师、亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 踏着九月的金色阳光,我们完成了小学五年的学习生活,从今天开始我们就是一名初中生了,作为国际学校的初一新生,我们倍感自豪。

今天,我有幸代表初一新生在这发言,心里更是无比激动。 我们的校园壮丽整洁,这里有最好的领导,有学识渊博.认真负责的老师,有精神饱满,好学上进,求实创新的学生。

能融入到这样的学习环境中,是我们每一个初一 学生的幸运。这里,绿色的校园是那么的吸引人,五彩缤纷的花坛,绿草如茵的操场,似乎都在向我们招手。

在明亮的教室中,与可亲的同学一起学习,知识的大门向我们敞开。 我们进了最好的中学,就应该做最好的中学生。

如何做最好的中学呢?我想,应该做到以下几点; 一、认真学习《中学声日常行为规范》,严格执行规范,用规范来指导自己的言行。 二、树立远大理想,正确的人生观,自觉抵制不良思想的侵袭,不接触不健康.低级趣味的东西,学做品德高尚的人。

三、明确学习目的,端正学习态度,认真学好各科文化,在班内形成“比学赶帮超”的氛围。 四、尊敬师长,团结同学。

对学习有困难的同学大家要伸出援助之手,多指导,多关心,以达到共同提高的目的。 五、要自强自立,作为中学生我们不能象小学生那样,事事要父母操心,我们应当自己来管好自己的生活、学习。

六、要多读书,读好书,宽阔自己的知识面,去欣赏优秀的书籍,在书海中遨游。 同学们,“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”


英文:Dear teacher leadership, Dear students: Hello! Inspired by the golden September sun, we have completed five years of primary school life, from now on we are a junior high school students, and students who started as an international school, we feel proud. Today, I had the privilege to speak on behalf of Junior Middle School Students in this, and my heart is very excited. Our magnificent campus clean, here are the best leadership, knowledgeable. A serious and responsible teacher, a spirited, easy to learn, realistic and innovative students. Can be integrated into this learning environment is our first day of each student's lucky. Here, the green of the campus is so attractive, colorful flower beds, green grass of the playground, it seems that beckons to us. In a bright classroom, students study together with the amiable, the doors of knowledge open to us. We carry the best middle school, high school students should do the best. How to do the best middle school? I think that should do the following; First, carefully study "the daily school sound code of conduct", strictly enforce the norms, with the norms to guide their own words and deeds. Second, foster lofty ideals, the proper outlook on life, consciously resist the invasion of bad thoughts, do not touch unhealthy. Vulgar things, learn to do virtuous people. Third, learn to clear, correct attitude towards learning, serious subjects to learn culture, formed in the class "than learning ultra-rush help," the atmosphere. Fourth, respect for teachers, united students. For students with learning difficulties we have to lend a helping hand, more guidance, more attention, in order to achieve a common purpose to improve. Fifth, to self-reliance, as we do not like primary school students, as should parents worry about everything, we should manage their own to live and learn. Sixth, to read more books, read good books, wide their knowledge, to enjoy good books, traveling in the sea of books. Students, "Bao Jianfeng from tempered, plum blossom from the bitter cold." We only have to pay, will have a harvest. I believe the concern of the leadership in the school, the teachers for their hard training, through our unremitting efforts, three years later, we will grow with ideals, morality, culture, discipline and qualified high school students, to society, to the school to the family of a qualified answer.。


各位领导、各位老师、各位同学: Leaders, teachers, students: 大家好! Hello everyone! 过了一个愉快的寒假,我们迎来了新学年的开学典礼。

在这里我向全体同学表达我最美好的祝愿:祝愿大家身体健康、学业有成! After a pleasant winter vacation, we have a new year's opening ceremony. I am here to express my best wishes to all my classmates. I wish you all good health and success in your studies! 新学期开始,我们的校园处处洋溢着喜庆的气氛,一直以来,领导和老师们默默工作,无私奉献,努力为同学们营造优美的校园环境,创造良好的学习条件。学校一天天在发展,环境一天天在改善。


At the beginning of the new semester, our campus everywhere is brimming with festive atmosphere, has been the leaders and teachers to work in silence, selfless dedication, and strive to create a beautiful campus environment for students, create good conditions for learning. School day in development, the environment is improving day by day. However, students have thought about it? Schools to develop, the image to be tall, light by the teacher's efforts are far from enough, need you, I, he, everyone's joint efforts. NiYiYan me a line, create a beautiful image of the school, every young pioneers the demeanor of the relationship with the concept of honor and Disgrace in the school show is the school's taste. 同学们,当你早上背着书包迎着朝阳开始第一天的学习时,你要抬头,你要挺胸,精神振作,信心百倍,你的心里要装上一个伟大的决心;当你在放学回家的路上,你要摸摸自己的书包,问问自己今天你又学到了什么?有没有白白浪费一天的光阴?距离你那神奇的梦、伟大的理想、美好的愿望是不是又近了一步? Students, when you morning carrying a bag facing the sun begin on the first day of the study, you want to look up, you have to hold out a bosom, spirits, confident, your heart to install on a great determination; when you on the way home from school, you have to touch his schoolbag, ask yourself today you learned what? Is there a waste of a day's time? Is it a step closer to the magic of your dreams, the great ideal, and the good will? 新的学期,我们都应该给自己树立一个新的目标,我认为无论你树立的是什么目标,做一名优秀的小学生都是最基本的。 The new semester, we should set up a new goal, I think, no matter what you set the goal, to do a good student is the most basic. 要想成为优秀小学生,首先要养成良好的习惯,培养良好的品德。


同学们,你们想,这不是很简单吗?其实,高尚的品德和良好的习惯就是这样慢慢从小事培养起来的。 To become a good primary school students, the first to develop good habits, to cultivate good moral character. To do this is very simple, as long as you do more from the little things, do not ignore every test on the line. When you see a piece of fruit on the ground, you will pick it up, and then put it in the trash can, then you have very good; when you see tap did not tighten, you used to tighten it, then you have very good; when you see the ferret, you pick it up and then to the owner, then you have very good; when you encounter in the morning the teacher, to greet the teacher, teacher, you early, then you have very good; when a classmate accidentally wronged you, you treat others with a smile of the fault, then you is very good. Students, you think, this is not very simple? In fact, the noble character and good habits are so slowly from the small things. 要成为一名优秀的小学生,需要成绩不断进步。


同学们,你们想,这不是很简单吗?不断进步的成绩不就是辛勤的劳动和端正的态度换来的吗? To become a good primary school students, the need to continue to progress. In fact, it is not difficult to do this, as long as you have a 。


hi, we are very glad to have you here with us, we appreciate it very much. with you here teaching us, our english skills will certainly improve. we hope that you will like the environment and studying atmosphere here at our school, and once again we are very happy to have you here.。

7.开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)

Leaders, teachers and students:Good!Gold September, sunny, cool autumn wind sent. In this harvest season, we greet the new school year the opening ceremony. I am here on behalf of all the new schools extend a warm welcome! At the same time, I have to all freshmen, Laosheng express my best wishes: I wish everyone good health, Xueyeyoucheng!Since the beginning of a new semester, our campuses everywhere filled with a festive mood in the near future students will be equipped with modern teaching building of the school atmosphere, a good feeling Never mind. In recent years, we are not in school at all times of great change. So who can not for pride and joy? ?All along, the leadership and the teachers work in silence, selfless dedication, the students have worked hard to create a beautiful campus environment, and create a good learning conditions. In the development of a school every day, every day to improve the environment. However, the students have thought about it ? Schools to develop and image to tall, the efforts of teachers alone is not enough, need you, me and him, the joint efforts of all. You a word, I am here to create a beautiful image of the school, every young pioneers of the behaviour of the relationship between words and deeds of the school honour, the show is the school's taste.Students, and school bags on their backs when you facing the Chaoyang morning began the first day of the study, you have to rise, you have to chest, the spirit emerge, confident, you should be installed in the hearts of a great determination when you return to school Home on the road, you have to Momo their own bags, you have to ask ourselves today to learn what ? Have wasted time of the day ? The magic from your dreams, and the great ideals and aspirations of a better past is not also a step forward ?Fellow students, let us follow the fall, picked up a small brush, depicting the life more beautiful. Let us flying soul, launched voice, the songs of Chang Yishou spring.Finally I wish the students in the new starting point and a new voyage raised the sail forward, made more brilliant achievements! Thank you!。


heh ..我也是在网上找的。

(中文)、新学期将来临,我们又站在了一个新的起点,面临着更大的挑战,我深知,这条路不好走,但是,我们一旦掌握了这其中的诀窍,那等待我们的就是精彩美好的明天,为了自己在以后的学习中能够有正确的方向,我定了一个学习计划。 首先,要有自信心,自信是成功的第一秘诀,无论在生活,还是在学习中,自信 是至关重要的,不管明天怎样,但今天已经到来,把握今天才是最明智的选择,不管自己与别人有多大的差距,但是,步入第二学期,又是一个新的开始,相信自己始终能成功。

(上面的英文)A new semester approaching, we stand on a new starting point, faced with greater challenges, I am well aware that this is not an easy way to take, but once we mastered the knack of this, it is exciting to wait for the better tomorrow. After the study, in order to have a correct direction, I devised a study plan. First, there must be confidence, confidence is the first secret of success, both in life and in learning, self-confidence is crucial. No matter how tomorrow, but today has come, grasp this is the most sensible choice. No matter how great the gap between themselves and others, but to enter the second semester, and it is a new beginning, always believe they can be successful.

9.开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)

Leaders, teachers and students:Good!Gold September, sunny, cool autumn wind sent. In this harvest season, we greet the new school year the opening ceremony. I am here on behalf of all the new schools extend a warm welcome! At the same time, I have to all freshmen, Laosheng express my best wishes: I wish everyone good health, Xueyeyoucheng!Since the beginning of a new semester, our campuses everywhere filled with a festive mood in the near future students will be equipped with modern teaching building of the school atmosphere, a good feeling Never mind. In recent years, we are not in school at all times of great change. So who can not for pride and joy? ? All along, the leadership and the teachers work in silence, selfless dedication, the students have worked hard to create a beautiful campus environment, and create a good learning conditions. In the development of a school every day, every day to improve the environment. However, the students have thought about it ? Schools to develop and image to tall, the efforts of teachers alone is not enough, need you, me and him, the joint efforts of all. You a word, I am here to create a beautiful image of the school, every young pioneers of the behaviour of the relationship between words and deeds of the school honour, the show is the school's taste.Students, and school bags on their backs when you facing the Chaoyang morning began the first day of the study, you have to rise, you have to chest, the spirit emerge, confident, you should be installed in the hearts of a great determination when you return to school Home on the road, you have to Momo their own bags, you have to ask ourselves today to learn what ? Have wasted time of the day ? The magic from your dreams, and the great ideals and aspirations of a better past is not also a step forward ? Fellow students, let us follow the fall, picked up a small brush, depicting the life more beautiful. Let us flying soul, launched voice, the songs of Chang Yishou spring.Finally I wish the students in the new starting point and a new voyage raised the sail forward, made more brilliant achievements! Thank you!。


Impressions of Jane Eyre Eternal Jane Eyre Let us join readers over the last century who have been excited by plain Jane 's journey of self-discovery. (51论文网e in her struggles for freedom, happiness and a sense of belonging. Afraid that she would never find a true sense of home. Jane felt the need to belong somewhere, to find "kin" or at least "kindred spirits". This desire tempered her intense need for autonomy and freedom. In her search of freedom. Jane is in the dilemma of what type of freedom she wanted.Whill Rochester offered her a chance to liberate her passions.Jane came to realize that such freedom could also mean enslsvement. St. John Rivers offered Jane another kind of freedom.He opened to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. But Jane eventually realized this freedom would also comstitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check. Jane sesarched love ,not just for romance, but also for a sense of value.She struggled to find a balance between love and freedom. From befinning to end, Jane possessed a sense of dignity and principle, a commitment to justice,a trust in God . In her quest for independence and self-knowledge,Jane escaped Brocklehurst,rejected St.John and came to Rochester only after ensruring that they may marry as equals. Jane's indenpence and integrity are continually tested through the novel. All of the reviews appear that Jane is an intelligent, honest ,plain-featured young girl repeatedly succeeded in asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice human and dignity. She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment.(51论文网e the typical example of independent females. I wish there will be more Janes among us . No matter we are poor or rich, beautiful or common ,we are all unique, we all can realize our dreams like Jane Eyre.。



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