2022-12-15 06:15:15


We Need A Blue Sky

In recent years heavy smog often appear in many cities of China, which

has brought bad impact on our daily life. Since the value of PM2.5 in

the air is in the high level, many people wear masks to protect themselves

when going out. once in an area, due to the emissions of smoke from coal

burning and car exhaust, the atmosphere was so heavily polluted that

people couldn't see their own fingers just in front of them and some schools

and airports had to close down. When a strong sand storm is blowing, the

whole sky will turn darker and darker. It looked as if we had been spending

the night when the sun is high up in the sky. It is high time we tackled with

the pollution problems. All factories in the cities that puff heavy smoke should

be closed down or moved into the remote areas. All cars that emit black

smoke should be banned from running on the roads. If we don't take

resolute measures to protect our environment, our sky will never turn blue

again, the air we breathe in every day will never be clean and our health

will be deteriorating day by day. Therefore we appeal to the entire fellow

country men, let's take concerted action to safeguard our living environment.

Premier Li Qiang, in his work report, had called on us to tackle with the

pollution problems. Following the Premier's call, some local governments had

taken some measures, such as reducing the use of coal and putting

restrictions on the use of private cars to fight against the pollution. As long as

we take resolute measures to protect our environment, we can see a clear

blue sky in the near future.


Good morning /Good afternoon, everyone,

Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of How to succeed in college.College is a time unlike any other in our life. we have gained independence, we are in a new place, and our adult life is gradually staring us in the face. we have choices to make, and we know it. There is no secret recipe for succeeding in college.I think there are three ways maybe succeed in college.

First,Studying is very important to succeed in the college,through studying,we can get a lot of knowledge,each career need get skills on it.if we want to get a good job in the future,we must study hard.

second,Socializing is the way to succeed.Establish as many friendships as possible, go to parties,without communication there will be no cooperation, there will be no development, there will be no success. Therefore, communication is the link between the feelings of the cause of the success of the foundation.

After that ,Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough rest are also important.Remember,without health,others are only zero.

Thank you.


Youth 青春 (双语+朗诵)很乐意为你解答,望采纳。

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust.Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.青春不是芳华年少,而是一种心境;青春不是桃花红颜、盈盈朱唇、轻柔体态,而是积极的心志,丰富的想象,炙热的感情;青春是充满生机、清新盎然的生命源泉。青春是一种心性气势,是胆量战胜怯懦,是勇敢探索战胜苟且偷安。





4.英语演讲稿 我最感动的一件事

When I first watch the news on TV,I was shocked so deeply that tears welled up in my eyes.It was a bittersweet story that emerged from the Sichuan earthquake tragedy.When a house collapsed on a mother and her 4-month-old infant, the mother protected the baby's body with hers by kneeling prostrate over the baby. When rescuers arrived 5 days later, on May 17, they found the mother had been crushed to death, but the baby was sleeping peacefully. Shortly thereafter they found the mother's cellphone, where she had written the text message to her baby that read “My dear baby, if you live, you must remember that I love you.”It was the word 'I love you' that touched me deeply.Generally speaking,people in China do not show their love by saying 'I love you'.As far as I am concerned,Chinese people prefer using a silent way of expressing love to using a direct one.To show his love to a girl, a boy may treat the girl well and try hard to provide her with lifelong happiness.To show their love to their teacher, students may bring a cup of tea or erase the blackboard silently.To show their love for their motherland,soldiers may guard the border without any complains.In the oriental culture,love is like still water,which is so reserved,so silent that it can only be felt after a long period.However ,the Chinese mother realised that she hardly had time to show her endless love to her baby.She made up her mind to defend her baby even if it means risking her life.Meanwhile, she leave the word'I love you' to her baby. I think when the baby grows up, he may regard “I love you” as the most beautiful word in the world.As a matter of fact, there are no such definition as western love and oriental love. As long as it`s love,it motivate us to hold on and make achievement.As long as it`s love,it makes our heart warm and helps us out of pain and solitude. As long as it`s love,it moves us.That`s why tears fell on my face when the story touched my soul.Thank you !。


These things can never die这些美好不会消逝

--Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯

The pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,

That stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的,

The impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的,

The dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的;

The longing after something's lost, 在失去后为之感到珍惜的,

The spirit's yearning cry, 使灵魂深切地呼喊着的,

The striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的-

These things can never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

The timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手,

A brother in his need, 在你的弟兄需要的时候,

A kindly word in grief's dark hour 伤恸、困难的时候,一句亲切的话

That proves a friend indeed ; 就足以证明朋友的真心;

The plea for mercy softly breathed, 轻声地乞求怜悯,

When justice threatens nigh, 在审判临近的时候,

The sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一种伤感--

These things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

Let nothing pass for every hand 在人间传递温情

Must find some work to do ; 尽你所能地去做;

Lose not a chance to waken love- 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机-----

Be firm,and just ,and true; 为人要坚定,正直,忠诚;

So shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀着你的那道光芒

Beam on thee from on high. 就不会消失。

And angel voices say to thee---你将听到天使的声音在说-----

These things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。


True Love True love. Is it normal is it serious, is it practical? What does the world get from two people who exist in a world of their own? Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason, drawn randomly from millions but convinced it had to happen this way - in reward for what? For nothing. The light descends from nowhere. Why on these two and not on others? Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does. Doesn't it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles, and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts. Look at the happy couple. Couldn't they at least try to hide it, fake a little depression for their friends' sake? Listen to them laughing - its an insult. The language they use - deceptively clear. And their little celebrations, rituals, the elaborate mutual routines - it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back! It's hard even to guess how far things might go if people start to follow their example. What could religion and poetry count on? What would be remembered? What renounced? Who'd want to stay within bounds? True love. Is it really necessary? Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence, like a scandal in Life's highest circles. Perfectly good children are born without its help. It couldn't populate the planet in a million years, it comes along so rarely. Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there's no such thing. Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die. Wislawa Szymborska True Love 真爱 True love. Is it normal is it serious, is it practical? What does the world get from two people who exist in a world of their own? Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason, drawn randomly from millions but convinced it had to happen this way - in reward for what? For nothing. The light descends from nowhere. Why on these two and not on others? Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does. Doesn't it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles, and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts. Look at the happy couple. Couldn't they at least try to hide it, fake a little depression for their friends' sake? Listen to them laughing - its an insult. The language they use - deceptively clear. And their little celebrations, rituals, the elaborate mutual routines - it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back! It's hard even to guess how far things might go if people start to follow their example. What could religion and poetry count on? What would be remembered? What renounced? Who'd want to stay within bounds? True love. Is it really necessary? Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence, like a scandal in Life's highest circles. Perfectly good children are born without its help. It couldn't populate the planet in a million years, it comes along so rarely. Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there's no such thing. Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die. Wislawa Szymborska (波兰,1996年诺贝尔文学奖得主)。


Why American Culture is Unique American culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically(特性)American. The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.1. Rough Environment The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of American. The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the coast. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the country. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of American.2. Ethnic Diversity The population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and religions. People refer to the United States as "melting pot "and the dominant people are British. American is made up of WASP+MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and Male. In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three times. They brought their own culture to American and later on different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared values.3. Plural religion The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States. Christianity(基督教) is the dominant religion in American and Protestant (新教)is predominate(主导). Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same idea. Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sect of religion. Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion seculars. The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form religion. So there are more religions in American than in other countries. 4. Current influence:Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. Many Americans live in mobile homes whose homes are built with wheels. They can be moved. The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences(住所) every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime. The courage to try something new has been an American characteristic. American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority rights. There are certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the majority. Americans also like to be involved in many challenge activities and sports to show their adventurous spirits. All of these are affected by the heritage of the American history.From the facts above, we can see American culture is unique which was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion and still is affected and determined by them now.。


Hello students! Today, let me introduce to everyone my winter life. As our distance from the middle school is not far off, so I the most important task in the winter or learning. In the winter, I study a number of physical knowledge, and reading a number of ancient Chinese Literature. Holidays, after all, also need to rest them. During the Spring Festival, my family and I with dumplings FireWORKS, watch TV, but also received a lot of red packets it! Ha ha! Although this winter is not as subject what wonderful, but my heart is still full of warmth, full of happy. In fireworks explosion, I promise aspiration and hope in the new semester to have more wonderful stories, can have a good performance! Thank you.。


《I HAVE A DREAM》(我有一个梦想)是美国黑人运动领袖Martin Luther King(马丁.路德.金)的一次非常出色的演讲。





那天最激励人心的,是马丁.路德.金恩牧师代表南方基督教领导会议所作的讲演。 一位新闻记者指出,金氏的演讲「充满林肯和甘地精神的象征和圣经的韵律」。



























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