翻译 急急急 专业金融英语方面 !
2024-07-25 04:36:40
翻译 急急急 专业金融英语方面 !
The day, September 14th, 2008, which is called as Wall Street 9.11, is destined to be put into the history. At that day, Lehman Brothers Holdings with 158-year history, the fourth biggest investment bank in the United States, declared bankruptcy, which signed that the Subprime Mortgage Crisis had broken out formally. The Subprime Mortgage Crisis of U.S. derived from the subprime lending, that is the Subprime Housing Mortgage , which is a kind of housing lending of low interest in short run and high interest in moderate and long run, which is provided, by American financial organizations, to accommodators who have bad credit records or who have inadequate fund. American financial market is a global market/a market of globalization, and global financial organizations are all eager to invest American financial market. The granting organizations of the subprime lending sold out bonds of housing mortgage to global financial investors through securitization of housing mortgage contributing to global outbreak of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. A great amount of central breaking contracts of the subprime mortgage directly attribute to / result in outbreak of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, and simultaneously trigger the extension / spreading of the crisis and aggravation of the crisis. Nowadays, the crisis shocking the world becomes much more serious, which forms a kind of The Butterfly Effect triggering the international financial storm_
The American Subprime Mortgage Crisis is influencing / affecting / making lasting influence global finance. With the increasing strength of linkage of domestic international financial market, clarification the connotation of the American Subprime Mortgage Crisis will benefit our drawing the lesson and avoid making the same old mistakes, which has an important purpose to better our financial system and maintain our sustained economic development in good condition. This article will state how to guarantee the stabilization and health of our financial system construction from some aspects such as the financial innovation, financial supervision and control, macroeconomic policies regulation / formulation and economic development strategies, which will make up for the weakness of our financial system and also will make a necessary prevision of the future of the development of our financial system_



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