2023-03-23 14:05:43


叶之树介绍的慷慨激昂、大气磅礴的音乐: 1、久石让的《阿兹特克传奇The Legend of Ashitaka Theme》,是《幽灵公主》的配乐; 2、卡尔。

奥尔夫Carl Orff的《奥。命运女神Fortuna Imperatix Mundi》; 3、《闯秦宫At Emperor's Palace》-《英雄》电影原声; 4、马克西姆Maksim的《出埃及记Exodus》-《出埃及记》主题曲; 5、Mary Gottschalk - A Tribute的《大卫-永远的天使Dave Rave-Forever an Angel》; 6、雅尼Yanni的《圣托里尼(穆斯林圣人)Santorini》; 7、梦境传说Dreamtale的《曙光The Dawn》; 8、横山菁儿的《英雄的黎明》-95TVB版《神雕侠侣》背景音乐 ; 9、范吉利斯Vangelis的《征服天堂Conquest Of Paradise》; 10、盖瑞。

摩金Gary Remal Malkin的《泪痕Trail Of Tears》; 11、尼古拉斯。戈恩Nicholas Gunn的《天长地久Etermity》 12、神思者S。


S的《阿芙若狄特Aphrodite(海之女神)》 13、吉田。 ??的《日本人的遥远旅途Long Journey To Japan》 14、Klaus Badelt的《加勒比海盗He's A Pirate》 15、喜多郎Kitaro的《响宴Matsuri》 16、E Nomine的《Nebelpfade》 17、《豪勇七蛟龙The Magnificent Seven》很多大型晚会的常用音乐 18、《苍龙》-韩剧《大长今》的插曲音乐; 。


Taylor Swift 的 《Tim McGraw》 下载: You said the way my blue eyes shined, Put those Georgia stars to shame that night I said: "That's a lie" Just a boy in a Chevy truck, That had a tendency of gettin' stuck, On backroads at night An' I was right there beside him all summer long An' then the time we woke up to find that summer'd gone But when you think: Tim McGraw, I hope you think my favorite song The one we danced to all night long: The moon like a spotlight on the lake When you think happiness, I hope you think: "That little black dress" Think of my head on your chest, An' my old faded blue jeans When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me September saw a month of tears, An' thankin' God that you weren't here, To see me like that But in a box beneath my bed, Is a letter that you never read, From three summers back It's hard not to find it all a little bitter sweet, An' lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe: When you think: Tim McGraw, I hope you think my favorite song The one we danced to all night long: The moon like a spotlight on the lake When you think happiness, I hope you think: "That little black dress" Think of my head on your chest, An' my old faded blue jeans When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me And I'm back for the first time since then: I'm standin' on your street, An' there's a letter left on your doorstep, An' the first thing that you'll read: Is: "When you think: Tim McGraw, "I hope you think my favorite song" Some day you'll turn your radio on, I hope it takes you back to that place When you think happiness, I hope you think: "That little black dress" Think of my head on your chest, An' my old faded blue jeans When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me Oh, think of me, Mmmm You said the way my blue eyes shined, Put those Georgia stars to shame that night I said: "That's a lie" 。



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