2023-03-19 08:32:24

1.写一份完整的英语报道 ,内容如下

How much words you need? What kind you people in your team. How many people you need to analyse? I am not sure what's your meaning. Are you mean to analyse all the people in a team and according to their ability and personal characters to give them right job? You'd better give more information about this report.。


More than two thirds of the nation want to see the launch of Chang'e I, China's firstlunar orbiter live on TV, according to a survey.According to the survey by China Youth Daily and , almost the entire nation wants to catch images of the event at some point, with 99 percent of the 10,358 respondents saying they expected to witness the satellite launch and 68.9 percent said they were certain to watch the live broadcast of the launch.On and , two popular web portals in the country, internet users have contributed some 2,000 poems and 5000 drawings on the theme of Chang'e I."The satellite launch means much more than just saying 'hello' to the moon. Maybe in the future we could also send some people to accompany sister 'Chang'e'," said a college student in the survey.Remarkably, many people expect to visit the moon one day, with 93.4 percent of respondents saying they expected to do so.Chang'e I is named after Chang'e, a famous character from Chinese mythology. She ascended from earth to live on the moon as a celestial being after drinking an elixir.The satellite will be launched between Wednesday and Friday, with 6 pm today being the best choice, a spokesman for the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said on Monday. Preparations are almost complete for the launch of the country's first lunar orbiter, according to a spokesman for the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.我国首颗月球探测卫星“嫦娥一号”初步确定于10月24日下午发射升空。


Researchers and technicians are making final preparations for the launch of China's first moon orbiter, Chang'e I, at the end of October.[cnsphoto] A senior Chinese official said Tuesday that researchers and technicians are making final preparations for the launch of the country's first moon orbiter, Chang'e I, at the end of October.Zhang Qingwei, minister in charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND), who is attending the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said in an interview with Xinhua.Zhang said his team has nearly finished pre-launch tests on the rocket and orbiter, which have been transported to the launch site.Advanced cameras and X-ray spectrometers have been installed in the orbiter for mapping three-dimensional images of the lunar surface, analyzing dust on the moon, and studying the space environment between the Earth and the moon."The appropriate time for the launch is in April and October. We finally choose October with the consideration of weather and celestial conditions," he said."China's moon exploration project is for peaceful use of space," Zhang said. "We're now equipped with high technologies in doing our own research."The next step in the ambitious mission is to launch a moon vehicle, and then get it back, Zhang said.Sending the first astronaut into space with the Chinese-made spaceship Shenzhou V in 2003, China became the third country to carry out manned space mission.The Chinese government has included the moon adventure in 16 key state science projects by the year 2020.。


With time passing by,this term is going to be finished,and the final exam is closer and closer.So,all the students must exactly treasure the time and avoid wasting.What's more,fighting against the heat of summer,we should not only study hard but also review the knowledge which have been finished ,in order to make preperation for the coming exam.I bless honestly that anyone will gain satisfied results.





任务十二 任务简报:1. Draw enemy fire while the rest of the team steals a German plane。2. Get back in the truck and escape to the plane。

任务十三 Hakoya,Norway October 27,1944 1900hrs 任务简报:1.Board the German Battleship Tirpitz。 2.Locate the ship's armory。

3.Retrieve the explosives from the armory。 4.Plant the explosives on the ship's boilers。

(4 remaining) 5. Destroy the anti-air radar electronics near the bridge。(3 remaining) 6.Retrieve the naval patrol logs。

7. Return to Sgt. Waters at the supply boat。 任务十四 Volga River Stalingrad September 18,1942 1100hrs 任务简报:1.Acquire a weapon or some ammunition。

2.Find a more experienced soldier and obtain new orders。 3.Enter the city Stalingrad。

任务十五 Red Square Stalingrad September 18,1942 1300 hrs 任务简报:1.Retake Red Square。2.Find a good flanking position。

3.Eliminate the officers in the enemy blockade。

(4 remaining) 4. Rendezvous with Major Zubov via the train station。 任务十六 任务简报:1.Rendezvous with Major Zubov。

任务十七 Stalingrad Sewers November 9,1942 1300 hrs 任务简报:1.Use the sewers to bypass the enemy lines。 任务十八 任务简报:1. Assemble with Sgt. Pavlov's squad。

2.Eliminate the snipers。(7 remaining) 3.Get across the field。

4.Clear out the apartment building。(5 floors remaining) 5. Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor。

6.Use the 2nd floor anti-tank rifle to destroy the tank。7.Use the 3rd floor anti-tank rifle to destroy the tank。

8.Hold the building until the relieved by friendly units。9.Clear the area of any remaining enemy force。

(N remaining) 10.Assemble with the reinforcements out front。 任务十九 Warsaw,Poland January 17,1945 1030 hrs 任务简报:1.Secure the tank repair facility。

任务二十 任务简报:1.Regroup with 4th army on the outskirts of the factory complex。 任务二十一 Approaching the Oder River January 26,1945 1345hrs 任务简报:1.Reach outskirts of the next town。

任务二十二 任务简报:1.Destory the Flak 88 artillery guns。(2 remaining) 2.Destory the Flak Panzer anti-aircraft gun。

3.Secure the western edge of the town。 任务二十三 Northeast of Bastogne,Belgium January 15,1945 1520 hrs 任务简报:1.Capture all enemy documents。

(2 remaining) 2.Destory the German tank。(2 remaining) 任务二十四 Burgsteinfurt,Germany February 2,1945 1400 hrs 任务简报:1.Destory the Flakvierling anti-aircraft cannons。

(2 remaining) 2.Intercept and destroy the supply trucks。(2 remaining) 3.Locate the V2 launch site。

4.Fuel the rockets。 5. Destroy the V2 rockets。

(3 remaining) 6.Exfiltrate through the northern bunker。 任务二十五 Approaching the Reichstag, Berlin April 30,1945 1100 hrs 任务简报:1.Destory all enemy anti-tank positions。

(4 remaining) 2.Storm the Reichstag and get to the rooftop。3.Hold the line until the tanks arrive。



A School-report

The father was reading the school-report which had just been handed to him by his hopeful son. His brow was wrathful as he read: "English, poor, French, weak, mathematics, mathematics, Fair," and he gave a glance of disgust at the quaking lad. "Wall, Dad." Said the son, "it is not as good as it might be, but have you seen that?" And he pointed to the next line, which read: "Health excellent."





hello, day,Iamonduty,it'ssunnyandeveryoneishere。


whenwestudyatnight,weneeduselight。 everybodyknowsthatthelightwasinventedbyEdison。

butdoyouknowwhenwasitinvented?Itwasinventedin1879。Edisoninventedlight, thoughhehadfailed,buthealwaysworkhard,atlast, otherinventioniscomputer,weuseiteveryday。

weuseitlookforsomeinformation, wasinventedin1946, anks。 今天我值日。


我们每天都在学习,当我们晚上学习的时候,我们要使用电灯。 每个人都知道电灯是爱因斯坦发明的。



另一项发明是电脑,我们每天使用它,我们用它来查找信息,玩游戏等。 他发明于1946年,它被成为ENIAC。

我的报告完了,谢谢 希望你满意,有疑问请追问,谢谢, 。


百度首页 | 百度知道 | 登录 新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片 视频 百科 帮助 设置 百度知道 > 外语/出国 > 英语 相关问题添加到搜藏已解决 关于环保的英语手抄报怎么做呀?(全英语) 悬赏分:50 - 解决时间:2009-3-16 17:01 老师要我们做,可还没有想好怎么做呀!问题补充:我会现等的 提问者: 2815132 - 助理 二级 最佳答案 世界水资源的缺乏World Water Shortage A new study warns that about thirty percent of the world's people may not have enough water by the year 2025. 一项新的研究结果提出警告:到2025年,世界上将有30%的人没有足够的水饮用。

A private American organization called Population Action International did the new study. It says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people lack enough water now. The people live in twenty-eight countries. Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East. 这项研究是由美国一家名叫“人口行动”的私立机构进行的。报告说现在世界上有三亿三千五百万人没有足够的水。

这些人主要分布在非洲或中东的28个国家。 P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three-thousand-million people may lack water. At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water problems. The demand for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount of water on Earth stays the same. 人口行动组织的研究人罗博特.安格曼说,到2025年大约三十亿人缺水。


Mr. Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the world. He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase. 安格曼先生说,水短缺的国家的人口增长率要高于世界其他地区的人口增长率。他还说这些国家的人口出生率将持续增长。

The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters not safe. Mr. Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning. 报告表明,在未来,水资源的缺乏可能会导致一些严重的后果。首先它可能会产生更多的健康问题。




这是因为新工业在开始阶段经常需要大量的水。 The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water. A third way is to use less water of agriculture. 人口行动组织的研究报告为世界的水短缺问题提出了几个解决的办法。


第三就是少用农业水。 The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population growth. It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have. 报告同时表明,控制人口增长是长远解决水缺乏问题不可缺少的措施之一。

它说除非各国能通过限制生育来降低人口的增长,否则它们不可能提供干净的水。 Global warming a bigger threat to poor全球变暖加剧贫穷 气候变化急待控制 Global warming, modelled on computer here, kills more people than terrorism Global warming threatens to reverse human progress, and make unachievable all UN targets to reduce poverty(联合国所有减少贫穷的目标), according to some of the world's leading international and development groups. In a report published today, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, WWF(英国牛津救济委员会、“绿色和平”组织、基督徒互援会、“地球之友”组织、世界野生动物基金组织) and 15 other groups say rich governments must immediately address(致力于) climate change to avoid even "obscene levels(无法忍受的程度)" of worldwide poverty. "Food production, water supplies, public health and 。



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