2023-03-08 07:04:31


《无极》的英文影评,:)~ "The Promise" is this year's big-budget Chinese martial arts lollapalooza; in fact, it's said to be the most expensive movie ever shot in China. It follows hard on "House of Flying Daggers," "Hero," "The Emperor and the Assassin" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and, in their style, is full of colorful kung fu gymnastics, magical landscapes, yards of billowing robes and weird hats. The movie is directed by Chen Kaige, who made a more realistic and politically pointed epic, "Farewell My Concubine," a decade ago, but also the less realistic and less pointed "The Emperor and the Assassin" five years ago. Jang Dong-Gun, as a slave, and Cecilia Cheung, as a princess, play star-crossed lovers in "The Promise." Left, Hiroyuki Sanada as another of the princess's suitors. The movie's primary flaw is that it doesn't star Ziyi Zhang. Its secondary flaw is that it doesn't star Jet Li. 《勇敢的心》的英文影评 Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图不眠夜》影评 Sleepless in Seattle has been billed as a "romantic comedy", but the accent is more on romance than humor. Comic moments are kept to a minimum, and there are only a couple of openly funny scenes (one involves a comparison of "male" and "female" movies -- An Affair to Remember versus The Dirty Dozen). While lacking the unfettered charm and exuberance of Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado about Nothing, this film is nevertheless enjoyable on its own feather-light terms 《修女》英文影评 The story of the making of The Nun's Story (1959) would, in itself, make a great book or documentary. It's extraordinary that this dramatic tale, tackling the very controversial subject of a nun leaving the order, has been nearly forgotten - even more so when one considers the director (Fred Zinnemann), the star (Audrey Hepburn) and the phenomenal reviews and box-office receipts. By the end of its initial play dates, the picture had become the most successful movie Warner Brothers ever made, with grosses surpassing the $7 million mark! The Nun's Story was to close on a Sunday night, and The Tingler was going to open on Monday. We got in a huge crew。

to spend the day wiring the vibrators to the seats. But that night, just at the most tragic moment of The Nun's Story, somebody touched the mastertch and the seats began vibrating in wave after wave. There was absolute pandemonium!"。


Movie Review “District 9” 《第九区》电影观后感We are surprised.A critical look at the humanity by the director Neill Blomkamp and producer Peter Jackson has turned even too critical – to such an extent, that it is better not to show people, which are holding a nuclear umbrella for defense or witness for stable operation of atomic reactors. It is unlikely, that you will want people of such a profession, to suddenly evaporate faith in the positive side of the existence of our civilization.In response to the film sometimes and pulls retort: “Well, actually we are not so bad. But its not – “District 9〃 declares ultimatum: “I see right through you, full of stupidity shit bags” – and to fight with it on his own territory is quite difficult.To confirm this thesis film offers an interesting scenario, just a dream of all the racists, when finally there is a universal minority oppression which combines black and white. That is, we still hate each other, but the genocide with a smile on face now we organize to these unpleasant face. Huge spaceship do not disturbs any people in the sky, nor a clear demonstration of alien abilities to feel and think as we do.An interesting plot of the course can be regarded as voluntary renunciation of any decent human character. Even the main character is an absolutely pathetic personality. Such guy will not send in exploration even the most bleary-eyed commander, moreover – in a normal Hollywood film no one will take him too. Even in a film, that would use the narrative scheme “District 9〃 about ordinary people in unusual circumstances.Quote: Well, huh, this has got the markings of – so it's definitely alien but it's uh, not a weapon… but I don't trust it, ya know, I don't trust any-a the…As practice shows, it is easy to cope with the inexplicable, to put spokes in the wheel state machine or a corporate colossus, when you – Will Smith, or, at worst, Harrison Ford. But to a man named Sharlto Copley which looks ordinary as clerk? Believe me, very difficult.But the emotions and drama of this guy – well, very real. You know yourself how it happens – when you expect from the protagonists the personification of all positive – of the heroic action, cunning and informed decisions. Definitely not a hunted look of a man whose life is familiar without warning went on a sightseeing trip to the gutter. And definitely not questionable, dictated by extreme emotional behavior, not to mention cowardice and other great features, that are somehow not accepted in the show entertaining films, that once again did not disappoint audience.In “District 9〃 is clearly shown, that Blomkamp and Jackson have great pleasure in marking the usual genre cliches and enjoy unprecedented freedom, which is typical for films with small budgets and lack of attention of specialists which sell movies. It is unclear who is here for the Chief: nonstop action, in which the main role is played by exploding like balloons paltry people, or artful emotional stress, when most of all worried for aliens, but much more humanoid intruders.After the “District 9〃 is most attracted to revise the “Independence Day” to be sure – is not it changed our outlook ? Perhaps the destruction of human civilization will seem no longer a tragedy, and deserved punishment, reasonable conclusion of trouble with evolution, since it do not brought anything good?So tell me – how often do appear similar films?。


《老人与海》 100字英语读后感 On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malin's fish which exceeds several times of one's own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet. 《呼啸山庄》英语读后感 Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. 英文读后感《哈里波特》 Do you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favourite sparetime readings and it's written by J. K. Rowling. She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was on train, “Harry just walked into my head.” She said later. She started writing the first edition of Harry Potter the next day. Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school, he has two good friends, they are Rone and Henry. 功夫熊猫读后感英语小作文 This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior. At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior. Through the panda's persistence,he win Master Shifu's acceptance. Master Shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to Master Wugu's instruction. Finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger. This movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overcome as long as you tried your utmost persistently.。


这是《简爱》的读后感Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It's like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God's feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality. Actually, she wasn't pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn't make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than 'the plain and ugly governess'. But as the little governess had said: 'Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!' This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre's mind. God hadn't given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body. In my mind, though a person's beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn't the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it's not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person's great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that 'Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted'. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can't distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can't distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not. Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty。



I've seen many films.

the American film The Lion King is one of the best films I've ever seen. I enjoy it, not only because there are so many beautiful scenes in it, because it is really an instructive film

This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.





bines black and white. That is, we still hate each other, but the genocide with a smile on face now we organize to these unpleasant face. Huge spaceship do not disturbs any people in the sky, nor a clear demonstration of alien abilities to feel and think as we do.An interesting plot of the course can be regarded as voluntary renunciation of any decent human character. Even the main character is an absolutely pathetic personality. Such guy will not send in exploration even the most bleary-eyed commander, moreover – in a normal Hollywood film no one will take him too. Even in a film, that would use the narrative scheme “District 9〃 about ordinary people in unusual circumstances.Quote: Well, huh, this has got the markings of – so it's definitely alien but it's uh, not a weapon… but I don't trust it, ya know, I don't trust any-a the…As practice shows, it is easy to cope with the inexplicable, to put spokes in the wheel state machine or a corporate colossus, when you – Will Smith, or, at worst, Harrison Ford. But to a man named Sharlto Copley which looks ordinary as clerk? Believe me, very difficult.But the emotions and drama of this guy – well, very real. You know yourself how it happens – when you expect from the protagonists the personification of all positive – of the heroic action, cunning and informed decisions. Definitely not a hunted look of a man whose life is familiar without warning went on a sightseeing trip to the gutter. And definitely not questionable, dictated by extreme emotional behavior, not to mention cowardice and other great features, that are somehow not accepted in the show entertaining films, that once again did not disappoint audience.In “District 9〃 is clearly shown, that Blomkamp and Jackson have great pleasure in marking the usual genre cliches and enjoy unprecedented freedom, which is typical for films with small budgets and lack of attention of specialists which sell movies. It is unclear who is here for the Chief: nonstop action, in which the main role is played by exploding like balloons paltry people, or artful emotional stress, when most of all worried for aliens, but much more humanoid intruders.After the “District 9〃 is most attracted to revise the “Independence Day” to be sure – is not it changed our outlook ? Perhaps the destruction of human civilization will seem no longer a tragedy, and deserved punishment, reasonable conclusion of trouble with evolution, since it do not brought anything good?So tell me – how often do appear similar films?。


·嘉莉妹妹英文读后感 Vivid Heroine——On Sister CarrieCarrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn't help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis' spectacle. She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings.Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clev…… clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch. What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration. And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others' sympathy, even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others' hearts. However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition. Things happened, and then she accepted. That's what she had just done — just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However, she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect. That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world. There's one sentence written in chapter VIII:” When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect understanding has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.” However, how many people can go that further. And I want to quote another sentence to wind up my essay: “In Carrie — as in how many of our wordings do they not? — instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery.”。


This movie is talking about Jamal Malik who came from the slum in Bombay became a millionaire in a program. But they can't believe, they thought he was cheating and caught him with third degree. But he really knew the answer.

When he was little, because of crusade, he and his brother Adele ran away from their home, Jamal saved a girl called Latika and he love her. They went on the adventures. However, they were separated from and lost touch because a baddy's chase. He never gave up looking for them. And when he found them, his brother became a killer, and his girl became the wife of a big malefactor. For Latika can see him, he came to the program. Neither more nor less than, each question he knew from his adventures. At last, Latika escaped with Jamal's brother's help. Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.

After watching the movie, I was deep touched. First, I touched for their love. The more important is Jamal's spirit, honesty, kind, and never give up. This movie also reflected many society questions. Too much violence, too much unbelievable and so on that made the society turmoil. And I see them looked down on the poor, like the question-master of the program thought Jamal was cheating. I hope the society in the movie won't in the real life.




The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one's skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.

This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.

I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.



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