2023-03-06 20:15:01


Do you know the story of Snow White? Well,she was the prettiest girl in the kingdom! But a jealous queen wanted to put her in jail to hide her beauty. So she ran to the forest home of seven little dwarfs “You're welcome to hide here at our house!” They all exclaimed. But the ugly queen found her! She dressed up like an old beggar woman and gave Show White an enchanted apple. She took one bite and fell into a deep sleep. The little dwarfs cried because they couldn't awaken Snow White So the dwarfs put her in a glass case and prayed for help. One day,their prayers were answered when a handsome prince cane by and awakened Snow White with a magic kiss. Snow White was so happy,and all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she and the prince got married the very next day.。




她刚入学时,穿着像个小公主似的。 可是后来传来坏消息,说萨拉·克鲁的父亲破产身亡,没有音信。


然后萨拉·克鲁尽管遭到变故,只能暗中想念父亲,背着人哭泣,但是最困难的时候始终坚强地生活下去,不卑不亢,和同样过着日子的女伴相濡以沫,互相支持。 到头来,原来她父亲死后还留下了一大笔遗产,他的朋友经过许多周折,终于找到了她。



Long,long time ago, there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful daughter, named Snow White. Although amiable as she was, Snow White, pursued by a jealous queen, hided with the Dwarfs; the queen fed her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss。


Do you know the story of Snow White? Well,she was the prettiest girl in the kingdom! But a jealous queen wanted to put her in jail to hide her beauty. So she ran to the forest home of seven little dwarfs “You're welcome to hide here at our house!” They all exclaimed. But the ugly queen found her! She dressed up like an old beggar woman and gave Show White an enchanted apple. She took one bite and fell into a deep sleep. The little dwarfs cried because they couldn't awaken Snow White So the dwarfs put her in a glass case and prayed for help. One day,their prayers were answered when a handsome prince cane by and awakened Snow White with a magic kiss. Snow White was so happy,and all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she and the prince got married the very next day.



The Princess and the Peaonce upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess. One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess. Well, we'll soon find that out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses. On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!" Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it. There, that is a true story.。


Snow White

"Snow White" is a German fairy tale known across much of Europe and is today one of the most famous fairy tales worldwide. The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms' Fairy Tales. It was titled in German: Sneewittchen (in modern orthography Schneewittchen) and numbered as Tale 53. The Grimms completed their final revision of the story in 1854.

The fairy tale features such elements as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, the glass coffin, and the characters of the evil queen/stepmother and the seven dwarfs. The seven dwarfs were first given individual names in the Broadway play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1912) and then given different names in Walt Disney's 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Grimm story, which is commonly referred to as "Snow White", should not be confused with the story of "Snow White and Rose Red" (in German "Schneewei?chen und Rosenrot"), another fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm.


Long,long time ago, there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful daughter, named Snow White. Although amiable as she was, Snow White, pursued by a jealous queen, hided with the Dwarfs; the queen fed her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss.。






古塔中的老妇向公主展示纺锤(亚历山大绘) 于是,国王下令禁止使用纺缍。然而公主十五六岁那年正好在一座古塔中碰到了一个正在用纺锤纺线的老婆子,公主一挨着纺锤即倒在了地上。

诅咒成真,公主一直在林中沉睡,四周的藤蔓荆条成为公主睡床的帘帐。 年复一年的过去,直至有一天,一个年轻的王子路过,兑现了仙子的祝福,把公主吻醒。





其他人则幸福快乐地生活了下去。Since the sleeping beauty has many editions, the following only describes the contents of the Charles Pero version and the Green brothers edition. Sleeping beauty is the child of a queen. The queen was so pleased that she invited all the friends of the human race and the fairies to come to the feast. But did not invite the wicked witch Cara persia. The matter was aware, jealous and resentful of the witch was uninvited, the princess will be spinning machine spindle finger prick and killed the curse as a gift. Fortunately, the Lilac Fairy did not offer blessings, she put the witch's spell relief, the princess will not die. But the princess will still sleep, until a princess who really loves the princess comes to offer her kiss, and the princess will wake up. An old woman in Guta shows a spindle to a princess (painted by Alexander) Thus, the king ordered the prohibition of the use of the spindle. However, the princess fifteen at the age of six was in a Guta with a spindle spinning is the old woman, the princess is next to the spindle that fell to the ground. Damn, the princess has been sleeping in the forest, surrounded by vines as princess bed curtain thorns. Year in and year out, until one day, a young prince passed by, fulfilled the fairy's blessing and kissed the princess. All the people in the castle came to life and went on doing what they had not done before. From the beginning, the prince and princess lived happily ever after. But this is not the end of the Perot version. After the marriage, the princess gave birth to two children, named Jour (Aurore) and sun (sun) respectively. The king's mother is a fairy, a prince while she wanted to go out to fight, the princess and the two children. But due to duct and disobedience, respectively with the lamb and the deer deceived mother. But his mother eventually found out the truth when she is ready to be filled with the princess and the child thrown into the toad and the serpent barrel, the king back in time. See their behavior was found, his mother angrily threw into the barrel, eaten by snakes. Others lived happily and happily.。


英语故事睡美人及翻译:long long ago,there were a king and a queen.they prayed everyday:"what if we have a child?"And soon,they had a beautiful daughter.很久很久以前,有一对国王和王后。

他们每日祈祷:“如果我们有个孩子多好” 然后过不多久,王后生下了一个漂亮女儿。The king was very glad,and held a grant banquet,and invited all his relatives and friends.and some fairies of his country.There were thirteen fairies in the country.but the king only prepared twelve gold plates.So one fairy was not invited.after the banquet,the fairies blessed the girl one by one.国王非常愉悦,举办了一场盛大的宴会,邀请了他所有的亲朋好友和一些王国里的仙女。

这个国家里一共有十三个仙女,但是国王只准备了十二个纯金餐盘,很显然有一个仙女被落下了。宴会的结尾,仙女们依次起身祝福公主,the first one gave her"morality",第一个仙女祝愿公主:“品行高尚” the second gave her "apperance",第二个仙女祝愿公主:“貌美如仙” the third gave her "propriety".第三个仙女祝愿公主:“知书达礼” the others gave her best wishes one after another.其他的仙女们也都一一给予公主最好的祝福 the eleventh had just finished,the fairy that had not been invited came,she was very angry.because the king did not invited her,she said:"the princess will be hurt by a spindle and die."Then she left.第十一个仙女刚刚说完,那位被遗忘的仙女赶到了,她因为老国王忘了邀请自己而非常愤怒,她说:“公主将会被纺锤刺伤致死。”

然后就自行离开了。The twelfth tairy had not blessed the princess,but she could not relieve the curse.she could only temper it and make it not so serious.she said:"The princess will not die.she will sleep a hundred years." 第十二个仙女还没有祝福,但她也没法解除这个诅咒,她只能缓和它让这个诅咒不那么严重。

“公主并不会死,而是会沉睡100年。” In order to escape from the curse,the king order that all the spindles in the country should be destroyed.all the wishes given by the twelve fairies came into reality.The princess became a beautiful,kind and lovely girl,On her fifteenth birthday,the princess went to play on an old bell tower,she saw an old woman was weaving with a spindle.The little princess was very curious,But as soon as she put her hand on the spindle,she fell asleep.为了防止诅咒发生,老国王下令销毁国内左右纺锤,仙女们所有的祝福都实现了,公主成长为一位端庄美丽、温文尔雅、平易近人的女孩。


The sickness of sleep spread quickly:the king,the queen,all the people and animals in the palace slept.even the burning fire in the furnace had gone to sleep 沉睡的咒语蔓延开来:老国王,王后,城堡里的所有人和动物都睡着了,练炉子里烧着的火也都沉沉而睡了。A lot of roses grew around the palace,Year after year,the roses grew taller and taller.The story came for many years in the country,many young princes tried to go through the rose forest and find the princess,but the all failed.because the roses grew together and they could not go into the palace 一丛丛玫瑰沿着城墙长起来,年复一年,玫瑰丛长得越来越高。

这个故事在这片区域流传了下来,很多年轻的王子试图翻越玫瑰丛寻找城堡里的公主,但是他们都失败了,玫瑰盘根错节,他们根本没法进去。A hundred years passed,and a young prince came to the city and he tried to go into the city to find the sleeping beauty,At the moment,the branches of roses parted automatically,and the prince went into the palace safely.he found everyone sleeping in the palace,he kept walking and found the sleeping beauty,She was so beautiful that he could not help kissing her.100年过去了,一个年轻的王子来到这里,他尝试进入城堡寻找睡美人,这时,玫瑰花丛自动分开了一条路,王子安全的进入了城堡。

他发现这里的一切都睡着了,他继续往前走找到了睡美人,她是如此美丽,王子情不自禁的吻了她。At that moment the princess woke up,She looked at the prince soulfully.the prince and the princess went downstairs hand in hand,The other people in the palace also woke up and went on doing what they did.The prince and princess loved each other and they held a grant wedding ceremony and lived happily ever after.公主一吻而醒,她看着身边的王子,严重脉脉含情。



long long ago,there were a king and a queen.they prayed everyday:"what if we have a child?"And soon,they had a beautiful daughter.很久很久以前,有一对国王和王后。

他们每日祈祷:“如果我们有个孩子多好” 然后过不多久,王后生下了一个漂亮女儿。The king was very glad,and held a grant banquet,and invited all his relatives and friends.and some fairies of his country.There were thirteen fairies in the country.but the king only prepared twelve gold plates.So one fairy was not invited.after the banquet,the fairies blessed the girl one by one.国王非常愉悦,举办了一场盛大的宴会,邀请了他所有的亲朋好友和一些王国里的仙女。

这个国家里一共有十三个仙女,但是国王只准备了十二个纯金餐盘,很显然有一个仙女被落下了。宴会的结尾,仙女们依次起身祝福公主,the first one gave her"morality",第一个仙女祝愿公主:“品行高尚” the second gave her "apperance",第二个仙女祝愿公主:“貌美如仙” the third gave her "propriety".第三个仙女祝愿公主:“知书达礼” the others gave her best wishes one after another.其他的仙女们也都一一给予公主最好的祝福 the eleventh had just finished,the fairy that had not been invited came,she was very angry.because the king did not invited her,she said:"the princess will be hurt by a spindle and die."Then she left.第十一个仙女刚刚说完,那位被遗忘的仙女赶到了,她因为老国王忘了邀请自己而非常愤怒,她说:“公主将会被纺锤刺伤致死。”

然后就自行离开了。The twelfth tairy had not blessed the princess,but she could not relieve the curse.she could only temper it and make it not so serious.she said:"The princess will not die.she will sleep a hundred years." 第十二个仙女还没有祝福,但她也没法解除这个诅咒,她只能缓和它让这个诅咒不那么严重。

“公主并不会死,而是会沉睡100年。” In order to escape from the curse,the king order that all the spindles in the country should be destroyed.all the wishes given by the twelve fairies came into reality.The princess became a beautiful,kind and lovely girl,On her fifteenth birthday,the princess went to play on an old bell tower,she saw an old woman was weaving with a spindle.The little princess was very curious,But as soon as she put her hand on the spindle,she fell asleep.为了防止诅咒发生,老国王下令销毁国内左右纺锤,仙女们所有的祝福都实现了,公主成长为一位端庄美丽、温文尔雅、平易近人的女孩。


The sickness of sleep spread quickly:the king,the queen,all the people and animals in the palace slept.even the burning fire in the furnace had gone to sleep 沉睡的咒语蔓延开来:老国王,王后,城堡里的所有人和动物都睡着了,练炉子里烧着的火也都沉沉而睡了。A lot of roses grew around the palace,Year after year,the roses grew taller and taller.The story came for many years in the country,many young princes tried to go through the rose forest and find the princess,but the all failed.because the roses grew together and they could not go into the palace 一丛丛玫瑰沿着城墙长起来,年复一年,玫瑰丛长得越来越高。

这个故事在这片区域流传了下来,很多年轻的王子试图翻越玫瑰丛寻找城堡里的公主,但是他们都失败了,玫瑰盘根错节,他们根本没法进去。A hundred years passed,and a young prince came to the city and he tried to go into the city to find the sleeping beauty,At the moment,the branches of roses parted automatically,and the prince went into the palace safely.he found everyone sleeping in the palace,he kept walking and found the sleeping beauty,She was so beautiful that he could not help kissing her.100年过去了,一个年轻的王子来到这里,他尝试进入城堡寻找睡美人,这时,玫瑰花丛自动分开了一条路,王子安全的进入了城堡。

他发现这里的一切都睡着了,他继续往前走找到了睡美人,她是如此美丽,王子情不自禁的吻了她。At that moment the princess woke up,She looked at the prince soulfully.the prince and the princess went downstairs hand in hand,The other people in the palace also woke up and went on doing what they did.The prince and princess loved each other and they held a grant wedding ceremony and lived happily ever after.公主一吻而醒,她看着身边的王子,严重脉脉含情。




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