2023-03-06 09:33:12



A:Welcome to our English corner.I'm jack.Let's make an introduction.

B:Hello everyone, I'm jim.

C:Nice to meet you, I'm lily.

D:I'm jully, happy to be here.

A: So, today our topic is what's your favorite sports?

B: wow, nice topic, I like sports very much,especially basketball.

C: I like badminton.

D: I don't like sports, that's because why I'm so fat.

A:oh, jully, don't be so sad, do some exercise is good for your healthy.

B:So tell us why you are interested in sports which you like.

C:I like badminton because I like the sport star Lin Dan.He is very cool in every match.

D:I think I'm a little lazy. But I have my favouriter basketball star, he is Kobe Brant. Did you see his match? He is a myth after Michal Jodan.

A:I like him,too. I advise you take an example for him to lose your weight.

B:Don't play an joke on jully. I know her pain.Maybe she has no time to do exercise.

C: Lazy,lazy. People always have time.

D:Now it seems that our topic changes to me.

A:OK, I suggest us going to the exercise room to go on our topic.

B:Good idea, I want to do some exercises now.

C:Let's go.

D:I'll go soon.

随便写了点· 也算是个简单的对话吧



1。4 students 四人对话-有关学校发生的事件: Stanley, Shirley, Peter and Peggy. Stanley: Do you know that Danny has been kicked out from school? 你们知不知道丹尼已经被踢出学校了? Shirley: Is it true? Where did you get the news? 是真的吗?你是从哪里得到这消息的? Peter: Yes, I know. I've heard from Stephen. 是的,我知道。

我从斯蒂芬那边听来的。 Peggy: Who is Stephen? You mean Danny's brother? 谁是斯蒂芬?是丹尼的哥哥? Stanley: Exactly. Stephen told me too. He is addicted to computer games and always playing truant from school. 没错。


Peter: I've met him a few times when I passed by the Storm Cyber café after school. I thought he was sick and thus didn't go to school previously. Then he was caught red-handed by Mr.Lee last week. 当我放学后,经过“风暴网吧”时,我有遇过他几次。我还以为他生病所以没去学校。

过后,在上个星期,他被李老师捉个正着。 Shirley: Poor. But shouldn't our Mr.Lee give him the second chance by suspending him 1 week rather than kick him out from school? 可怜。

但是李老师应该给他第二次机会、暂停他读书1个星期,好过踢他出学校吧? Peggy: Yes, I agree. It's so cruel not letting him to have the second chance to rehabilitate? 你说得对。没有给他第二次机会改过自新,这太残忍了吧。

Stanley: He had been caught more than 3 times previously. But still he hasn't turned over a new leaf. 他之前已经被捉超过3次。但是他还是没改过自新。

Shirley: No wonder he is kicked out from school. 怪不得他被踢出学校。 Peggy: This case teaches us a lesson that we should not neglect our study. 这事件教训我们,不可以荒废学业。

Peter: I'm totally agreed with you. 完全同意你的说法。 2。

4人对话,讨论著名短篇小说 《老人与海》的故事: Stanley, Shirley, Peggy and Peter。 Stanley: Have you heard of a famous novel named “The Old Man and Sea”? Peter: Yes, of course. The writer is Ernest Hemingway. Shirley: I remembered her. She wrote this novel in Cuba in 1951. Peggy: Wow, your memory is really good, Shirley. I just remembered it's a story of an aging, life-long fisherman who attempts to find himself a fish on a fishing trip in the gulf waters off Cuba. Stanley: Fishing trip? Is it interesting? Tell me more about it. Peter: No, not interesting at all. It's all about an old man. Shirley: Hey, guys. This novel is great. I really admire the will of the old fisherman, he teaches me to be perseverant in order to be successful. Peggy: Yes. I agree with you, Shirley. Let me tell you the story, Stanley. The fisherman caught a big fish, a giant Marlin, but couldn't it pull up. A few days later, he found that the giant Marlin is bigger than his boat, knowing that it's very difficult to win, but he didn't give up. Stanley: An Old man against a Giant Marlin。

Seems interesting… Shirley: And the climax is the giant fish is injured and its blood attracts several groups of sharks to attack it. Sharks, the bloody killers! Although the sharks snatch the fish, he is still reluctant to give it up. Finally, he wins the battle. Peter: Then when he goes back to the port, it left only the fish bone. Other fishermen are marveled at his work. Peggy: The old man is really persistent and perseverant. We should learn from him in pursuit of higher achievements. Shirley: Exactly. Stanley, you should read the novel and I'm sure it will inspire you. Stanley: Thanks, I will.。

3.简单四人英语对话带翻译 三到四分钟

A: Hi, you just have had the college entrance examination, don't you?(你们刚结束高考不是吗?)B:Yeah, to my disappointed I didn't do very well in Maths. But somehow, I have managed to go through what I am familiar with.C: Well, it seems to be easy.D: Oh, I find that I have made a mistake in Chemistry!A: Take it easy. You don't have to blame it on yourself, now that you have finished your high school study, it's high time for you to get yourself a thorough refresh. (别太紧张,别太责怪自己,毕竟你们高中学习也画上了一个句号了,现在应该是好好放松的时间了)B: I see。

.(我知道了)C\D: Yeah. (对啊)A: What about going to the concert to be showed on July called THRILLER LIVE? The one about the music career of the greatest artist Michael Jackson? (不如我们去看7月份即将上演的《颤栗现场》,就是讲述MJ音乐生涯的音乐剧?) A\B\C\D: Cool! That's a good idea! I am counting the days!(太棒了,真是个好主意!真是迫不及待啊!)。


Illustration: 1, who have personality, who also not born adapt to the social environment, like a river, the za is the beginning of stone, each have each shape, horns, body by water erosion, after a considerable period of time, the horn, thorn of all round the grinding.2, bang: happiness is all cats love fish, meat, AoTeMan dogs love love dozen small monster.3, grandma: if you can't change the results, it will improve process.4, grandma: now to instill the social ideas too onefold, your success is capable of young people pursue money, fame, and give yourself with successful tags, waking ignores, which is typically only results. Actually, not all get the results to succeed, also did not result of failure, I lifetime experiences, success is hidden in the process, in the future, fun is not looking back into the final line, the result is to buy things, the gifts, bad also earn nothing!5, bang: growing experience is to rely on ourselves, not the parents force infusion. If I don't load is recovered without experience. One day, my parents would fall or experience is very valuable, but only for reference.6 and all the small: high, we not only to say, there is responsibility.7 and LeiLei: she knows her childish, but don't let her childish, she will always naive.Grandmother: 8, mental and emotional, is the most difficult thing in life of a problem. The reason is covered with affection, the reason is naive and mature symbol is talking to them apart. Can use the perceptual to see problems, but must use reason to solve the problem.9 and bang boyfriend: one is the worst? Is he doesn't like. More than most miserably, miserably is dry for life!10, zhao wl: if mistakes are growing as costs, then correct is mature process. only people who made mistakes, to know how to avoid any later, even so, also may never lose the chance to correct the wrong not, is like a thorn in my heart, an ever to hurt.。


Y: Excuse me, is this your book?

X: Thank you so much.

Y: You are welcome. Are you new admits?

X : yes. We just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you. This is my best high school friend Lanlan.

Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao.

S: hi! We both came from xxx.

L: really? I am from that city, too. We are all town fellows aren't we?. It's such a small world.

S: absolutely. We both major in computer science. What's your major?

X: accounting. I don't really like it. But my parents said this school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on.

L: My major is education. I want to be a teacher. I think it is cool.

S: I picked my own major because I know what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future.

Y: Well, I don't know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes.

X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to quit school because of financial problems.

S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be a somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay my parents for what they have done for me.

L: I think I will find some off campus jobs in summer. I don't want to be a burden to my family . My parents have been working hard all their lives.

X: Lanlan, you are great.

S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you !

X: let's keep in touch, ok?

L: I don't have a cell phone. Can I send you e-mails?

Y: Sure. Here is my cell phone number. 12345678

And this is my e-mail address. Please write to me.

L: I will.

X: this is mine.:22334455.I am so glad to meet you. Take care!

Y and S: bye!


Girl A: Tom is my classmate. He's tall and he has curly hair. He's very friendly and funny.Boy A: Lucy is my friend from America. She's pretty. She has long straight hair and blue eyes.She's shy and quiet.Girl B: Xiao Ming is my good friend. He's not tall but he is strong. He's hardworking and helpful.Boy B: Li Ping is a beautiful girl. We all like her. She's tall and slim. She's very popular in our class。


Girl A: Tom is my classmate. He's tall and he has curly hair. He's very friendly and funny.

Boy A: Lucy is my friend from America. She's pretty. She has long straight hair and blue eyes.

She's shy and quiet.

Girl B: Xiao Ming is my good friend. He's not tall but he is strong. He's hardworking and helpful.

Boy B: Li Ping is a beautiful girl. We all like her. She's tall and slim. She's very popular in our class.

8.英语口语简单4人对话 急需

Making an Appointment


D: Robert, have you ever been to the Great Wall?

R: No, I've been in Beijing for more than six months and I've always thought of visiting the Great Wall, but I never have time.

G: Me, too.

T: Several colleagues from me department and I are driving to the Great Wall this Sunday. How about coming with us?

R: Great! Today is Friday, so it will be on the day after tomorrow. I just happen to have time then. I'd like very much to go with you.

D: What time do you think we should set out? 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock?

G: How about 7 o'colck? I can be at your department office or at the school gate at six fifty.

T: No problem. It's settled then. By the way, don't forget to bring your video camera with you.

G: I will. See you then.

T: See you.



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