2023-03-03 07:04:48



Dear American:

Nice to meet you!

Would you like to make friends with me? If yes, please come to our home China and taste a very delicious traditional food, dumplings! I personally really like America, because it is a very nice country and the people have very nice manners. I hope that you will accept this invatation. Bye!!


A person who is looking forward to America





Dear Edel(随便一个名字):


It's soon my birthday! I am so glad that I am going to let my friends celebrate my birthday with me. So I am running a party, lots of people are invited and you are one of them! At my party there will be lots of games and other fun activites, it will be really good! Of course the better the more people!

Date: 13.5.2010(我是澳大利亚人,所以按照这里的规矩,日期是从日写到年的,不确定你想要怎样) Saturday

Time: 9AM-10PM

Hope you can come!

From Alice(你的名字)







爱丽丝 敬上



Dear Mary, I am very glad to hear that you will come to China, and I also very expect it。

As you know China is a country with a long long history, and I want to invite you to visit some historic site, as the Great Wall。 The Great Wall is not only a very famous building in the world, but also a symbol of our nation。

I have been there for many times。 But I believe this time, with you, will give an indelible impression to me。

After that, we will have a chance to eat the Chinese food together。 Have you ever eat it before? It's delicious, and I believe that you will like it。

Now I am sincerely looking forward to your attendence so that we can not only play together, but also learn each other Yours Wang Fang 9th Nov。 2007。


Sample May 7 Linda, We are giving a party at home to celebrate my birthday at 6:30 p.m. on May 15. If you are free, would you like to come to my party? There will be a lot of games in the party and plenty of food and drinks. Bob and Jack will put on a performance. We shall be very honored if you can join us. Yours, Catherine。


中文、英语请柬、邀请函的不同和英文请柬的格式: 现代的社会是交际的社会,需要举办或参加各种国际或国内的会议以及宴会等,写邀请信和请柬是一个人必备的素质。

今天我们就来介绍中文请柬和英文请柬的格式,并在后面给出中文请柬和英文请柬的范文! 由于邀请信是一种重要的社交书信,它包括正式和非正式两种。正式的邀请信即请柬,它有固定的格式,一般用第三人称书写;非正式的邀请信格式不严格,使用第一人称,称呼也比较自由。

中文请柬和英文请柬、邀请函的格式 中文请柬和英文请柬有固定的格式和措辞,因此不能简单地以单句为单位进行翻译,而应从整个篇章的角度去把握,使译文符合目的语的表达习惯。请看下面这则例子:Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the honour of the presence ofMr. and Mrs. J. A. Brownat the marriage of their daughterElizabeth SmithtoMr. John Frederick HamiltonSaturday, the twenty-ninth of Septemberat four o'clock p.m.Church of Heavenly RestNew York 译文如下:J.A.布朗先生及夫人:兹定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四时在纽约天安教堂为小女伊丽莎白.史密斯与约翰?弗雷德里克.汉密尔顿先生举行婚礼,届时恭请光临。


在内容安排上按照“邀请者 被邀请者 邀请之意活动内容 时间 地点”这样的先后顺序。汉语的顺序是“活动时间 活动地点 活动内容 邀请之意邀请者的姓名”,邀请者的姓名应写在右下角,与正文分开。

无论是英语请柬还是汉语请柬,在语言上的要求是一致的,都须简洁明了,措辞庄重、文雅,比如,原请柬中为表达邀请之意所用的是“request the honour of the presence of”,翻译时用“恭请光临”与之对应。此外,译文的开头用了“兹定于”,结尾处用“谨订”,这样的用词都体现了请柬正式的文体。

但有两点不同:第一,英文请柬从头至尾都采用第三人称,译成中文时,一般应改用第一人称,如:“the marriage of their daughter”译成“为小女”;第二,英文请柬中星期应写在日期之前,译成汉语时,星期应写在日期后面的括号内。有时请柬下角有一些备注,提醒被邀请人应注意的事项,如:R.S.V.P.:法语 “Répondez s'il vous plait” 的缩写,即 “Please reply”,“请复函”; For regrets only:“若不能来请告知”(regrets意为“谢绝邀请的短柬”);Dress code:着装要求。

下面是一封英语邀请函、请柬的范文,供大家参考: July 29, 2005XXX, CEOXXX, VP SalesXXXXXXXX Corporation(Address)It's our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (address) in August, 2003. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.Yours truly,XXXVice President SalesXXX Company。


这是我以前做作业时写的,曾多次被老师叫好哦!Dear American: Nice to meet you!Would you like to make friends with me? If yes, please come to our home China and taste a very delicious traditional food, dumplings! I personally really like America, because it is a very nice country and the people have very nice manners. I hope that you will accept this invatation. Bye!! From A person who is looking forward to America亲爱的美国人:你们好! 我们可以和你们交朋友吗?如果可以,请来我们家尝尝我们中国的传统食物饺子。

我非常羡慕美国,因为美国很干净,美国人又懂礼貌。很高兴你能收到这封邀请函,谢谢 想和美国人做朋友的人第二篇:Dear Edel(随便一个名字): Hello!It's soon my birthday! I am so glad that I am going to let my friends celebrate my birthday with me. So I am running a party, lots of people are invited and you are one of them! At my party there will be lots of games and other fun activites, it will be really good! Of course the better the more people!Date: 13.5.2010(我是澳大利亚人,所以按照这里的规矩,日期是从日写到年的,不确定你想要怎样) SaturdayTime: 9AM-10PMHope you can come! From Alice(你的名字)亲爱的爱迪(随便一个名字): 你好!我的生日快到了!我很高兴我能够让我的朋友们与我一起庆祝我的生日。

我现在在准备一个聚会,很多人都被邀请了,你也是其中一个!在我的聚会里会有很多游戏和其他好玩的活动,非常有意义!当然,人是越多越热闹了!日期:2010年5月13日时间:上午9点到晚上10点希望你能来! 爱丽丝 敬上小菜一碟!以后有英语的问题就问我吧!我很不错的!(不过实在要承认,我的中文都没英文好。



Dear sir/madam:

[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic].

As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .

Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. I'll call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that we'll make everything convenient to the speaker.

Sincerely yours,




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