2023-03-01 17:15:00


Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in Dec 1987. Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountai , is a mountain with a long history and a ecial historic status. In 1982, Taishan Mountain was up into the list of State key scenic ots and was formally listed in the directory of World Natural and Cultural Heritage in 1987. It becomes a precious heritage of human being. Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills. It is prominent around other hills. The prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. The south of Taishan Mountain is higher than the north. Its south foot of mountain begi from Tai'an city and its north foot of mountain sto in Jinan City, the distance between which is 60kms. In Taishan Mountain, the tra ortation is convenient with the Jinghu railway pa ing by in the west. In its north is Jinan city, which has another name of " ring city". The distance between Taishan Mountain and Qubu is 70kms. Many roads and railways such as Taifei, Taixin, Taining, and Taiji meet in Tai'an city, which just locates in the south of Taishan Mountain. Taishan Mountain is in a superior geographic location with abundant water and thermal resources, and its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone half wetne mo oon climate. As regard to its historic position, in the ancient times, Taishan Mountain is a developed region—— in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. As regard to its cultural position, it is the center of Dongyi culture. In the south foot of Taishan Mountain, there is Da Fenkou culture, and there is Longshan Culture in its north foot, it is the center of Qi and Lu. And its tra ortation is more superior. Taishan Mountain is in a key position where the railway from central plai to Shandong peni ula meets the railway co ecting the south and north of the east coast. There are no hills between Taishan Mountain and the capitals in the ancient times as well as the developed regio . This superior condition hel Taishan Mountain gain the first position among the Five Famous Mountai in China. As a mountainous scenic ot, Taishan Mountain has high values in term of aesthetics and science, e ecially the aesthetic value, which is the foundation for Taishan Mountain becoming a famous mountain in the history and the world natural and cultural heritage today. For thousands of years, during the proce of studying on Taishan Mountain in terms of adoration, taste, religion and science, the people has created extremely abundant and valued Taishan scenic culture. Moreover, in the Taishan scenic culture, the natural scene plays the key role with the literacy scene a isting. The nature and culture penetrate into each other. Here we can see the philosophy, aesthetics and science idea about the harmonious development of Sky, Ground and Human beings. Thereby, either from the point of time or ace, Taishan Mountain contai extremely abundant contents with high aesthetic, science and historic value. We can say that Taishan Mountain is the symbol of iritual culture of China and the unique heritage of the world.。



[英语]Taishan, usually refers to the Five Sacred Mountains in China first, also known as Dongyue, Mount Taishan in Shandong Province is located in the middle of the tall magnificent natural landscape, the infiltration of thousands of years of spiritual culture and rendering as well as the cultural landscape of contrast, a famous scenic spots are Tianzhu Feng, Japanese concept of Feng, Bai Zhangya, fairy bridge, five Gustafsson, hope people loose, Longtan Waterfall, Cloud Bridge, waterfalls, waterfalls, etc. Santan. Mount Taishan in 1987 was included in the World Natural Heritage List. In addition, there Taishan father meant.


英语作文,描写泰山: 《Climb mount tai》 Today we come to mount tai, the most famous of the five great mountains. And our mission here is to climb mount tai. First we took a bus to the beginning of the hike. When we got there, we bought some crutches and some raincoats. Everyone is ready. Our mountaineering trip is about to begin. At first we were all excited and didn't feel tired at all. On the way we also saw many famous people's calligraphy. But after a while, the panting became uneven. Father and uncle see this situation let everybody rest for a while. When everyone was almost rested, we went on climbing. But mom didn't know where she was. I looked around and was surprised to find that my mother was a long way ahead of us. Seeing this, my mother's behavior aroused my morale, and I went after her. Finally I caught up with my mother. I asked her why she didn't rest with the rest of us, but would have to go first. "Stupid birds fly first," she joked to herself. I've burned too much energy chasing my mother. I had to rest where I was. To keep me from falling behind, my father said, "I'll walk for another half hour and I'll buy you a pancake." Pancakes are a famous snack. I can't come here without them. And as a true foodie you have to eat pancakes. So the pancakes gave me motivation. I walked on, one step, two steps, three steps。

Wow, it's finally the south gate. What a success! It's been a long time. At this time, although I feel very tired, but the joy of climbing mount tai, let me forget tired. The road behind was almost flat, and I was talking to my friends. I turn my head carelessly, but let me see a very beautiful painting. The fog covered the mountains, but there was a faint view of the rolling hills and the beauty of the looming cable car. We came to the place where we ate, and after dinner we took the cable car down the hill. Tired and happy day is over. Tomorrow we will go to kongfu and Confucius temple. 拓展资料: 《爬泰山》 今天我们来到了大名鼎鼎的五岳之首——泰山。而来到这里我们的任务就是登上泰山。





等到大家都差不多休息好了,我们又接着往上爬。 可这时妈妈却不知道去哪了。






我继续走着,一步,两步,步。 哇,终于到了南天门。




我们来到了吃饭的地方,吃完饭以后就坐缆车下山了。 累并快乐着的一天就这样结束了,明天我们就要去到孔府和孔庙了。


Mount Tai (Chinese: 泰山; pinyin: Tài Shān) is a mountain of historical and cultural significance located north of the city of Tai'an, in Shandong Province, China. The tallest peak is Jade Emperor Peak (simplified Chinese: 玉皇顶; traditional Chinese: 玉皇顶; pinyin: Yùhuáng Dīng), which is commonly reported as 1545 metres (5069 feet) tall[1], but is described by the Chinese government as 1532.7 metres (5028.5 feet)[2].Mount Tai is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism". It is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal, and is often regarded the foremost of the five. The temples on its slopes have been a destination for pilgrims for 3,000 years.Contents [hide]1 Location 2 History 3 Natural significance 4 Cultural significance 4.1 Dai Miao 4.2 Other Monuments 5 Infrastructure 6 Cultural references 7 Footnotes 8 External links [edit] Location Location within ChinaMount Tai is located just north of the city of Tai'an and to the south of the provincial capital Jinan. It extends from 150 to 1,545 metres above sea level and covers an area of 426 square kilometres at its base. The Jade Emperor Peak is located at 36° 16′N and 117° 6′E.[edit] History Traces of human presence at Mount Tai date back to the Paleolithic period. Human settlement of the area can be proven from the neolithic period onwards. During this time, two cultures had emerged near the mountain, the Dawenkou to the north and Longshan to the south. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the mountain lay on the boundary between the competing States of Qi (north of the mountain) and Lu (south). In the ensuing Warring States Period, the State of Qi erected a 500 km-long wall to protect itself against an invasion. Ruins of this wall are still present today. The name Tai'an of neighboring city is attributed to the saying "If Mount Tai is stable, so is the entire country" (both characters of Tai'an, 泰安, have independent meaning "peace").Religious worship of Mount Tai has a tradition of 3,000 years, it has been practiced from the time of the Shang to that of the Qing Dynasty. Over time, this worship evolved into an official imperial rite and Mount Tai became one of the principal places where the emperor would pay homage to Heaven (on the summit) and Earth (at the foot of the mountain) in the Fengshan Sacrifices (封禅). In 219 BC, Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, held a ceremony on the summit and proclaimed the unity of his empire in a famous inscription.Mount Tai has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. In 2003, it attracted around 6 million visitors. A renovation project to be completed by late October 2005 aims at restoring cultural relics and the renovation of damaged buildings of cultural significance. Modern buildings which are inconsistent with the historic landscape are to be demolished. The total cost of the work is estimated at 15 million yuan (approximately US$1.8 million).[edit] Natural significance The Immortal Bridge, a natural landscapeMount Tai is a tilted fault-block mountain with height increasing from the north to the south. It is the oldest example of a paleo-metamorphic formation from the Cambrian Period in eastern China. Known as the Taishan Complex, this formation contains magnetized, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock as well as intrusions of other origins during the Archean Era. The uplift of the region started in the Proterozoic Era, by the end of the Proterozoic, it had become part of the continent.Besides the Jade Emperor Peak, other distinctive rock formations are the Heaven Candle Peak, the Fan Cliff, and the Rear Rock Basin.Mount Tai lies in the zone of oriental deciduous forest; about 80% of its area is covered with vegetation. The flora is known to comprise almost 1,000 species. Some of the trees in the area are very old and have cultural significance, such as the Han Dynasty Cypresses, which were planted by the Emperor Wu Di, the Tang Chinese Scholartree (about 2,100 years old), the Welcoming-Guest Pine (500 years old) and the Fifth-Rank Pine, which was named originally by the Emperor Qin Shi Huang, but was replanted about 250 years ago.[edit] Cultural significance [edit] Dai Miao Dai Temple at Mount TaiThe Temple of the God of Mount Tai, known as the Dai Temple (Dai Miao) is the largest and most complete ancient building complex in the area. It is located at the foot of Mount Tai in the city of Tai'an and covers an area of 96,000 square meters. The temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty. Since the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), its design has been a replica of the imperial palace, which makes it one out of 。


Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in Dec 1987. Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. In 1982, Taishan Mountain was up into the list of State key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of World Natural and Cultural Heritage in 1987. It becomes a precious heritage of human being. Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills. It is prominent around other hills. The prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. The south of Taishan Mountain is higher than the north. Its south foot of mountain begins from Tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in Jinan City, the distance between which is 60kms. In Taishan Mountain, the transportation is convenient with the Jinghu railway passing by in the west. In its north is Jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". The distance between Taishan Mountain and Qubu is 70kms. Many roads and railways such as Taifei, Taixin, Taining, and Taiji meet in Tai'an city, which just locates in the south of Taishan Mountain.。


【百科全书】Mount Tai (Chinese: 泰山; Pinyin: Tài Shān) is a mountain of historical and cultural significance located north of the city of Tai'an, in Shandong Province, China. The tallest peak is Jade Emperor Peak (Simplified Chinese: 玉皇顶; Traditional Chinese: 玉皇顶; Pinyin: Yùhuáng Dīng), which is commonly reported as 1545 metres (5069 feet) tall[1], but is described by the Chinese government as 1532.7 metres (5028.5 feet)[2].Mount Tai is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism". It is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal, and is often regarded the foremost of the five. The temples on its slopes have been a destination for pilgrims for 3,000 years。


题目:Taishan Mountain


Taishan Mountain is located in the middle of ShanDong Province and it ranks the first of the five great mountains in China.No matter who acted as the emperor of the past dynasties,he would pay religious homage to Taishan Mountain as the first major event.And Taishan Mountain has been witnessed chinese old civilization.Besides,there are a lot of sight spots in Taishan Mountain,such as sea of clouds,sunrise and so on.So it's worth paying a visit to Taishan Mountain.


Brief Introduction of Mount Tai Mount Tai locates in the middle part of Shandong province spanning two cities (Tai'an city and Jinan city) with total area of 426 square kilometers. Mount Tai was called Daizong (means the principal mountain of China) in ancient time and then was renamed as Mount Tai in Spring and Autumn Dynasty went by the name of Dongyue (the Sacred Mountain of East China) that ranks No.1 among the five most important mountains in China. In 1987, Mount Tai was listed as Cultural and Natural World Heritage site and honored “World Geopark” in 2006. In China, Mount Tai is among the first group of “National Parks of China”, the state 5A-class tourist attraction, the top 10 best National Civilized Spot in China. Mount Tai is well known for its spectacular, grandness, elevation, width, steadiness and massiness. The typical character of natural scenery of Mount Tai is imposing, steepy, surprising, serene, secluded, profound, and spacious. The picturesque of the Mount Tai has various sceneries like cragged cliff, deep canyon and gorge, grotesque peak and strange rocks, luxuriant vegetation and the flowing springs and twittering birds…. The mountain also has the unique marvelous wonders: the rising sun at dawn, the jade plate of sea of clouds, the aura appearing around Bixia Temple, rosy clouds at sunset etc. Since ancient time, Mount Tai is recognized as holy and sacred Mountain and held the accolade as “Most Revered of the Five Sacred Mountains”. Furthermore, Mount Tai symbolized the peaceful life and unified country. Four thousands of years, more than a dozen emperors paid their homage to the mountain. Vast quantities of poetry and stone inscriptions were left by emperors, poets and scholars of every era. Confucians and Taoists coexist harmoniously on the mountain. And civilians worshiped the mountain with sincere esteem. In other words, the Mount Tai has becomes the symbol of Chinese spirit. There are also peculiar geologic structures as three grand fracture layers, Komatiite rocks and Zuixin Stone (a swirl shaped allgovite rocks); masterpieces of ancient constructions as Dai Temple, Nantian Gate, Bi Xia temple; precious stone inscriptions of past dynasties as Qin dynasty stone inscriptions, inscriptions rocks of the Diamond Sutra, cliffs with inscriptions of Tang dynasty; ancient trees like pine trees of Qin Dynasty, cypress of Han Dynasty (about 1800 years ago), locust tree of Tang Dynasty(about 1200 years ago). All the above syncretize and integrate nature scenery and human culture. 7000 stone stairs which runs 9 kilometers long through the mountain from the foot to the zenith looks like the axes of Mount Tai integrating earth, heaven and human as a whole and thus is a road for human beings to heaven. Because of the unique integration of human civilization and natural landscape, Mount Tai is respected by billions of Chinese people and becomes famous all over the world as well as treasurable heritage of panhuman.。


Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in Dec 1987. Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. In 1982, Taishan Mountain was up into the list of State key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of World Natural and Cultural Heritage in 1987. It becomes a precious heritage of human being. Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills. It is prominent around other hills. The prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. The south of Taishan Mountain is higher than the north. Its south foot of mountain begins from Tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in Jinan City, the distance between which is 60kms. In Taishan Mountain, the transportation is convenient with the Jinghu railway passing by in the west. In its north is Jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". The distance between Taishan Mountain and Qubu is 70kms. Many roads and railways such as Taifei, Taixin, Taining, and Taiji meet in Tai'an city, which just locates in the south of Taishan Mountain. Taishan Mountain is in a superior geographic location with abundant water and thermal resources, and its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone half wetness monsoon climate. As regard to its historic position, in the ancient times, Taishan Mountain is a developed region—— in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. As regard to its cultural position, it is the center of Dongyi culture. In the south foot of Taishan Mountain, there is Da Fenkou culture, and there is Longshan Culture in its north foot, it is the center of Qi and Lu. And its transportation is more superior. Taishan Mountain is in a key position where the railway from central plains to Shandong peninsula meets the railway connecting the south and north of the east coast. There are no hills between Taishan Mountain and the capitals in the ancient times as well as the developed regions. This superior condition helps Taishan Mountain gain the first position among the Five Famous Mountains in China. As a mountainous scenic spot, Taishan Mountain has high values in term of aesthetics and science, especially the aesthetic value, which is the foundation for Taishan Mountain becoming a famous mountain in the history and the world natural and cultural heritage today. For thousands of years, during the process of studying on Taishan Mountain in terms of adoration, taste, religion and science, the people has created extremely abundant and valued Taishan scenic culture. Moreover, in the Taishan scenic culture, the natural scene plays the key role with the literacy scene assisting. The nature and culture penetrate into each other. Here we can see the philosophy, aesthetics and science idea about the harmonious development of Sky, Ground and Human beings. Thereby, either from the point of time or space, Taishan Mountain contains extremely abundant contents with high aesthetic, science and historic value. We can say that Taishan Mountain is the symbol of spiritual culture of China and the unique heritage of the world.。



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