2023-02-27 10:08:54


What's your favourite season

A:hi ,B.What's your favourite season

B:my favourite reason is spring


B:because everything grow up in spring,and the wind is warm

A:oh,what about others?

B:summer is too hot,autumn's wind is too often,and winter is too cold!

A:I think that i can't agree with you,I love summer best!

B:wow,show me the reasons

A:i love swimming.when summer comes,every swimming pool opens,so I can have a lot of fun!

B:i have to go,see you next time,bye~~

A: bye












B:我得走了,下次见,再见~ ~



A:hi,how are you,Mary?你好啊.马利B:hi.fine.just a bit tired.I am shopping around for a day.还好,就是有点累.逛了一天了.A:so am i.I baught a black short skirt.我也是哎.我买了一条黑色短裙.B:oh it's fit for you.好适合你哦.A:Thank you.What did you buy?谢谢.你买了什么呢?B:I bought a pink hat.我买了一顶粉红色的帽子A:How lovely!好可爱!B:Thanks!A:Let's go back home for a rest.我们回家吧.休息一下.B:OK.Byebye.A:Bye.。


1. A: Hi, what kind of sports do you like?B: um, I'd say basketball.A: why?B: It's kind of exciting. And I can show off my skills. What kind of entertainment do you like then?A: Well I like watching movies. I watch a movie every week.2. A: Do you like Chinese food?B: Of course I do. I eat Chinese food every day. It's delicious and healthy. I like dumplings most.A: Well, I like Western food more than Chinese food. Western fast food are my favorite. It tastes so well.B: But it's kind of unhealthy. That's why people call it junk food.A: I know. But it's delicious. No one can resist a hunburger when he's hungry.B: That's true.3.A; It's New Years day. How do people in your country celebrate it?B: We have a big meal with all the family members. What about you?A: We only do family meal during Christmas. New Years day are not that important. We sit together and watch TV.4. A: Do you have a big family?B: No, but my family have a lot of friends.A: Do you get along with them well?B: Yes.5. A: what is your hobbies?B: my hobby is to read books.A: really?B: Yeah, what about you?A; I'm interested in playing computer games.6. A: How's your school?B: It's awful. I hate school. I have to study all the day there.A: But school could be fun. You can set up clubs. I have my own club at my school.B: WOW. It sounds fun.7. A: It's so boring. Doing the same thing every day.B: What do you do everyday?A: I wake up at 7 and go to school by bus. At 5 pm I go home and have super. After I finish my homework, I go to sleep. Then another day starts all over again.B: sounds tedious.8. A: Do you travel a lot?B: Yeah, I went to Tibet last summer. It's great!A: really? How did you get there?B: by plane.A: Sounds exciting. I've never got on a plane before. I took train.B: It's fun. You could see the seneries.9. A: How do you learn English?B: I read a paragraph of English book every day.A: Does that work?B: Yeah, I can memorize words and learn grammar. How do you learn English?A: I use flashcards to memorize words. I build my vocabulary this way.10. A; What is you name?B: my name is James.A; James, when were you born?B: in 1994.A: where do you live right now?B: Beijing.。


A: Hi! 嗨! B: Hi! 嗨! A: Hello! 你好! B: Hello! 你好! A: How do you do! 你好! B: How do you do! 你好! A: How are you? 你好吗? B: Fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢! A: How are you doing? 你好吗? B: Not bad. 还可以。

A: What's you hoppy? 你的爱好是什么? B: I like reading. 我喜欢阅读。 A: Where is your home? 你的家在哪? B: It is near our school. 在我们的学校附近。

A: What is the weather? 天气怎么样? B: It is raining. 天正在下雨。 A: Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你! B: Nice to meet to you too! 认识你我也很高兴! A: Good morning. 早上好。

B: Good morning. 早上好。 A: Good afternoon. 下午好。

B: Good afternoon. 下午好。 A: Good evening. 晚上好。

B: Good evening. 晚上好。


1.The influential person in my life is my teacher.He(She) teaches me a lot of things.Through his(her)class a learn many knowledge.Then can help me to improve my level in many aspect.He(she) also teach us how to become a useful person.For these reason,the most affect person to me is my teacher.在我的生命中影响的人是我的老师.他(她)教我很多东西.通过他(她)课学到很多知识.然后可以帮助我提高我在许多方面的水平.他(她)还教我们如何成为一个有用的人出于这些原因.最有影响我的人是我的老师.2.Learn English is a big challenge to me.I learn English in many different ways.Although sometime I have mistake.But I never give up.I practice English and improve it.学习英语对我来说是一个很大的挑战.我在许多不同的方式学习英语.虽然有时我有错误.但我从来没有放弃.我练习英语和改进它.3.The most important decision that I made I think is my dream job.This is important,because it will be change and relate to my future life.Anyway,it is a important decision to me.最重要的决定是我决定我的梦想(理想)工作.这一点很重要,因为它会改变,并涉及到我的未来生活.无论如何,对我来说是一个重要的决定.4.Although everything is change,I couldn't predict my future.But I will study hard.I believe my future control in my hand.I will learn more and improve myself.I wish I will become a useful person in the future.尽管一切都改变,我无法预测自己的未来.但我会努力学习.我相信我的未来控制在我手里.我将学习并提高自己.我想我会成为未来有用的人.5.I think clothes and fashion are real important.because fashion plays an important in our life.Fashion and clothes are a kind of art.Also they are a way to express a person's character.What does the person dress can show what characters do the person has.我觉得衣服和时尚是真正重要的.因为时尚在我们的生活中起着重要的.时装和衣服是一种艺术.此外,他们是一个方法来表达一个人的性格.什么衣着的人表现了什么的一个人.。


Where are you from?你来自哪里?

I'm from China.我来自中国。

How old are you?你多大了?

I'm twenty years old.我20了。

Where is your hometown?你的家乡在哪里?

My hometown is in Shandong province.我的家乡在山东

Oh!Shandong.The beers made in Shandong is tasty.哦,山东啊。山东的啤酒很美味。

Thank you.谢谢

Next time ,I will have a trip to Shandong.下一次,我就回去山东旅游。

Ahh~That's good.Shandong is beautiful.啊,那很好,山东很漂亮的

7.简单的英语对话 至少10句

A: Hello Jenny! How are you?

B: I'm fine, thank you!

A: Where are you going?

B: I'm going to the library. What about you?

A: I'm going to the surpermarket.

B: The weather is fine, isn't it?

A: Yes, I love sunny days. Perhaps we can go to the beach together.

B: What a good idea! How about we go this weekend?

A: I'm free this Saturday.

B: Tha't good, let's go to the beach on Saturday.

A: No problem, I'll call you this Friday.

B. I'll wait for your call. I have to go now.

A: OK, have a nice day.


1: Can you describe "mental health" in a simple term?

2: Sure. I think mental health is basically emotional balanced or a healthy brain.

1: Is mental health important?

3: No. I think physical health is more important.

2: How can you be physically healthy if you are not mentally healthy in the first place?

3: Well. I don't know.

1: OK. Both of the physical health and mental health are essential. But people nowadays always neglect the importance of mental health, they don't realize that they cannot live without it.

Hope this helps!


A:你对环境有什么看法? What do you think of the environment? A:你对吸烟有什么看法? What do you think of smoking? A:你对音乐有什么看法? What do you think of the music? B:我觉得环境会影响人的健康。

I think envirnment can affect people's health. B:我觉得吸烟会影响人的健康。 I think smoking can affect people's health. B:我觉得音乐会影响人的健康。

I think music can affect people's health. A:那是什么影响的? Then how can that affect? A:那是什么影响的? Then how can that affect? A:那是什么影响的? Then how can that affect? B:环境好,人就会健康。环境坏,人容易生病。

A good environment makes peole heath; a bad makes people easily ill. B:吸烟多的人容易得病。 People who smoke a lot are easy to become ill. B:听音乐,身体就会健康。

Music listening does good to health. A:恩,我觉得你说得很对。 Yep. i agree with you. A:恩,我觉得你说得很对。

Yep. i agree with you. A:恩,我觉得你说得很对。 Yep. i agree with you. B:那你喜欢什么样的环境? Then waht kind of environment do you like? B:那你喜欢吸烟吗? Then do you like smoking? B:那你喜欢音乐吗? Then do you like music? A:我喜欢结净的环境,你呢? I like clean environment, and you? A:喜欢,这是我的爱好,你呢?Yes, I like it, and you? A,喜欢,这是我的爱好,你呢?Yes, I like it, and you? B:我也是,洁净的环境有利于人体健康。

所以我们要保持环境干净。Me too. A clean environment is beneficial to our health. So we should keep it clean. B:我不喜欢吸烟,吸烟有害于健康,每年都有很多人因为吸烟而患上肺癌。

I do not like smoking, because it does harm to health. Each year, many peole die of lung cnacer resulted from smoking. B:我也喜欢音乐,因为音乐使人得到快乐,所以我每天都听音乐。I like music, too, because music can make people happy. Therefore, i listen to music everyday. A:恩,我非常同意你的观点。

Yep, i could not agree more. A:恩,我非常同意你的观点。 Yep, i could not agree more. A:恩,我非常同意你的观点。

Yep, i could not agree more. B:我非常高兴能与你交流,下次再见。 I am very glad to chat with you. See you next time. B:我非常高兴能与你交流,下次再见。

I am very glad to chat with you. See you next time. B:我非常高兴能与你交流,下次再见。 I am very glad to chat with you. See you next time. B:我也是, Me,too.。



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