2023-02-25 17:06:12

Cartoon by Tan Xiguang

Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and India, the rotating presidency of the Group of 20 (G20) held a video conference discussing the global debt issue.

Some Western politicians and media outlets used this event as an opportunity to once again hype up the so-called "China debt trap" issue, making groundless accusations against the country.

During their visits to Africa a few days previously, some American politicians associated the debt problem in the continent with China.

In fact, it is Western countries that created the "debt trap" for developing countries. According to reports published by international organizations, the external debt of African countries is mainly owed to Western private lenders.

Western countries are trying to confuse the public and shirk their responsibility by blaming China for the debt crises in Africa. Using the thief’s trick of crying “Stop, thief!” is doomed to fail.



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