2023-02-24 16:10:05


Denmark - IntroductionIntroductionDenmark lies between 54?and 58?of latitude north and and 15?of longitude east.In addition to Denmark itself,the kingdom also includes the Faeroe Islands and Greenland.Denmark consists of the peninsula of Jutland and c.406 islands,of which c.79 are inhabited (2002).Of these,the largest and most densely populated are Zealand on which the capital of Copenhagen is situated,Funen and the north Jutland island.The North Sea defines Denmark to the west,while the islands divide the Baltic from the Kattegat.The Danish islands are thus on the sea lane from the Baltic to the main oceans of the world and at the same time on the trade route from the Nordic countries to central Europe.Throughout the entire history of the country,this position has been influential on the circumstances governing developments in trade and on political and military strategy.Administratively,the country is divided into 14 counties (amter) and 275 local authorities (kommuner),two of which (Copenhagen and Frederiksberg) are not included in the counties.Towards the end of the 10th century,Denmark was united into a single kingdom.It has been an independent country ever since,and is thus one of the oldest states in Europe.The form of government is a parliamentary democracy with a royal head of state.The system of production is capitalist (economic liberalism) with private ownership of businesses and production.The state and other public authorities,however,exercise a considerable regulatory control and provide comprehensive services for the citizens.Denmark is a developed industrialised country.By international standards,the standard of living is high,and the differences between rich and poor are smaller than in many of the countries with which Denmark is traditionally compared.Denmark is a member of the European Union.The proximity of Germany has traditionally orientated the country south in an economic and political sense,but close co-operation with Sweden,Norway,Finland and Iceland,with which Denmark enjoys a passport union,also ties Denmark to the North.The country has a coastline totalling c.7,300 km in all and a 68-km-long frontier with Germany.It is a distinctly low-lying country,the highest point being only 173 metres above sea level,but the landscape is undulating and varied; only occasionally is it possible to find undisturbed nature,and the view everywhere shows signs of human activity.only on the island of Bornholm do we find bedrock,and otherwise the land is characterised by fertile clayish or sandy moraine landscapes.Denmark is poor in mineral deposits.However,chalk for the production of cement is found in considerable quantities,and more oil and gas is extracted from the North Sea than is needed for home consumption.Most of the country,c.65%,is under cultivation.10% is covered by deciduous or coniferous forest,while meadow,heath,marshland,bogs,sandhills and lakes constitute c.10%.Built-up areas and traffic areas make up the remaining c.13%.The climate is temperate,and precipitation is sufficient to provide all the water needed.The population stands at c.5.37 million,and the population density is c.125 per square kilometre.Foreign immigrants and their descendants amount to c.395,000,165,000 of whom come from Europe; in addition there is a small German minority in southern Jutland.The language is everywhere Danish,and the vast majority of the population has been baptised into the established protestant church.Denmark is therefore nationally and culturally very homogeneous.85% of the population lives in towns.The greater Copenhagen region accounts for c.1.08 million inhabitants.The second city is ?rhus (218,000 inhabitants).In addition the entire country is otherwise covered by a network of medium-sized towns.Danish agriculture is highly developed,producing a considerable surplus of manufactured foods which are exported to other countries.Industrial production is very varied in relation to the size of the country.Among the commodities that have made Denmark known abroad are,in addition to agricultural produce,beer,medicines,furniture,shipping,wind turbines and products of the advanced metal industries.Both agriculture and industry are highly effective.Agriculture and fisheries employ only 4%,and industry and construction 23% of the population.The remaining 73% are employed in the service sector,35% in public and personal services and 38% in private business,including financial activities and the traditional shipping trade.Denmark is well provided with traffic systems.The road network is good everywhere in。


Denmark is a Scandinavian country, along with Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. Like its neighbours, Denmark is built on a history of fearsome Vikings who set sail and fought other countries all over the world. Today, Denmark is more civilised – a much quieter and friendlier place to live in!

So what do you know about Denmark? Well firstly it's famous for pastries: delicious Danish pastries are eaten all over the world. Danish bacon's pretty famous too – we eat a lot of it in with our great British fry-ups! What else? Lego of course! The Danes invented Lego, a favourite toy and hobby for both adults and children everywhere.

Denmark has also produced some very famous people – the football goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel is certainly a Great Dane! Probably the most famous Dane is Hans Christian Andersen. Have you heard of him? You will almost certainly have read some of his stories.


首都:Denmark's capital is Copenhagen

居住人数:Denmark, the total population of about 5,430,000, of whom 2.68 million male population, female population 2,740,000

最著名的地方:Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, the Nordic is one of the most famous ancient city. Rosenborg Palace is one of Denmark's most famous castle, located in the northern part of the Copenhagen City Kings Park

人们说的语言:Day-to-day language of Denmark is Danish, and English, a bit like

天气状况:Mild climate, the summeris cooland thewinteris humid

特殊的节日:There are special holiday Shrovetide, Easter, a series of religious holidays, Constitution Day


Kingdom of Denmark (The Kingdom of Denmark) is a Nordic,it is beautiful and rich country. In Danish language, Danish for "Dan", Mai as "fields", the Danish for "Dan the fields" was conveyed. In Denmark most of the land is latitude 54034 'to 57045' north and longitude 805 'to 15,012' east. Provisional Denmark faces to the Beihai ,near to the Baltic in the east, borders with Germany in the south, and it is accoss Norway, Sweden from the sea in the north. It is composed of most of the Jutland peninsula, Zealand in the east of peninsula, Funen, Boenheermu and so on , totally 406 Islands. Denmark is compartmentalized as National counties, 275 municipalities ,autonomous regions of Greenland and the Faroe Islands . Denmark is a marine climate of temperate broadleaf forest, and the weather is volatile. The winter is not a world of ice and snow as people imagined. However, in February it appears the minimum temperature averaged to minus 0.4 degrees, in July it appears the highest temperature averaged to 16.6 degrees. In Denmark, there is 613 mm in the rain, crop generally rely on natural rainfall. More summer drought, winter is more humid. Danish natural resources, oil and gas, there are zinc, aluminium, iron, lignite, molybdenum, uranium, Crystal Stone, white porcelain territories. Of these, the North Sea Continental Shelf oil reserves estimated at 188 million tons, 200 billion cubic meters of natural gas, lignite reserves of 9,000 billion cubic meters. 493,000 hectares of forest area, representing 12% of the land area. Arable land area of 27,000 square kilometres. 只介绍了丹麦的地理和气候,资源。


Name : Kingdom of Denmark Polity : constitutional monarchy Area : 43,096 square kilometres Population : 5.332 million (2000) National : Danish North German people Languages : Danish Religion : Protestant Christian Capital : Copenhagen Second City : Aarhus Time zone : GMT+01 time zones, the use of daylight saving time National Day : April 16 National flower : Chinese ilex State bird : Cloud magpie Kingdom of Denmark (The Kingdom of Denmark) is a Nordic,it is beautiful and rich country. In Danish language, Danish for "Dan", Mai as "fields", the Danish for "Dan the fields" was conveyed. In Denmark most of the land is latitude 54034 'to 57045' north and longitude 805 'to 15,012' east. Provisional Denmark faces to the Beihai ,near to the Baltic in the east, borders with Germany in the south, and it is accoss Norway, Sweden from the sea in the north. It is composed of most of the Jutland peninsula, Zealand in the east of peninsula, Funen, Boenheermu and so on , totally 406 Islands. Denmark is compartmentalized as National counties, 275 municipalities ,autonomous regions of Greenland and the Faroe Islands . Denmark is a marine climate of temperate broadleaf forest, and the weather is volatile. The winter is not a world of ice and snow as people imagined. However, in February it appears the minimum temperature averaged to minus 0.4 degrees, in July it appears the highest temperature averaged to 16.6 degrees. In Denmark, there is 613 mm in the rain, crop generally rely on natural rainfall. More summer drought, winter is more humid. Danish natural resources, oil and gas, there are zinc, aluminium, iron, lignite, molybdenum, uranium, Crystal Stone, white porcelain territories. Of these, the North Sea Continental Shelf oil reserves estimated at 188 million tons, 200 billion cubic meters of natural gas, lignite reserves of 9,000 billion cubic meters. 493,000 hectares of forest area, representing 12% of the land area. Arable land area of 27,000 square kilometres. 只介绍了丹麦的地理和气候,资源。


最有名的是Sleipnir,八脚马,奥丁的坐骑,是神Loki和马Svaeilfari的后代,所有马中最高贵的,可以骑着它去往冥界.它的父亲Svaeilfari是隐居的冰巨人hrimthurs部落,该部落骑着它建造了众神之都Asgard的围墙Hófvarpnir是和Sleipnir并列的真正神马,是神后Frigg的侍从女神Gna的坐骑,可以飞天踏海行走Hamskerpir和Garerofa是Hófvarpnir的双亲Gullfaxi原来是最强的霜巨人Hrungnir的,他被雷神Thor打败后雷神把马赐给了帮助他的儿子Magni,因为Magni是Thor和女霜巨人所生,奥丁还对Thor不自己用那匹马感到不高兴.说明这是一匹很好的马,在海陆空都能飞速奔跑,不过没Sleipnir快.名字意思是金鬃.Skinfaxi (光鬃)和 Hrímfaxi (霜鬃)是早期神话里日神Dagr和夜神Nott的坐骑,它们的鬃毛点亮天空.后期神话中它们发展成太阳神Sol的神马árvakr(早醒)和Alsvier(极速),一起牵引太阳马车.Blodughofi是农神Frey的坐骑,Gulltorp是人界和神界桥梁(彩虹)的守护神Heimdall的坐骑还有几匹神马在众神前往世界树参加审判时骑坐,但没指明主人,包括Falhofnir,Gisl,Glad,Glaer,Gyllir另外还有一匹名马Grani是北欧最重要的英雄Sigurd(齐格菲理德)的坐骑,他遇见一位老人,他给了Sigurd一匹灰马,说这是世上最好的马,并有Sleipnir的皮.这个老人就是奥丁,Grani是Sleipnir的后代.。


There is one bicycle road around the Danmark Pavillion .


We can also see walkmen and other elements refers to the sustainable development .


There is one “ harbor” in the middle of the harbor and the little mermaid is sitting on the cernter of the harbor.


They will also show us how to creat the sustainable developming city with high qulity life.



丹麦国旗国徽 丹麦国旗,红色旗底上绘白色十字,十字的右边水平横条稍长。


它们代表古代丹麦各封建公国的王权。盾徽上方的红、黄、蓝色王冠镶满了珠宝,象征国王的王位; 丹麦无明文规定的正式国歌,通常起国歌作用的有两首爱国歌曲。

一首是“基里斯当挺立在桅杆旁”,另一首是“有一处好地方”。 丹麦王国(The Kingdom of Denmark)是一个地处北欧、美丽富饶的国家。

在丹语中,丹为“丹人”、麦为“田地”,丹麦即为“丹人的田地”之意。首都是哥本哈根, 位于GMT+01时区,使用夏令时,国庆日是 4月16日, 国花为冬青,云鹊是国鸟。

丹麦的面积为 43094 平方公里(不包括格陵兰和法罗群岛),地势低平,平均海拔 30 米左右,最高点海拔 173 米,最低点海拔 4 米(位于西兰岛)。按 2000 年 4 月 1 日的统计,丹麦人口约为 533.2 万,日耳曼族占总人口的 96% ,多数人为基督教路德宗成员。

丹麦人口增长率为千分之六,家庭平均人口仅为 2.2 人,约有 15% 的人受过大学或同等教育。曾受过诺贝尔科技奖的丹麦学者就有十几位。

丹麦的失业率在 6% 左右,就业人口约 280 万,就业人口行业分布情况大体是:农业 4.5% ,制造业 17.8% ,建筑业 5.7% ,私人和公共服务部门占 72% 。丹麦人均寿命男 72.5 岁,女 77.8 岁, 85% 的人口居住在城镇。


The Denmark national flag , the red flag draw the white cross on the bottom , cross-shaped on the right level barre mark is slightly long. The cross symbolizes that Christianity develops history effect in process in whose civilization; From one, on the surface, under the tie, the round golden yellow shield emblem and one most three-colour royal crown are composed of a national emblem. The shield is drawn on the emblem having 3 blue lion and 9 red heart-shaped pendants. They every Royal prerogative of feudalism duchy representing Denmark the ancient times. Red above shield emblem, yellow, the blue royal crown inlays the full jewelry , throne of symbol king; Denmark has no formal national anthem clearly stipulated in writing , plays national anthem role generally to have two patriotic songs. One be "that Jilisi thinks that another is to "have one to finish getting along a place by the side of standing firm in the mast "". The Denmark kingdom (The Kingdom of Denmark) is that one is located in Northern Europe , a beautiful and richly-endowed country. Intention of "farmland being that the red person " , wheat are that "farmland" , Denmark are to be a "red people" in red language China-Denmark. Capital is Copenhagen , being located in GMT + area at 1 o'clock , being using summer time , National Day is April 16 , the national flower is a Chinese ilex , says that the magpie is country bird. Danish area is 43094 square kilometers (not including Greenland and follow Luo archipelago) , the physical feature of a place is low and flat, average 30 metres above sea level or so, maximal point rises 173 meters , the rock bottom rises 4 meters (be located in Zealand). According to 2000 year 4 month 1 day statistics, Denmark population is that 533.2 is myriad about, every day ear the race of Man accounts for 96% of population general , the majority is a Christianity Ludezong member. The Denmark population growth rate is 6/1000 , family average population is 2.2 people only , has 15%'s people to have accepted university or equal education about. The Denmark having had accepted Nobel Prize of science and technology scholar has more than ten places right away.Danish rate of unemployment controls in 6% , that employed population about 280 ten thousand , employed population industry distribute condition cardinal principle is: Agriculture 4.5%, manufacturing industry 17.8%, building industry 5.7%, personal friend or relatives and the common service department account for 72%.Per capita Denmark life-span male 72.5-year-old , daughter 77.8-year-old, 85%'s population lives in city and town. Be Dane's main characteristic honest , straightforward , fervent , conscientious. Danish is official language , the quilt also applies English broadly.。


The national flag of Denmark or Dannebrog (Danish pronunciation: [?dan??b?o?]), is red with a white Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side. On the Danish flag, the cross design, which represents Christianity,was subsequently adopted by the other Nordic countries; Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, as well as the Scottish archipelagos of Shetland and Orkney. During the Danish-Norwegian personal union, Dannebrog ("Danish cloth") was also the flag of Norway and continued to be, with slight modifications, until Norway adopted its current flag in 1821。



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