2023-02-24 11:15:04



A:Welcome to our hotel.


A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?


B:Let me have a check again.


A:The Reception Desk is straight ahead.


A:After you, please.



B:Excuse me,where is the restaurant?


A:We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant.Which one do you prefer?


B:I'd like to try some Chinese food today.





A: What did you do today? (你今天干嘛了?) B: I went shopping at the mall. (我去购物中心逛街了) A: What did you buy? (那你买了什么?) B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not. (我原来想买条裙子的,可结果没买.) A: Why? (为什么?) B: Well, they didn't have a dress my size. (店里没我的尺寸。)

A: I see. What did the dress look like? (使这样啊。那条裙子是什么样的?) B: It was black with white patterns on it. It was very pretty. (那是条黑底白纹的裙子。

很漂亮。) A: Maybe you should go to the mall again some other day. They might have stocked your size then. (也许你应该改天再去一次。

没准那时候那家店会进你的尺寸) B: Good idea. That's what I'll do. (好主意。就这么办。)


A: Lool, The Great Wall B: It's really magnificent! A: This is a man-made wonder and it is thought of as one of the wonders in the world. Imagine the astronauts in spaces found that it is the only man-made thing that can be seen up there besides the pyramids in Egypt. B: Look, so many people are here. I am sure that there are thoudsands of people visiting it every day. A: Yes, there are more than ten of thoudsand visitors climbing The Great Wall every day. B: What's the length og The Great Wall? A: Rhe Great Wall menders form East to West for about 6000 kilometers or 12000 li. B: Yes, the construction of The Great Wall first began during the Warring States period about 2500 years ago. Some small kingdoms built huge walls to protect their territories. When Qin Shihuang unified China in 221 Bc, he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended. From then on, we got The Great Wall. A: Ah, I see. The Great Wall has a history of more than two thousand years. 嫌长自己再删除些.B: Let's go now. My friends told me that there is a famous Chinese saying"The one who hasn't been to The Great Wall is not a true man." We will be really true men when we get to the top.。


Mary:Hi!Tom,you look fine in the new shirt!Tom:Thanks a lot for saying so.And you are quite beautiful in the fine sirt.Mary:Thanks!Then,what food do you like to eat for lunch?Tom:Oh,I like noodles very much.But my brother likes rice.How about you?Mary:I'd like to have rice,too.However,my parents prefer noodles for lunch.So,my parents often have to prepare special meals for me.This make me greatly moved by their love.Tom:You are very lucky to be taken good care of,and so am I.By the way,what do you want to do in the future?Mary:I am looking forward to going to university and then work as an engineer after graduation.What's your dream?Tom:I am fond of music ,therefore,I am going to study music at collge and then work as a singer.Mary:Then,let's study hard and work together to make our dreams come true.手工原创,专业帮助。



Mary:Hi!Tom,you look fine in the new shirt!

Tom:Thanks a lot for saying so.And you are quite beautiful in the fine sirt.

Mary:Thanks!Then,what food do you like to eat for lunch?

Tom:Oh,I like noodles very much.But my brother likes rice.How about you?

Mary:I'd like to have rice,too.However,my parents prefer noodles for lunch.So,my parents often have to prepare special meals for me.This make me greatly moved by their love.

Tom:You are very lucky to be taken good care of,and so am I.By the way,what do you want to do in the future?

Mary:I am looking forward to going to university and then work as an engineer after graduation.What's your dream?

Tom:I am fond of music ,therefore,I am going to study music at collge and then work as a singer.

Mary:Then,let's study hard and work together to make our dreams come true.




三人的行么? A: How have you been? It had been quite some time since we last met. B: I am fine thank you. Let me introduce to you. This is my classmate, C . A: Nice to meet you C. I am A. I'm a psychology student. C: Nice to meet you too A. B: Our exam is over. How about yours? A: Today is the last day of my final exam. C: This means all three of us are having holiday from now onwards. A: Yes. Do both of you have any plans for your holidays? B: I'm planning to go travelling. Since my holiday is three weeks long. C: Where is your travel destination? B: Singapore.My sister and her family lives there.I will be staying in their house. A: It is very convenient then. I heard the accomodation there is very expansive. Since your sister is there then you don't need to worry much. C: I am planning to get a part time job. A: Have you found one? C: Yes. I am thinking to work in my brother's company. They are currently in need of a temporary worker.I can fill in the vacancy. B: That is very lucky of you. Most people will face difficulties in getting a part time job. C: So how about you A? What is your holiday plan? A: Just like B, I am planning to go for a trip but I have not decide on which country to visit. B: What do you have in mind? A: I was thinking about Thailand or Korea. C: Well both places are interesting. A: Yes I think so too. That is the reason why I have not make up my decision yet. B: I've got to go now. See you soon then. C: See you. A: Bye. Take care.k: How have you? JakeJ1: I am fine thank you. K: Nice to meet you.I an Kevin.J2. I am Jafe. I'm a student. J2: Nice to meet you too. K:What's your hobby?J2:I like riding a bike.K:Oh,I like riding a bike,too. J1:Me too.J1:There is a bike show at the park on the sunday.Let's go together.K:OkJ2:Good idea.。


Mary: Hi Jack!Jack: Hi, Goodafternoon Mary.Mary: What did you eat for lunch?Jack: nothing special, Just two hamburgers.Mary: So you always eat hamburgers for lunch?Jack:Yeah, that's right.Mary: Why? That's too unhealthy.Jack: Well, it's very cheap and convenient .,and it's time-saving too. I can do some homework while others are busy with their lunch.Mary: oh, you shuoldn't have done that. Health is much more important than anything else。

8.两人英语情景对话 安慰(对话要多于十句)

A Hi Bob, are you all right? You look quite disturbed to me.B Well, I'm all right I guess.. it's just that..A Don't worry, you can tell me what's going on, maybe I can help you out.B Well, I just broke up with my girlfriend.A Really? I'm sorry to hear that. So how come you broke up with her?B You see, she wanted to get married with me, but I wanted to find a job first.A Aww, that's so sad to hear. So she couldn't wait until you get a job?B I guess not, that's why we broke up.A Well, look on the bright side, you should focus on finding a nice job right now, and maybe afterwards you can get back with your girlfriend. If that doesn't work out, then I'm sure you'll find a better girl.B Yeah, I guess so, thanks for comforting me.A No problem, I hope you'll feel better。


A: hello B: Hi, how you doing these days?A: Great! I just bought a MP4 player a few days ago and I'd like to listen to some music.B: yeah, which type of musics do you like?A un..,pop music B yeah, I am fond of this type music. BUt you know many people don't like this type of music especially some old people. A:Yes, it is acceptable. because people in different ages like different musics. My father like country music but some times he would like to listen some pop music when he feel very happy. B; yeah, that's true. people like kinds of music in different mood. A: yeah, I will try some other musics laterB: maybe I can recommend some for you A sound great。



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