2023-02-20 13:02:53

Villagers from Wuying Village gather with local people to enjoy stove-boiled tea in Tongban hamlet, Dongqi Township of Rong'an County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Feb. 18, 2023.

Tongban hamlet, located in remote mountainous area of Rong'an County in Guangxi, was once an "empty village" with only six elders living. Thanks to the support of local authorities, more and more people who had worked outside the hamlet chose to return to develop sightseeing tourism at their hometown in the past years. In 2018, Tongban was lifted out of poverty.

Wuying Village is a Miao ethnic-minority hamlet that nestles snugly in the towering mountains stretching across the border between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province. The whole village shook off poverty in 2020, despite its barren lands, harsh natural environment and inconvenient transportation.

In recent years, Tongban hamlet and Wuying Village have made joint efforts in the fields of culture, rural tourism, etc. to promote rural vitalization for further development. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)

Villagers from Wuying Village visit Tongban hamlet, Dongqi Township of Rong'an County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Feb. 18, 2023.

Tongban hamlet, located in remote mountainous area of Rong'an County in Guangxi, was once an "empty village" with only six elders living. Thanks to the support of local authorities, more and more people who had worked outside the hamlet chose to return to develop sightseeing tourism at their hometown in the past years. In 2018, Tongban was lifted out of poverty.

Wuying Village is a Miao ethnic-minority hamlet that nestles snugly in the towering mountains stretching across the border between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province. The whole village shook off poverty in 2020, despite its barren lands, harsh natural environment and inconvenient transportation.

In recent years, Tongban hamlet and Wuying Village have made joint efforts in the fields of culture, rural tourism, etc. to promote rural vitalization for further development. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)

Villagers from Wuying Village play the Lusheng, a traditional reed-pipe wind instrument, together with villagers from Tongban hamlet during an event held in Tongban hamlet, Dongqi Township of Rong'an County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Feb. 18, 2023.

Tongban hamlet, located in remote mountainous area of Rong'an County in Guangxi, was once an "empty village" with only six elders living. Thanks to the support of local authorities, more and more people who had worked outside the hamlet chose to return to develop sightseeing tourism at their hometown in the past years. In 2018, Tongban was lifted out of poverty.

Wuying Village is a Miao ethnic-minority hamlet that nestles snugly in the towering mountains stretching across the border between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province. The whole village shook off poverty in 2020, despite its barren lands, harsh natural environment and inconvenient transportation.

In recent years, Tongban hamlet and Wuying Village have made joint efforts in the fields of culture, rural tourism, etc. to promote rural vitalization for further development. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)

Villagers from Wuying Village watch a demonstration of tea-making techniques in Tongban hamlet, Dongqi Township of Rong'an County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Feb. 18, 2023.

Tongban hamlet, located in remote mountainous area of Rong'an County in Guangxi, was once an "empty village" with only six elders living. Thanks to the support of local authorities, more and more people who had worked outside the hamlet chose to return to develop sightseeing tourism at their hometown in the past years. In 2018, Tongban was lifted out of poverty.

Wuying Village is a Miao ethnic-minority hamlet that nestles snugly in the towering mountains stretching across the border between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province. The whole village shook off poverty in 2020, despite its barren lands, harsh natural environment and inconvenient transportation.

In recent years, Tongban hamlet and Wuying Village have made joint efforts in the fields of culture, rural tourism, etc. to promote rural vitalization for further development. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)

Local people teach villagers from Wuying Village to cook rice in bamboo, in Tongban hamlet of Dongqi Township in Rong'an County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Feb. 18, 2023.

Tongban hamlet, located in remote mountainous area of Rong'an County in Guangxi, was once an "empty village" with only six elders living. Thanks to the support of local authorities, more and more people who had worked outside the hamlet chose to return to develop sightseeing tourism at their hometown in the past years. In 2018, Tongban was lifted out of poverty.

Wuying Village is a Miao ethnic-minority hamlet that nestles snugly in the towering mountains stretching across the border between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province. The whole village shook off poverty in 2020, despite its barren lands, harsh natural environment and inconvenient transportation.

In recent years, Tongban hamlet and Wuying Village have made joint efforts in the fields of culture, rural tourism, etc. to promote rural vitalization for further development. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)



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