2023-02-11 22:45:01

1.物品申购流程 请翻译一小段

The product Shen Gou4's processThe usage personnel fill in a product Shen Gou4 Dan Bai3 →it keep belong to the leadership sign an opinion →section the manager sign an opinion →administration department the manager sign an opinion →finance department the manager sign an opinion →general manager examination and approvalNote:The product purchase and have to press the process to carry out, can not purchase without authorization;Use the person has to carry out to get by hand continuous, then can get to use combine appropriate preservation. Please a process■ The purchase please a style* Purchase payment practice week knot make, each Tuesday is transfer pay day, special circumstances next Thursday consider feeling arrangement transfer payment; * All purchase list is confirm signing by the general manager assistant →finance department the cashier examine →finance the manager examine →general manager approval →cashier payment and notice supplier →the accountancy recheck and statistics; * Cash on delivery from purchase specialist confirm incoming goods amount, on the receipt signature of the supplier confirm payment amount of money, and at purchase list top signature confirm method of payment is cash payment, confirm without any error empress notice cashier payment, the accountancy recheck.(distinction cash payment and transfer pay, insure not repeated payment) ■The logistics please a style* The logistics traffic expense practice a month knot to make, namely every 20-30th pay the freight in last month; * Logistics reject goods and the tariff please a style practice uncertain period solid report solid sell, the amount of money need to hand over account render a day in advance in above 2000 dollars; The account render is confirm signing by the Shipping Team Leader →logistics department the manager examine →finance department the cashier examine →finance the manager examine →general manager examination and approval payment →the accountancy recheck and notice Shipping Team Leader. ■Other please a style* In addition to purchase payment, logistics freight and finance be direct to be responsible for pleasing a style of havings the expenses please a style, is unify by the administration department to carry on pleasing a style, the amount of money is in fill in of above 1000 dollars account render, the amount of money submit an expense account in fill in of below 1000 dollars expenses list; * Please a style/submit an expense account a person to fill in account render/submit an expense account a list →it keep belong to the leadership sign an opinion →section the manager sign an opinion →administration department the manager sign an opinion →cashier's personnel examine →finance manager examination and approval →general manager approval →cashier payment →please a style/submit an expense account person's label to accept; Note:Please a style/submit an expense account a list beard supplementary Shen Gou4 Dan Bai3, such as the special circumstances need a general manager an approval signing. * Please a style/submit an expense account person's beard to glue to stick voucher by oneself, and keep tidy, beauty, can not use to order a book to nail to pack to nail; * In order to submit an expense account a day each Friday, other time not to accept. Borrow funds examination and approval procedure■On account of duty borrow fundsBorrow funds a person to fill in first to borrow funds an application a list according to product Shen Gou4 Dan Bai3 →it keep belong to leadership to sign an opinion →section the manager sign an opinion →administration personnel department the manager sign an opinion →finance department manager examination and approval →general manager approval →cashier style →borrow funds person's label to accept. ■Personal borrow fundsPersonal fill in to borrow funds a list →finance manager examination and approval →general manager approval →cashier style →borrow funds person's label to acceptNote:The amount of money can borrow funds at the above 500 dollars square;Borrow funds and note appropriate reason;Personal 50% which borrow funds the quota as base wage; Borrow funds the person has to is be a month or anticipate to return a style a day inside settle amount of money;The super period knotted and will deduct in borrow funds the artificial property. Each section of company and each employee carry out a wealth meeting business, have to obey origin provision.General manager's room is responsible to explain this provision, self-。



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