2023-01-30 10:45:18

1.用英语五句话介绍一下mickey mouse

Mickey Mouse, is a founded in 1928 by Water Disney and Ubud E. Waxman in the Walt Disney Studios cartoon characters.


Mickey Mouse is an anthropomorphic black rats, and usually wear red shorts, yellow shoes and white gloves.


His charisma and friendliness made him a central figure in clubhouse, and his warmth and emotion made him a rich history of the most popular cartoon image.


As the official mascot of the Walt Disney Company, Mickey Mouse is one of the world's most famous cartoon character.


The Mickey Mouse character design and lucky rabbit Oswald similar


2.用英语介绍一下 米老鼠

Mickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character who has become a symbol for The Walt Disney Company. He was created on November 18, 1928 by Ub Iwerks and voiced by Walt Disney, and the mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Walt Disney himself voiced Mickey Mouse from 1928 until 1946, when sound effects man James G. MacDonald took over the role. Mickey has been voiced since 1983 by Wayne Allwine, MacDonald's former apprentice. Mickey Mouse debuted on November 18, 1928 in the animated cartoon Steamboat Willie. His comics debut was January 13, 1930 when he got his own comic strip. (The first adventure was Lost on a Desert Island.) The strip was first written by Walt Disney himself (and drawn by Ub Iwerks), but soon Floyd Gottfredson took over the strip and continued to draw it for decades. Related characters Mickey has a girlfriend, Minnie, two nephews, Morty and Ferdie and a dog, Pluto。


Mickey Mouse debuted in the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie and went on to become the familiar symbol of Walt Disney studios. A cheerful rodent in white gloves and red shorts, Mickey starred in dozens of Disney shorts and the 1940 animated feature Fantasia, becoming one of the world's best-known cartoon characters. After 1950 Mickey appeared only rarely in films and instead settled into a role as Disney's ambassador in its TV shows, advertisements and theme parks.。

4.请用60个词左右给大家描述一下Mickey Mouse的外部形象

Mickey Mouse has large black ears, a black round nose,and long slender black tail. Mickey has a creamy white face, a pair of big hands and feet. He likes to wear big white gloves and big yellow shoes. Mickey sings and dances. He is friendly and funny, which is why Mickey is a favorite of children of all ages. I love Mickey Mouse.。


Mickey Mouse is an Academy Award-winning comic animal cartoon character who has become an icon for The Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks[1] and voiced by Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928 upon the release of Steamboat Willie.[2] The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world.Donald Duck is an animated cartoon and comic-book character from Walt Disney Productions. Donald is a white anthropomorphic duck with yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He usually wears a sailor shirt, cap, and a red or black bowtie — but no trousers (except when he goes swimming). Donald's most famous trait is his easily provoked and occasionally explosive temper.According to Disney canon, Donald's full name is Donald Fauntleroy Duck, probably a reference to his traditional outfit. Donald's birthday is officially recognized as June 9, 1934[2], the day his debut film was released, but in The Three Caballeros, his birthday is given as simply "Friday the 13th". In Donald's Happy Birthday (short) gives his birthday as 13 March.。




尽管是个成年角色,但他保留了孩童的好奇,快乐,有点小调皮; 并不总是很守规矩或很有礼貌,偶尔还有些贪玩,有点懒散,耐性不足,冲动而急躁,丢三落四,脾气颇为火爆,甚至会有些傲僈,有时会语出伤人,但过后又懊悔不已,想尽办法弥补。 他颇富正义感,好打抱不平,常常会因此而不自量力,深陷麻烦中,但又总能凭借智慧成功地摆脱麻烦,圆满地解决问题。






Mickey Mouse is proof that good guys finish first. With an optimistic outlook on life and a boyishly enthusiastic nature, these are the traits that make Mickey a real winner. He's a friendly kid-at-heart whose wholesome values and can-do spirit endear Mickey to everyone he meets. Unassuming and modest, he's an all-around "regular" guy who remains humble despite all his fame and success. With positive values and integrity, Mickey's the friend we'd all like to have and the person we'd like to be. Debut: November 18, 1928 - Steamboat Willie First Color Film: The Band Concert Past Roles: Firefighter, sorcerer's apprentice, explorer, football player, and more. Hobbies: Sports, spending time with Minnie and Pluto Featured Magazines: Time, Newsweek, Life, National Geographic, Good Housekeeping Favorite Pet: Pluto (Nemesis is Figaro) Height: 2 ?heads tall Favorite Phrases: "Gosh!", "Oh, boy!", "Aw-Gee", "Uh-Oh!" Note of Interest: Mickey's head can be drawn using a quarter and two dimes.。


Mickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character who has become a symbol for The Walt Disney CompanyMickey Mouse debuted on November 18,1928 in the animated cartoon Steamboat Willie.Mickey has been voiced since 1983 by Wayne Allwine,MacDonald's former apprentice.Mickey has a girlfriend,Minnie,two nephews,Morty and Ferdie and a dog,Pluto.。

9.谁能提供关Micky mouse的英文资料啊


这个短点(介绍米奇的):Mickey Mouse is proof that good guys finish first. With an optimistic outlook on life and a boyishly enthusiastic nature, these are the traits that make Mickey a real winner. He's a friendly kid-at-heart whose wholesome values and can-do spirit endear Mickey to everyone he meets. Unassuming and modest, he's an all-around "regular" guy who remains humble despite all his fame and success. With positive values and integrity, Mickey's the friend we'd all like to have and the person we'd like to be.

还有长点的:Mickey Mouse is arguably the most famous of the Disney cartoon characters. Making his debut in "Steamboat Willie" at the colony Theatre in New York City on November 18, 1928, Mickey went on to star in over 120 different cartoons. He also starred in "The Mickey Mouse Club" television show of the 1950s.

Mickey Mouse's original drawings used circles for his head, body and ears. 1939's "The Pointer" saw a bold, new design for Mickey as his body became more pear-shaped and pupils were added to his eyes to increase his range of expression. Later on, animators of the 1940s would add a perspective aspect to his ears, giving them a three-dimensional effect. This change, however, was short-lived. The Mickey Mouse of today appears much as he did in the early days with the exception of a costume change here and there.

Originally, Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself. Later, those duties were assumed by Jim Macdonald and today Wayne Allwine provides Mickey's distinctive voice.

Mickey Mouse has appeared on thousands of merchandise items, and currently holds the esteemed title of Chief Greeter at the Disney theme parks.



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