2023-01-30 09:45:02

1.求一篇 关于曹冲称象的初二英语作文








One day somebody sent Cao Cao an elephant.Cao Cao wanted to know its weight,but there was nothing big enough to weigh it on.Cao Chong told his father he could weigh the elephant if he had a big boat and a lot of heavy stones.Cao Cao and some other people were very surprised,but still he ordered his men to get everything ready.When they led the elephant down into the boat,the water came up,then Cao Chong marked the water line.Then they drove the elephant onto the bank and put the heavy stones in the boat until the water came up to the same line.At last,Cao Chong told the men to weigh each of the stones.In this way,he weighed the elephant.


Chong was known for his quip from an early age. When he grew to 5 or 6 years old his intelligence was match for an adult. One time, Quan sent an elephant over and Cao wanted to know the weight. They asked around for an approach but nobody could propose one. Then Chong said, we can lead the elephant to a boat, mark the water and replace the elephant with other things. We can know the weight of the elephant by weighing the stuff on the boat。


Cao Cao was very glad to have received an elephant as a present. He wanted to know how heavy the elephant was, but there was no scale(秤) big enough to weigh such a huge creature. One day, Cao Chong said to his father.“I've found a way to weigh the elephant .”

Cao Chong asked a man to lead the elephant onto a boat.When the boat stopped sinking ,the man draw a line along on the boat side. After the elephant was led away, Cao Chong had some men put stones into the boat until the water reached the line.

Cao Chong asked the men to weigh each stone from the boat and put down the number.

“Add up all the numbers and we will know the weight of the elephant.”Cao Chong said to his father with kind of pride.

4.英语作文 曹冲称象

One day somebody sent Cao Cao an elephant.Cao Cao wanted to know its weight,but there was nothing big enough to weigh it on.Cao Chong told his father he could weigh the elephant if he had a big boat and a lot of heavy stones.Cao Cao and some other people were very surprised,but still he ordered his men to get everything ready.When they led the elephant down into the boat,the water came up,then Cao Chong marked the water line.Then they drove the elephant onto the bank and put the heavy stones in the boat until the water came up to the same line.At last,Cao Chong told the men to weigh each of the stones.In this way,he weighed the elephant.。


曹冲称象Cao Chong called elephant古时候有个叫曹操的人。






他叫人照曹冲说的办法去做,果然称出了大象的重量。There was a man named Cao Cao in ancient times. He was happy to send him an elephant. He took his son and officials together to see him.The elephant is tall and big. It is like a wall and its legs are like four pillars. The officials commented as they read: "How big is this big elephant?"Cao Cao asked: "Who has a way to call this elephant a name?" Some said: "We must build a large scale and cut a large tree to do the scale." Some said: "With a large scale, it is not OK. , Who has so much strength to afford this large scale?” Cao Cao shook his head.Cao Cao's son, Cao Chongcai, was seven years old. He stood up and said, “I have a way. Bring the elephant to a big boat and see how much the ship's body sinks. Just follow the water and draw a line on the side of the ship. Bring the elephants to the shore, load the ship with stones, and install it until the ship sinks to where it is drawn. Then call a stone on the boat. There are multiple stones and there are multiple elephants."Cao Cao smiled and nodded. He told people to do what Cao Chong said. It really claimed the weight of the elephant.。



Cao Chong called elephant






There was a man named Cao Cao in ancient times. He was happy to send him an elephant. He took his son and officials together to see him.

The elephant is tall and big. It is like a wall and its legs are like four pillars. The officials commented as they read: "How big is this big elephant?"

Cao Cao asked: "Who has a way to call this elephant a name?" Some said: "We must build a large scale and cut a large tree to do the scale." Some said: "With a large scale, it is not OK. , Who has so much strength to afford this large scale?” Cao Cao shook his head.

Cao Cao's son, Cao Chongcai, was seven years old. He stood up and said, “I have a way. Bring the elephant to a big boat and see how much the ship's body sinks. Just follow the water and draw a line on the side of the ship. Bring the elephants to the shore, load the ship with stones, and install it until the ship sinks to where it is drawn. Then call a stone on the boat. There are multiple stones and there are multiple elephants."

Cao Cao smiled and nodded. He told people to do what Cao Chong said. It really claimed the weight of the elephant.


One day, Sun Quan gave Cao Cao an elephant. Cao Cao led the officials and small son Cao Chong, together see. Cao Cao who have not seen the elephant. This elephant is big and tall, the light that had legs so thick pillars hall, people approached to race with, but also out of the reach of its belly. Cao Cao said that: "This elephant is really big, but in the end there are multiple ways to do that you have called it one of which called??" Cao Chong thought of a way, like Cao Chong led someone to take on board, such as the hull stable, Sarkozy on the side of the ship where the water carved a round after round. Telling people to get the elephant led to the shore, the large and small stone, a piece of land to the ship equipment, boat sank on a little bit. Such as hull sank to just carved and water lines in the same piece of Qi, Cao Chong called to stop loading stones. As long as the boat where the stones weigh, the weight adds up, you know, as there are multiple up.望采纳O(∩_∩)O~。



Tortoise rabbit race: This is a cuckold and rabbit first competition. The cuckold intensifies the training on before the match , is prepared; Rabbit does not approve then , foundation does not hold an opponent- ? disdain. Competition has been beginning , rabbit has been running forward , has been turning about to look around often, see a cuckold with self's eyes as early as unhurriedly, being crawling , being thinking of ": The champion I , and I alone , am deserve the position , have a rest first also may as well ". A head by the road lies down to have slept thereupon under the tree. Everybody knows ultimate result very well most probably very much , the cuckold persists in having won victory after all.


Cao Chong weighs an elephant: Cao Chong is elder when to about 5-year-old, degree reached by knowledge and judgement, can be comparable with an adult (if a adult). Have once , Sun Quan to have come to give to a huge elephant, the first founder of a dynasty wants to know the weight that this resembles , to ask about subordinates , can not tell the way fitting an elephant. Cao Chong said "On an elephant being put in to the big ship, before local reached by water surface have composed a sign, let the boat capacity call an once these things other from east to west (while) water surface also reaches a sign again, be therefore likely to have known so comparatively down (general thing mass almost is equal to elephant's mass) ". The first founder of a dynasty has listened to very happy , have done immediately according to this way.


One day, Sun Quan gave Cao Cao an elephant. Cao Cao led the officials and small son Cao Chong, together see.

Cao Cao who have not seen the elephant. This elephant is big and tall, the light that had legs so thick pillars hall, people approached to race with, but also out of the reach of its belly. Cao Cao said that: "This elephant is really big, but in the end there are multiple ways to do that you have called it one of which called??"

Cao Chong thought of a way, like Cao Chong led someone to take on board, such as the hull stable, Sarkozy on the side of the ship where the water carved a round after round. Telling people to get the elephant led to the shore, the large and small stone, a piece of land to the ship equipment, boat sank on a little bit. Such as hull sank to just carved and water lines in the same piece of Qi, Cao Chong called to stop loading stones. As long as the boat where the stones weigh, the weight adds up, you know, as there are multiple up.




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