2023-01-25 21:34:43


And the wind makes you cool. Of course.we are wondering all the time. When a rock jets wery hot or very cold ,it cracks(裂开),Rain falls into the cracks. We know a lot about our world , sclentists can not answer all of our questions. Although the air over the earth goes up .But there are still many answers that we do not have . Then the cool air over the water moves inan takes the place of thr air . When you are near a lake or an ocean ; Scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks, you feel thr cool air when it moves in . You feel the wind.'Scientists are not sure about the answer to this uertion.The rivers carry the salt into the ocean?The ocean does mot get more salty every year,but it cannot make the water very hot;Why is the ocean full of salt(盐)?'. If we ask, :'We Are Wondering 学无止境 When the weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean.Why?The sun makes the earth hot。







Good morning , every one. My name is XiongYan, I'm on duty today. We have Chinese, English, mach in the morning. ang history,double Chinese in the afternoon. I don't like Chinese and history, but I know that also important,so I do my best to learn it, I believe:" Nothing is ness ary, if you put your mind to do it." I like English and mach . Beacause I think they are funny. and cherry is my favourite fruit,so I have a English name"Cherry-lona", do you want to know how spell it? I'll tell you."C-H-E-R-R-Y-L-O-N-A" It's a long name. do you like it?. I like play computer, too. But the teacher said is bad for study,so I didn't always play it. 小荷作文网 e a great power .所以,同学们,让我们来改变。相信彼此,慷慨给出援助之手,当他人患难之时。相信正义,保存善良之心。成为一个真正有希望的学生。小事也能聚成大力量。


Good morning! everyone!

It's my duty today. Today is Monday!(今天我值日,今天是星期一,当然可以根据你做报告的时间来改)

It is sunny day!(今天是天气晴朗,根据具体修改)The Women's Day is coming!Dear teacher,I wish you a happy Women's Day!(三八妇女节就要到了,祝老师节日快乐。当然前提是你的老师是女老师,呵呵)

That's all.Thank you!(以上就是我的值日报告,谢谢)


Good morning class taday is Tuesday march 31th. the weather is rain we are all here have a loveday. I have a new friend his name is xx he has two black eyes and two big ears he is a lovely boy he is 1.7 metters tall . That's all . Thank you。



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