2023-01-23 19:04:57

1.My family rules 为题写一篇短文

There are some rules in my family. First, I should study until ten every evening. . Second, I can't watch TV when I go to school in the day. Third, I should keep my room clean. Four, I must not wear earrings, not to mention piece holes in my ears. I think those rules are good for me. but I think sometimes my parents are too strict with me. Sometimes when I talk with my friends, they know something that I don't know, because I can't watch TV at weekdays. My friends all laugh at me. So I hope my parents can change some rules.。

2.my family rules

①My Family Rules

There are some rules in my family. I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.I have to do homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. On weekends, i have to clean my room and visit my grandparents.I always very busy.Although I am very busy,I still very happy

② My family rules

I have a lot of rules at my house. Maybe you'll say “so do we”. For me the rules is a little strict. For example, my mom shouldn't be allowed me go out or return home late. If I do that, she will get annoyed. On my school days, I can't watch TV, or listen to music. She thought it will make my study bad. And my parents are not allowed me to get my ears pieced. I think that's right. If I do that, I will become a bad child. In my free time, I need to do some easy housework, my father said. Difficult can make me get more exercise. However, I am allowed to choose my own clothes and make many friends. I think the rules are like my parents' love. So I never mind that. I will try my best to do that.


3.请以“My Family Rules”为题写一篇80词左右的英文作文

Every family has its own rules. Some of the family rules seem so strict to the family members, however, the rules of my family are quite sufferable to me.

My family rules are all based on the word of "FAMILY", that is "Father and mother, I love you." We set these family rules in order to keep the good relationship among us and make my family as a united one.

To be a student in school and a child at home, I think basically I should fit to some of the family rules that they could help me to follow the right directions. For example, my mom does not allow me go out or return home late. She thought it would make my studying bad and even cause something in negative effect.

In addition, I should get up at six o'clock every morning and do homework immediately after school. I could not be able to watch television, surf on internet and play computer games during the nights in school days. On weekends, I have to clean my room by myself.

My family rues make me become busier than others. Although I am very busy, I still feel happy and meaningful.


Do you know?I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at seven o'clock every morning.I can't go out on school nights.but I can go out on weekends.I can't play when I do my homework. And I have to be in bed by eleven o'clock.On weekends,I can watch TV and go out.Then I have to help my mom clean the rooms.Sometimes,I have to help my mom go shoping.I'm lucky.And I can go to the library with my friend.The last one,I can't fight with anybody!。

5.跪求以My Family Rules为题写一篇50词的小短文

Hellow everyone, I am so glad to share my family rules.I have to get up at 6:30.After breakfast I have to go to school by myself. Besides, I have to stay at home on time. I should help my mom do some housework.. I can't go out at night. Although my family has many rules, I know it is good for me.。

6.英语作文 关于家庭规则rules

My family Rules A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules. For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , I'm not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I can't join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They don't know I'm intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing. There is good say "Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,"but though I should study hard .Of course,I'm old enough to make my own decision. 仅作参考。



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