2023-01-23 14:45:19














要点: 1、你需要简单说下你的基本信息,你为什么要申请,做过什么研究,有过什么成绩,发表过什么文章以及你的研究方向是什么。

2、你要对他研究访学有个大概了解,表明你很感兴趣,期望加入他的队伍。 3、说明你的英语水平,也就是你能否用英文简单沟通。

4、申请免学费的话,可以告知希望免学费。 总之,你的申请信尽量写的言简意赅。

注意事项 (1)申请的事项要写清楚、具体,涉及到的数据要准确无误。 (2)理由要充分、合理,实事求是,不能虚夸和杜撰,否则难以得到上级领导的批准。

(3)语言要准确、简洁,态度要诚恳、朴实。 。


Michael: I 'm happy to play with all the players, because they had a great team……. not one, two, three…..(大家注意!这句话是熊的金字招牌~~前后超猛重复~太可爱拉!~) …..good players ,all, all,er (真的无语了~)….all big players ,er, and, I didn't first…. strange secession (这词用的真地道~就是没听懂前后联系,555都是我的错~~估计是想说 go through the secession) …it's er, er,…. temper(ature) 's high, yeah, very fast(搞什么啊到底???)…and good quality,. .high quality …I think it's not one special player….i might be (do?too?。。..我被彻底搞甍了%&^%*^() play with all these players and ,er….yes…they're very ,very …good teams primarily(猛赞!!!!) not one, two…..(金,子,招,牌,显,灵……….) Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham(克帅的老东家呀~~)…yes,..all…only…few., short part of ,of….but I'm happy ,happy to play in this big league (棒棒~~)and yeah…


Reporter:%#&%$^%@%$#%)_*_。。。.singing the song…..something has to say?

Michael: (重重的一记傻笑!) hehehehe ….. it was a German song , and.. I don't know the title(这德国调重的~~) but… nobody understand it what's good for me (又笑!!傻巴~)..

(Chelsea field for photo opportunity….. )

Reporter: ……….^*)^*&%*^$(&_)(+_)(_)*(&^$%#$%@。。.. (又哭….大概就是问对冠军联赛有什么期待~~)

Michael: first… we look for the season …because that's important….because Italian….during the season.. very famous….i think the national title and(看来熊是一生也忘不了那场伤心赛了55555陪着我的熊熊`) ….ja…after this, we're looking for the champions league(熊做梦都在念叨的词儿),…..we had a great team ,also with six, seven, eight(我数我数数数…..)…..other teams in Europe they can win the champions league.(老这么捧人家~~~)..and .yeah…it's(&^*&_(*+)_()_)((*……(翻译终于终于终于忍不住了…熊也忍不住了.) great challenge for me and ,er…our team to win this……


unfair, for three reasons: First, applicants with different abilities are faced with the same type of exam paper, second, the results of a mere three days of examination affect the applicant's whole future; and third, applicants who can afford private tutors usually score higher marks than those who are poorer, but perhaps more intelligent.

To improve the system of college entrance exams, I suggest the following steps: the exam papers should be graded to tak


你好,厚 谱 教 育(访 问 学 者 申 请 领 跑 者)资 深 顾 问 为 你 解 答。

标准比较有特色的模板,如下: Dear Professor xx. Thank you very much for your kind reply. I am sorry that during the summer vacation I cannot read and reply your email in time. As stated in my first letter, my desired entrance date is in Fall of 2000. And I would like to provide my test scores. My TOEFL test score is 647 (Oct. 1997) with a TWE score of 5.0. My GRE test score is 2340 (Oct. 1996, V770 M800 A770). My GRE Subject score is 920 (Oct. 1998, Physics). And I will take the TSE test in the coming August. And my undergraduate and graduate GPA are both about 3.5 in 4.0, about top 10%-20% in my class. I wish to make a note that during my undergraduate study I was quite young, and during my graduate study I take many efforts to study the basic courses in Physics by myself, which may be the reason my GPAs are not in the top 5%. But now I believe that I have been quite familiar in the knowledges of Physics, both the courses and the researches. So I hope that my test scores and grades are acceptable to Priceton with financial supports. As to the research, I am very glad to learn the research background you provided in your letter. I am quite familiar with the works of X. Blase published in PRL and APL. I also know that J-C Charlier is a famous specialist in this field. So perhaps I could do theoretical research works in your group. Also, I am very glad to know that you have the needed main instruments for carbon nanotubes in your group, so that both theoretical and experimental works can be done. I am puzzled at the “MRS meeting in Boston” you mentioned in your letter. What is the full-name of MRS? Is it a meeting specialized in nano-systems? I do research works on carbon nanotubes almost totally by myself, and perhaps are not familiar with such fixed terms. Would you please explain the contents of this meeting? Thanks. And you mentioned that your latest publications will come out in next months in PRL. Would you please send me the page number of this paper in PRL, and if possible, the full text of this paper? The journal PRL reaches to China very late, usually several months to half a year after published, and I don't have the account to find the full-texts of PRL on-line. I am looking forward to receiving your warmhearted reply. Thanks. Yours sincerely.以上回答希望对你有帮助。


Dear Docter Jim, Hello,I am Linda,President of the student union. Welcom to my school.I know that you come here for the teacher training.So,I was wondering if you are enough nice to set aside some time for a project about wrting for some difficult students?Because most of us often have troubles in organizing a good wrting.We make mistakes on grammar,coherence and so forth.Usually,we can't write an authetic one,So would you please give us a lecture on it so as to help us out. I owe my heartfelt gratitude to you,in advance。


A: What do you think is the biggest environmental problem today, Dr。

Li? B: There are much threat to our environment nowdays, but I think the biggest problem is the attitude of human。 How we treat our environment can influent the environment directly。

A: And would you like to tell me how the way that human beings see environment can effect our environment? B: Ok! Most of people see everything as independent from another and ignore the relation among them。 For example, the forest is related to the soil, sunshine, water and it can influent the climate nearby as well。

If we are blind to their relationships and destroy any part of them,like deforesting, and our destory the climate by the same time。 A: That's really too bad! So how can we protect the environment well? What can we do? B:In my own opinion, the most efficent way to help our environment is not to impact on them。

Just let our environment developes itself。 A: But I think we can save water in our daily life or don't leave rubbish every。

These behavior also can protect our enviroment。 B: Yeah,everyone can make a contribution in daily life。



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