2023-01-23 07:33:35


还是应该再修改一下: My name is dasha.I'm twenty years (year一定要改成years) old.I work at XXX,I'm from (form 改成from,) beijing (in Beijing的in要去掉).I was born on august 5th (5后面一定要加th)。

I enjoy playing football,basketball,music (直接写music就好了,不用加listen to),I enjoy music (一样的,不用加listen to) best (the best 和the应去掉).My favourite composer is huangjiaju.I want to be a (fashion designer前一定要加a) fashion designer.。



OnedayheorderedhissonHephaestustobuildanimageofabeautifulmaidenoutofclay。 Hethenaskedthegodsandgoddessestoawardherwithdifferentkindsofgifts。

Amongothers,AthenaclothedherinanattractivecoatandHermesgaveherthepoweroftellinglies。 Acharmingyounglady,shewasthefirstwomanthateverlived。



SoHermesthemessengerbroughthertoEpimetheus,brotherofPrometheus。 Thegreatnessofherbeautytouchedtheheartsofallwholookeduponher,andEpimetheushappilyreceivedherintohishouse。

HehadquiteforgottenPometheus' ,PrometheushadleftabigcaskinthecareofEpimetheus。 Hehadwarnedhisbrothernottoopenthelid。


Oneday,whenEpimetheuswasout,sheliftedthelidandoutitcameunrestandwar,Plagueandsickness,theftandviolence,griefsorrow,andalltheotherevils。 Thehumanworldwashencetoexperiencetheseevils。









一天乘厄庇墨透斯出门在外,她打开桶盖,从桶里跑出的是不和与战争,瘟疫与疾病,偷窃与暴力,悲哀与忧虑,以及其他一些人类从此要遭受的不幸。 只有希望被关在桶口,永远飞不出来,因此人们常常把希望藏于心中。

3.用英文简洁描述一下Hansel and Gretel

我猜你说的hansel 和 Gretel 是进入糖果屋的那两个吧? hansel is smart because when he let the wicked but blind witch feel his skin,he give out a chicken bone to let the witch think he is still thin. Gretel is intelligent too because she lies to the witch and throw her in the oven.That save hansel and her life.。


pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 book 书 bag 书包 sharpener 卷笔刀 school 学校 Unit 2 head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手指 leg 腿 foot 脚 body 身体 Unit3 red 红色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blue 蓝色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉色的 brown 棕色的 Unit 4 cat 猫 dog 狗 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 pig 猪 bird 鸟 bear 熊 elephant 大象 mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松鼠 Unit 5 cake 蛋糕 bread 面包 hot dog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包 chicken 鸡肉 French fries 榨薯条 Coke 可乐 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 water 水 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 Unit 6 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 doll 玩具娃娃 boat 小船 ball 球 kite 风筝 balloon 气球 car 小汽车 plane 飞机 。

5.俄狄浦斯王 求翻译下文成英文,不要翻译机翻译,要正确翻译,语法也

King Oedipus, based on Greek mythology story of Oedipus who kills his father and marries his mother, represents the typical conflict in Greek mythology--the conflict between man and destiny. The playwright could not get rid of the influence of the idea about destiny in his time and make Oedipus escape from Titan'apocalypse which symbols destiny. However, he has an antagolistic feeling towards destiny that he does not believe that Oedipus meant to kill his father and marry his mother. Instead of a guilty man, he is actually a great hero who benefit his people, and a beloved king. Oedipus is intellectual, patriotic and impartial. In the face of destiny, he didn't yield or complaint but fight and try to elude the revealing predicts. He managed to guess siren's riddle and eradicate her for the people. At last, to save his people from plague, he decided to start the investigation. once the murder proved to be himself, he is so responsible that require to banish himself. The playwright resents the doom of a hero who do lots of good to people and nation while ends bad, doubts the justice of the god, complains the injustice and cruelty of destiny, and praise the hero's will and deed when he struggle against destiny. So, despite of the pathetic ending,the spirit of daring to violate the absolute apocalypse is nothing but an affirmation of individual spirit and a reflection of advanced democratic thoughts of slave holders in Athens.。

6.titanic 沉船的英文(简短)

Titanic (tīt?n'?k) , British liner that sank on the night of Apr. 14–15, 1912, after crashing into an iceberg in the N Atlantic S of Newfoundland. More than 1,500 lives were lost. The Titanic, thought to be the fastest ship afloat and almost unsinkable, was on her maiden voyage and carried many notables among the more than 2,200 persons aboard. These circumstances made the loss seem the more appalling to the public in England and the United States.

Official and other investigations revealed that messages of warning had been sent but had either not been received by the commanding officers or had been ignored by them. The ship had continued at full speed even after the warnings were sent. She did not carry sufficient lifeboats, and many of the lifeboats were launched with only a few of the seats occupied. Other vessels in the vicinity were unable to reach the Titanic before she sank; one, only 10 mi (16 km) away, did not respond because her wireless operator had retired for the evening.

The disaster brought about measures to promote safety at sea, particularly the establishment of a patrol to make known the location of icebergs and of stringent regulations about the proper number and proper equipment of lifeboats to be carried by vessels. The catastrophe inspired a large literature. An expedition led by Robert D. Ballard discovered the wreck in 1985.


Jack has no breakfast every morning Let"s walk in quietly ,shall we??? 2) 疑问句(Interrogative Sentences):提出问题。

有以下四种: a。 一般疑问句(General Questions): Can you finish the work in time? 你能按时完成工作吗? b。

特殊疑问句(W Questions; H Questions): Where do you live? 你住那儿? How do you know that? 你怎么知道那件事? c。 选择疑问句(Alternative Questions): Do you want tea or coffee? 你是要茶还是要咖啡? d。

反意疑问句(Tag-Questions): He doesn't know her, does he? 他不认识她,对不对? 一、反意疑问句的意义及其构成 反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是指当提问的人对前面所叙述的事实不敢肯定,而需要向对方加以证实时所提出的问句。 其结构为:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简单的问句。


例 You have been to Beijing, haven't you? 你去过北京,是吗? 二、简单句式结构中反意疑问句的运用 反意疑问句运用于简单句式结构中时,我们应注意掌握以下几个方面 1、当陈述句部分的主语是名词时,反意疑问句的主语必须用人称代词来代替。 例 Your brother has gone to the library, hasn't he? 你弟弟去图书馆了,是吗? 2、当陈述句的主语是指示代词this, that时,反意疑问句的主语用it代替;指示代词是these, those时,反意疑问句的主语用they代替。

例 That isn't a useful book, is it? 那不是一本有用的书,是吗? These are important reading materials, aren't they? 这些都是重要的阅读材料,是吗? 3、当陈述句部分是I am…时,反意疑问句部分通常要用aren't I;如陈述句部分的主语是I am not时,反意疑问句部分通常要用am I。 例 I'm late for the meeting, aren't I? 我开会迟到了,是吗? I'm not doing well, am I? 我干得不好,是吗? 4、当陈述部分是everyone / everybody, someone / somebody, no one / nobody, none等表示人的不定代词时,反意疑问句部分的主语多用they,但也可用he;当陈述部分的主语是everything, anything, something, nothing等表示物的不定代词时,反意疑问句部分的主语用it。

例 Nobody came when I was out, did they? 我在外时,没人来过,是吗? Everything has gone wrong today, hasn't it? 今天什么都出问题了,是不是? 5、当陈述部分是“there be + 主语 + 其它”结构时,反意疑问部分要用“be (not) + there”结构。 例 There are some bananas in the basket, aren't there? 篮子里有些香蕉,是吗? 6、当陈述部分的谓语动词是have时,有两种情况 。

(1)have作“有”解时,反意疑问句部分可用have(not)或do(not)的相应形式。 例 His brother has a new bike, hasn't (doesn't) he? 他弟弟有一辆新自行车,是吗? (2)have用作实义动词时,反意疑问句部分只可用do(not)的相应形式。

例 We have to start early, don't we? 我们必须早点出发,是吗? 7、当陈述部分有hardly, scarcely, barely, rarely, seldom, few, little, no, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere等否定词或半否定词时,反意疑问句部分要用肯定形式。 注 如果陈述句部分是带有否定前缀或后缀时,反意疑问句部分仍用否定结构。

例 It's impossible for him to make such a mistake, isn't it? 他不可能犯这样的错误,是吗? 8、当陈述部分有情态动词ought to时,反意疑问句部分要用ought / should (oughtn't / shouldn't);如陈述部分为情态动词used to,反意疑问部分可用 used或did;如陈述部分为had better,反意疑问部分用hadn't或shouldn't。 例 Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they? 这种事是不允许的,是吗? You'd better do it by yourself, hadn't / shouldn't you? 你最好自己做,好吗? 9、当陈述句部分有情态动词must时,反意疑问部分有四种情况 (1)must表示“必须、禁止“时,反意疑问部分要用must (mustn't) 。

例 You mustn't stop your car here, must you? 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗? (2)must表示“有必要”时,反意疑问句部分要用needn't。 例 They must finish the work today, needn't they? 他们今天必须要完成这项工作,是吗? (3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行“推测”时,反意疑问部分要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。

例 He must be good at maths, isn't he? 他数学一定学得很好,是吗? (4)当must用来表示对过去的情况进行“推测”(must + have done)时,如强调对过去情况的推测(一般句中有过去的时间状语),反意疑问句部分要用“didn't + 主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有过去时间状语),反意疑问句部分要用“haven't / hasn't + 主语”。 例 She must have read the novel last week, didn't she? 她上星期一定读了这本小说了,是吗? You must have told her about it, haven'。



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