存款凭条还印有储户地址和是否预留印鉴栏,供开户时填写; 取款凭条还印有支取印鉴栏,供支取时加盖。为明确经济责任,上述凭证通常要求由储户填写。
对填写确有困难的,也可由银行经办人代填,但应将存、取金额等说明清楚。 扩展资料: 存取款凭条一般用于活期储蓄和零存整取定期储蓄等。
存款凭条由储蓄机构代收入凭证,取款凭条代付出凭证,并凭此记帐。 对银行存款付款凭证的复核还应注意复核以下内容: (1)付款凭证的“摘要”栏是否注明付款结算方式。
(2)付款凭证支付项目是否是国家控制的商品,有无企业所在地或上一级财政部门批准的书面证明等。 (3)重大开支有无企业领导或总会计师签批手续。
Receipt management; The fund revenue and expenditure (cash, check, dollar draw out money certificate to manage and to draw up, net silver payment, familiar each foreign currency bank method of settling accounts); Establishment cash bank certificate and registration cash bank journal; End of the month establishes the bank balance adjustment table according to the bank to the bill, the pair process outstanding entry item carries on presses for payment promptly, and participates in end of the month the financial reporting analysis work。