2023-01-21 13:06:10


Suppose that A is Vane,B is Mary.They are on the way home together.B:Vane,what's wrong with you You looked upset today.A:In fact,I had a strange dream last night ,and I felt so nervous this whole day that I can't help thinking about it .Mary ,What should I do?B:Do not worry,tell me about it !A:I dreamed that I fail all the exams,and my parents are disappointed at me ,and I fall far behind others.B:It's okay,you must have been worried about the final exams all this days.Take it easy!Since you work so hard,it won't be a problem for you to pass the exams.A:eh,maybe I was too worried about the coming tests.B:Yes,And I think you should have a good rest.Take care yourself!A:I wil,Thank you!B:You're welcome,Goodbye!A:Bye!。


Suppose that A is Vane, B is Mary. They are on the way home together.

B: Vane, what's wrong with you ?You looked upset today.

A: In fact, I had a strange dream last night , and I felt so nervous this whole day that I can't help thinking about it . Mary ,What should I do?

B: Do not worry, tell me about it !

A: I dreamed that I fail all the exams,and my parents are disappointed at me ,and I fall far behind others.

B: It's okay, you must have been worried about the final exams all this days. Take it easy!

Since you work so hard,it won't be a problem for you to pass the exams.

A: eh, maybe I was too worried about the coming tests.

B: Yes,And I think you should have a good rest. Take care yourself!

A: I wil, Thank you!

B: You're welcome,Goodbye!

A: Bye!


A: I believe that everyone in the world has his own dreams.

so do I . So today the title of my speech is my dream future.

B:What is your dream.

A: In my childhood. My dream was to be a policewoman.


A: Beacuse I have watched police on the TV. So cool.

B: Are you a policewoman now?

A: No. But When I grow up.I have another dream.

B: What is your another dream?

A: I want to be a writer.

B: Why do you change your dream when you grow up?

A: Beacuse writting can help me describe many kinds of lives and also can help me rememeber some important memories in my life .

B:Ok. Do you like to write stuff?

A: I guess I like it. Because I want to read books.I think reading books is an interesting thing. Sometimes . I like writering some articles .

B: What are you going to do now?

A: I am thinking about to be a writer in the future.

That't all my dream and plan. Thank you!


Mary:Hi!Tom,you look fine in the new shirt!Tom:Thanks a lot for saying so.And you are quite beautiful in the fine sirt.Mary:Thanks!Then,what food do you like to eat for lunch?Tom:Oh,I like noodles very much.But my brother likes rice.How about you?Mary:I'd like to have rice,too.However,my parents prefer noodles for lunch.So,my parents often have to prepare special meals for me.This make me greatly moved by their love.Tom:You are very lucky to be taken good care of,and so am I.By the way,what do you want to do in the future?Mary:I am looking forward to going to university and then work as an engineer after graduation.What's your dream?Tom:I am fond of music ,therefore,I am going to study music at collge and then work as a singer.Mary:Then,let's study hard and work together to make our dreams come true.手工原创,专业帮助。



Mary:Hi!Tom,you look fine in the new shirt!

Tom:Thanks a lot for saying so.And you are quite beautiful in the fine sirt.

Mary:Thanks!Then,what food do you like to eat for lunch?

Tom:Oh,I like noodles very much.But my brother likes rice.How about you?

Mary:I'd like to have rice,too.However,my parents prefer noodles for lunch.So,my parents often have to prepare special meals for me.This make me greatly moved by their love.

Tom:You are very lucky to be taken good care of,and so am I.By the way,what do you want to do in the future?

Mary:I am looking forward to going to university and then work as an engineer after graduation.What's your dream?

Tom:I am fond of music ,therefore,I am going to study music at collge and then work as a singer.

Mary:Then,let's study hard and work together to make our dreams come true.




A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is?

B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way.

A: Why do you think so?

B: Because it is the fastest and the safest.

A: Of course it is when you are talking about a long distance.

B: That's true. For shorter distance I think I will have to say, car.

A: And why is that?

B: Well, it is quite obvious that you will not find an airport everywhere, but a carparking space is a lot more easier to find.

A: What about bicycles then?

B: Eh。 I don't think so. The area I live in is in the mountains. It takes a strong sport-man to ride on those hilly roads.

7.关于梦想的对话 英文

A: I believe that everyone in the world has his own dreams.

so do I . So today the title of my speech is my dream future.

B:What is your dream.

A: In my childhood. My dream was to be a policewoman.


A: Beacuse I have watched police on the TV. So cool.

B: Are you a policewoman now?

A: No. But When I grow up.I have another dream.

B: What is your another dream?

A: I want to be a writer.

B: Why do you change your dream when you grow up?

A: Beacuse writting can help me describe many kinds of lives and also can help me rememeber some important memories in my life .

B:Ok. Do you like to write stuff?

A: I guess I like it. Because I want to read books.I think reading books is an interesting thing. Sometimes . I like writering some articles .

B: What are you going to do now?

A: I am thinking about to be a writer in the future.

That't all my dream and plan. Thank you!


A:What`s your favorite sport?

B:Basketball,of course.

A:Me,too.And who`s your favorite player.

B:Yao Ming.

A:Oh,all chinese know him.

B:Right.He is great!And I`m going to be a basketball player like him.that`s my dream.What are you going to be when you grow up?

A:I`m going to be a dance.I like dancing vary much.

B:I hope your dream come true.

A:you too.



A:Welcome to our hotel.


A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?


B:Let me have a check again.


A:The Reception Desk is straight ahead.


A:After you, please.



B:Excuse me,where is the restaurant?


A:We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant.Which one do you prefer?


B:I'd like to try some Chinese food today.






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