2023-01-20 21:17:39


a new Olympic stadium design was scrapped amid a row over its cost.The logo was unveiled only last month. A Belgian artist had complained that his design was stolen.In July东京2020年奥运会标志抄袭索赔之际报废Tokyo 2020 Olympics logo scrapped amid plagiarism claimThe logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games has been scrapped after allegations that it was plagiarised, based around the letter T and a red circle representing a beating heart - which critics said resembled the Japanese flag.Logo designer Kenjiro Sano had admitted copying online material for a previous project, Japanese media reported.Its withdrawal is a highly unusual move.The Games organising committee said there were too many doubts over the emblem for it to be used。



1.Murray Seeded Above Nadal for US Open

Scotsman Andy Murray has been seeded second in the US Open, which begins on Monday at Flushing Meadows. The seeding puts Murray ahead of former world number one Rafael Nadal for the sake of the tournament. He was seeded third.

The seeding this year is quite controversial, with Russian Dinara Safina seeded first ahead of Serena and Venus Williams, despite the fact that she has never won a Grand Slam. The US Open seeds strictly in line with world rankings.

2.Death of Michael Jackson Ruled a Homicide

The LA County Court has ruled Michael Jackson's death as homicide, according to media reports. Determination of the homicide have revealed that the popular singer died from lethal levels of propofol, an anesthetic.

LA Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner Dr. Sathyavagiswaran determined the finding. Michael Jackson died on June 25 aged 50 (SN reported) after suffering cardiac arrest.

Investigations into his death are continuing, and his doctor, Conrad Murray. Other doctors have also come under scrutiny in the investigation.

3.Michael Jackson May Have Died of Homicide

Michael Jackson may not have died of his cardiac disease but rather was murdered. This statement is based from sources at the Los Angeles Police Department. A drug named Propofol may have caused his death but it's not known how it got into his body.

It is alleged that the star's doctor may have given Jacko the drug but it's not confirmed by the doctor's lawyers.

4.Michael Jackson Dead

At 12:12 p.m. EST, it is believed that Michael Jackson suffered a massive heart attack. Paramedics were called when Jackson was found to be not breathing.

Jackson was rushed to the hospital where he died shortly after.

There is no further information at this time.


Chinese stocks closed higher Wednesday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index up 1.17 percent, or 31.38 points, to 2,708.81 points.

The Shenzhen Component Index climbed 1.34 percent, or 153.3 points, to11,599.67 points.

Combined turnover shrank to 115.5 billion yuan (17.55 billion U.S. dollars) from 129.3 billion yuan the previous trading day.


China's online community won't have Watch-Wearing Brother to kick around anymore.中国的互联网上不会再有“表哥”了。

Quoting local officials, the state-run Xinhua news agency said on Friday that Yang Dacai, a local official in Shaanxi province, had been ousted from his post for the possession of numerous expensive watches and other violations of discipline. Xinhua said officials are continuing a probe into his conduct.新华社上周五援引当地官员的话报道,陕西省地方官员杨达才因佩戴多块名表及其他严重违纪问题被撤销职务。新华社说,对调查中发现的杨达才的其他违纪线索,有关部门正在进一步调查。

Mr. Yang rose to Internet notoriety earlier last month after a photographer captured him smiling at the scene of a deadly collision between and bus and a tanker truck in Shaanxi that killed 36 people.上个月早些时候,有人拍到杨达才在陕西省的一起交通事故现场面带微笑,此事在互联网上引发了强烈争议。在那起交通事故中,一辆客车和一辆罐车追尾,造成36人死亡。

But it was his accessories that soon became the focus of China's online vigilantes. Some noticed the lowly public official appeared to be wearing an expensive watch. China's massive community of volunteer Internet sleuths soon found a number of other photos of Mr. Yang wearing a succession of different high-end watches the sort of time pieces a local official in the hustings would be hard-pressed to afford with a regular government salary.不过,是他的穿戴很快成为中国网民关注的焦点。一些人注意到,这位职位不高的公职人员似乎戴了一块名表。

中国庞大的互联网“人肉搜索”群体很快就发现,在其他一些照片中杨达才戴着各种名表,这种名表是中国一名地方官员很难用普通工资买得起的。Dubbed Watch-Wearing Brother by his critics, Mr. Yang went on the offensive. In a highly unusual move for a Chinese public official, he turned to the Internet to address is critics directly. Writing on his account on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging service, he said he was sorry for his smile at the scene of the accident, explaining that he was having a hard time understanding the local dialect and wanted to put nervous comrades at ease. On the watches, he assured his critics that he purchased the watches 'using my own legal income.' 被批评人士称为“表哥”的杨达才发起了反击。

他做出了在中国公职人员中非常罕见的举措,借助互联网直接回应批评人士。杨达才在新浪(Sina Corp.)微博账户中写道,他要对遇难者家属表示诚挚道歉。




A new research found that the Internet has increased people's service demands and is eroding the classic British trait of patience as more than half admitted they lose their temper quicker than ever before.

People have become so used to the speed and convenience of the internet that more than seven in 10 get angry if forced to wait longer than one minute for a web page to download.

Being kept on hold made Brits see red more than anything else, with the average person reaching their impatience threshold after five minutes and four seconds.

In today's fast food culture, restaurant rage kicks in after only eight minutes, 38 seconds, when the average diner will start to wonder whether the meal they have ordered will ever arrive.

People running late to meet a friend should not leave it any longer than 10 minutes, one second if they do not want to face their wrath.

Mark Schmid, of telecom giant TalkTalk, which commissioned the research, said: The speed of the online world is making us less prepared to wait for things to happen in the offline world.








African expeditionary bomb flew over a land of orient Libya Wednesday, descending digit bombs on an area mostly dominated by the opposition. Youths in Ajdabiya were amassing and heading toward the conflict area to help defend the town, which has been in the control of rebel forces in recent days。


A purported new video of Osama bin Laden shows the al-Qaeda leader urging Americans to convert to Islam to stop the Iraq war, but the video does not contain any overt threat ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The videotape's authenticity has not yet been /confirm/ied, but media organizations have quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying it appeared to have been made as recently as this summer.

In a soft voice, and measured tone, the man purported to be bin Laden delivers a wandering 30-minute tirade against democracy, capitalism and Western political leaders.

He specifically refers to U.S. President George W. Bush, the Democratic victory in U.S. Congress, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May, and new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who took office in June.








China, Taiwan direct travel to start today

15 December 2008

The Wall Street Journal Asia

TAIPEI -- China and Taiwan will start a new era of direct air and shipping services Monday when planes and ships travel directly across the Taiwan Strait, formally ending a six-decade ban on regular links.

Relations have improved between the once-bitter rivals since Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou took office in May and moved to reverse the pro-independence policy of his predecessor, Chen Shui-bian.

China has reacted warmly, and although the mainland still claims sovereignty over the self-governed island, both have agreed to set aside thorny political disputes to focus on trade and economics. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949.

The first Taiwanese ships are scheduled to leave from the island's Kaohsiung and Keelung harbors for Chinese ports about noon Monday. Ships with mainland companies are to sail vessels to Taiwan from Shanghai and Tianjin.

Up to 60 cargo flights a month will start to fly Monday between Taiwan and the mainland. Daily passenger flights will also start, with 16 scheduled Monday, in an expansion of weekend charter services inaugurated in July.


题目:C东北亚国际动漫作品比赛开幕ACG WORKS COMPETITION 【导语】昨天,2010中国长春东北亚国际动漫教育与产业发展研讨会暨国际动漫作品比赛开幕。

The 2010 China Changchun Northeast Asia International ACG Education and Industry Development Seminar, as well as the ACG works competition kicked off yesterday. 【正文】共有来自国内及英国、美国、韩国、日本、澳大利亚等十多个国家和地区的60多个大专院校的4000多件作品参加角逐。12日至14日,来自国内及英国、葡萄牙等十多个国家的30多位著名动漫专家学者和企业精英,将进行15场演讲以及6场校园行系列学术讲座。


Over 4000 ACG works will enter in the rivalry. They are from more than 60 colleges or universities at home and from over 10 foreign countries and regions, including Britain, America, South Korea, Japan and Australia. In addition, from 12thto 14th, 15 speeches and 6 academic lectures targeted at college students will be delivered by some 30 renowned ACG experts and outstanding enterprise representatives, who are from China, Britain and Portugal. The opening ceremony has seen three cooperation agreements signed between Jilin College of the Arts, one of the purveyors of the activity, and other participants, including a comprehensive cooperation framework agreement with the Northeast Cultural Innovation Technology Park, an agreement with Changchun TV Station to co-create a program called Discovery of Changchun, and an ACG education and industry cooperation agreement with FiNE company from South Korea. The next few days are expecting discussions based on the existing ACG development among ACG experts. Shortlisted animation and comic works will be awarded prizes in the meantime. 题目:C汽车节晚会彩排AUTO FESTIVAL GALA REHEARSAL 【正文】昨天,第三届中国长春汽车节感恩晚会进行了彩排。晚会由歌舞、京剧、快板、诗朗诵等节目组成,许多节目都是为第三届长春汽车节量身定做的。


Yesterday, the gala for the third China Changchun Automobile Festival was rehearsed. Performances including singing, dancing, Peking opera, allegretto and poetry reading will be staged. Many of them are exclusively prepared for the auto festival. The show is organized by the Liberation Ensemble of the Automotive Industry Development Area, whose cast totaling over 280 members are mainly retired workers of the FAW Group and residents of the community. After one and a half months of dry run, a spectacular evening is sure to be unfolded before audiences in the FAW Hall on July 15th. 题目:二人转“与时俱进”受欢迎RENOVATED LOCAL DUET POPULAR 【导语】二人转作为关东大地孕育的独特艺术,为广大观众所喜闻乐见。二人转为什么这么火,我省著名的二人转作曲家那炳晨给出了答案。

As a unique art form, the northeast local song-and-dance duet is popular with audiences. A famous composer of Jilin Province, Na Bingchen, gave explanations for its high popularity. 【正文】80高龄的曲艺家那炳晨长期研究、收集、整理、创编二人转音乐。近日,他做了一场报告,现场为市民讲解二人转。



目前,我市有包括关东剧院、东北风剧场等九个舞台上演二人转演出,每天接待观众上万名,二人转越来越受欢迎。The 80-year-old folk artist has been studying, collecting, compiling, and creating the local song and dance duet music for a long time. A lecture by him the other day helped citizens to find more about the local art form. (sound bite) NA BINGCHEN, Folk Artist, “Originated as a begging 。



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