2023-01-16 20:32:07


" German Uncle Family's Liver moss Silk" impressions of after-reading " German Uncle Family's Liver moss Silk" is Hardy is celebrated worldwide “prestige Secker the Si series” a devoting. The novel described a chaste girl's unfortunate destiny. The leading character liver moss silk is a beautiful peasant family young girl, because of loss of chasties the master young master inducements and threats is pregnant. Henceforth, this shame's fact eliminated her to accept the true love the right, the cause wedding night suffers the husband to abandon. In afterward, absolutely cancould be helped, she has re-entered young master's bosom, unexpectedly, she that nominal husband towed sickness to drive the great distance return at this moment, searched with hardship. The liver moss silk for the true love, kills the young master who resolutely lives together, in after husband short joyful reunion, has stepped onto the scaffold. Father Germany uncle's benightedness, pushed somebody into doing something the liver moss silk regarding the money to fall down greedily society's abyss; But the Asian thunder evil shameless is reduced to ashes liver moss silk young girl's all happy dreams, urged her to meet changed her life the third matter--Falls in love with An Ji· Claye. But is precisely this An Ji· Claye, this has name of the angel spiritless man--Has created the liver moss silk tragedy finally. Some people will say that An Ji· Claye will be the true this critique person, but he will live without doubt in that time, he will require the time to release itself, what will be noticeable, An Ji· Claye will be loves the liver moss silk, that love will be at least really, but will not be looks like the Asian thunder to be the same, only then the passion, will treat as the liver moss silk own puppet. Therefore I thought that the liver moss silk the tragedy should be, perhaps in the modern society which time then bred also will have such matter occurrence, but regarding the liver moss silk same person, the survival opportunity are likely many. Gathers submits a written statement, I wanted to whip society then, accused the Asian thunder the shameless act, despised An Ji spiritless, the sympathetic liver moss silk pitiful bitter experience.。

2.跪求《苔丝》读后感 最好英文版

《苔丝》 英文读后感 TESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d'Urberwilles. She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man. She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn't agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn't satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess's forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess. She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays. Without Angel's love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn't important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess's trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late! /new/2006/7/wu92941238371760029120-0.htm。

3.急寻 苔丝英文评论15000 字

Analysis of Major CharactersTess DurbeyfieldIntelligent, strikingly attractive, and distinguished by her deep moral sensitivity and passionate intensity, Tess is indisputably the central character of the novel that bears her name. But she is also more than a distinctive individual: Hardy makes her into somewhat of a mythic heroine. Her name, formally Theresa, recalls St. Teresa of Avila, another martyr whose vision of a higher reality cost her her life. Other characters often refer to Tess in mythical terms, as when Angel calls her a “Daughter of Nature” in Chapter XVIII, or refers to her by the Greek mythological names “Artemis” and “Demeter” in Chapter XX. The narrator himself sometimes describes Tess as more than an individual woman, but as something closer to a mythical incarnation of womanhood. In Chapter XIV, he says that her eyes are “neither black nor blue nor grey nor violet; rather all these shades together,” like “an almost standard woman.” Tess's story may thus be a “standard” story, representing a deeper and larger experience than that of a single individual.In part, Tess represents the changing role of the agricultural workers in England in the late nineteenth century. Possessing an education that her unschooled parents lack, since she has passed the Sixth Standard of the National Schools, Tess does not quite fit into the folk culture of her predecessors, but financial constraints keep her from rising to a higher station in life. She belongs in that higher world, however, as we discover on the first page of the novel with the news that the Durbeyfields are the surviving members of the noble and ancient family of the d'Urbervilles. There is aristocracy in Tess's blood, visible in her graceful beauty—yet she is forced to work as a farmhand and milkmaid. When she tries to express her joy by singing lower-class folk ballads at the beginning of the third part of the novel, they do not satisfy her—she seems not quite comfortable with those popular songs. But, on the other hand, her diction, while more polished than her mother's, is not quite up to the level of Alec's or Angel's. She is in between, both socially and culturally. Thus, Tess is a symbol of unclear and unstable notions of class in nineteenth-century Britain, where old family lines retained their earlier glamour, but where cold economic realities made sheer wealth more important than inner nobility.Beyond her social symbolism, Tess represents fallen humanity in a religious sense, as the frequent biblical allusions in the novel remind us. Just as Tess's clan was once glorious and powerful but is now sadly diminished, so too did the early glory of the first humans, Adam and Eve, fade with their expulsion from Eden, making humans sad shadows of what they once were. Tess thus represents what is known in Christian theology as original sin, the degraded state in which all humans live, even when—like Tess herself after killing Prince or succumbing to Alec—they are not wholly or directly responsible for the sins for which they are punished. This torment represents the most universal side of Tess: she is the myth of the human who suffers for crimes that are not her own and lives a life more degraded than she deserves.Alec d'Urberville An insouciant twenty-four-year-old man, heir to a fortune, and bearer of a name that his father purchased, Alec is the nemesis and downfall of Tess's life. His first name, Alexander, suggests the conqueror—as in Alexander the Great—who seizes what he wants regardless of moral propriety. Yet he is more slippery than a grand conqueror. His full last name, Stoke-d'Urberville, symbolizes the split character of his family, whose origins are simpler than their pretensions to grandeur. After all, Stokes is a blunt and inelegant name. Indeed, the divided and duplicitous character of Alec is evident to the very end of the novel, when he quickly abandons his newfound Christian faith upon remeeting Tess. It is hard to believe Alec holds his religion, or anything else, sincerely. His supposed conversion may only be a new role he is playing.This duplicity of character is so intense in Alec, and its consequences for Tess so severe, that he becomes diabolical. The first part of his surname conjures associations with fiery energies, as in the stoking of a furnace or the flames of hell. His devilish associations are evident when he wields a pitchfork while addressing Tess early in the novel, and when he seduces her as the serpent in Genesis seduced Eve. Additionally, like the famous depiction of Satan in Milton's Paradise Lost, Alec does not try to hide his bad qualities. In fact, like Satan, he r。


Tess was a beatiful girl. Every man even girls would be made an empression on Tess. The story told us that Tess's family name was Durbeyfield. His father----a lazy, poor and wasn't much respected by other villagers man was told he was a direct descendant of the most ancient and noble family and his real family name was d'Urbervilles. This changed the distiny of Tess. Tess would be distined to difficulty and sadness. There are two men affected Tess's life. One brought sadness and suffering, he damaged Tess's life, the other brought happiness and olso hurt, he was the man who Tess loved. In my mind Tess is an obstinate girl. After she lost her innocence. She still left Alec. She refused to take anything from him. She tried to earn a little money for her family. She kept depending on herself. At a dairy, Tess made herself independently. She made her life honesthy and work hard. As a dairymaid, her new life was beginning. She made friends with three other honest and generous girls. She soon loved the second man who affected her life. He's name was Angel Clare who was thoughtful and educated. At last, Tess persuaded herself to marry him but life was not as Tess had wished. Angel left her at last. As soon as Angel persuaded himself he came back to find Tess who had just married Alec and had already lost her enthusiasm. After Tess had just knew she was cheated she killed Alec. During her last few days, Tess stayed with Angel who had loved her purely and believed in her as pure.。


我论文就是这个,^_^As is known to all, Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy. Focusing on the tragic experience of its heroine Tess, the plot of story begins. Tess comes from a farmer's family, the Durbeyfields. She has lived a poor but peaceful life. However, God, “The President of the Immoral” begins to play a cruel joke on this innocent girl. One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D'Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. Tess's parents are in an ecstasy of delight over the news. Her mother urges Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D'Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes in contact with the Stoke, D'Urbervilles. There she meets Alec D'Urbervilles, who shows off the estate and always seduces her. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D'Urbervilles. Her tragic life has just begun. Before long the rich and guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resolute, Tess returns home. Despite the rumors all around, she gives birth to a child, who is called Sorrow but dies soon because of grave illness. For several weeks, Tess is overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. Nevertheless, without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire. They have met each other before, and Tess has made a favorable impression on Angel. After Angel persistent pursuit of Tess, the two fall in love and become engaged. Then comes the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess admits about Alec D'Urbervilles and the child. She begs for forgiveness, but Angel leaves her in disgust. Tess again returns home alone, only find that her family remains impoverished and she even has no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D'Urbervilles, the evil person appears again. He takes advantage of the Durbeyfields' poverty and continues to tempt Tess. He promises to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless man. However, the tragedy has not finished yet. Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness, comes back, but to find the cruel reality. And his arrival makes Tess even more desperate. After Angel leaves, she stabs Alec in the heart and kills him. Then she follows Angel and escape with him. They manage to hide for a while in a wood before they come to Stonehenge, where she is arrested. She is hanged later. The turn of events and the moment of catharsis prove that the novel is a classic Aristotelian tragedy 有400多,你再自己缩一下。


《德伯家的苔丝》是托马斯·哈代出 版的第十二本小说。

女主人公苔丝是一个 想凭自己的双手劳动谋生、追求个人起码 幸福权利的淳朴姑娘,可是,社会的强权 势力连这样的弱女子也没能放过,最终酿 成了她的悲剧。小说强烈的反宗教、反封 建道德、反资产阶级法律的倾向,在当时 尽管遭到了英国上流社会的反对,但却得 到了广大读者的喜爱。

女主人公苔丝究竟 是不是一个纯洁的女人多年来是这篇小说 最受争议的一点,而这一点和她在小说中 的社会代表意义是有紧密联系的。她的悲 剧是由当时的社会和她性格本身的结合物 而导致的。

苔丝在小说里有一定的社会代表意义。 作为小说女主角的苔丝,她漂亮,迷人, 具有很强的道德感与责任感,但她并不是 只有她自己的个体意义,她代表着十九世 纪晚期英国农业阶层的过渡时期的形象。

不像她的未受过教育的父母,苔丝有些教育 的基础,所以她不能完全的像她的父辈一 样的生活,但是由于贫穷她又没有办法追 求更高层次的生活。按照她自己的理解, 她本应该是属于上流社会的,就像我们在 小说一开始看到的一样,她有着与贵族德 伯维尔家一样的血统。

她漂亮,高贵,精 致,可她不得不做农活,做挤奶工。她的 魅力足已吸引阿历克和克莱尔,但她最终 还是不能完全溶入他们。

无论从社会角度 还是文化角度她都是在中间位置不停地挣 扎。苔丝是十九世纪英国不稳定,正处于 变化的那个阶层的代表物,在那个时期的 英国,老的家族裙带关系还保持着它先前 的魅力,而社会中的经济关系又使财富变 的比人内心所向往的高贵的东西更重要。

她是社会压迫的牺牲品。这种社会压迫来 自资产阶级恶势力和剥削者,也来自资产 阶级的社会道德和宗教。

她也是十九世纪 后期这一特定时代随着资本主义的侵入农 村而造成无数小农遭到毁灭的现实的反映。 在小说里,我们了解到苔丝是个不同 寻常的女孩,她的性格和行为都充满了矛 盾性。

一方面她是忠诚且独立的,另一方 面她又是很羞涩且胆怯的。她的性格是新 旧社会道德交织的产物,她既独立又很有 依赖性,既向往精神生活又充满野性。

当 然很多读者与我一样都喜欢一分为二的来 评判她,她既是命运,社会,包括她自己 情欲的牺牲品,但同时她又得为自己的悲 剧负一定的责任。 面对这样一个复杂的人 物,我们最好的方法是从各种可能的方面 去看她。

她与两个男人的关系也是分析她 性格的中心。而她是不是一个纯洁的女人 也是接下来我想讨论的。

正如哈代所说,苔丝是否是个纯洁的 女人,在书中议论最多。实际上舆论界的 分歧最大。

许多人只承认“纯洁”一词的 引伸的、人为的含意,却无论如何也难以 承认这个即不贞洁,又杀了人的女人是纯 洁的。纯洁究竟是什么?在苔丝身上我们 自始至终看到的是她以自己的本性对逼迫 她的力量的苦苦抗争,最终她被逼得上了 绞架,作为祭坛上的牺牲品,而读者却还 在冷漠地议论着她的贞操,这是何等麻木 的世情!苔丝的遭遇又是怎样造成的呢? 我们从这个角度去解读,不难发现一切的 悲剧都是家庭与社会带来的。

若不是因为 家庭的贫穷和社会的歧视,她原可以跟别 的农村姑娘一样平平安安地过一辈子纯朴 的劳动生活的。但多嘴的牧师带来了有关 她的贵族家庭历史的消息,让她父亲多喝 几杯,不能按时送货。

勇敢的苔丝只好带 弟弟一起去赶马车,没想到闯下大祸,弄 死了“王子”,开始了她悲剧。 这悲剧的 开始,也反应了她的性格。

她是过早地承 担起家庭的重担而遭到厄运。猎苑事件之 后,她选择了离开阿历克自己回家的路, 这是一个朴素的决定。

按传统观念(也便 是她妈妈的观点)妻子的贞操是丈夫的特 权,妇女失去贞操就是不洁。因此,一个 女人被某个男人占有之后,唯一的出路就 是跟她结婚,无论对他有没有感情。

但是 苔丝却认为跟自己并不爱的人谈情说爱, 硬要娶她,她做不到;跟他鬼混下去,她 更做不到,于是便离开。她的逻辑就这样 简单。

不过她却不明白这个决定的后果。 在奶场她一再拒绝安琪儿·克莱尔求 爱,也正表现了她的纯朴,她不愿意欺骗 他。

等到她在对方苦苦追求之下终于同意 婚事之后她的天性便催促着不顾母亲的反 对而把自己的过去告诉他,因而使自己身陷 痛苦。为了追求不含丝毫杂质的爱情,宁可 因此而失去爱情,这就是苔丝的高贵选择。

当离去的克莱尔一年后再度出现于苔丝面 前,使她大为震动,苦痛不堪,对阿历克 的第二次欺骗怒不可遏。 于是,长期积郁 的冤苦,仇恨和愤怒爆发了。

她一跃而起 把刀子插进了阿历克的心脏。这种做法是 一个有情感的正常人最平常的反应罢了, 为了那刻骨铭心的爱的追求,也为了惩罚 那蹂躏她、欺骗她、“把她的生命撕成碎 片”的人,用自己的行为作出回答是最平 常不过的事了。

阿历克罪不至死,苔丝的 惩罚显然过了,她也为此付出了生命。 苔丝的最后命运是悲惨的,同时也是 宿命的。

她的悲惨命运一方面是当时社会 的产物,一方面是由她的性格本身造成的。 尽管在这样的过程中她并不是逆来顺受的, 而是以自己独有的方式反抗,可仍改变不 了宿命的结果。

从整个小说的发展过程来 看,苔丝始终都在思想和行动。



苔丝的悲剧始于为了全家人生计去远亲家打工,却因年幼无知而被亚雷骗去了处女的贞操,成了一个“堕落”的女人,受到社会舆论的非议,把她看成不贞洁的罪人。 苔丝后来与青年克莱相爱,又因为新婚之夜坦诚有污点的过去而被丈夫遗弃,而与近在眼前的幸福失之交臂;出于高度的家庭责任感和自我牺牲精神,苔丝为换取家人的生存而再次违愿沦为亚雷的情妇;最后因为丈夫的回心转意使得绝望的苔丝愤而举起了复仇的利刃,终于成了一个杀人犯,最后不得不付出了生命的代价,导致“像游丝一样敏感,像雪一样洁白”的苔丝最后终被完全毁灭。

这一切悲性遭遇全由于无情命运所精心谋划和设计,安排世事的宇宙主宰通过命运的巨网毫无怜悯地将人伦道德意义上的好人、善良人笼罩于进退维谷的苦难陷阱。 扩展资料苔丝是哈代塑造的一个全新的妇女典型,她有着双重性格。



在这里,艺术追随着自然界,艺术家的手不由自主地听从眼睛的感觉支配,而读者并不是直接由眼睛,而是由想象力通过眼睛去发现。 《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代“性格与环境小说”最典型的一部。



环境的情调和角色的心灵形成一个整体,交相辉映。 参考资料百度百科-德伯家的苔丝。






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