2023-01-16 17:32:37

1.急求一篇英语口语短对话 关于job interview

Vicky is having a job interview in a company. (Vicky 正在一间公司进行面试) Michael:How are you, Miss Huang? Michael:黄小姐,您好吗? Vicky:I'm fine, thank you. How about you? Vicky:我很好,谢谢您。

您呢? Michael:Good, thanks. Now, please tell me about yourself. Michael:很好,谢谢。现在,请您介绍一下自己。

Vicky:I graduated from the Department of Administration in Chung Hsing University. During those years, I also took some conversation courses in a language school. After I graduated, I spent two years as an assistant in the foreign sales department in a computer company. Vicky:我从中兴大学的行政管理学系毕业。大学期间,我也在一间语言学校修过一些会话课程。

毕业后,我在一间计算机公司的国外业务部门担任助理两年。 Michael:How would you describe your personality? Michael:您如何描述您的个性呢? Vicky:I am willing to make friends with people, and I like to know what they need and help solve their problems. In all, I'm not shy talking to people. Vicky:我乐于交朋友,而且我喜欢知道他们需要什么,并且帮助解决他们的问题。

总而言之,我不会羞于和人沟通。 Michael:What's your expectation towards this job? Michael:您对这份工作有什么期待呢? Vicky:Except for the enriching work experience and the salary, I also expect to learn more about other countries with their culture and their attitude towards life. I like the feeling of sitting in the office and being able to make friends with people of different countries. Vicky:除了增加工作经验和薪资,我也期待能学到更多关于其它国家的文化和他们对生活的态度。

我喜欢这种坐在办公室而能和不同国家的人做朋友的感觉。 Michael:Are you willing to work overtime about three times a week and also on the weekend sometimes? Michael:您愿意一个礼拜大约加班三次,而且有时周末也要加班吗? Vicky:Since I am young and have no family, I want to take every chance to learn and contribute myself in any way I can. Vicky:因为我还年轻,而且没有家庭负担,我想抓住每个机会来学习,并尽可能地以任何方式贡献自己。

Michael:Good. But if you happen to have some problems and you find no one in our department to help you right then, what will you do? Michael:很好。但如果您刚好遇到一些问题,而您发现当时在我们的部门里没有人可以帮助您时,您会怎么做呢? Vicky:If it is a problem from our customer with our product, I will try to consult our engineer. If I can not find help from them, I will try to read the manual to help solve the problem. Vicky:如果这是顾客对我们的产品的问题,我会试着去请教我们的工程师。

如果我无法从他们那里得到帮助,我会试着去阅读使用手册来帮忙解决这个问题。 Michael:Very well. So, where do you see yourself in five or ten years? Michael:非常好。

那么,您对自己在未来五年或十年内的发展有什么期待吗? Vicky:If I am lucky enough to have this position, I will endeavor to know whatever a sales representative should know and hopefully move into a sales management position step by step. Vicky:如果我够幸运地能担任这个职位,我将会努力了解任何业务代表应该知道的事情,并且希望能一步一步晋升到业务经理的职位。 Michael:When can you start? Michael:您何时可以开始工作呢?Vicky:Next Monday would be good for me. Vicky:下个星期一。

Michael:Thank you. Glad to talk to you today. Please wait for us to contact you. Miss Chang will show you the way out. Good bye. Michael:谢谢您。很高兴今天能和您谈话。


再见。 Vicky:Good bye. Vicky:再见。

2.job interview英文对话

Job Interview A: Okay, so let's go over everything one more time. I really want you to get this job!B: I know! It's an amazing growth opportunity!They're true industry leaders, and it would be so interesting to be part of an organization that is the undisputed leader in business process platform development.A: So, let's see, you did your research on the company, right?B: Well, I visited their website and read up on what they do. They're an IT service company that offers comprehensive business solutions for large corporations. They provide services such as CRM development, and they also offer customdesigned applications.A: So what would your role in the company?B: Well, the position is for an account manager. That basically means that I would be the link between our and our development team.A: Sounds good, and so, why do you want to work with them?B: Well, as I said they're the industry leaders, they have a really great growth strategy, amazing development opportunities for employees, and it seems like they have strong corporate governance. They're all about helping companies grow and unleashing potential. I guess their core values and mission really resonated with me. Oh, and they offer six weeks' vacation, stock options and bonuses。

I'm totally going to cash in on that.A: You idiot! Don't say that! Do you want this job, or not?A: Thanks for coming in today, did you have any trouble finding us? Please take a seat. B: Thank you. A: So, let's get started; tell me a bit about your educational background. B: Sure! Well, I graduated with honors from Chesterton University with a major in Business Administration, with a specialization in Information Management, and I minored in psychology. I chose this course of study for two reasons: I wanted to gain some practical, marketable skills, which the information management track provided, and I also feel that interpersonal skills are essential for professional success, hence the minor in psychology. A: Interesting. And, your postgraduate studies? B: Well, I am really passionate about consumer behavior, so I pursued a master's in that area. I also strive to keep my professional skills current, so I continuously attend seminars and conferences related management and customer service. A: Very good. Now, tell me a little bit about your work experience. I see here that you previously worked at Oracle. B: Yeah, I worked as their customer support manager, which brought me a breadth of experience in both client care, and process management. I supervised and coordinated the customer support team as well as implemented new strategies to achieve better customer satisfaction. A: Interesting。 B: Yes, in this position I was able to make some pretty significant contributions to the overall success of the company. With the different initiatives that we implemented, we lowered our churn rate to about five percent, which had a direct impact on revenue. The Office - Job Interview III A: Very good. Now, I have a couple of final questions. B: I hope they're not too hard! A: Well, why should we hire you? B: I think that I would be a perfect fit in this company. I have a unique combination of strong technical acumen, and outstanding soft skills; you know, I excel at building strong, long-term customer relationships. For example, when I headed the customer support department in my previous company, our team solved about seventy percent of our customers' problems. I decided that we needed better information and technical preparation on our products, so after I implemented a series of training sessions in coordination with our technical department, we were able to solve ninety percent of our customers' issues. Given the opportunity, I could bring this kind of success to this company. A: Impressive! So, what would you consider to be your greatest weakness? B: To be honest, I struggle with organization and time management. Punctuality has never been a strength of mine. I find it hard to organize my time efficiently. I have actually addressed this weakness recently, by attending a workshop on efficient time management. It helped me a lot, by providing me with great insights on how to get organized and use my time efficiently, so I think I'm getting better now. A: Great。

Well, let me tell you that I am very pleased with this interview. We are short-listing our candidates this week, and next week we will inform our short listed candidates of the day and time for a second interview with our CEO. B: Great, thanks a lot! I hope to hear from you! Good bye.。

3.求一篇英语应聘对话 要简单 最简单那种 急

A.Why did you choose to come here for a job?


B.I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.



A.What interest you most about this job?


B.I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.



A.What do you think you would bring to the job?


B0.I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job.Besides,I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.


B1.I know that you do a very big international business,so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had abroad.



A.Why should I hire you?


B0.My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.


B1.My business experience in China,mainly.I know a lot abut how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.



A.Why did you choose this corperation?


B.My past work experience is closely related to this job.I am confident of doing the job well.Therefore I am desirous to get this position.



A.What do you consider important when looking for a job?


B.I think the most important thing is the nature of the job.

One should never do anything one is not Interested in.


该文章转载自无忧考网: plishments. 谢谢。由于我自己努力才能换来这些成果。

Manager: You've got plenty of training and experience. I wonder if you could tell me something about your goals. Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 你接受的培训和工作经验都很丰富。能否告诉我你的目标?十年以后你准备在到什么目标? Rep: To be honest, I don't plan in that much detail. My goals tend to be general; I define success according to the job at hand. I see myself advancing as I succeed, but I don't necessarily dwell on the timing of each step. 说实话,我的目标没有那么具体要。


Manager: interesting! And how do you feel about decision-making? Are you an independent thinker, or do you depend more on your superior for direction? 有意思! 你对“作决定”有什么看法? 你是个独立思考者,还是更多地依赖上级的指示? Rep: That depends a bit on the problem at hand. There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive, and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the details. I am known for taking the initiative, but I believe I also have the discernment to wait for direction when the situation calls for that. 这就要看当时手头上的工作是什么。有时经理会给出大致的指示不,希望员工发挥在具体工作上的主动性。

我很善于发挥主动性,但我觉得我也能运用自己的判断,在某些情况下,等待经理的指示。 Manager: Sounds good. Everyone is taking about teams these days. Can you describe your role as a member of a sales team? 很好。

人们现在热衷于谈论“团队”。你能描述一下你在销售团队里的角色吗? Rep: I see myself as an encourager. Of course, sales can be quite competitive and sometimes people in this field have a secret desire for others to fail. In my last job, each representative handled a different region. I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked. Soon the whole sales team started saving up stories, not just to brag, but to share. 我把自己看作一个鼓动者。



Manager: So, your experience is as impressive in practice as it is on paper. 你的实际经历和你所写的一样吸引人。


1.The influential person in my life is my teacher.He(She) teaches me a lot of things.Through his(her)class a learn many knowledge.Then can help me to improve my level in many aspect.He(she) also teach us how to become a useful person.For these reason,the most affect person to me is my teacher.在我的生命中影响的人是我的老师.他(她)教我很多东西.通过他(她)课学到很多知识.然后可以帮助我提高我在许多方面的水平.他(她)还教我们如何成为一个有用的人出于这些原因.最有影响我的人是我的老师.2.Learn English is a big challenge to me.I learn English in many different ways.Although sometime I have mistake.But I never give up.I practice English and improve it.学习英语对我来说是一个很大的挑战.我在许多不同的方式学习英语.虽然有时我有错误.但我从来没有放弃.我练习英语和改进它.3.The most important decision that I made I think is my dream job.This is important,because it will be change and relate to my future life.Anyway,it is a important decision to me.最重要的决定是我决定我的梦想(理想)工作.这一点很重要,因为它会改变,并涉及到我的未来生活.无论如何,对我来说是一个重要的决定.4.Although everything is change,I couldn't predict my future.But I will study hard.I believe my future control in my hand.I will learn more and improve myself.I wish I will become a useful person in the future.尽管一切都改变,我无法预测自己的未来.但我会努力学习.我相信我的未来控制在我手里.我将学习并提高自己.我想我会成为未来有用的人.5.I think clothes and fashion are real important.because fashion plays an important in our life.Fashion and clothes are a kind of art.Also they are a way to express a person's character.What does the person dress can show what characters do the person has.我觉得衣服和时尚是真正重要的.因为时尚在我们的生活中起着重要的.时装和衣服是一种艺术.此外,他们是一个方法来表达一个人的性格.什么衣着的人表现了什么的一个人.。

6.求英语对话 Job Hunting 五分钟左右

Let's Learn How to Find a Job! 找工作 Billy: How's life? Michael: Same old, same old. Billy: What are we going to learn today? Michael: This time we will continue to learn how to find a job with a foreign company. Billy: I learned a lot last week, but I need to know more about what questions will be asked at an interview. Come on, quickly, teach me more. 比利:近来如何? 迈克尔:老样子,老样子。

比利:今天我们将学些什么呢? 迈克尔:这次我们将学习更多的关于外企找工作的事情。 比利:上周我学了很多,但我需要了解更多在面试中提到的问题,快!教我更多吧。

NEW WORDS 新单词 1) Abroad (adv./n)(国外): out of your home country I have never been abroad; I have never been out of China. 我从来也没有出过国,我一直都呆在中国。 2) Accomplishment (n)(成就): something completed that you're proud of Writing a book was my greatest accomplishment. 写本书是我最大的成就。

3) Automobiles (pl n) (机动车): Cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles There are too many automobiles in Beijing. 北京的车辆太多了。 4) Committed friend (worker)(忠实朋友/工人): Loyal, hard worker, or a good friend who is always there for you My secretary is a committed worker. 我的秘书是个忠心耿耿的同事。

5) CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) (简历、详细一些的简历): a longer document with your educational and work histories Always take an extra CV to the job interview. 面试的时候永远别忘了多带一份简历。 6) Expect (v) (期待): be prepared for, want I expect to earn 3,000 RMB a month at this job. 我对这份工作期望的薪金是每月3000元。

7) Occupation (n) (职业): job, career What is your occupation? 你的职业是什么? 8) Strengths (n)( 长处,擅长,优点): your good traits Working well with others is her personal strength. 与他人相处融洽是她的优点。 9) Resume (简历): a short, one page document with your educational and work history 10) Weakness (弱点): what you don't do well My greatest weakness is the fact that I have never been abroad to study English. 我的弱点在于我从来也没有机会出国学英语。

LESSON 课文 To find out if you are the one for the job, the interviewer will ask some of the following questions. Remember to be as POSITIVE as possible in your answers. Always try to find the GOOD side in everything. Talk only about your best experiences, unless otherwise asked. 为了了解你是否适合这份工作,面试人员将会问你下面一些问题。在回答这些问题的时候,要尽量正面回答。


Example 1 Q: Why did you quit your last job? (what caused you to have to leave your last job?) 问:你为什么要辞去以前的工作呢?(是什么原因使得你辞去以前的工作?) A: My last job was at a small company with very little future. Your company, however, is growing very quickly and moving in very productive directions. (By answering this way, you show that you are motivated while also praising the interviewers company.) 答:我以前工作的公司是一个小公司,没有什么前途。可是贵公司发展迅速,前途光明。

(如果这样回答问题,你就表现出了进取心,同时也表扬了面试你的公司。) Example 2 Q: Can you tell me about something special you did in your last job? (what did you learn from your last place of work?) 问:你能告诉我你在以前的工作中表现出色的地方吗?(你从以前的工作中学到了什么?) A: I was employee of the month three times. It taught me that organizational skills and working as part of a "team" are important. (Here you should boast. Praise yourself! Don't be shy here.) 答:我连续三次被评选为“月度最佳职员”。


表扬自己,不要感到不好意思。) Example 3 Q: What are your personal strengths? (what are you good at? Why are you special?) 问:你的个人优点是什么?(你擅长什么?你有什么与众不同之处?) A: I work well with others, and learn new things quickly. (It is wise to think about this carefully before the interview and remember your best points, especially those which are related to your work.) 答:我与同事相处融洽,而且接受新事物很快。

(在面试前仔细想一象这些问题是很明智的做法,尤其是那些与你的工作相关的事情。) Example 4 Q: Can you tell me more about the classes you took in college? (explain your RESUME or CV in a bit more detail) 问:你能多告诉我一些你在大学所学的课程吗?(更详细地解释你的简历。)

A: I took a series of business courses, both in micro and macro-economics. I also have done graduate work in analysis and field research. (only mention the classes that you think will be useful to you in your new job。.。

7.求一篇关于job plan的英语对话

A: What do you want to in the future?

B: I have never thought of my future job before, not because I don't care, but because I don't even have a clue. This morning, when I woke up, suddenly, I felt a kind of worry.

A: That's sound interesting! What is your plan?

B: Well! If I work in a company, then the work wounld not exhaust my master's knowlege. Plus, it is very tough working in a company, much pressure and competition. If I work in a college, it would be boring to death. All day long, I have to deal with books and students. If i work in a law firm. it would be even tougher than in a company. I have to learn many things. I know then I will lose my own world and no fun at all.

A: It seems you have a quite detailed thought!

B: I'm not sure whether it is a good choice of studying for a master's degree. I'm always writing papers, reading boring stuff。now I think i have trouble of getting a job. I don't even know what I wanna do in the near future.

A: you don't have to be so upset! Chances are everywhere if you are excellent!

B: It would be nice to go to Shanghai, but the pressure and competition are out of my imagination!

A: I trust you! Come on!

8.英文对话Job Hunting

Uncle: How is your job hunting going on?A: Not so good, uncle, I have tried quite a lot of companies.Uncle: So your major is computer, isn't it right?A: Yes, uncle, but seemed that no companies in this field are recruiting at that moment.Uncle: Well, it is rather understandable, my nephew, for there has been a serious recession going on for a few years now.A: Perhaps I have been studying the wrong profession then!Uncle: No, not just the IT, many other industries too were taking a hard hit by the downturn. You shouldn't lose heart. There are other jobs and opportunities waiting for you! A: Thanks uncle but what and how can I find one suitable for me? Uncle: Be patience, there are many other ways of looking for jobs. You need to look harder andknow where to look that's all. A: Where should I look then?Uncle: Where have you been looking so far?A: The newspapers.Uncle: What about the internet then? Did you try it? A: Yes, that too, but not much.Uncle: Then you should look harder and more. What about job fairs?A: Not at the moment because I have no ideas where is one being held at the moment.Uncle: I will help find one near and also would like to introduce you to some potentialemployers too.A: Thanks a lot uncle. How wonderful that would be!Uncle: So, don't worry good things always come to those who wait.A: I will remember that too.Uncle: Well besides, the recession can't go on forever. I am sure things will just turn out fine for you at the end.A: I really hope so too, uncle. But what jobs would be good for what I have learned if Ican't find one in IT?Uncle: We need to see and depends on what opportunities will pop up first. You need to havea bit of faith in yourself. Do you hear me?A: Yes uncle, I will learn to believe myself more.Uncle: That's the spirit! Just cheer up, tomorrow will be a fine day. Your Mom and Dad and Iare really proud of you. What you have learned will not be wasted most definitely!A: I am already feeling much better now uncle. All thanks to you for your encouragement and help! 这可以吗?。



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