2023-01-16 15:45:44


英语剧本:骄傲的孔雀(A proud peacock) 小松鼠:(软翻上) 小猴:(围着小松鼠) Great! Great! Let me have a try. 棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。

狐狸:(追上) Hi! You two, don't play any more. The forest concert is going to begin. 嗨!你们两个,别再闹了。 森林音乐会将要开始了。

You'd better go and prepare for it. 你们最好快去做准备工作吧! 小猴:Look, I'm just preparing for it. 看,我不正在排练吗?(准备前滚翻) 狐狸:You naught monkey! Don't play any more. 你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。 小松鼠:Let's go! Little monkey! 我们走吧!小猴! 小猴:Would you like to go with us, Fox? 你和我们一起走吗?狐狸? 狐狸:Thanks! But I'm going to invite the peacock to our concert. I'll be back soon. 谢谢!但我还要去请孔雀来参加我们的音乐会。

我马上就回来。 松鼠、小猴:See you later! 等会见! 狐狸:See you later! 等会见! (自言自语地)My beautiful peacock. Where are you? Can you hear me?(狐狸下) 美丽的孔雀。

你在哪里? 你能听到我在叫你吗? 孔雀(上):Hi, I'm a peacock! Look! How pretty I am! My colourfull feathers. 大家好!我是孔雀。看!我多漂亮啊! 我五彩缤纷的羽毛。

My beautiful cockscomb. Who have these just like mine? Oh! What are you saying? 美丽的冠子。 你们谁有呢? 哦!你说什么? Have I got any friends? Oh, no, no. I don't need any friends. My only friend is me. 我有没有朋友? 哦,不、不。


狐狸(上):Hello! My beautiful peacock. I'm looking for you everywhere. 你好!美丽的孔雀。 我正到处找你呢。

孔雀:Looking for me? 找我? 狐狸:Oh, yes! We are holding a forest concert. Would you like to join us? 哦,是的!我们要举行一个森林音乐会。你愿意一起参加吗? 孔雀:Oh, no, no. I never play with any ugly ones. Look! Your ears are so long. 哦,不,不。

我从不和丑陋的人一起玩。看!你的耳朵这么长, They are too terrible. And all of your friends are ugly too. Do you think so?(对观众) 他们太可怕了。

并且你所有的朋友都和你一样丑陋。你们说呢? 狐狸:My beautiful peacock. You are too proud. That's bad for you. Although we are not beautiful. 美丽的孔雀, 你太骄傲了。

这对你不好。 虽然我们并不漂亮。

We'll help you when necessary. Please be our friend. And please take part in our concert. 但我们会帮助你在你困难的时候,请成为我们的朋友吧!并请参加我们的音乐剧吧! We all like your dance. 我们都喜欢你跳舞。 孔雀:Oh, no, no. I never dance for any ugly ones. And I'll never need your helps. 哦,不,不,我从不为丑陋的人跳舞。

并且我不需要你们的帮助。 狐狸:My beautiful peacock…… 美丽的孔雀…… 孔雀:(打断狐狸的话)Don't say any more. You ugly fox. 你别说了,丑陋的狐狸。

狐狸:Oh, I have to leave now. You are too proud. 哦,我必须走了。 你太骄傲了。

孔雀:(独白)Oh, what a lovely day. The sun is shining brightly. Why not have a good sleep under 啊,阳光多好啊。 让我在这树下美美的睡上一觉。

this tall tree? 大灰狼:(自言自语)I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry. Those elves are staying together. 我太饿了。 我太饿了。

那些小精灵们团结的那么紧。 I hear they are having a forest concert today. I have no chance to catch them. 我听说他们又搞什么森林音乐会。

我连抓住他们的机会都没有。 I'm so hungry. Oh, there's a big hole in the tree. What's in it? Is there something for me? 我太饿了。

哦,那棵树里有一个大洞。 那里面有什么呢?有什么可吃的呢? Oh, what's that? A beautiful peacock. I think I won't be hungry any longer. 哦,那是什么?一只美丽的孔雀。

我想我不会再饿肚子了。 Look! The two fat arms. They are delicious. 看!那两只结实的胳膊。

他们定是美味的。 孔雀:(惊吓的)Oh! My god. Who's that? What are you doing for? 哦!上帝啊!那是什么?你想干什么? 大灰狼:Aha! I'm your good friend. Don't be afraid. 啊哈!我是你的好朋友。

别害怕。 孔雀:I haven't got any friends. 我从来没有朋友。

大灰狼:That's OK! Otherwise I'll have no such a chance. 这就对了!否则的话我怎么会有这样的机会呢? 孔雀:You, you are a wolf. You evil one. 你,你是一只大灰狼。你想害我。

大灰狼:You are right. I'm so hungry. And you are my good dinner. 你说对了。 我太饿了。

你是我丰盛的午餐。 孔雀:Help! Help!….. 救命啊!救命啊!….. 大灰狼:Don't run away. My little dear! 别跑,我的小乖乖。

猴子:(出)Listen! Someone is shouting help! 听!谁在喊救命! 狐狸、松鼠:(跑上)Who is crying for help? 谁在喊救命? (幕内)孔雀:Help! Help! A big wolf is going to kill me! 救命呀!救命呀!大灰狼要吃我了! 松鼠:Perhaps it's the peacock. 好像是孔雀。 猴子:Oh, my god! A wolf is running after her. 。


老师:老实说,你吸烟吗? 男生 a :不吸。

老师:不吸?嗯,吃根薯条吧。 男生 a 很自然地伸出两根手指夹着接过来…… 老师:不吸?!叫家长来…… [ 场景二 ] 老师 : 吸烟吗? 男生 b: 不吸。

老师:不吸?嗯,吃根薯条吧。 b 由于听到a 的情况,所以很小心的用手掌接过了薯条。

老师:不蘸点番茄酱吗? b 一不小心蘸多了,于是马上用手指弹了弹…… 老师:弹烟灰的姿势很熟练嘛。叫家长来…… [ 场景三 ] 老师:吸烟吗? 男生 c: 不吸。

老师:不吸,好,吃根薯条吧。 c 因有前面两个例子很小心地流着汗吃完了薯条。

老师:不给同学带根回去吗? c 接过薯条后顺手就夹在耳朵上…… 老师:不吸???叫家长来…… [ 场景四 ] 老师:吸烟吗? 男生 d :不吸。 老师:很好,吃根薯条吧。

d 心惊胆战地吃完了薯条。 老师:不给同学带根回去吗? d 又小心地将薯条放到了上衣袋里。

老师突然大喊一声:校长来了! d 赶忙从口袋里取出薯条扔在地上,用脚使劲地踩…… 老师:不吸?!叫家长来…… [ 场景五 ] 老师:吸烟吗? 男生 e :不吸, 老师:很好,吃根薯条吧。 e 刚拿过薯条,老师说:不请我吃吗? e 赶忙双手递过薯条,然后掏出打火机…… 老师:不吸?!叫家长来…… [ 场景六 ] 老师:吸烟吗? 男生 f :不吸。

老师:很好,吃根薯条吧。 f 心惊胆战地吃完了。

老师:突然大喊一声:校长来了! f 手心冒汗,但仍镇定地低头说到:校长您好! 老师:校长会闻到你嘴里的味道的。 f 掏出薯条:不会,还在这呢,火都还没点…… [ 场景七 ] 老师:你到底吸不吸烟? 男生 g :向上帝保证,绝对不吸。

老师:真的不吸?好,来吃根薯条吧。 g 非常自然接过薯条吃个干净。

老师:真是个好孩子,你一般喜欢什么牌子的薯条呢? g( 得意忘形地) :大中华…… [ 场景八 ] 老师:吃根薯条吧。 男生 n :谢谢,不会。

老师:……+1 已赞过。


BOSSY: Whiskey! Give me whiskey! DAISY: No more whiskey。

You've drunk too much。 Now go to bed to have a rest。

BOSSY: Just wine is enough… OK! If you don't take it, I'll get it myself! DAISY: No way! You mustn't do that。 BOSSY: You old witch! DAISY (cry):Help! NOISY: Shall we go to the park? LAZY: Good idea! CRAZY: That sounds really good。

But you see, we are not sure if your father will let us go out, so you'd better ask him first。 LAZY: Yes, you're right。

Let's go to ask him。 LAZY: Daddy? BOSSY:……… LAZY: You look so handsome today… LAZY: …and very kind。

And I think if you let us go to the park。 You'll be the best father in the world。

BOSSY: Really? OK。 Go ahead。

DAISY: Stop!…Both of you can go, no problem, but Noisy must stay here。 NOISY: Well。

I just want to go with them and then do my housework。 DAISY: Yes, you mustn't go anywhere until all the work is finishes。

LAZY: But I want her to go with me! You see, if I go there without her, then I won't enjoy myself! CRAZY: Why? That sounds really strange! You said you cannot leave her, why is that? She is only a maid! LAZY: Shut up! You don't understand at all。 She is, she is my GF! CRAZY: What! I… BOSSY: You are only ten! How can you have two GF? Yes, when you declared that Crazy is yours, I have no attitude —— That is because her family is a rich one—— DAISY: Then we saw you buy chocolate for her, take her to the cinema。

BOSSY: And I've already fed up。You had been fired。

This is the wage for today, now go to take your package and go away。 NOISY:……Peacock flies to southeast。

And there is a wander once five miles。 LAZY: You cannot do that Dad! You cannot… CRAZY: Shut up! BOSSY: Go, can't you hear? Go to the devil! LAZY: OK, Dad, if you determined to drive Noisy away, I'll go with her。

Don't be afraid。 Let's go together。

DAISY: Oh dear, what shall we do then? BOSSY: Whiskey! Give me whiskey!。


Scene 1(In the restaurant, a man and a woman are having coffees)Siu Ming: Well, sweetie, you know, I am really thankful that I haveyou beside me for so many years…I love you.Rose: (Smile) Honey, I love you too.Siu Ming: I know you do. Listen, I've been thinking about this formonths seriously…sweetie, will you marry me?Rose: Oh! What a surprise! How sweet! But dear, I need to thinktwice about it…you know, I'm pretty serious about marriage.Siu Ming: Yeah, yeah, certainly. So…Rose: (Drinking the coffee) Oh my god! This is so disgusting!Siu Ming: Oh dear, are you OK?Rose: No!! I'm not OK! (Angry) OK…I'm sorry but I don't haveconfidence in our future because you can't even find a decent restaurant forthis important moment. I'm sorry. Bye-bye. (run away)Siu Ming: Sweetie…how can this be…? It must be the coffee! (lookingaround) Where is the manager? (turn to William) You are in trouble!Scene 2(Greeting)Daniel: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Eaties' Grouphead office! I'm Daniel (Corporate Communication Department Manager).(greeting)Joyce: This is Joyce (Human Resources Manager).Arthur: Oh, regular weekly meeting again! I'm Arthur (CorporateConsultant). Nice to meet you all.Emily: Good day. This is Emily (Coffee Specialist). I seldom attendmeetings…I'm more technical in a sense. But they just need me present today…(drink coffee)William: I am William, I'm managing the Eaties' Café chain. UsuallyI don't need to be here. (worried) But this time I think I'm in trouble…Oh, itseems that the meeting is about to start, wish me good luck!Scene 3(In Meeting Room One, meeting in progress)Daniel: OK we are done with the routine stuff. Now let's come to thespecial issues about Eatie's Café…A gentleman is complaining that our coffee failshim in proposing to a lady. And he's trying to make us liable to that.Emily: Oh… I believe that we have the best Brazilian coffee beans.Joyce: I am not looking forward to receiving a letter from thesolicitor. Let's get to the point real quick. Who manages the café, and who madethe coffee?William: I am the manager, and a trainee made the coffee…We hiredhim last week.Joyce: Ah ha, so you are the one.William: I'm sorry that I didn't train him very well. I will takethis responsibility.Joyce: I have told you. How can this happen? How can you be amanager? You should never let a trainee make coffees or prepare food. This willonly cause trouble. The best solution would be to fire that trainee and we'llget you downsized. I believe the customer would be pleased to accept ourapology.(Silence)William: OK if this is the only solution…Arthur: It's OK, we won't put all the blame on you. To be fair, itis extremely funny that not getting married because of a cup of coffee. Wecan't be liable to that, right?(Everybody laughs except William and Joyce)Daniel: Frankly speaking, the fault is on William's side coz he didnot provide adequate training to the new-hired staff. But of course, we have toadmit that most of our stores cannot afford to do that either. We didn't givethem the resources.Arthur: Can we do this? We can implement a new policy. From now on onlytrained baristas can brew coffee. They have to go through internal training andqualification test to be a barista.Joyce: But this would probably increase our workload. We will haveto train the staff all from nothing. We need to put a lot more resources inthat. Why can't we simply fire the ones who are responsible and let this end?Daniel: Joyce, of course there would be costs. But providingtraining is also a good way to minimize our liability in the future.Arthur: Well, having five of us sitting here to solve problems alsocost us time and money in a way.Emily, Daniel: Haha, that's true.Daniel: So, good news for you, William. You can keep your position!(The meeting is over, and the minutes is shown on screen 5-10s)Scene 4(In the office)Daniel: (looking at the business letter) What do you think, Arthur?Arthur: It looks good.Daniel: Great. So we'll send it out today!(camera turns to the memo)William: (looking at the memo) Oh I can't believe this. I was notpunished…Emily: No, you were. See, your workload is increased. You'll beresponsible for arranging the tests for everybody who works at the café. Andyou will have to pass the test and get the qualification yourself too.William: I'm not afraid of that! But I'm sorry that your workloadhas been increased because of this incident…Emily: Haha, it's OK. I love coffee. (smile) But you really need tobe more careful when you hire new staff next time!应该会是5分钟,算上你们讲得比较慢的话,7分钟左右。

5.英语话剧剧本推荐 5~10分钟 5人 内容简单易懂

守株待兔(英语短剧) 剧本 你可以自己调节角色~ (因为是搞笑,所以不必太拘谨。

普通台词意思对即可。) [开始。

树)上台安静地屹立到舞台较后方。导演(范冰)走到台前] 导演:Action![跑下台] [农夫冷酷地上。

] 农夫:I'm a farmer.(稍停顿)[走两步]A modern farmer.(掏出墨镜戴上)[冷酷地走两步,突然被绊了一跤,回头生气地踢了下绊自己的石头,继续保持冷酷]When I was yong,I studied in Nan~tong Middle School[掏出胸卡骄傲地展示给观众看,收起]!So I'm rich now![开始展示名牌,边说边掏]Look!This is my modern mobile——Motorola WC 250!This is my Swatch!This my MP3!This is my shoes——ADI~DAS!This is… [不经意地掏出一个苹果]Oh,sorry. And look at this![从怀里掏出痒痒挠] Do U know what's this?痒痒挠?No no no~~It's my modern——锄头~!![看下表]It's time to do some farming![开始弯下腰做出锄地的动作,锄了两下,突然] Oh yes!I think farming should be combined with music![掏出MP3戴上,开始很有激情地边锄地边唱]Farming farming,I'm farming!Farming should be combined with music~!Farming farming,I'm farming!Farming will be funny and easy~![边唱边锄边慢慢下台,把没用的道具拿走,把有用的道具准备在口袋里] [树走上前台] 树:I'm a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出疯狂摇滚歌手的动作,边做边唱:哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鹅]I'm tall!And I'm Strong!IF you hit me,you will 挂掉!Oh?There comes a rabbit! [引导观众看兔子A)。树站回后台] [兔子A上] 兔子A(一开始不知道状况。

以为自己扮演周杰伦,所以很热情地上场跟观众打招呼):Hey everybody,I'm Jay!I love U!I love Nantong![展示新专辑《十一月的肖邦》]Now let me sing one of my new songs to U!The name of the song is 《发如雪》![清清嗓子正要唱,这时候导演(范冰)上] 导演:[拿手中纸筒狠狠打了下兔子A的头]What are U doing?! Now U are a rabbit,understand?![兔子A:Sorry sorry sorry] [导演边说边夺过《十一月的肖邦》。导演下台之前,看了下《十》] What's this?[看了看,惊喜地]Oh!It's mine!(很兴奋地拿着下场) 兔子A:OK,now I'm a rabbit. I just had my breakfast. Now I'm just walking around here. I think walking after meals is good for my health. [在场上转圈,悠闲散步] [农夫继续锄地,边锄边上场,突然看见前面有个兔子] 农夫:(惊喜地)Lunch![扔掉痒痒挠]I will catch it! [偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子后面走] [农夫跟在兔子后面。






这次农夫冷酷地把枪口对准了兔子。] 兔子A:Wahhhh~!(吓一跳)What's this! 农夫:Hnnnn…!I will kill U for lunch! 兔子A:But your gun… [帮农夫把枪头调转过来(农夫一开始把枪对着自己)] 农夫:Thank you! 兔子A:My pleasure. (突然想起来农夫要杀自己) Wah~~~~~~ [兔子跑,躲到树后面,农夫追到树前] 农夫:Where~ to go? Haha! [农夫开了一枪“砰”。


农夫又开枪,同上。 农夫开始加快频率,火力密集地开枪。


] 兔子A[自我陶醉中,边跳边说]You didn't hurt me! You didn't hurt me! 树:[痛苦万分地]But…U…Hurt me….[痛苦地慢慢挪动到兔子背后] [兔子继续兴奋地跳舞。农夫停止开枪,走到兔子面前,看着它。

兔子猛然抬头发现] 农夫:Ah ha~! Bye bye ! [举枪对准兔子,开枪,没声音,看看枪,示意没子弹了。兔子见状,非常兴奋地大笑起来] 兔子A:Ha ha ha ha! You can't kill me now! [兴奋大笑,笑到抽筋,笑到后仰。

突然头撞倒了后面的树] Wa ![兔子晕两下~~ “我倒!” 倒地] 农夫:OH! [很兴奋地过去两个手指提起兔子]My lunch , I caught you !!! [想一下] But I'm still full now.Let me tie it to the tree and have a sleep.I will eat it after sleeping.[把兔子绑到树上。倒地睡到树旁边] …… 兔子A:[兔子很快醒了,看看四周,发现自己被绑了,很惊讶]Where am I? What happened? 树:[指着农夫]He caught you and wanted to eat you. 兔子A:What?! I must leave here! But how can I escape?[东张西望,看到农夫的手机] [兔子不知不觉地把树杈移开,走到手机前看了看]咦?What's this?[捡起来看]Oh,a mobile.[再看]It's beautiful.[放回原处。

又自觉地把自己绑在树上。 突然想起来]A mobile!Maybe I can call some one to help me! [又不知不觉地把自己放出来,那起手机] But how to use it??? 树:[走上前]Let me tell U.Look,press this button![给兔子] 兔子A:Oh I see. [做出打电话的样子] 喂? 李咏:[上台,激情澎湃地] Hello!This is lucky fifty-two![做出幸运52的手势]I'm Liyong!Now let's start our first question!What's the most probable relation between 康熙 and 雍正? A. Husband and wife B.T。


1: I am a princess from the wonderland, what about you?

2: i am a normal girl. nice to meet you

1: who are you?

2: my name is Angela, you want to be friends?

1: ok, you want to play with me in that park?

2: Let's go


1: i want to play on the swing

2: But she is on it

3:you can go on it if you want

1: thank you

4: i want to go on it too, can i go first?

1: no , it is my swing

4 cries

1: you can go on it if you really want

2: don't worry , lets play something else

1: ok, lets go over there

3:can i come?

1: yes you can

4: can i come too

5: hi, i am Jack, why don't we play all together!


5: i know there is lake down there, lets go


3:lets go

4: come on


A:I think I'clever than you。

B D:really?Don't you know I'm a doctor(博士)C:That'nothing. Doctor's Chinese meaning is the same as the spider(蜘蛛) in chinese。B D:Well,if you can answer our two quiestions you must clever than me.A C: OKB:who is closer(更近)with you ? your mother or your father?A:let me think。

mother because father is further. D:why is a river rich?c:so easy! because it always has two banks(银行、岸) AD:oh! my god! we can't say anything now!。


《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧) 本文来自: 恒星英语学习网() 详细出处参考:Wanderseveryfivemiles 焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort)刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort) 焦母Johnny'smother(JMforshort)刘母Lunch'smother(LMforshort) 太守之子Mayor'sson(MSforshort)强盗Burglars(ABandC) Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪) J:EverybodysaysthatI'mhenpecked,butinfact,I'masstrongasatiger,(小声)whilemy wifeisWuSong. (指着上台处的门大声道)I'mnotafraidofyou! (内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I'mafraidofwhom? MywifeLunchisthemostfamouswomanintheneighbor-hood.Sheisbraverthanme, smarterthanmeandstrongerthanme.AllthisIdonotcare.Ionlywanthertobetender thanme.Butsheisnot!Havingawifelikethisisjustlikelivinginthehell! (内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J) MyGod!Whocanhelpme?(下) Act1 (序幕结束时,JM作窃听状) JM(拄拐棍上):Ican! (对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Whereareyou? L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I'mhere!What'supmum? JM:I'vetoldyouagainandagainthatyoushouldcallme“mymostbeautifulgracefuland dearestmother-in-law”. L:OK.Mymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother-in-law,what'sup? JM:Sinceyoumarriedmysonyouhavebehavedsobadly.Youhavebeensorude,sobrusque,so lazy…… L:But…… JM:Neverinterruptme! L:Neverinterruptme!SinceImarriedyourson,thatterribleJohnny,Ihavebeenworkinghardall daylong,cookingandwashing.Ihaveraisedtensofthousandsofpigsandducksandchicken and…… JM:Butallthoseyouhavedonearenotasvaluableasagrandson! L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,youwantagrandson,don'tyou?(开始解围裙)Goandaskyour son.I'mleaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下) Act2 (LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上) L:Mum,I'mback! LM:Youareback?Why?Whathappened? L:Iwaskickedoutbymymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother–in-law. LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!Ihavealreadytoldyou!Whenyouinsistedon marryingthatterribleJohnny,Itoldyouthatheisuglystupidandpoor,butyoudidnotlisten tome.Lookatyourself…… L:But,mum…… LM:Neverinterruptme! L:Mum,I'mnotinterruptingyou.IjustwanttotellyouthatyouarealwaysrightOK?And I'llmarrywhomeveryouwantmeto. LM(大喜):Nicegirl!Justnow,Imetthemayor'ssoninthemarket.Hesaid:“Ifyoudaughter Haven'tbeenmarried,Ireallyreallywanttomarryher!”Nowyouarefreeagain,I'llgo andtellhim.(下) L(惊愕):What?Themayor'sson?Themostfamousplayboyintheneighbor-hood?(手中的锅 铲掉在地上)WhatasillythingIhavedone!(下) Act3 (J睡眼惺忪上) J(边走边道):Lunch!Lunch!Wherearemysocks? (走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Heretheyare!(闻一下) Er!Howsmelly!Theyarestilldirty! (突然想起)Lunchhasgone!Ihavetowashthemmyself. (他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I'msohungry!Butthere'snobreakfast!(捡起地上的围 裙)ThisiswhatLunchalwayswears!Imisshersomuch,andherexcellentcookingskill!Now shehasgone.Ihavetocookformymotherandmyself. JM(上):Where'smybreakfast?Where'sLunch?Hasn'tshegotupyet? J:Mum,can'tyouremember?Lunchhasgone! JM(沉吟片刻):Well,totellyouthetruthJohnny,asonwithoutawifeisuseless.Lunchisanice girl,goandtakeherback! J(立正敬礼):Yesmadam! Act4 (J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗) A:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous! Theroadisbuiltbyme!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上) B:AndIplantedonetree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上) C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚) AB&C:Giveusallyourmoney! J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is1maoenough? (三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量) A:Whatbadluck!Thisguyisbroken! B:Ifwecannotrobanymoneytoday,wewillhavenothingtoeattonight! C:Iheardthatthemayor'ssonisgoingtomarryMissLiuLanzhinextmonth.WEcangoand robthewedding! A&B:Goodidea! J(惊讶):What?What?Lunchisgoingtogetmarried?It'simpossible! AB&C:Why?Aprettygirlandarichman,whatagoodcouple! J:ButLunchismywife!Wehaven'tgotdivorcedyet! (突然有了主意)I'vegotanidea!Youaregoingtorobthewedding,don'tyou?I'llgo withyou.YoutakethemoneyandItakethebride. B:Haveyougotanyexperience? J:No.ButI'vegotthis!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000) Act5 (转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台) (J和三强盗跃至台中) ABC&J:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous! A:Theroadisbuiltbyme! B:AndIplantedonetree. C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet--- J:。


A:I think I'clever than you。

B D:really?Don't you know I'm a doctor(博士)

C:That'nothing. Doctor's Chinese meaning is the same as the spider(蜘蛛) in chinese。

B D:Well,if you can answer our two quiestions you must clever than me.


B:who is closer(更近)with you ? your mother or your father?

A:let me think。 mother because father is further.

D:why is a river rich?

c:so easy! because it always has two banks(银行、岸)

AD:oh! my god! we can't say anything now!

10.五人英语短剧(一人旁白)3—5分钟 简单一点

A Brother Like That A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car, Mister?" he said. Paul nodded. "My brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was astounded. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you nothing? Boy, I wish . . ." He hesitated. Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels. "I wish," the boy went on, "That I could be a brother like that." Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?" "Oh yes, Id love that." After a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?" Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car. "There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day Im gonna give you one just like it . . . then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that Ive been trying to tell you about." Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he said: "It is more blessed to give . . . " 内容: 哥哥的心愿 圣诞节时,保罗的哥哥送他一辆新车。

圣诞节当天,保罗离开办公室时,一个男孩绕着那辆闪闪发亮的新车,十分赞叹地问: "先生,这是你的车?" 保罗点点头:"这是我哥哥送给我的圣诞节礼物。"男孩满脸惊讶,支支吾吾地说:"你是说这是你哥送的礼物,没花你一分钱?天哪,我真希望也能……" 保罗当然知道男孩他真想希望什么。



保罗惊愕地看着那男孩,冲口而出地说:"你要不要坐我的车去兜风?" "哦,当然好了,我太想坐了!" 车开了一小段路后,那孩子转过头来,眼睛闪闪发亮,对我说:"先生,你能不能把车子开到我家门前?" 保罗微笑,他知道孩子想干什么。那男孩必定是要向邻居炫耀,让大家知道他坐了一部大轿车回家。




" 保罗走下车子,把跛脚男孩抱到车子的前座。兴奋得满眼放光的哥哥也爬上车子,坐在弟弟的身旁。

就这样他们三人开始一次令人难忘的假日兜风。 那个圣诞夜,保罗才真正体会主耶稣所说的"施比受更有福"的道理。



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