2023-01-14 15:46:36




为此,乙方同意签定相关的保密协议(不泄露协议)。Party B shall provide Party A with eligible personnel in accordance with the requirements of Party A.In the event of the personnel assigned by Party B does not comply with the requirements or cannot render the required services of Party A, after the receipt of a written notice on this matter from Party A, Party B shall again look for eligible candidate for Party A to replace the personnel.In the course of discussing, signing and executing this contract, all the documents and information of Party A which cannot be publicly accessed including, but not limited to, trade secrets such as corporate planning, financial and technical data, operations and quality information acquired by Party B shall be strictly confidential; no unauthorized use or disclosure to any third parties shall be guaranteed by Party B and its assigned personnel. Both Parties agree to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement concerning this matter; in the event of infringement of this secrecy agreement, Party B shall indemnify all the losses suffered by Party A. 2.乙方及其指派人员应当保证其在为甲方提供服务的行为不存在或出现侵犯任何第三人合法权益的情形,否则由此产生的一切责任和导致甲方之损失由乙方承担。

Party B and Its assigned personnel guarantee that the conduct of services provided does not violate the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, otherwise, all responsibilities and losses sustained by Party A arising out of this matter shall be borne by Party B.1)本合同未尽之事宜,或甲乙双方对本合同发生争议时友好协商解决。2)本合同之附件为合同的重要组成部分,与本合同具同等法律效力。


4)本合同受中华人民共和国法律管辖,若双方争议不能协商和解,任何一方都有权向甲方企业所在地司法部门提出仲裁。1. All other matters not expressly stated in this contract or in the event of any disputes arising out of this contract, both Parties agree to settle them through amicable consultations.2. All appendixes are integral parts of this contract, and are valid with the same legal effect.3. This contract is made in two original copies in Chinese/English and shall become valid after both Parties have attached their signatures on it. Both the versions shall have the same legal effect and each Party shall hold one copy in witness thereof. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 4. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. In the event of disputes arising between the Parties cannot be settled through amicable consultations, each Party has the right to submit the dispute for arbitration to the judiciary department where Party A's company is located. 1.1甲方负责配合乙方,自本合同生效后,提供项目所需要的资料和数据,包括但是不限于相关文档、报表等。

1.2 甲方承担乙方指派人员来往甲、乙方工作场所之间的交通费,以及提供相应的工作条件,并为乙方提供和承担在甲方工作期间的住宿和膳食费用。1.3 向乙方支付本合同约定的技术服务费用。

1.1 After this contract becomes effective, Party A shall coordinate with Party B by providing all the required materials and data for the project, including but not limited to, the relevant documents and reports. 1.2 Party A shall be responsible for providing a suitable working condition and all the transportation expenses of Party B's assigned personnel shuttling between the workplaces of the two Parties. Party A shall also provide and bear the food and accommodation expenses of Party B during the period working at the location of Party A.1.3 Party A shall make payment to Party B for the technical service fees stipulated in this contract. 【英语牛人团】。


Sales Agency Agreement






This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned

on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop

business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as


1. 订约人 Contracting Parties




Supplier: (hereinafter called "party A")

Agent:(hereinafter called "party B")

Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to

sell the commodity mentioned below.

2. 商品名称及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or Amount

双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内, 销售不少于**的商品。

It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not

less than。 of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of

this Agreement。

3. 经销地区 Territory


In 。 only.

4. 订单的确认 Confirmation of Orders




agreement; contract


1)Thank you. I'll make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow.


2)The statement charged that their actions violated the agreement.



Play a covariant re-debate bookParty a:Party b:Basis "contract law" and other relevant laws and regulations, and both parties negotiated consensus, sign agreement as follows:Article 1: the performance date and timeDate and time acting content unit price remarkEvery Tuesday to every SundayWorking time (for) businessMorning (Morning) :Weekday - Welcoming visitor) you (You shall Rest Rest) (--Wherefore - both (1st. Set game 1)Both - will Rest Rest) (Will - 13:30 (2nd. Set the second game)13:30-13:45 (Rest Rest)13:45 - - foreign (3 nd. Set game 3)Night (will)From - 6pm (Welcoming visitor)Then the Rest - 6pm (Rest)Moreover - a little (1st Set in the first game).A little Rest - 19:05 (Rest)19:05 - happened (2nd. Set the second game)Happened - timnathserah (Rest Rest)Timnathserah - arrayed (law. Set game 3)They came to Rest - (Rest)Smite - some finish working at (schools)Must comply with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations780 yuan / 6 hoursAs in China on Monday, legal holiday Christmas and valentine's day western festivals such as visual operating condition, party a to party b rest corresponding adjustments, party b must obey party a shall arrange for no reason.Article 2: the performance sitesPerform site for a appointed restaurantArticle 3: the performance number 6 total:Article 4: every time six hours, show the morning 2.5 hours, evening 3.5 hoursArticle 5: the performance service plan: RMB: total 20300 yuan, capital: two thousand three hundred dollars).Article 6: party a shall pay to party b monthly 10 20300 yuan RMB: performance fees, capital: two thousand three hundred yuan.Article 7: party b shall ensure the stability and performance number of time.Article 8: party b must strictly in accordance with the agreement of both parties agreed time to participate in the performance, such as for party b causes show the time delay, all consequences shall be borne by party b, party a will to this agreement performance time shall prevail.Article 9: party a is responsible to handle matters relating to the performance of this agreement with administrative functions need to deal with all the formalities.Article 10:1 content of this agreement by party b for party a performance, if party a temporary change performance time and place, and shall inform party b.Article 11: responsibility of breach of contract shall become effective after its signing by both parties, if any breach by the breaching party with all performing as liquidated damages paid jv party. Because of a dispute, contract both sides talks things over solve, consultation fails, submit the people's court judge.Article 12: QiuPing, XingYanTing for party a entrusts party b is responsible with plenipotentiary agreements in the work that needs to be done.Article 13: other matters need agreed by party b in dining-room: 1, can enjoy the performance after meals: RMB 300 yuan/month/person (issuing date for: monthly # 1). 2, party a shall provide party b with collective dormitory dormitory, equipped with ordinary supplies and facilities, the agreement period produced in the dormitory all expenses (such as water, gas, electricity, etc.) 360 yuan inside be borne by party a, exceed a share be borne by party b. 3 party a and party b in designated restaurant performances, by party a restaurant system management, involved management aspects of the dispute by party a regulation enforcement.Article 14: this agreement is prepared and executed effect after its signing by both parties. Party a, party b holds one copy holds one copy.Party a: party b。


先mark一下,我睡起来给你翻译----------------------------大哥别急,我说了我睡起来的,我刚刚起来-------------------------------已经翻译完了, 正在检查,因为是法律文件来的,不敢马虎虚拟主机租用合同及维护Network Virtual Host Rental and Maintenance Agreement甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:乙方愿意为甲方提供因特网信息服务,甲方愿意接受乙方的服务,经甲、乙双方友好协商,达成如下协议:Whereas, Party B is willing to provide Party A with internet information communication services, and Party A is willing to accept the services provided by Party B. After open negotiation by both parties, the hereunder agreements are reached:服务项目Service Activity:支持Asp php html的虚拟主机空间共 1000 M ,价格 2000 元/年,共计 1 年;Supporting Asp, Php, Html and its virtual network host space, in total of 1000 Mb, priced at 2000 RMB/year, length total of 1 year;每年网页维护12次(文字图片修改),价格 2300 元/年,共计 1 年。

total of 12 website maintenance annually (text and graphic modifications), priced at 2300 RMB/year, length total of 1 year.第一条 双方的权利和义务Part One: Rights and Obligations1, 甲方必须遵守《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法》《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》《中华人民共和国电信条例》《互联网信息服务管理办法》和国家其他有关法律、法规、条例,不得做任何违法经营活动。1, Party A must act in accordance to: , , , , and any other government corresponding law, regulation, whereas any illegal operation or actions is prohibited.甲方对其经营行为和发布的信息违反上述规定而引起的任何政治责任 法律责任和给乙方造成的经济损失承担全部责任。

Party A shall be held accountable to any and all pecuniary loss and legal responsibilities of Party B, caused by the condition that, Party A operate and releases information in conflict to any afore mentioned laws and regulations.2 甲方不得进行下列行为:①利用乙方提供的服务和技术支持散布大量不受欢迎的电子邮件、广告等;2, Party A may NOT conduct the following actions: ①Using the technology and services provided by party B to: disperse any bulk quantity of spam emails and commercials alike;②使用依据本合同租赁的虚拟空间进行空间转租;②Sub-lease the internet virtual space defined by this agreement.③.进行任何改变或试图改变乙方提供的系统配置或破坏系统安全的行为;③Perform any change to, or attempt to perform any change to the system settings provided by party B, or any actions that may compromise the security of the system.④运行影响虚拟主机服务器或者乙方服务器正常工作的程序、进程等;④Execute any program, process or actions that may hinder the performance of network hosting server(s) or the normal performance of the server(s) that belongs to Party B.⑤其他超出甲方提交虚拟主机服务申请时定制的服务规格的行为,以及国家相关法规禁止的行为。 甲方对违反上述义务给乙方和乙方用户造成的损失承担全部责任。

⑤Undertake any other actions that exceed the service regulations defined at the moment of application (of network hosting service) by Party A, in addition to any other actions that is prohibited by any relevant PRC laws and regulations.3、乙方有义务维护甲方虚拟空间上的网页、数据、口令、密码的完整性和保密性。3, Party B shall be responsible for the integrity and security of the website, data, information and password that is situated at the virtual network space provided to, and rented by, Party A.4、甲方应依本合同的约定支付价款,按时为虚拟空间续费。

乙方向甲方提供服务器空间的租赁服务;4, Party A shall pay the listed fee consistent with this agreement; and provide any sequential fee, if applicable, on time. Party B provides the rental service of virtual network space to Party A.5、未经甲方许可,乙方不得擅自更改甲方空间内的程序及数据;5, Without the permission of Part A, Party B shall not alter any program or data in the virtual network space that is rented by Party A.6、保证甲方空间的正常运行(除不可抗拒因素外),并为甲方提供技术支持;6, Party b shall ensure the normal operation of the Party A's rented virtual network space (force majeure excepted), and provides technical support to Party A.7、若乙方在价格上有变动,需提前一个月通知甲方(或通过网站发布更改通知);7, If any change in price should occur, Party A shall be notified a month prior to the change. (Or in the form of website posted change notice)8、乙方每年为甲方提供12次修改 (包括文字及图片修改, 不包括功能修改) ;8, Party B provides Party A with 12 website modifications annually. (Includes text and graphic change,。


买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2. 数量(Quantity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3. 单价(Unit Price): 4. 总值(Total Amount): 5. 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 6. 原产地国与制造商 (Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7. 包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。

卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头(Shipping Marks): 9. 装运期限(Time of Shipment): 10. 装运口岸(Port of Loading): 11. 目的口岸(Port of Destination): 12. 保险(Insurance): 由____按发票金额110%投保_____险和_____附加险。

Insurance shall be covered by the ________ for 110% of the invoice value against _______ Risks and __________ Additional Risks. 13. 付款条件(Terms of Payment): (1) 信用证方式:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后__日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信用证在装船完毕后__日内到期。 Letter of Credit: The Buyer shall, ______ days prior to the time of shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire ____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated. (2) 付款交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单(D/P)方式,通过卖方银行及_____银行向买方转交单证,换取货物。

documents against payment: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Sellers bank and ______ Bank to the Buyer against payment, i.e D/P. The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange. (3) 承兑交单:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,付款期限为____后__日,按即期承兑交单(D/A__日)方式,通过卖方银行及______银行,经买方承兑后,向买方转交单证,买方在汇票期限到期时支付货款。 documents against Acceptance: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, payable_____ days after the Buyers delivers the document through Seller's bank and _________Bank to the Buyer against acceptance (D/A ___ days). The Buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange. (4) 货到付款:买方在收到货物后__天内将全部货款支付卖方(不适用于FOB、CRF、CIF术语)。

Cash on delivery (COD): The Buyer shall pay to the Seller total amount within ______ days after the receipt of the goods (This clause is not applied to the Terms of FOB, CFR, CIF). 14. 单据(documents Required): 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收: The Seller shall present the following documents required to the bank for negotiation/collection: (1) 标明通知收货人/受货代理人的全套清洁的、已装船的、空白抬头、空白背书并注明运费已付/到付的海运/联运/陆运提单。 Full set of clean on board Ocean/Combined Transportation/Land Bills of Lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect; (2) 标有合同编号、信用证号(信用证支付条件下)及装运唛头的商业发票一式__份; Signed commercial invoice in ______copies indicating Contract No., L/C No. (Terms of L/C) and shipping marks; (3) 由______出具的装箱或重量单一式__份; Packing list/weight memo in ______ copies issued by__; (4) 由______出具的质量证明书一式__份; Certificate of Quality in _______ copies issued by____; (5) 由______出具的数量证明书一式__份; Certificate of Quantity in ___ copies issued by____; (6) 保险单正本一式__份(CIF 交货条件); Insurance policy/certificate in ___ copies (Terms of CIF); (7)____签发的产地证一式__份; Certificate of Origin in ___ copies issued by____; (8) 装运通知(Shipping advice): 卖方应在交运后_____小时内以特快专递方式邮寄给买方上述第__项单。



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