2023-01-12 16:45:48


合 同 ConTRACT 日期: 合同号码:Date: Contract No.:买 方: (The Buyers) 卖方: (The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数 量: Quantity: (3) 单 价: Unit price: (4) 总 值: Total Value: (5) 包 装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保 险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起 运 港: Port of Lading: (11) 目 的 港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。

Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。

Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties. 买方: 卖方: (授权签字) (授权签字)。


1、负责公司销售合同及文件资料的管理、归类、整理、建档和保管工作;译:Responsible for the company's sales contract and document management, classification, sorting, file and preservation work;2、负责各类销售指标的报表和报告的制作、编写;译:responsible for all kinds of sales target statements and reports of production, write,3、收集、整理、归纳客户和市场信息,制定销售计划,为销售人员、领导决策提供参考;译:Collecting, sorting, induction, customer and market information, make the sales plan, for sales personnel, leadership decision provides reference; ①工作认真、耐心.译:Work earnestly, patience.②通过团队的努力实现销售额连续2个月提升5%.译:Through the team efforts to achieve sales for two consecutive months ascension 5%.③在任期间无差错,得到领导的充分认可.译:A top-priority error-free, get the full approval. Leadership很辛苦的、要采纳吖~。


Sales Agency Agreement Contracting Parties 订约人 Supplier: (hereinafter called “party A”) 供货人(以下称甲方) Agent:(hereinafter called “party B”) 销售代理人(以下称乙方) This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 为在平等互利的基础上发展贸易,有关方按下列条件签订本协议: (Article 1. Appointment 第一条:委任与接受 Agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and Agent accepts and assumes such appointment.) Article 2. Agent's Duty Agent shall strictly conform with any and all instructions gvien by Seller to Agent from time to time and shall not make any representation,warranty,promise,contract,agreement or do any other act binding Seller. Seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by Agent in excess of or contrary to such instructions. 第二条 代理商的义务 代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、承诺以及订立契约、合同或作其他对卖方有约束力的行为。

对于代理商违反卖方指令或超出指令范围所用的一切作为或不作为,卖方都将不承担任何责任。 Article 3. Territory The territory covered under this Agreement shall be expressly confined to Iran (hereinafter called Territory) 第三条 代理区域 本协议所指的代理区域是:** (以下简称区域)。

Aricle 4. Products The products covered under this Agreement shall be expressly conned to Electronic block kit: 。

(hereinafter called products) 第四条 代理商品 本协议所指的代理商品是电子积木:。


Article 5. Exclusive Right Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to any other buyer(s) in the above mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any, will be referred to Party B. The agent shall not sell, distribute or promote the sale of any products competitive with of similar to Products in Territory and shall not solicit or accept orders for the prupose of selling Produets outside Terrtory. Seller shall refer to Agent any inpuiry or order for products Seller may receive from others in Territory during the effective period of this Agreement. 第五条 独家代理权 甲方不得向经销地区其他买主供应本协议所规定的商品,如有询价,当转达给乙方洽办。代理商不得在代理区域内经销、分销、或促销与代理商品相似或有竞争性的商品,也不能招揽或接受到区域外销售为目的订单。

在本协议有效期内,对来自于区域内其他顾客有关代理商品的订单、询价,卖方都应将其转交给代理商。 Article 6. Confirmation of Orders The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction 第六条 订单的确立 本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔交易中确认 Article 7.Payment In order to establish within 30 days, B party shall pay to party A deposit of 30%. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after the deposit payment so that Party A can prepare goods . A Party should inform party B full payment before delivery . 第七条 付款 在订单确立的30天内,乙方应向甲方支付30%的定金,同时乙方在支付定金后应立即通知甲方,以便甲方备货。

甲方在交货前应通知乙方付清尾款。 Article 8. Validity of Agreement This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for 2 years from 2011** to 2013** If either Party wishes to extend this Agreement, he shall notice, in writing, the other party one month prior to its expiration. The matter shall be decided by the agreement and by consent of the parties hereto.第八条 协议期限 本协议经双方签字后生效,有效期为2年,自2011**至2013**。


Article 9. Termination Should Party B fail to pass on his orders to Party A in a period of** months for a minimum of **$, Party A shall not bind himself to this Agreement. Should either party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement. 第九条 协议终止 若乙方在**月内未能向甲方提供至少**美元订货,甲方不承担本协议的义务。若协议一方未履行协议条款,另一方有权终止协议。

Other Terms & Conditions 其他条款 1. Non-Assignment Neither Party shall have the right to assign the benefit of this Agreement (or any part of it), without the prior written approval of the other Party. 1. 不可转让 没有另一方事先书面授权,任何一方无权转让本协议项下的利益(或其任何部分). 2. Applicable Law This Distribution Agreement shall be construed in all respects in 。


Sales agency agreement Party of the People's Republic of China (shenzhen) &jolly coating Co., LTD B:According to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly cooperation principle, the parties agree:A, authorized by party a in Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore regional agents (wholesale and retail) party a "home" brand products (see attachment); the product detail In this area and ensure party b has the sole agency.Party a guarantees the product conforms to the standard, and the quality of related to provide technical support and training services.Third, party b should according to the provisions of this agreement, and business scope of business activities.Four, order and shipment:1 party b should fax order is responsible for the documents signed to party a, after /confirm/iation.2 party b in the total value of the receipt of deposit () % began after.3 party b after receipt of deposit in () days of shipment.4 owing to force majeure cause continuance, party a shall inform party b in advance.5 party a cargo China piece, and procedures and freight charges.Five, return1) for product quality issues to party b, party a will return of unconditional acceptance.2 already open or use the product, over the period of products and packaging damage, party a shall not accept return products.Six, accounts settlement way:1 dollar renminbi or settlement. In us dollars in the day before clearing bank of China foreign exchange rate (closed) settlement. Selling $2 party a receives the party organization and deposit after shipment.3 party a goods will be shipped to party b, single fax confirmed after party b shall report to party a balance of payment settlement. Party b will receive payment after the balance sheet post to party b shipment delivery.Seven, this agreement is valid for three years, since () ().Eight, the party for the sales target, first for the $() (), for the third year million us dollars, for $(). Party b or completed in more than a year when sales targets, with equivalent form of goods, the calculation method for the rebate sales target: 3 + excess part * * * * *.Nine, all matters, both sides negotiate solutions.Ten, other (added) :A: shenzhen &jolly coating Co., LTD. :Authorized representatives (signature) :In months B:Authorized representatives (signature) :In months。


Article 13 of Industrial Property 1, B Party to ensure its delivery to the technical information contained in the industrial property rights (including but not limited to: patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial designs and integrated circuits, and other rights) are all or B Lawfully obtained, the Party in the performance of this contract the extent necessary, the use of the industrial property. If Party A Party B delivered to the technical information contained in the existing industrial property defects caused by the Party based on the information products to a third party liability, Party A Party B is the recovery of their rights. 2, Party A Party B technical information on the use of the product or process made by the invention (including inventions, utility models, designs, Zhuzuo Wu, integrated circuit design and all other IT and other intellectual achievements and creativity), the Party Its contents should be promptly notified in writing B. Party under this subsection of the invention patent applications, registration rights and rights of attribution, and other specific issues from A, B two separate agreements, in the absence of consensus, in accordance with the law by the Party of all existing rights. Article 14 of force majeure Since the war, earthquakes, floods, fires, snowstorms, plague, a statutory infectious disease or other causes of force majeure result of a party is unable to perform the contract, force majeure the party should be encountered in effect when the accident occurred on the 2nd of notice to the other, and in the 10 days after notification will be Relevant government departments issued a written certificate or force majeure of this contract is unable to perform other valid proof to the other side. The losses caused by force majeure, the two parties to half the proportion of shared responsibility. A and B both sides should be based on force majeure events of this contract and the impact of consultations to decide whether to lift or modify the contract, this contract or waive some provisions of the implementation of, or delay the performance of the contract.请借鉴~鄙视机器翻译!。


XXXXXX XXXXX CO., LTD. 销售合同 SALES ConTRACT 合同号 / S/C No.: 卖方: 日 期 / DATE : SELLER: ADD : FAX : TEL:0086-29-88232369 买方: BUYER : ADD : FAX : TEL: 兹经双方同意,按下列条款达成 如下交易: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the following conditions stipulated below: 1、商 品:/ Commodity: 商品名称、规格 Commodity, Specification, 数 量 Quantity 单 位 Unit 单 价 Unit Price 金 额 Amount 总计/ TOTAL: (允许卖方在装货时溢装或短装________%,价格按照本合同所列的单价计算。)

(The Seller are allowed to load the quantity with________% more or less, the price shall be calculated according to the unit price stipulated in this contract.) 2、包 装: Packing: 3、唛 头: Shipping mark 由卖方决定,除非在装运前得到买方的及时通知。 To be designated by the sellers, unless otherwise advised by the Buyer in time before shipment. 4、装 运: Shipment: 从________________口岸到________________。

分批______________, 转船_____________. From ______________to _______________. Partial shipment ___________, Transshipment __________. 5、检 验: Inspection: 6、保 险: Insurance: 按发票金额的110%投保。 To be covered for 110% of invoice value. 7、付 款: Payment: 开立100%不可撤消的_____天信用证。

提交装运单据到中国任一银行议付。信用证必须于_________ 到达卖方,并保证于装运后15天内在中国有效。

By 100% irrevocable L/C payable at ______ sight and negotiable against presentation of shipping documents to any bank in China. The L/C must reach the Sellers on ____________ and is to remain valid in China for 15days after the date of shipment. - page 1 - 8. 不可抗力: Force Majeure: 如由于战争、地震、水灾、火灾、暴风雨、雪灾或其他不可抗力的原因,致使卖方不能全部或部分装运或延期装运合同货物,卖方对这种不能装运或延期装运本合同货物不负有责任。卖方须于15天内用传真通知买方。

The sellers shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery for all or part of the contracted goods owing to such Force Majeure causes as war, earthquake, flood, conflagration, rainstorm and snowstorm. However, in such a case, the sellers shall inform the buyers by fax within 15days. 9. 异议与索赔: Discrepancy and Claim: 货物到达目的地后,买方若对货物的质量/数量/重量有异议,应在货物到达目的地后15天内凭卖方承认的公众鉴定人出具的检验证明向卖方提出,否则卖方将不承担责任。对由不可抗力造成的损失,或属于承运人或保险人责任范围内的,卖方不予赔偿。


In case any discrepancy on quality/quantity/weight of the goods is found by the Buyers after the goods arrive at the port of destination, claim which should be loaded with the Sellers within 15 days after the goods arrive at the port of destination, otherwise the sellers will not undertake the responsibility. However, the Sellers shall not be held responsible either for compensation of loss (es) due to natural cause (s) or for that (those) within the responsibility of the Ship owners or Underwriters. In the event either the Sellers fail to effect the shipment or the Buyers fail to establish the relevant L/C within the respective time limits as set forth in the above, or the L/C does not correspond with the Contract terms and the Buyers fail to amend it in time, the Complaining Party shall have the right to cancel this contract and to claim on the Party at fault for compensation of direct losses, if any, sustained there from, unless in cases where Force Majeure is applicable. 10. 仲裁: Arbitration: 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是最终的,对双方都有约束力。

仲裁费用除仲裁机构另有规定外,均由败诉方承担。 Any dispute arising from the execution of, or in connection with, this Contract shall be settled through Arbitration Commission of China, for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commission's Provisional Rules of Procedures. The award and decision made by the Commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitration charges, unless otherwise stipulated by the arbitration unit, shall all be born by the party losing the lawsuit. 11. 本合同以中文和英文两种文字书就,两种文字的条款具有同等效力。

This contract is issued in both Chinese and En。



Sales contract


contract 英 [?k?ntr?kt] 美 [?kɑ:ntr?kt]

n. 合同; 契约; 协议;

v. 签合同; 缩小; 感染;

[例句]The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building.


[其他] 第三人称单数:contracts 复数:contracts 现在分词:contracting 过去式:contracted 过去分词:contracted



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