2023-01-12 14:03:18


Article In addition to fulfilling duties needs, Party A undertakes, without Party B consent shall not be leaking, inform, publish, issue and publish, teach, transfer or in any manner other third party (including in accordance with the confidentiality provisions of the system may not know The secret of the Party and other staff) are aware of Party B or Party B promises though there are others, but the obligation of confidentiality technological secrets or business confidential information, and shall not perform duties in addition to the use of such secret information. Party executives agreed that the parent (written consent must be approved by the company's leadership) Party disclosed the use of the technological secrets or business secrets, Party B has agreed to do so, unless the Party has been clear in advance the competent public persons having authority. Article V mutual consent, Party B after leaving office in the meantime continue its contacts are known to belong to Party B or Party B promises of a third party obligation of confidentiality, but the technical secrets and confidential business information, serving during the same commitment of confidentiality as obligations and do not use the confidential information without authorization, obligation, regardless of the Party for any reason leave. Party should bear the obligation of confidentiality after, the period until the Party declared confidential or secret information to decrypt the public when in fact been terminated. Both sides acknowledged, Party A shall pay the wages paid, the Party has been included after-service and fulfill the obligation of confidentiality confidentiality required fee, so separation Party, Party B not need to pay the cost confidential. Article VI Party in the performance of duties, in accordance with the explicit request of Party B or Party B in order to complete specific tasks to deliver a clear need to lead to violations of intellectual property rights of others, if Party B subject to third-party allegations of infringement, the respondent costs and tort borne by the Party or in part shall bear. Party superiors, staff requests or explain the work of the task, as Party B make the request or explain the work of the task; unless B has previously publicly clear that no such authority executives. Article VII Party promised during his tenure in the B, non-prior consent of Party B, Party B shall not be produced with similar products or operating such business and there is competition or other interest in working with other units, or their production, business relationship with the B competition of similar products or services. Party after leaving it still bears the preceding paragraph, the obligation to separate agreement by the two sides separately. If the parties have not signed such a separate agreement, Party B shall not restrict the employment after retirement from the Party, working range. Article VIII of the Party's needs because of his possession or custody of all records of the secret information B documents, data, charts, notes, reports, letters, faxes, tapes, disks, equipment, and any form of carrier, are owned B all, regardless of whether the secret information of commercial value. If the records of the secret information the carrier is owned by Party A, Party A shall be deemed to have agreed to transfer the ownership of these vectors to B. Party B shall return the carrier, the carrier itself to Party A equal to the value of financial compensation. Article Party at the time of separation should be, or at the request of Party B, Party B shall return all property belonging to, including the secret information B recorded for all carriers. However, when a record of confidential information carrier is owned by the Party, and the secret information can be copy out from the carrier, they can copy information from the B to B ownership of other carriers, and carriers on the original elimination of secret information. Party without the need to vector such a case, return to Party B need not financial compensation. 10th Article of the contract alleged trade secrets, is not public knowledge, could bring economic benefits to Party B, and there are practical and security measures taken by the Party's non-patent technology, technical information and management information. The contract refers to the technical secrets, including but not limited to: technical documents, engineering design, circuit design, manufacturing methods, formulations, process, technical specifications, computer software, databases, research and development records, technical reports, test report, experimental data , test results, drawings, samples, models, molds, operating manuals, technical documents, related letters. The 。

2.保密协议 翻译 急

Nothing herein wil be deemed to prevent either party from deisclosing any confidential information pursuant to a subpoena or other compulsory judicial or other governmental process.privides that the party required to make such disclosure promptly gives the other notice of any such compulsory disclosure and cooperates with the other in every reasonable way to limit such disclosure and protect the confidentiality of the condidential information in question。

本保密文件不适用于合同双方收到法院传票或其它政府检查机关问询时须向这些机构提供相关信息之情形。在此类情形发生时, 提供信息的合同一方须即刻向另一合同方通知该情形,并与该方积极配合以尽量减少信息外泄,并保护受问询信息部分的保密性。

2。 upon termination ,each party promptly will return to the other all condidential information disclosed to it hereunder in whatever form it may be,including but not limited to copies of all or portions therof.


all confidential information disclosed hereunder in tangible form will be identified by words or labels,clearly indicating that the disclosing party believes same is or contains confidential information.Any confidential information which is initially disclosed hereunder orally or visually must be reduced to writing or other tangible form and a copy thereof delivered to the receiving party within 30days after such initial disclosure.

下文中所有提及之机密信息须用文字或标签形式记录, 以清晰的表明信息提供方认为该信息是/或者包含机密部分。 下文中所有机密信息,如首先是以口头或视觉方式提供的, 须在提供后30天内以文字或其他实体形式记录下来,并送交一份至信息接收方。

A and Bmay want to disclose to the other party certain information,which the disclosing party deems proprietary and/or confidential,for urpsdes of facilitating discussions about their mutual interest in entering into an agreement for the development and/or supply of one or more products and the terms and conditions of such agreement("transaction")



Non-Disclosure Commitment The contractual parties or their representatives will supply to each other for the purpose of sales and purchasing of transmission components. (a)various oral information,(b)written and/or illustrative information on paper and/or other media,especially electronic data processing records and/or(c)samples/models(hereinafter individually or jointly, ”contractual object”) Receiver agrees to keep confidential the contractual object supplied, to keep it under lock and key and not to make it available or give access to third parties in any other way. receiver will give access to the contractual object and/or permission for its duplication only to those employees who need to know in order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose. companies related to the contractual parties pursuant to 15ff aktg are not considered as third parties, provided that prior to submission of the contractual object, they made it binding on themselves to abide by the preceding provisions. Receiver undertakes to use the contractual object solely for the purpose permitted by supplier. In particular, receiver may not use the contractual product to apply for protective rights applications or to manufacture or have manufactured products for its own purpose or for third parties, and receiver may not dismantle and/or analyze samples/models without prior written consent by supplier. this agreement does not grant a licence in the contractual object. The contractual object is entrusted to receiver pursuant to the regulations of the laws prohibiting unfair competition. It is supplied on a lend basis only. Receiver shall return the contractual object including all copies to supplier at any time upon the request of supplier. Supplier reserves exclusively all rights, including copyrights, with respect to the contractual object and products and parts thereof ,at home and abroad, also in the event of possible protective rights(such as patents, utility models ,trademarks ,samples, etc.).supplier does not guarantee the correctness of the contents of the contractual object. The preceding commitment of confidentiality shall not apply to any information, documents or samples/models which (a)are publicly available through no wrongful act on receiver s part,(b)are already duly known to receiver at the time of disclosure,(c)are obtained by the receiver from a third party entitle there to without the commitment of confidentiality, or(d)were independently and verifiably developed by receiver. Any details will not be excluded from the preceding commitments because they are covered by more general information pursuant to(a)to(d)hereinabove. 保密承诺, 合同双方或其代表将供应到对方为目的的销售和采购的传动组件。

(一)不同的口头信息,(b)的书面和/或说明性资料在纸上和/或其它媒体,特别是电子数据处理的记录和/或(c)样本/模型(以下简称单独或联合,“合同”的对象)。 接收机同意合作对象提供保密,让它在锁和钥匙,不要让它提供给第三者或是存取在任何其他大接收器将访问合作对象和/或允许其复制到那些雇员只需要知道为了实现上述purpose.相关各方的合作企业依照15ff aktg并不视为第三者之前,提交的合作对象,使他对自己要遵守前款规定。



接收方还包括所有副本的合作对象对供应商随时要求的供应商。 独家供应商保留所有权利,包括版权,关于合作对象、产品和零部件,无论在国内还是国外,也可以保护人权的事件(如专利、实用新型、商标、样品,等等。)

.supplier的正确性,并不能保证合同的内容对象。 前项承诺的保密规定不适用于任何资料、文件或样品/模型(a)是没有任何不法行为可公开的部分在接收器,(b)已经正式被接收的信息披露,(c)由接收来自第三方资格那里没有义务的机密性,或(d)分别与伊朗开发接收机。

任何细节将不会被排除,因为他们之前的承诺更多信息,根据(1)(d)的规定。 This agreement will come into effect with signature by the contractual parties and shall apply to all information, documents and/or samples that have been and will be supplied in the future for the above-mentioned purpose, it is also binding on any legal successor of the contractual parties. The agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the law of Germany. Place of venue will be in Frankfurt am main. 这个协议将以签字生效的合同当事人和适用于所有的情报、文件和/或样品已经并且将在未来的供应将上述的目的,也是对任何合同当事人的。





“机密信息”是指每一方的信息,即使生效日期之前,如一方(“披露方”)向另一方与目的(“接受方”)披露,包括但不限到,记录,数据,事实,知识,技术诀窍,商业秘密,设备,配方,方法,流程和技术,涉及到披露方的业务,客户,供应商,员工,运营,技术,经营方式和产品,其中: (一)在书面,电子,照相,或其他有形的形式;(二)提供视觉上和口头或书面总结披露后三十(30日前)天,并标有“机密”,“所有权”, “私人”,或以任何其他方式表明其机密和/或专有性质;(三)接受方知道是作为被党视为机密的泄露;或(d)由收件人到所有相关情况,应当合理确定予以保密。3。



Non-Disclosure Commitment The contractual parties or their representatives will supply to each other for the purpose of sales and purchasing of transmission components. (a)various oral information,(b)written and/or illustrative information on paper and/or other media,especially electronic data processing records and/or(c)samples/models(hereinafter individually or jointly, ”contractual object”) Receiver agrees to keep confidential the contractual object supplied, to keep it under lock and key and not to make it available or give access to third parties in any other way. receiver will give access to the contractual object and/or permission for its duplication only to those employees who need to know in order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose. companies related to the contractual parties pursuant to 15ff aktg are not considered as third parties, provided that prior to submission of the contractual object, they made it binding on themselves to abide by the preceding provisions. Receiver undertakes to use the contractual object solely for the purpose permitted by supplier. In particular, receiver may not use the contractual product to apply for protective rights applications or to manufacture or have manufactured products for its own purpose or for third parties, and receiver may not dismantle and/or analyze samples/models without prior written consent by supplier. this agreement does not grant a licence in the contractual object. The contractual object is entrusted to receiver pursuant to the regulations of the laws prohibiting unfair competition. It is supplied on a lend basis only. Receiver shall return the contractual object including all copies to supplier at any time upon the request of supplier. Supplier reserves exclusively all rights, including copyrights, with respect to the contractual object and products and parts thereof ,at home and abroad, also in the event of possible protective rights(such as patents, utility models ,trademarks ,samples, etc.).supplier does not guarantee the correctness of the contents of the contractual object. The preceding commitment of confidentiality shall not apply to any information, documents or samples/models which (a)are publicly available through no wrongful act on receiver s part,(b)are already duly known to receiver at the time of disclosure,(c)are obtained by the receiver from a third party entitle there to without the commitment of confidentiality, or(d)were independently and verifiably developed by receiver. Any details will not be excluded from the preceding commitments because they are covered by more general information pursuant to(a)to(d)hereinabove. 保密承诺, 合同双方或其代表将供应到对方为目的的销售和采购的传动组件。

(一)不同的口头信息,(b)的书面和/或说明性资料在纸上和/或其它媒体,特别是电子数据处理的记录和/或(c)样本/模型(以下简称单独或联合,“合同”的对象)。 接收机同意合作对象提供保密,让它在锁和钥匙,不要让它提供给第三者或是存取在任何其他大接收器将访问合作对象和/或允许其复制到那些雇员只需要知道为了实现上述purpose.相关各方的合作企业依照15ff aktg并不视为第三者之前,提交的合作对象,使他对自己要遵守前款规定。



接收方还包括所有副本的合作对象对供应商随时要求的供应商。 独家供应商保留所有权利,包括版权,关于合作对象、产品和零部件,无论在国内还是国外,也可以保护人权的事件(如专利、实用新型、商标、样品,等等。)

.supplier的正确性,并不能保证合同的内容对象。 前项承诺的保密规定不适用于任何资料、文件或样品/模型(a)是没有任何不法行为可公开的部分在接收器,(b)已经正式被接收的信息披露,(c)由接收来自第三方资格那里没有义务的机密性,或(d)分别与伊朗开发接收机。

任何细节将不会被排除,因为他们之前的承诺更多信息,根据(1)(d)的规定。 This agreement will come into effect with signature by the contractual parties and shall apply to all information, documents and/or samples that have been and will be supplied in the future for the above-mentioned purpose, it is also binding on any legal successor of the contractual parties. The agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the law of Germany. Place of venue will be in Frankfurt am main. 这个协议将以签字生效的合同当事人和适用于所有的情报、文件和/或样品已经并且将在未来的供应将上述的目的,也是对任何。





“机密信息”是指每一方的信息,即使生效日期之前,如一方(“披露方”)向另一方与目的(“接受方”)披露,包括但不限到,记录,数据,事实,知识,技术诀窍,商业秘密,设备,配方,方法,流程和技术,涉及到披露方的业务,客户,供应商,员工,运营,技术,经营方式和产品,其中: (一)在书面,电子,照相,或其他有形的形式;(二)提供视觉上和口头或书面总结披露后三十(30日前)天,并标有“机密”,“所有权”, “私人”,或以任何其他方式表明其机密和/或专有性质;(三)接受方知道是作为被党视为机密的泄露;或(d)由收件人到所有相关情况,应当合理确定予以保密。3。


7.保密协议内容 求专业翻译






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