2023-01-12 06:15:14


According to "People's Republic of China Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A Party B to accept the commission for the State Party xx customers find products, by consensus the two sides signed the contract. Matters entrusted to the first Party A Party B commissioned in the country xx clients find the right products to sell as well as the Party for the Party and State xx contract to provide business contacts, assistance and other services bring together and facilitate xx State Party and the contract for the sale of business set up. Commissioned a second matter the specific requirements of (1) Party A should ensure that the legality of products and product quality assurance. (2) Party A and business transactions xx country specific pricing, delivery methods, such as payment by the State Party xx businessmen and consultation between the two sides agreed. (3) Party A and Party B is not the country xx businessmen secured transactions, Party A should be in strict accordance with the terms of international trade "FOB, CIF" and other terms and conditions of business contracts xx country. The third commission, bonus and service charge calculation, payment methods and payment time (1) the calculation and payment of commission B is independently developed by the projects and customers, and thus have access to the actual orders and after sales (not including: the sale by the Party or is independently developed by an independent team to undertake the projects and customers in sales), Party A on a quarterly basis Party B paid commission, but at the same time Party A Party B must comply with the approval process of the price process, the commission must also be included in the company's cost xx areas. Party A based on the actual situation of each project in proportion to the commission paid to Party B, the ratio of specific: total sales xx ‰ ~ xx% (2) the calculation and payment of bonuses Party A Party B in accordance with the requirements of the project, and strive to complete the work of Party goals designated by Party A decision based on the actual situation in a one-time items to be paid a certain amount of money B. Party B in obtaining the money, the Party A Party B no longer pay the cost of other.根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和其他有关法律法规规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品寻找xx国客商,双方经协商一致签订本合同。

第一条 委托事项 甲方委托乙方在xx国国内寻找合适的客户推销甲方生产的产品以及为甲方与xx国客商签订合同提供联络、协助、撮合等服务,并促成甲方与xx国客商的买卖合同的成立。 第二条 委托事项的具体要求 (1)甲方应该保证所生产的产品的合法性及保证产品质量。

(2)甲方与xx国客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与xx国客商双方协商约定。 (3)乙方不对甲方与xx国客商的交易提供担保,甲方应该严格按照国际贸易术语中的“FOB、CIF”等条款与xx国客商签订合同。

第三条 佣金、奖金及服务费的计算、给付方式和给付时间 (1)佣金的计算与给付 乙方独立开发的项目和客户,并且由此获取订单而产生了实际了销售额后(不包括:由甲方销售团队独立开发或独立承接的项目和客户产生的销售额),甲方按季度给付乙方佣金,但同时乙方必须遵守甲方的价格流程审批程序,其佣金也必须纳入xx公司的成本计算范畴。甲方依据每个项目的实际情况按比例支付给乙方佣金,具体比例为: 总销售额的xx‰~xx% (2)奖金的计算与给付 乙方按照甲方的项目要求,努力完成甲方指定的工作目标时,由甲方依据项目实际情况决定一次性给付给乙方一定金额的奖金。

乙方在获取该奖金后,甲方不再给付乙方其他的费用。部分委托代理合同 partly authorized representation contract。


Sales agency agreement Party of the People's Republic of China (shenzhen) &jolly coating Co., LTD B:According to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly cooperation principle, the parties agree:A, authorized by party a in Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore regional agents (wholesale and retail) party a "home" brand products (see attachment); the product detail In this area and ensure party b has the sole agency.Party a guarantees the product conforms to the standard, and the quality of related to provide technical support and training services.Third, party b should according to the provisions of this agreement, and business scope of business activities.Four, order and shipment:1 party b should fax order is responsible for the documents signed to party a, after /confirm/iation.2 party b in the total value of the receipt of deposit () % began after.3 party b after receipt of deposit in () days of shipment.4 owing to force majeure cause continuance, party a shall inform party b in advance.5 party a cargo China piece, and procedures and freight charges.Five, return1) for product quality issues to party b, party a will return of unconditional acceptance.2 already open or use the product, over the period of products and packaging damage, party a shall not accept return products.Six, accounts settlement way:1 dollar renminbi or settlement. In us dollars in the day before clearing bank of China foreign exchange rate (closed) settlement. Selling $2 party a receives the party organization and deposit after shipment.3 party a goods will be shipped to party b, single fax confirmed after party b shall report to party a balance of payment settlement. Party b will receive payment after the balance sheet post to party b shipment delivery.Seven, this agreement is valid for three years, since () ().Eight, the party for the sales target, first for the $() (), for the third year million us dollars, for $(). Party b or completed in more than a year when sales targets, with equivalent form of goods, the calculation method for the rebate sales target: 3 + excess part * * * * *.Nine, all matters, both sides negotiate solutions.Ten, other (added) :A: shenzhen &jolly coating Co., LTD. :Authorized representatives (signature) :In months B:Authorized representatives (signature) :In months。


合 同 ConTRACT 日期: 合同号码:Date: Contract No.:买 方: (The Buyers) 卖方: (The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数 量: Quantity: (3) 单 价: Unit price: (4) 总 值: Total Value: (5) 包 装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保 险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起 运 港: Port of Lading: (11) 目 的 港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。

Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。

Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties. 买方: 卖方: (授权签字) (授权签字)。


Exclusive Agency AgreementThis agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow:1. The Parties ConcernedParty A: Party B: 2. AppointmentParty A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders of the product stipulated in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment.3. Products4. TerritoryIn People's Republic of China (Mainland only)5. Minimum turnoverParty B shall undertake to solicit orders of the above products from customers in the above territory during validity of this agreement for not less than USD .6. Price and PaymentThe price for each order of the PRODUCTS, according to the pricing set out in the attached Exhibit A./confirm/ied, irrevocable L/C is opened by the Party B in favor of Party A for the full amount of all payments under this agreement at the time of the order shall make payment.7. Exclusive Right1) In consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, Party A shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the products stipulated in Article 4 to the third party in Mainland China through channels other than Party B; Party B shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any competitive or similar products in Mainland China and shall not solicit or accept orders outside Mainland China. Party A shall refer to Party B any enquiries or orders for the products in question received by Party A from other firms in China Mainland during the validity of this agreement.2) Party B agrees not to disclose any confidential information and inventions of Party A (the "SUBJECT") including, but not limited to, proprietary information, know-how, trade secrets, and ideas possessed and owned by the Party A relative to the PRODUCTS and methods of using the PRODUCTS. Party B agrees that all writings, drawings, and/or photographs above the SUBJECT which have been or may be submitted to Party B, including any patent applications currently pending or to be filed by Party A regarding to the SUBJECT, will remain the property of Party A, and Party B will return all such prototypes, writings, drawings, and/or photographs and all copies thereof to Party A upon request. The Party B agrees that it will maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information disclosed herewith by the Party A pursuant to this Agreement, whether disclosed in sample form, oral form, written form, or other medium.3) The Party A agrees that they will create a partnership, joint venture or relationship of agency with Party B, against Party A have intent to found a manufactory in China.4) Party B shall not make any material misrepresentations to any individual, organization, corporation, proprietorship or other entity about Party A or potential uses, application techniques, performance characteristics, availability or other important information regarding the PRODUCTS. Specifically, Party B shall advise customers to use the PRODUCTS only in accordance with procedures communicated from Party A and any deviations from Party A's procedures shall be communicated from Party B to Party A at least 24 hours prior to implementation. Further, the Party A and Party B shall provide, at the other's request, reports of operating conditions and all additives or treatments being used in conjunction with the PRODUCTS sold under this agreement.5) The parties agree that if Party B or its employees or representatives should develop any improvement to the PRODUCTS or processes for using the PRODUCTS, then Party B or its employees or representatives shall communicate such developments to the Party A and assign any and all of its rights, title and interest to such developments or inventions to Party A. Party B will receive a reasonable royalty of sales of such developed and assigned products or processes for the life of any resulting Patent and shall have the non-assignable and non-transferable right to distribute and sell the developed products or practice the processes in the territory of China covered by this agreement and under terms consistent with this agreement or terms later agreed to in writing between the parties.8. Validity of Agreement1) This agreement, when duly signed by the both parties concerned, shall remain for 12 months from to , and it shall be extended for another 12 months upon expiration unless notice in writing is given to the contrary.2) If any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality 。


Existing armor second grade both sides on advertisement proxy incident, in line with “mutually beneficial interaction, communal development” principle, in “is equal, is voluntary” in the foundation, signs the definitive text contract, the content is as follows:

1st, armor second grade both sides must observe "Australian Advertisement Law" together and the related country laws and regulations.

2nd, the second party publishes the advertisement in the first party media, observes the first party media the advertisement administrative provisions (publication regulation).

3rd, the second party acts the first party media the advertisement, enjoys the preferential benefit the proxy price is: 11800 Australian coins (convert into 80,000 Yuan).

4th, both sides agree in first party media publish the advertisement, after all implements the first funds, ascends principle.

5th, the first party issues the advertisement proxy to the second party to entrust the power of attorney, takes second party's advertisement proxy qualifications proof

9th, if the first party media has the tremendous change and the adjustment, should inform the second party promptly.

10th, armor second grade both sides agree second party to act the advertisement deadline are 3 years, stops from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010. Or bilateral separate agreement:

11th, other completely matters concerned, both sides had not decided separate.

12th, this contract type two, both sides hold one respectively, from signs and seals the date to become effective.

This city on-line downloading, therefore may revise, if some people found English edition, translated Chinese question to not to be big, worry. . Asks Niu Ren to help


发布单位: - 发布地区: 全国 发布行业: 所有行业 生效日期:-失效日期:- 〔国际商会〕国际贸易代理合同范本① (1990年) 导言 1.国际贸易的统一标准格式 从事国际贸易的各方在谈判国外代理协议时,面临的一个重大困难是缺乏这种 代理协议的统一规则。

由于对这一问题尚未有国际上公认的统一立法(与国际销售 合同(注1)的情况不同),有关各方必须依靠关于代理的国内法。但是,关于代 理的国内法首先并没有考虑国际贸易的特殊需要(因这种法律是为国内的协议而制 定的);其次,这种法律在国别间差别很大。

目前,在某种程度上存在着国内法律趋于协调的倾向,至少在欧洲共同体内部 是这样,特别是以欧洲共同体1986年12月18日的86/653号指令为基 础。虽然这种协调有益于为代理的基本原则创造通用的基础,但它进展缓慢,而且 只包括合同(注2)的某些方面,因此,它仍不足以在国际交易中提供法律保障。

鉴于以上情况,国际商会认为需要制定统一的合同规则。这些规则不以任何特 定的国内法为基础,但是这些规则吸取了国际贸易中通行的惯例,也吸取了关于代 理的国内法所普遍承认的原则。

工作小组在起草本标准格式时,力图遵照通行的立法标准(特别是在欧共体指 令中阐明的标准),对代理关系产生的主要问题寻求公平和利益均衡的解决办法。 但是由于不可能在制定统一规则的同时照顾到众多国内法的每一规则(它们甚至可 能互相抵触),因此本标准格式可能包含与某一特定法律体系的特殊强制性规定并 不一致的条款。

然而,由于本标准格式与国内代理法的基本原则相一致,它与国家 关于公共秩序的规定相抵触的危险几乎不存在(尤其不可能一那些无论合同适用什 么法都将保留适用性的国内法规则相抵触)。并且,不论在何种情形下,为了把此 类例外情况包括在内,标准格式明确表述,如果标准格式与代理人所在国的公共秩 序规则发生抵触,在任何情况下,如果该规则的适用在国际贸易中看起来是合理的 (第23.3条),仲裁员应考虑这些规则。

2.补偿条款 在合同到期或者并非由于代理人违约而造成合同终止时,若干国家有给予代理 人补偿的条款。这种“补偿”可以解释为对代理人所建立的商誉的一种补偿,而商 誉在合同结束后(注3)继续给委托人带来利益,或是作为对因合同到期或终止( 注4)而造成的代理人蒙受损失的补偿(例如如果合同持续更长的期限,代理人可 以赚取佣金,或者如果合同不终止,代理人可以摊提投资)。

欧共体指令第17.2节与17.3节已吸取这两个解决办法(作为选择)。 实际上这两种解决办法是有同一的目的,即并非由于代理人的过失而合同被终止时 补偿代理人的商誉损失。

我们在以下把上述的补偿称之为“商誉补偿”。 另一方面,也有许多国家不向代理人提供商誉补偿(注5)的权利。

在这些条件下,给予签订合同的各方以机会来选择他们是否愿意在合同中包含 补偿条款似乎是合适的。为此,第21条规定两种可供选择的方案(A和B)以适 应不同的情况。

只要代理人国家的法律承认补偿的权利,我们就极力推荐选用方案A;应该指 出在有关欧共体国家,第21条的方案A可能与代理人营业地立法的强制性规则相 抵触。此外,在不存在这种立法的地方,给予补偿则比较公平,尤其是当这种补偿 在该特定地区或行业符合国际贸易惯例时。

至于补偿的法律体系,标准格式已吸取了欧共体指示第17.2节中所包含的 原则,也就是“德国”体系。这种体系看来通行于承认补偿原则(注6)的国家。

3.诉诸国际仲裁 由于标准格式是一套统一的合同规则,旨在尽可能避免相互抵触的国内立法的 直接适用,由此将可能发生的争端通过国际间组织的统一解决体系来进行解决是恰 当的。 按照这一观点,最好的解决办法似乎应是国际商事仲裁(特别是见第23条)。

国际商事仲裁提供真正的国际性的解决方法,并避免在诉诸国内法庭时可能产生 差异的风险。 由于仲裁是本标准格式框架的重要部分,因此本国际商会标准合同不应用于根 据1958年纽约公约认为不能通过仲裁解决的争端。

以上风险特别存在于某些国 家的法律,其把代理人视同为雇员,(见下文§4.2)并且无论何时这都意味着 对这一类型的争议适用特别管辖权(注7)。在这种情况下,通常推荐与具有法人 资格的代理人签订合同(见下文§4.2)。

4.适用范围 本标准格式是以下列假定为根据而起草的,即假定它仅适用于为货物销售进行 代理活动的、独立经营的商业代理人签订的国际代理协议。 4.1 国际协议 国际代理协议应受特殊的规则管辖,以便考虑两个不同国家的当事人签订的代 理协议中所具有特殊情况,这点毫无疑问。

由于本标准格式是专门为以上情况而制定的,因而在原则上对于国内合同-- 即签约双方的营业地处在同一国家的合同--不适合。 因此,我们建议当事人不要使用本标准格式签订国内合同,除非他们作了必要 的修改以便适应当地的情况。

4.2 与受雇代理人签订合同 在若干国家中,以特殊的规则来管辖与处于雇员(注8)地位的代理人所签订 的合同,或者更为通常的情况是与视同雇员身份(注9)的代理人所签订的合同。 在。


Party for business development need to establish the company accounts, after fully understand that it is discretionary proxy Party B the handling of proxy accounts Items, by mutual consensus, reached in the following provisions: First, Party B for Party A to provide the agency services: Agent bookkeeping and tax services. Period of service (calculated by accounting period): Date to date. Second, proxy service fee: 1, Party A to Party B a monthly payment of: (1), agency fees yuan bookkeeping, financial consultancy yuan, Total RMB: yuan; 2, B collection method: monthly accounts received in advance before it is processed in full agency service fees; 3, as a result of matters entrusted to the agent, or other major problems of policy and market conditions change, resulting in B of the actual workload is up sharply, the Party should be to understand the actual situation, in consultation with Party B, where appropriate, adjusted by proxy costs; 4, Party A Party B, such as delegated to provide services outside the scope of this Agreement, the services need to be in accordance with relevant provisions of individual charges, Party B shall be fare concession. Third, the rights and obligations of Party A: a) Party A in Party B before the time required to provide Party B all the information requested and ensure that information on the true, legitimate and complete. If the data is not provided by Party A timely, comprehensive and to the Party B does not result in duplication of work, the resulting additional workload, the Party obliged to pay the additional costs. If the Party providing the information is untrue, the consequences and the resulting punishment from the Party are solely responsible; b) Party A to Party B to provide the necessary working conditions and co-operation in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement to Party B in full and timely payment of agent service fees; c) If Party A Party B are not satisfied with the services available to the Party B is responsible for complaints or comments, Party B shall, as appropriate, to accept and improve services. If Party A Party B to send staff members are not satisfied, Party A Party B may be required to replace staff; d) If there are other fiscal matters for Party B to assist, Party A must be 1-2 days in advance contact B, B to do a good timing, otherwise all the consequences arising therefrom borne by the Party; e) the transfer documents by: Party A to provide true, lawful and complete information to express the way on time and sent to the B office building; 4, B Rights and obligations: a) Party B to comply with independence, objectivity, impartiality, according to Deputy Party's work during the period the agreement to protect Party A The legitimate rights and interests; b) Party B must strictly observe professional ethics according to the law, Party A shall not disclose trade secrets (including the company's business operations, financial status, personal financial situation, wages, etc.); abide by the law and seek to maximize the interests of Party A strictly professional conduct, must Party does not allow any harm to the interests of the behavior; c) Party A Party B according to the information provided in accordance with "international accounting" and the provisions of agency accounting and to ensure that Party A to provide a complete accounting raw data; the financial management system in accordance with the provisions of Party A schedule issued by the relevant financial and accounting statements; timely notification Party on the financial aspects of the new regulations and the new policy, if due to negligence caused by Party B and Party B is responsible for the loss, the loss of Party A cost borne by Party B; d) Party B provide information on the Inland Revenue (excluding Juniperus chinensis collection, audit and other relevant departments to explain the inspection work) full-service areas. Party B shall bear the extension due to Party B is reported that misstatement, omission tax penalty because the loss caused to the owner; e) quality and quantity on time and complete the B Party agency matters; unless agreed in writing. V. Dispute Resolution: The process of implementation of this Agreement, if controversial, the two sides and friendly consultation. 6, the agreement entered into force, disarmament, termination and continuation of a) The two sides due to force majeure factors, which resulted in an agreement not to perform or temporarily unable to perform, both parties shall notify the other party in writing of the situation, and in the other party within 15 days after the incident to provide a detailed description of the incident and certification. With mutual 。



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《美好人生》所以歌曲 《美好人生》所以歌曲《美好人生》全部歌曲序号 歌曲名称 歌手 播放 送歌 1 千里之外 周杰伦 ...
3.05 2400AP的兽王L... 3.05 2400AP的兽王LR 24%暴击 120命中.秒伤应该大概多少?我打AG70级的木桩才1...
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关于怀孕的。 关于怀孕的。上个月30号来的月经,这个月18号和老公同房了,今天来了月经,是不是就代表不会怀孕了?指...
上夜班很累 上夜班很累以前我也上过夜班,上夜班的人一般都是生物钟与别要刚好完全相反,所以白天的休息时间一定要足,...
九老十三匠是指哪些? 九老十三匠是指哪些?同上 。。木匠、泥水匠、。木匠、泥水匠、石匠、铁匠、船匠、佛匠、雕花匠、搭彩...
有哪些好玩有趣的的休闲益智游戏... 有哪些好玩有趣的的休闲益智游戏?您好,七麦数据为您解答~对抗类的休闲游戏其实也很火,如之前火爆全网的...
找一首老歌 找一首老歌我想找一首歌是一个男的唱的我记得里面有一句歌词是什么难舍难了.........什么岩一首还...
电影《无双》中李问真的是画家吗... 电影《无双》中李问真的是画家吗?电影的结局已经很清楚,李问是画家,歼链秀清终究还是蠢尘无带改禅法忍受...
年轻人一年四季在打工,仍旧穷得... 年轻人一年四季在打工,仍旧穷得叮当响,这是为什么?年轻人一年闹中四季在打工,仍旧穷得叮当响,主要的嫌...
搭帐篷是小猪佩奇搭档吗 搭帐篷是小猪佩奇搭档吗搭帐篷是小猪佩奇搭档。根据查询相关公开信息显示,培衡正《小猪佩奇奇遇记》第57...
垂手可得的幸福可信吗 垂手可得的幸福可信吗恩...最好还是三思而后行啊不要太相信了,不要拿自己的幸福开玩笑,太容易得到的不...
有哪些一流的中文流行歌曲作词人... 有哪些一流的中文流行歌曲作词人?他们各有什么强项?邓丽君,感情很细腻,一般都是做的男女情爱的歌曲,让...
你们炒股的感受经验和心得,分享... 你们炒股的感受经验和心得,分享下抽屉有几抽屉的东西,要不要丢?76还行,一有时间我就追啊32
雾起我在迷雾中爱你,雾散众人皆... 雾起我在迷雾中爱你,雾散众人皆知我爱你下句雾起我在迷雾中爱你,雾散众人皆知我爱你,希望未来的路,有你...