2023-01-10 17:04:43

1.英文合同咨询,不用逐字翻译,每条重点大意即可~求助T T

1.1 供应商保证,本合同货物的价格不得劣于在同等条件下供应商向购买相似产品的全球其他客户所提供的价格。在本合同期限内,如果供应商向其他客户提供更优惠的价格,则供应商应立即向买方提供该优惠价格,且该优惠价格同样适用于供应商向其他客户提供优惠价格时买方尚未支付的订单。在这种情况下,如果因供应商未能通知价格变动而导致买方付款,买方有权对自己支付的所有货款主张抵销,该抵销自买方书面通知到达供应商时生效。






3rd B, in order to ensure effective implementation of technical service, Party A to B should provide the following conditions : a buyer if it has the following information should be provided free of a B; ① construction units; ② project proposals and approved documents; ③ construction project site submissions; ④ Planning Bureau, the planning parameters of the approved documents; ⑤ consult the parties concerned by the block-building projects in the planning, environmental protection, landscaping, health and epidemic prevention, water, electricity, coal, telecommunications, traffic and fire; ⑥ land ownership certificates (real estate E), and other relevant documents; ⑦ Construction base Relocation Services and the amount of matching (including compensation for relocation and resettlement of large municipal matching conditions); ⑧ topographic maps, geological information; ⑨ position overall design plan; the surrounding environment and planning; The proposed project planning purposes and classification; ⑩ Planning Design ideas : (a total construction area, the rate of volume, Green rates sized design, structure type, decoration standards for distribution, and Gas capacity) ? relief enjoy preferential policies such as a document or (build public support charges air defense fees) ? construction project financing and capital inflows; 2. ⑴ other information provided by the buyer should be accurate, if Party A Party B of the information or data object, Party A shall be responsible for the timely answer, as far as possible, to the B side and facilitate the work; ⑵ Party A Party B should provide timely, reasonably related assistance. Meanwhile buyer should advance the half-day notice B is an urgent need to resolve the relevant issues; 4th of Party A to B to pay service fees and payment methods : 1. B project management service charges apply the million base and preferential rates responsibility for the cost of 1% 2. design, inspection, supervision and construction, materials bidding fee waiver buyer can be part of the related costs, such as Party A Party B charge related costs, in the tender, the tender document stated. 3. Party A service fee is paid by phases B : specific mode of payment and time are as follows : a. The contract signed after three days Party A to B advanced project management services fee of 20%, as the project start-up capital; b, Construction bidding completed, the buyer paid to B of the project management services of 40%; c, According to the total period by the average monthly pay of project management services fees 95%; d, acceptance tests completed, Party A to B lump-sum balance. 4. B depositary Bank and Account : Bank accounts : account : fifth of the two sides established in the performance of this contract period shall comply with the obligation of confidentiality Party A Party B of the information provided by the buyer asked to assume the obligation of confidentiality; Party A Party B of the report on the outcome assume obligation of confidentiality. Sixth of the contract changes must be made by both sides consensus in written form and identify. Seventh of the other one. Quality Incentives : B to achieve high-quality structure, Party A will be of high quality structure corresponding monomers City area * 5 yuan / ㎡ calculating B award. 2. Civilized Construction Award : If the project site is a civilized city, Party A will be a corresponding area * 3 yuan / ㎡ calculating B award. 3. Party A as a result of the funds were not in place in time which led to the delay or loss claimed by the buyer commitment. 4. Project planning and construction period B causes the quality of the project (1998) as the (1998) size, level of responsibility to shoulder responsibility and be punished. 5. Consists of two complementary strengths, B should give full play to the buyer early advantage consists of concrete cooperation by the two sides further friendly discussion. The two sides established the 8th of this contract period, the buyer designated as the buyer contacts, B to B designated contacts. Article 9 of the parties identified in any of the following situations, to the fulfillment of this contract acts unnecessary or impossible, possible lifting of the contract : 1. force majeure; 2. Both sides of the 10th because of the discharge of the contract and the dispute should be resolved through consultation. consultation or coordination failures identified by the following paragraph two ways to deal with one. submitted to arbitration 2. according to the works to a people's court. Article 11 of this contract were a carry, both the first and second sets, has the same legal effect. Party A : B : legal representative (。

3.技术咨询合同翻译成英文 急

1. Filling in the contract registration number .The contract registration number is filled in the respective register office related .2 . Technical consultancy contract refers to the contract which the party provides for the other party concerning the feasibility studies, technical forecasting, specialized technical investigation and analysis and evaluation report for the special technology Item .3 .The item on the inner plan should cover the specific programme offered by ministries and commissions directly under the state council,provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, municipalities with independent planning status city specifically designated in the state plan, prefecture ,city ,(county ),. Please mark the sign "/ " in this column if it does not pertain to the the item above . 4 .Confidentiality about technical information and data: includes (a) the content of duty of confidentiality concerning aspects of the information and data related to the parties concerned , (b) time limit and (c)the responsibility borne by any party who discloses confidentiality about technical information. Both parties may establish an agreement that the clause above is still valid even if this contract is subject to its the modification, rescission and termination .5 Settlement on this contract disputes. based on the stipulations of the arbitration and litigation under the 《The Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China》,once choosing the arbitration, the contracting parties will means that they have already abandoned the right to bring a suit before a law court; if choosing litigation , the contracting parties means they will give up the arbitration , therefore ,both parties should establish an agreement ,referring to the clause of the settlement of disputes ,on which they may settle the disputes about this contract .6. OthersIf the contract is signed via the intermediary organ , intermediary contract related to the intermediary organ acting as the accessory should be added to this contract .7 . The authorized representative should provide the certificate of entrustment when agreeing to sign this contract .8 .Please write the sign "/" in the blank area of these clauses , agreed on by the contracting parties , which are not necessary to be filled in herein.9 . This contract shall be in quadruplicate.(本译文极力按照英语合同协议书写形式翻译)。



agreement; contract


1)Thank you. I'll make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow.


2)The statement charged that their actions violated the agreement.




在证人什么的宴会到此为止已经到此为止设定他们的手那天和年第一在上面书面的,任一宴会随时可能在期限期间7 XXXX 的义务

7.1 XXX 从事制造可得的到 XXX 、它的受雇人员和代理人所有的如此的数据和如 XXX 的其他服务可能适度地请求, 为了要使 XXX 能够有效地在这协议之下实现它的义务。

7.2 XXX 从事给 XXX 、它的受雇人员和代理人在整合理的时代的通路对它的土地和允许 XXX 、它的受雇人员和代理人可以使用并且作所有帐户、记录的副本、协议和可能适度地被为它的义务的 XXX 的适当解除在这协议之下需要的其他的文件。


11 整个的协议

这协议到此为止包含宴会的整个理解而且代替在宴会之间的任何之前的协议或理解,藉由给另一个结束这协议 --- 如此的意图的写的月的注意。

10 放弃和默许

没有失败或延迟在之上部份或宴会练习任何的力量或者正确地在这协议将操作当一个放弃或者默许关于也不将任何的独身者或者如此的权利的部分练习或者力量预先排除任何另外地或比较远的练习关于或在此的任何其他的权利的练习或力量,以对另一个的注意,如此的准备可能被严格的形式这协议然后这协议的其他准备将留在完全的力量而且产生、裂口或假设值的任何第三者、职员或受雇人员发表的误传的误述使 XXX 变成有义务,没有偏见,对子句 9.2, 和对任一宴会可能有对抗另一个的任何其他的治疗法.4 无在此将为错误。

8 表现

XXX 和 XXX 每个对另一个表现它有合法的能力参与并且运行这协议而且所有的企业和其他的行动已经被采取或者获得或者将被拿或者获得, 当做情形可能将授权实行和这协议的表现。

9 终止

9.19.1 ,藉由在对另一个写方面给注意,事实以及/ 或被 XXX 和 XXX 的受雇人员的任何疏忽.3 XXX 从事在没有要求减除或组的适当的日期敏捷地制造费用的付款-远的。


14 切断



最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:连接科技 编号:_____________技术咨询服务合同甲方:________________________________________________乙方:___________________________签订日期:_______年______月______日甲方:乙方: 根据《中华人民共和国民法总则》、《中华人民共和国合同法》和有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本技术咨询服务协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。

第一条 本协议于 年 月 日生效,至 年 月 日终止。期满双方可商谈续签事宜。

全年技术咨询工作时间合计不低于 小时,每周 天,乙方工作时间为弹性工作时间,但需保持通讯畅通。每年安排出差5次左右(每次/三天左右)。

第二条 乙方承担的工作内容、要求为:乙方根据甲方要求和安排,为甲方提供技术咨询服务,并保证按照甲方要求按时保质保量完成咨询服务,包括:1、主要负责解决生产的技术问题2、进行新产品研发3、完善产品检测实验室4、建立高分子材料分析实验室5、建立生产规范(材料,工艺,质量控制等)6、建立技术档案室(文献,图书,数据,资料等)7、进行相关人员技术培训,带徒弟1-2名8、负责技术文件(专利,技术报告等)9、申请政府的科研经费及项目开展10、其他甲方发生的与技术相关的工作等第三条 乙方提供服务期间,应当遵守甲方各项规章制度、严格遵守甲方的业务操作规程和工作规范,爱护甲方财产。乙方出现任何违反甲方规章制度的行为,或乙方出现严重。



AMENDMENTall 在关于主题聚会之间在本文中尊重所有的前一意向书,和通信,协议和和的关于的谅解,如果还有的话是否写作或者口头。14。

保障"与"LIABILITY 14.1,二世,党从任何对的危害和完全要求得到的第一党将偿还,债务,丢失和诉讼理由,其可以起源于这个协议,如果这样对的要求,债务,丢失或者诉讼理由被第一党或者它的仆人的疏忽大意给带来。在这样一事件中,第一党将为付给所有的对的要求或者任何本质的丢失在与此和的联系中的无论什么和将捍卫所有的以的名义当适用于的时候的包含上诉的行为的第二党的套装和将为付给所有的有能力的成本,对的判决和法律上费用在其上问题。


不被适当修正,通过12.1,将补充或者修改在上签署这个协议,除了经过写作的工具授权聚会的每一个的代表。 13。

整个 AGREEMENT 13.1这个协议体现所有的术语和状况在聚会之间就这个协议的主题取得一致意见和推迟行动和相约在中 提问者:3615856。



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