2023-01-02 13:45:20


hello,everyone ,my name is Jennifer.today,my topic is what is something you are proud of in our life,there are so many things we have done and so many people we have met,but what makes us feel proud of?so,I will tell you about my story.I have a very very good friend,her name is Scarlet.she is a very import part of my life,that is to say,I cannot lose her.no matter whether it is on study or another aspects of life,she has helped me a lot.when I feel sad,she always comforts me and help me out of the embarrasing situation; when I do not do well in study,she always comes to me and gives me some adivce.so,I am very proud that I can have a good friend like her in my life.。



Do you like sport? I like it very much! Sometimes I like to do some sports with my friends. You should do the sport more, because it is very good for your healthy! On your free time, how about running?I always do it! Why don't you play basketball with your friends? It's very interesting! I think so. And why don't you play some games, it can relax to you!

Would you like to do some sports and play some games with me? Welcome to you!

That's all. Thank you!






ladies and gentleman:Now,let's share my opinion about stress.Well,about stress,I think every one here have experiments and the memory about it.In my humble opinion,things that make us feel stressed are the ones we care most,such as ,a job interview ,or even today's report here.Because we paid much attention,we care it.And then ,it can make us nervous.Or else,maybe you have a high request about yourself or you have set a goal for yourself.To achieve the goal ,we paid much attention and energy .Though,it's uncertain for ourselves to realize it or achieve it.For me,nowadays,what make me feel under stressed is the final exam.Maybe it 's just because that my parents expect much of me.I think a keen expectation from my parents is also some kind of stress.But I don't think some kind of stress is harmful.On the contrary,I think stress is some kind of force that makes us progress if only you have a correct attitude on it.Well,my topic is ended.Thank you .。


I think models are very important to EVERYONE.only those people who have done something very well can be your models.You will easily be influenced by what your models do or say because you like them.Of course,you may have more than one model,each teaching you different things.A model OF POLITENESS teachES you how to be polite.A model of kindness teachES you how to be kind.If you have a model,you will never feel lonely.If you have a model,you will konw how to do something that you feel difficult.If you have a model,you will have moTIvAtion to pursUe your dream.With many different models for you,your life will be happy.When everyone learns from his models,the world will be better.。


Passed since I had 19,who once had,hesitate to wander,always feel very distant dream,can't believe,fear of failure,but now the growth as the age,I already can no longer go unexamined.My life is so scrurinsed too down?No,no,I really ought to seize this limited youth,learn more things,many enrichment oneself,let their wings more plump.Our future will ultimately how,who also not sure,but I understand that the future can be planning,planning their future is very important.No one is willing to long,so in people do his planning has self-evident importance.The good life without good planning,successful life without successful planning and in correct planning under the guidance of the continuous struggle.Life is like the sea voyage,life planning is the basic routes,life a route,we won't deviate a target,the more won't lost the direction,can more smoothly and quickly to a successful end.A person wants to really succeed,so he first need to define a development direction.If there is no clear direction of struggle and staged goal,to the direction,today to that direction,tomorrow as both personally companies,are impossible to succeed.We have too many enterprises,developing direction is not clear,dry in this industry,tomorrow today for the industry,beauty,change "names" innovation,however,many enterprises is in the transformation of the destruction of the accelerated his because they have no established direction and established goals.The most important thing in life is oneself happy every day.Smile to the life,happiness is very important,happiness and joy interdependent,is also different,happiness can bring happiness,sometimes happiness is short happy,and happiness is irrelevant,such as material satisfaction is happy,you don't think is happiness.Happiness is not necessarily happy,for instance when you and the family together,that feeling is happy,but if the condition is bad,didn't eat didn't wear night is never happy right,but if you feel contented will also fast!Don't need special definition,his best,happy to let nature take its course,and happiness is better!介绍和身体结论,你再自己补充一下,我又不熟悉你.。



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