2022-12-27 09:16:00


BBC News with Julie Candler.

Hillary Clinton is to launch her bid to become the first female President of the United States on Sunday. The former Secretary of State is expected to use a video posted on the Internet to announce that she's seeking the Democratic Party's nomination for next year's election. Nick Bryant reports from Washington.“Ordinarily, presidential candidates launch their campaigns in front of adoring crowds in a blaze of red, white and blue. But Hillary Clinton will offer a less rather montage, a video posted online and promoted on social media. Then it's believed she'll head to Iowa and New Hampshire to meet individual voters in fairly intimate settings, rather than the usual rallies. It's a deliberately low-key, even humble start, choreographed to avoid the sense of entitlements that bedaubed her campaign in 2008.”


African expeditionary bomb flew over a land of orient Libya Wednesday, descending digit bombs on an area mostly dominated by the opposition. Youths in Ajdabiya were amassing and heading toward the conflict area to help defend the town, which has been in the control of rebel forces in recent days。



1.Murray Seeded Above Nadal for US Open

Scotsman Andy Murray has been seeded second in the US Open, which begins on Monday at Flushing Meadows. The seeding puts Murray ahead of former world number one Rafael Nadal for the sake of the tournament. He was seeded third.

The seeding this year is quite controversial, with Russian Dinara Safina seeded first ahead of Serena and Venus Williams, despite the fact that she has never won a Grand Slam. The US Open seeds strictly in line with world rankings.

2.Death of Michael Jackson Ruled a Homicide

The LA County Court has ruled Michael Jackson's death as homicide, according to media reports. Determination of the homicide have revealed that the popular singer died from lethal levels of propofol, an anesthetic.

LA Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner Dr. Sathyavagiswaran determined the finding. Michael Jackson died on June 25 aged 50 (SN reported) after suffering cardiac arrest.

Investigations into his death are continuing, and his doctor, Conrad Murray. Other doctors have also come under scrutiny in the investigation.

3.Michael Jackson May Have Died of Homicide

Michael Jackson may not have died of his cardiac disease but rather was murdered. This statement is based from sources at the Los Angeles Police Department. A drug named Propofol may have caused his death but it's not known how it got into his body.

It is alleged that the star's doctor may have given Jacko the drug but it's not confirmed by the doctor's lawyers.

4.Michael Jackson Dead

At 12:12 p.m. EST, it is believed that Michael Jackson suffered a massive heart attack. Paramedics were called when Jackson was found to be not breathing.

Jackson was rushed to the hospital where he died shortly after.

There is no further information at this time.


China, Taiwan direct travel to start today

15 December 2008

The Wall Street Journal Asia

TAIPEI -- China and Taiwan will start a new era of direct air and shipping services Monday when planes and ships travel directly across the Taiwan Strait, formally ending a six-decade ban on regular links.

Relations have improved between the once-bitter rivals since Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou took office in May and moved to reverse the pro-independence policy of his predecessor, Chen Shui-bian.

China has reacted warmly, and although the mainland still claims sovereignty over the self-governed island, both have agreed to set aside thorny political disputes to focus on trade and economics. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949.

The first Taiwanese ships are scheduled to leave from the island's Kaohsiung and Keelung harbors for Chinese ports about noon Monday. Ships with mainland companies are to sail vessels to Taiwan from Shanghai and Tianjin.

Up to 60 cargo flights a month will start to fly Monday between Taiwan and the mainland. Daily passenger flights will also start, with 16 scheduled Monday, in an expansion of weekend charter services inaugurated in July.


I am here to share with you one of the most exciting breakthroughs in the Science of Regenerative Medicine that I have ever seen.

If you"ve been searching for safe, effective relief from the adverse effects of radiation and chemotherapy, your search is over.

The good news I am about to share is built upon over forty years of solid science and proven nutritional evidence. Read on to learn about the latest development in high performance molecular nutrition known as Chemovive?/I>.

Every year an estimated 400,000 patients develop radiation-induced mucous ulcers (infections) in the lining of their mouth and throat. This is the most painful side effect of treatment and usually requires narcotics.

As Chemovive?fortifies your cells, the negative effects of your therapy are reduced, which keeps you on track.

The increased risk of infection is the greatest cause of disrupted radiation therapy and dose reduction in chemotherapy. Remember that any reduction in dosage EXTENDS the length of your cancer treatment.


A purported new video of Osama bin Laden shows the al-Qaeda leader urging Americans to convert to Islam to stop the Iraq war, but the video does not contain any overt threat ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The videotape's authenticity has not yet been /confirm/ied, but media organizations have quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying it appeared to have been made as recently as this summer.

In a soft voice, and measured tone, the man purported to be bin Laden delivers a wandering 30-minute tirade against democracy, capitalism and Western political leaders.

He specifically refers to U.S. President George W. Bush, the Democratic victory in U.S. Congress, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May, and new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who took office in June.








强风暴袭击密西西比州 老布什因呼吸急促住院2015-02-05

Crowds converged on a gas station near Saint, Louis early Wednesday, after a police officer shot and killed a man. The officer fired a series of shots late Tuesday, after the man allegedly point a handgun at the police officer. t least four people were dead after severe storms slammed southeastern Mississippi, thousands of people remain without power. Parts of South Dakoda have two feet of snow on the ground as a combination of snow and rain could disrupt Christmas Eve travel across much of the US. And former President GeorgeH.W. Bush has been hospitalized in Huston, a spokesman says the 90-year old wasadmitted as a precaution after a experiencing a shortness of breath. Matt Small, the AssociatedPress with AP News Minute.


A new research found that the Internet has increased people's service demands and is eroding the classic British trait of patience as more than half admitted they lose their temper quicker than ever before.

People have become so used to the speed and convenience of the internet that more than seven in 10 get angry if forced to wait longer than one minute for a web page to download.

Being kept on hold made Brits see red more than anything else, with the average person reaching their impatience threshold after five minutes and four seconds.

In today's fast food culture, restaurant rage kicks in after only eight minutes, 38 seconds, when the average diner will start to wonder whether the meal they have ordered will ever arrive.

People running late to meet a friend should not leave it any longer than 10 minutes, one second if they do not want to face their wrath.

Mark Schmid, of telecom giant TalkTalk, which commissioned the research, said: The speed of the online world is making us less prepared to wait for things to happen in the offline world.








September 15 Typhoon Crater landing east of Taishan has been subjected to heavy rains in parts of Guangdong province, floods, landslides and other disasters. As at 8:00 on September 17 statistics, disasters have caused 1.455 million people were affected, with death tolls seven people, six people missing, emergency relocated 115,000 people, collapsing houses 02600, 05100 houses damaged and direct economic losses of 19.8 billion. 今年第15号台风“巨爵”9月15日在广东台山登陆以来,广东省部分地区遭受暴雨、洪涝、滑坡等灾害。



Bi Xiaotian acquired a new habit recently. Every time he opens his web browser, he checks the entry ofparaxylene (PX) on Baidu Baike. As one of the participants in correcting the Baidu entry in early April, the 22-year-old chemical engineering major student from Tsinghua University is proud to be part of the team defending the purity of science. Guarding the truth is their responsibility.近来,毕啸天养成了一个新习惯:只要打开浏览器就会在百度百科上查看PX词条。


他们视捍卫真理为己任。 Wang Runjia was the first Tsinghua University student to correct PX entry. The 20-year-old sophomore student of chemical engineering turned on his laptop as usual on April 2. As he browsed the social network, a screenshot posted by a friend caught his attention. “It showed a modification of the PX entry on Baidu Baike, in which the toxicity of PX had been changed from 'low' to 'high',” he says.清华大学化工系大二学生王润佳是该校首个参与修改PX词条的学生。



After looking at the entry's editing history in further detail, he found that the modification had been made several times. “The discussion of PX chemical plants has been ongoing for years. In class, we also learned related knowledge. Therefore I won't let false information spread,” he says.在进一步筛查此前的修改记录后,他发现该词条曾被多次篡改。“关于PX化工厂的讨论已持续多年。


他说。 Out of professional spirit, he identified himself as a student of chemical engineering at Tsinghua University, correcting the mistakes and urging Baidu to prevent malicious tampering with sensitive entries.出于专业精神,他以清华大学化工系学生的身份,对词条中的错误进行了修改,并且呼吁百度禁止对敏感词条的恶意篡改行为。

To his surprise, his act didn't end the discussion. Instead, it was the beginning of an editing battle. Bi remembers that night well. He checked the entry once an hour just to ensure its correctness. In 120 hours, the entry was edited 36 times. “We took turns to safeguard the truth,” he says. “I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one doing so. Students from other departments and universities stood by our side, presenting scientific facts to the general public.”令他颇感意外的是,他的举动并没有平息人们对于PX的争议。相反,一场“编辑战”才刚刚拉开序幕。



Qian Weizhong, an associate professor of chemistry at Tsinghua University, praised the students for being responsible citizens when interviewed by People's Daily. “They are doing so not because of industrial interests, but out of their consciousness to popularize science,” he said. “Such activity informs the general public with scientific facts, facilitating rational communication.”清华大学化学系副教授钱卫忠(音译)在接受《人民日报》采访时,称赞同学们是富有责任感的公民。“他们这么做并非出于商业目的,而是出于普及科学的意识,”他说,“这样的活动可以让大众了解科学真理,促进理性沟通。”

The students' determination to protect the truth had a positive result. After locking the entry, Baidu Baike contacted Bi and asked him to write a introduction to PX. “For the entire afternoon on April 11, I worked on this task and sought professional assistance from my department.”学生们捍卫真理的决心起到了积极作用。锁定该词条后,百度百科相关人员联系了毕啸天,希望他能够写一个关于PX的介绍。


Now, the new entry on PX is a well-organized, objective reflection of reliable facts. “It's a good opportunity for us,” Bi says. As many people don't have enough knowledge to judge the truthfulness of online information, when false information is spread, experts must step in to deny rumors and convey the right information, he says.现在,新的PX词条条理十分清晰,客观反映了可靠事实。“对我们来说,这是一个绝佳机会,”毕啸天说,“很多人缺乏相关知识来判断网上信息的真实性,当错误信息传播的时候,专家们就。



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