2022-12-25 10:32:00


表示邀请的常用句式有:1.Would you like to。

你愿意……吗?如:Would you like to come to my birthday party?你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?Would you like to go to the zoo with me?你愿意和我一起去动物园吗?2.I hope you can。我希望你能…….如:I hope you can come to my birthday party next Sunday.我希望你能来参加下周日我的生日聚会.I hope you can go to the cinema with us.我希望你能和我们一起去看电影.3.I'd / We'd like to invite.我/我们想邀请…….如:I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.我想邀请你来参加我的生日聚会.We'd like to invite you to go shopping with us.我们想邀请你和我们一起去买东西.4.Will you(please)。

请你……好吗?如:Will you please come to my home,Mary?玛丽,请你到我家来好吗?5.Can / Could you。你能……吗?如:Can / Could you come to play football?你能来踢足球吗?6.Do you want 。

你想……吗?如:Do you want to come with us?你想和我们一起来吗?[接受邀请的表白] 1.Yes / Certainly / Sure.I'd like / love to.是的,我很愿意去.(注:答语后面的“to”不可省略) 2.Yes.With pleasure.是的,我很荣幸.3.Yes,I'm glad to.是的,我很乐意.4.That's very kind of you.Thank you./ It's very nice of you.Thank you./ That would be very nice of you.Thank you.你太好了,5.I'd love to come.Thank you for inviting / asking me.我很高兴来,感谢你邀请我.[不能赴约的婉言谢绝] 1.That's very kind of you,but I'm afraid。你真是太好了,不过恐怕…….2.I'd love / like to,but I have to。

我很想来,但我不得不…….3.I'm very sorry,but I can't。很抱歉,可我不能…….4.Sorry,but I can't.Thank you all the same.对不起,但我不能.可是我仍然要谢谢你.[邀请到某人的高兴之情] 1.I'm so glad you can come.你能来我很高兴.2.It's a real pleasure to have you with us tonight.今晚能请到你们,真是太荣幸了.二、请求许可与你相约 [请求许可] 1.正式的请求用:May I 。

,please?语气十分委婉,意为“请问,我可以……吗?”.如:May I use your telephone,please?请问,我可以用一下你的电话吗?2.非正式的请求用:Could / Can I 。,please?意为“请问,我能……吗?”在这种句式中,用could比用can 语气委婉,显得有礼貌,而用can则指家人、朋友等不拘礼节的较为随便的场合.如:Could I open the windows,please?请问,我能打开窗户吗?[请求许可应答语] 同意请求的常用语:1.Yes./ Sure./ Certainly.当然可以.2.Of course,you may.当然可以 3.Yes,please.请吧.4.Go ahead,please.请吧.5.OK./ All right.好吧.6.No problem.没问题.7.Yes,you may (can).可以.不同意请求的常用语:1.No,please don't.请不要.2.I'm sorry you can't.对不起,你不可以.3.Sorry,I'm afraid not.对不起,恐怕不行.4.You'd better not 。

你最好别…….5.No,you mustn't.不可以.6.No,you can't.不能.[特别提示] 做某事可能引起对方不便或打扰别人时,常用:Do you mind if I do。意为“如果我做某事,你反对/介意吗?”如:Do you mind if I open the door.我打开门你介意吗?对Do you mind if I do。

进行应答时,如果表示“允许/不介意”,常说:No,I don't mind.我不介意/我允许.Certainly not / Of course not.当然不介意.No,go ahead.不介意,你干吧.Not at all.一点也不介意.如果表示“不允许/介意”时,常说:I'm sorry you can't .很抱歉,你不 能…….I'm afraid it's not allowed.恐怕这是不允许的.希望采纳哦。

2.关于文明礼仪的英语小故事、简单而好记 篇幅短而意义深

Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners. One's manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also tend to show what his nature is. Good manners means good behaviour in social communication. A person with good manners is always agreeable companion, because he is always thinking of others and respect others. He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance. Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards. To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one's daily behaviour—the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people. To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.良好的举止是必要的,因为判断一个人就是要看他的举止。

一个人的举止不仅表明他接受的是什么样的教育和他的社会地位,而且往往也表明他的本质。 良好的礼仪手段良好的行为在社会沟通。


良好的举止是不是非常伟大的事迹,但他们可以告诉的人谁拥有它们是男子的最高标准。 要了解良好的举止,人们必须首先牢记,它们产生于一个人的日常行为方式,他对他人的反应和行为方式,他前面的人。


3.求关于礼仪的英语作文 300字左右 高中水平


就是说,你不学“礼”,就没法在社会中立身。 那么,什么是礼仪呢?简单地说,礼仪就是律己、敬人的一种行为规范,是表现对他人尊重和理解的过程和手段。


所以,学习礼仪不仅可以内强个人素质、外塑单位(小到家庭、企事业单位、社区,大到城市、国家),更能够润滑和改善人际关系。 作为具有5000年文明史的“礼仪之邦”,讲文明、用礼仪,也是弘扬民族文化、展示民族精神的重要途径。



这些无非都是“不拘小节”的行为所致。 当我们身为游客的时候,总是依着自己的兴致,随地吐痰、吐口香糖、踩踏草坪、在文物上乱写乱涂;当我们是市民的时候,又是对随地吐痰、乱写乱画的现象深恶痛绝。

当我们是行人的时候,往往是怎么就近就怎么走路,管他有没有红灯,管他有没有人行道,讨厌那些没按规章开车的人;当我们开车的时候,总是抢车道、夹塞儿、占非机动车道,讨厌那些在马路上乱闯的行人。 当我们是消费者的时候,经常把个人的怨气往服务人员身上撒,还总说他们态度不好;当我们是服务人员的时候,又总是把个人的情绪带到工作上来,却总怨顾客太挑刺。

当我们和同事相处的时候,总会埋怨同事的“不拘小节”,无论是工作上还是生活上的说话、借东西;而我们自己又往往懒得去理那些“小节”。 当我们乘坐公共汽车的时候,总是为能抢到座位而沾沾自喜,挤到、踩到别人的时候从不屑于说对不起;当我们被人挤到或踩到的时候,总是对对方不说声抱歉的话而耿耿于怀甚至拳脚相加;当我们是老人的时候,站在晃晃悠悠的车上,总是渴望能有人为站立不住的自己让个座。

当我们作为子女的时候,总是不愿意耐心地和父母交流,总是大方地花着父母的血汗钱,总是大声地把父母的问话送上天,对于父母的生日,天才晓得;当我们身为父母的时候,从没心平气和地和孩子做心灵上的交流,总是忙于自己的工作,还说已经给他们的关爱太多,就是他们自己不争气。 随着社会的发展和进步,人们的精神需求层次和自我认知价值的越来越高,就越来越希望得到理解、受到尊重。

毫无疑问,在当前的形势下,礼仪已不是个别行业、个别社会层次的需求,而是全民所需。 火车跑得快,全凭车头带。

在家里,如果家长能够带好头;在学校,如果师长能够带好头;在单位,领导如果能够带好头;在窗口单位,窗口工作人员如果能够带好头……推而广之,要在全中国推广、普及文明礼仪,如果首都一千多万人民能够带好这个头;如果我们每个人都能从我做起,从现在做起…… 毫不疑问,我们的文明礼仪推广和普及工作,就会更加容易。那么我们的精神文明建设,就会和物质文明建设一样,取得飞速发展。

我们十三亿人民的精神面貌,必然会焕然一新,人们都会生活在友好、宽容、关爱、温馨的社会氛围中! 文明礼仪,强调的是“尊重为本”。 想让别人尊敬你,首先就得尊敬人。

那些陋习,图的是一时之快,丢的是自己的人格和尊严。 一个连自己都不尊重的人,别人还会尊重你吗古人说,“不学礼,无以立”。

就是说,你不学“礼”,就没法在社会中立身。 那么,什么是礼仪呢?简单地说,礼仪就是律己、敬人的一种行为规范,是表现对他人尊重和理解的过程和手段。


所以,学习礼仪不仅可以内强个人素质、外塑单位(小到家庭、企事业单位、社区,大到城市、国家),更能够润滑和改善人际关系。 作为具有5000年文明史的“礼仪之邦”,讲文明、用礼仪,也是弘扬民族文化、展示民族精神的重要途径。



这些无非都是“不拘小节”的行为所致。 当我们身为游客的时候,总是依着自己的兴致,随地吐痰、吐口香糖、踩踏草坪、在文物上乱写乱涂;当我们是市民的时候,又是对随地吐痰、乱写乱画的现象深恶痛绝。

当我们是行人的时候,往往是怎么就近就怎么走路,管他有没有红灯,管他有没有人行道,讨厌那些没按规章开车的人;当我们开车的时候,总是抢车道、夹塞儿、占非机动车道,讨厌那些在马路上乱闯的行人。 当我们是消费者的时候,经常把个人的怨气往服务人员身上撒,还总说他们态度不好;当我们是服务人员的时候,又总是把个人的情绪带到工作上来,却总怨顾客太挑刺。



久仰! I ve heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You ve had a long day.You ve had a long flight. 在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing? 不虚此行! It s a rewarding trip! 包餐/点餐 Table d hote/a la carte 上菜 Serve a courst 您的位置在这里。

Here is your seat. 请入席! Please have a seat. 请随便! Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself. 请各位随意用餐。 Help yourself please. 您喝点什么? What would you like to drink?。

5.急求 有关文明礼仪的英语小故事 不要太长 超级感谢



once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents.

Last week, Mrs Black went to London. She didn't know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop. She went up to the man and said, “Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?” The man smiled. He didn't know English! He came from Germany. But then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out an English dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, “I'm sorry I can't understand you.”













Hello. 您好。

Good morning! 早上好!

Good afternoon! 下午好!

Good evening! 晚上好!

You first, please! 您先请!

Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗?

What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么?

Thanks! 谢谢!

You're welcome. 不用谢。

It's my pleasure. 我很乐意。

Hope you could help me. 希望您能帮助我。

Sorry. 对不起。

Sorry to trouble you. 对不起,麻烦您了。

Excuse me. 劳驾了

Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。

Goodbye! 再见!


Chinese table etiquette boils down to the following points: 1. Admission etiquette. Ask guests seated on the seats. Please elderly guests in attendance were seated next to attendance at from the left side into the chair. Admission Dongkuaizi not after. What more do not come to beep. Not to get up walk. If what happened to the owner notice. Second, when the meal. Ask guests. Long the Dongkuaizi. Jiacai, each less. Far from the food on their own eat some. Meal not a voice. Heshang also not a sound use Kaitang I spoon a small drink and a small mouth. Pawan front-lips not drink, soup, hot cool after Zaikai. side not to drink while blowing Some people prefer to chew food to eat. extraordinary feel like work is crisp chewing food, a very clear voices. this is not etiquette demands. extraordinary and everyone is eating together, as far as possible to prevent the emergence of this phenomenon. Third: Do not eat hiccup, other voices will not arise if there sneezing, Changming involuntarily, such as the sound, it is necessary to say "I am sorry."; I am sorry;. "Of the original cooler." Within the words . to show regret. Fourth if guests or elders give cloth dish. Best use of chopsticks may also be the guests or elders far away from the dishes to their front, according to the habit of the Chinese nation. Dish is a one of the Top. If the same tables leadership, the elderly, the guests said. Whenever of a new dish, let them first Dongkuaizi. rotation or invite them to the first Dongkuaizi. to show their importance. Fifth: eat the head, fishbone, bones and other objects, not Wangwaimian vomit, not onto the ground still. Slowly to get their hands Diezili, or close on their own or on Canzhuobian prepared beforehand good on paper. Sixth: To a timely manner about the time and people just a few humorous, to reconcile the atmosphere. Guangzhaotou not eat, regardless of others, and do not devour and destroy the lavish meal, not jail sentence. 7: It is best not to the dinner table Tiya if it is to Tiya, will use napkins or sign blocked their mouths. 8: To clear the main tasks of the meal. Must be clear to do business oriented. Feelings or to the main contact. Mainly or to eat. If it is the former, when attention should be paid to the seating arrangements. Their main negotiators the seats near each other to facilitate conversations, or dredge emotion. If it is the after. need only pay attention to common-sense courtesy on the line, to focus on the appreciation of dishes, 9: The last time left. Must be expressed gratitude to the host. At the invitation of the owner or to their own homes after the house to show back China is the etiquette of helping people, Minsishiweitian, dining How can no rules! While stressing that no attention is three meals a day, but do not know know better than OK! 1. Inviting guests to notice, Ruxi 6:00, 5:50才叫your elderly guests, it does not. 2. Hosts who looked to be late; guests should be 5-10 minutes late, and this is very considerate guests Oh, and pay attention to grasp, natural host and the guest are Huan. 3. If sit round a table, facing the door of the main blocks, or back * walls, counters; emphasize some hotels will be used napkins distinction, the highest position napkins can not casually sit Oh, unless you intend to good banquet woven?: D 4. Masters of the subject and object of the right hand side, the left hand side of the important guests; * gate facing the master, of course, is run errands entertain the Peiqia sit you. 5. Guests do not directly to the members of a la carte and calling guidance, obediently waiting for the hosts who looked to be a la carte if guests really serious taboos or hobbies, and should be gently told the hosts who looked, the owner of natural putting his interests and meet guests little or significantly requirements. 6. Hosts who looked not need points or less grasping points, or holding food dishes, such as crab, lobster legs, ribs, and so on. For a meal to the three dishes such a rule no. What can be said etiquette! 7. Not a small amount of force will not object to others drink wine without fragmentation feast! 8. On the wine servings! Foreigner likes to boast of skill, people may boast their own point-for the food, hosts who looked at carefully observed Liangcai Qi, every Cup have drinks later, when immediately drank to welcome the start. . . Like, rotating disk or right hand side indicate the subject and object moving first chopsticks. Tuirang subject and object should not be too long, oh, we stomachs are hungry, it will eat you open! Do not forget to eat the praise of some oh. 9. After one of every dish, although the waiter and owner will still go before the subject and object, but not too rigidly stick with 。



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