2022-12-23 17:15:17






Under the friendly negotiation, the Party A and Party B reach the following agreement for the


based on the mutual benefits, Party A and Party B promise that, they won't expose

commercial secret/patento f eacho ther. Party A should arranget he shipment strictly

according to counter-signedc ontract.T he Party B shall provide the necessarya ssistance.I f

the payment term is LlC,Party B has the responsibility to urge his customer to open L/C or to

make the payment in favor of Party A.

The contents of sales contract:

1. Contract, proforma orLlC noHS008-SHMP00l dated Feb 20,2008

2. Product name : SHMP

3. Packing : 25 kg bags

4. Quantity : 23.9 mton

5. Price : 1060 usd/mton CIF GEMLIK

6. Shipping time : March 2008

7. Paymentterm:% 25TT inadvancea nd%o7a5g ainstfaxcopyof BL

8. Contract amount : 25 334.- usd

9. Commission rate and amount : 45 usd/mton, I 075.50 usd

10. Party A and Party B agree that this draft contract becomes valid via fax when signed

by Party A and Party B.

Party B should urge his customer to effect the payment according to contract timely.

After receiving the full payment, the Party A should transfer the commission to the account

designatedb y Party B. The commissionw ill be paid by USD.




Date: February 20,2008


Commission Agreement PART A: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Add: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART B: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Add: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. ( Date: June 22, 2003. Place: XXXXX, China. ) L/C NO.: xxxxxx L/C Amount: USD xxxxxx Commission Value: USDxxxxxx Goods: XXXXXX Part A and Part B reached an agreement of commission under the captioned letter of credit as follows: 1) Part B should pay Part A the commission within 7 working days after received the L/C payment from your customer. 2) The commission payment should be carried out by Telegraphic Transfer to Part A's Bank information as follows: Beneficiary: Bank: Add: The detailed commission value is as follows: Total L/C amount is USDxxx*5%=USDxxx (But commission can not exceed $10,000.- in each L/C.) SAY USDxxxxxxONLY. The quantity and amount will go up and down according to the actual shipment. The agreement is of two original copies, Part A and Part B hold one copy each. ) (Chop and Authorized Signature) (Chop and Authorized Signature



1 佣 金 协 议 书 协 议 书 编号: 日期: ********有限公司(以下简称甲方)与***公司(以下简称乙方),双方经友好协商,特定立本协议书,以共同遵守。

乙方负责介绍***公司购买甲方产品,并协调甲方和第三方客户间的贸易关系。 在甲乙双方签订该协议前,乙方需向甲方提供乙方公司的公司性质、注册地、工商登记等基本资料,并保证所提供的信息真实有效;乙方须保证乙方是在中华人民共和国相关法律条款下允许操作此类中间业务的公司,否则由此引起的一切后果均由乙方自行负责。

乙方所介绍的客户与甲方合作须遵守甲方的中英文“销售合同”条款。 乙方根据甲方提供信息在甲方所报价格的基础上加 **佣金与客户磋商业务。

甲方根据乙方与客户达成的价格确认后正式对外签约,并负责合同执行等相关事宜。 甲方和第三方客户业务正式成交完成后,乙方提供以乙方公司名义开据的全额佣金服务发票(合计:人民币***元整),甲方在收到该发票后两周内将佣金汇往乙方指定的银行帐户。

如果乙方未能促成甲方与客户之间的合同成立,并业务正式成交的,不得要求甲方支付报酬(佣金)。 乙方应及时将市场信息反馈给甲方。


本协议有效期至 *年*月*日止。 本协议一式贰份,供方、需方双方各执壹份,经双方签字盖章确认后生效,传真件具有同等效力。

甲方确认: 乙方确认: Sample TextSample Text 编号: 日期: ********有限公司(以下简称甲方)与***公司(以下简称乙方),双方经友好协商,特定立本协议书,以共同遵守。 乙方负责介绍***公司购买甲方产品,并协调甲方和第三方客户间的贸易关系。

在甲乙双方签订该协议前,乙方需向甲方提供乙方公司的公司性质、注册地、工商登记等基本资料,并保证所提供的信息真实有效;乙方须保证乙方是在中华人民共和国相关法律条款下允许操作此类中间业务的公司,否则由此引起的一切后果均由乙方自行负责。 乙方所介绍的客户与甲方合作须遵守甲方的中英文“销售合同”条款。

乙方根据甲方提供信息在甲方所报价格的基础上加 **佣金与客户磋商业务。甲方根据乙方与客户达成的价格确认后正式对外签约,并负责合同执行等相关事宜。

甲方和第三方客户业务正式成交完成后,乙方提供以乙方公司名义开据的全额佣金服务发票(合计:人民币***元整),甲方在收到该发票后两周内将佣金汇往乙方指定的银行帐户。 如果乙方未能促成甲方与客户之间的合同成立,并业务正式成交的,不得要求甲方支付报酬(佣金)。

乙方应及时将市场信息反馈给甲方。 本协议在履行过程发生争议,由甲乙双方协商解决。

如协商不成,提交*******法院管辖审理。 本协议有效期至 *年*月*日止。

本协议一式贰份,供方、需方双方各执壹份,经双方签字盖章确认后生效,传真件具有同等效力。 甲方确认: 乙方确认: 委托上海斯红工贸有限公司 业务中介佣金协议书 报 文章作者: 巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司 报 道 发表时间: 星期一, 31 一月 2005, at 9:49 p.m. 回应: 美国废纸供销报 (废纸美国供销报) 您好! 主题:进口铁矿砂,铁矿石的合作协议书(讨论稿) 巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司与陈斯红先生 及其上海斯红工贸有限公司合作框架协议 协议编号:-04-12 日期:200年1月18日 甲方:巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司 地址: 电话: 传真: 邮箱: 乙方:上海斯红工贸有限公司 mission amount according to the received sales amount of last month form the clients, then Party A will pay to Party B's account through (this line for Part B's account information) On 30th of every month payment of commission for last month will be made 4. Responsible Areas: Within Party A's business areas excluding USA and China, and Party A may have the flexibility in coordination with Party B for a reasonable adjustment, so as to meet Party A business requirements. 5. During this Agreement covering period, both parties for good reasons may request to terminated the Agreement, but either Party must inform the other Party 10days ahead of time. 6. once this Agreement becomes effective, Party B must observe Party A's business secrecy, and enjoy no labor insurance, health insurance, group insurance and other welfare measurements. 7. 7days before expiry date of this Agreement, if Party A has not informed Party B about termination, this Agreement is deemed to be renewed for another year. 8. Party B must observe Party A's security regulation of this Agreement and so forth within 3years period. 9. Party B within this Agreement period, may have literary work, trade mark, patent or any other relevant intellectual asset, except already negotiated with party A, will refer to Party A's right of possession without any condition. 10. Both Parties keep one copy of this Agreement. Part A Part B 这个细节你要自己看着改改!大概条款基本就是这些,如果你觉得太啰嗦,可以减少一些条目》。


Commission payments are valid as long as the business exists between A and B Corporation.


Commissions are always calculated on up to and beyond basis and not total amounts of a cumulative value. (Each deal separately).




关于客户付款和佣金合同 Contract to payment and commition 甲方:party A 乙方:party B 为保证甲乙双方的合法权益,防止一些不遵守贸易规范的人以不正当的方式向甲方或乙方索取佣金,从而损害甲乙双方的利益,东诚公司特制定以下合约: In order to ensure the right and benefit of both party are not damaged by somepeople who doesn't obey the trade rule and asked commition from party A or party B by side-wind way, Docheng company The constitute a contract with the item as following: 现乙方在甲方订购定单合同单号为000112的货物,合同总金额为$12000已付定金$3000, 余款将以现金的付款方式在10或15天内付清。

According the contract numbered 000112, Party B has made a goods reservation with total amount $12,000 from Pary A。 At present, Party B has paid subscription $3000 and the balance will be paid off in ten or fifteen days。


Party B declared that no one related Party B will asked commition from Party A during the contract。 Meantime, Party A will ignored any one who want to got commition from Party A。

If Party B stopped the contract or keep the balance for the above reason, then Party A has the right to keep the subscription and goods。 Party A also has the right to ask Party B compensate the lost of product the goods 甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B 甲方代表签字: 乙方代表签字: Signature of Party A's representation Signature of Party B's representation D/M/Y 。

7.佣金 英文 简称

给你个简单的佣金条款看看The commission range will be applied as follow:

Annual Sales Volume from US$500,000 to US$1 million, commission will be 3%.

Annual Sales Volume from US$1.01 million to US$2.99 million, commission will be 5%.

Annual Sales Volume exceed US$3 million, commission will be 7%.

The commission will be calculated on yearly basis, and the commission amount will be granted by products/goods in equivaliant figure.


佣 金 协 议 书

协 议 书 编号: 日期: ********有限公司(以下简称甲方)与***公司(以下简称乙方),双方经友好协商,特定立本协议书,以共同遵守。




乙方根据甲方提供信息在甲方所报价格的基础上加 **佣金与客户磋商业务。甲方根据乙方与客户达成的价格确认后正式对外签约,并负责合同执行等相关事宜。





本协议有效期至 *年*月*日止。

本协议一式贰份,供方、需方双方各执壹份,经双方签字盖章确认后生效,传真件具有同等效力。 甲方确认: 乙方确认:



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