2022-12-15 14:45:28


We are going to talk about the use of genetic technology. Through scientific discoveries, we have known that many diseases exist due to DNA changes. Scientists not only have found out the kaput genes but also repaired them. They can put normal genes in the places of diseased genes in patient's cells or shut down these diseased genes, and as the result, the diseases, especially hereditary diseases, will be cured. This technology was used in 1990 in U.S.A for the first time. Now scientists are searching the genetic way to cure diseased fetus. The genetic technology is also very important for medicine. Genetic medication is the representation of the DNA-recovering. These medications are proteins which can, say, help the increase of red blood cells. Then diseases can be healed without operation. The molecular evolution is the newest genetic technology today. It imitates the natural evolution of organism so to create new genes and proteins which can cure diseases such as the cardiac muscle disease.

about 40% of agricultural products in the USA are genetically engineered, and most people buy them without any worries. But in the Europe the GM food isn't very popular because of its unknown side effect which is a negativefactor to promote GM food.

Chinese tend (seem) to think that this situation was caused by the profit consideration in the USA and Europe, and that's why the Europeans are against GM food. Because U.S. is the biggest investor in the area of the genetic food, the law says that you can only buy genetic seeds, but you can't bring them under cultivation. Therefore the market is monopolized by the USA.


简单改了一下。不懂专业,可能有错,特别是最后一段。 仅供参考。


We are going to talk about the use of genetic technology. Through scientific discoveries, we have known that many diseases exist due to DNA changes. Scientists not only have found out the kaput genes but also repaired them. They can put normal genes in the places of diseased genes in patient's cells or shut down these diseased genes, and as the result, the diseases, especially hereditary diseases, will be cured. This technology was used in 1990 in U.S.A for the first time. Now scientists are searching the genetic way to cure diseased fetus. The genetic technology is also very important for medicine. Genetic medication is the representation of the DNA-recovering. These medications are proteins which can, say, help the increase of red blood cells. Then diseases can be healed without operation. The molecular evolution is the newest genetic technology today. It imitates the natural evolution of organism so to create new genes and proteins which can cure diseases such as the cardiac muscle disease. about 40% of agricultural products in the USA are genetically engineered, and most people buy them without any worries. But in the Europe the GM food isn't very popular because of its unknown side effect which is a negativefactor to promote GM food. Chinese tend (seem) to think that this situation was caused by the profit consideration in the USA and Europe, and that's why the Europeans are against GM food. Because U.S. is the biggest investor in the area of the genetic food, the law says that you can only buy genetic seeds, but you can't bring them under cultivation. Therefore the market is monopolized by the USA. 原文写得不错,尤其是开始两段。




My dear teachers and students: I'm honoured to be given the opportunity to speak here . First,representing all the teachers and students from No. 41 Middle School, I thank you for your warm reception . Thank you for giving us such a happy and unforgettable time in July. Starting from 2007, Singapore Fajar secondery school and Shijiazhuang No. 41 Middle School have established friendly relations. The teahcers and students between the two schools have learned a lot from the exchange activities. And at the same time, we have also built true friendship. In March this year , the students from Fajar secondary school arrived at our school. Duing that time , we were so happy studying and playing . We became good friends. And then on 18th this month, we came here, hoping to further develop our friendship. We're so excited to see our dear friends again in Fajar secondary school. We're also excited to see your beautiful school for the first time. During our one-week stay in your school, we have taken part in many kinds of exciting activities and we have also been to many interesting places. We have been getting along well with our buddies . We have shared much happy time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is sincere, fresh and simple. We feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends here . Besides, we have experienced different teaching ways and studying atmosphere in your school. Our experience has made us open to the outside world and enriched our life. I think we will cherish these days of staying together with you as the best part of our memories. Friendship between us will be a special treasure in our lives. Let's pray the flower of friendship between us would always bloom brightly in our hearts。



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