【大回暖!#多地最高气温将超20摄氏度#】#一大波升温来了但厚衣服先别收#明天,全国大部都会被升温的暖色调覆盖,最大升幅在4-10℃。预计升温将会持续到月底前后,届时华北南部及其以南最高气温将普遍达到20℃以上,江南多地甚至还会在这次回暖中入春,局地最高气温可能达到30℃。[浮云]与此同时,昼夜温差大,最低气温仍较低。3月初,还会有冷空气再度影响,厚衣服还不能就此收起来。China's regions will experience a notable rise in temperatures, ranging from 4 to 10 degrees Celsius, starting Wednesday. In some southern regions, the highest temperatures are expected to approach 30 degrees Celsius, according to the China Meteorological Administration. The warm-up trend is expected to last until next week, when a fresh cold wave will sweep through China once again.