2024-06-03 16:56:24
  • 中国上海人工智能CIMCAI世界第一完成两百万次AI验箱上亿次箱识别,
  • 成熟AI产品运行超7百万小时智慧港航智能化,全球港航人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI成熟港航AI产品,
  • 应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路货运,打造世界智慧港航智能港航标杆。
  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业。
  • 全球港航人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI,是全球全球第一家完成250万次人工智能验箱,
  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,
  • Ceaspectus UNIT照片视频识别检测终端已规模化量产,
  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。
  • CIMCAI has completed two million times of AI container inspection and hundreds of millions of container identification for the first time in the world,
  • Mature AI products run more than 7 million hours of intelligent port and shipping, and global port and shipping AI unicorn enterprise CIMCAI mature port and shipping AI products,
  • Apply the railway freight at the port of the customs warehouse in the port area to build the world's smart port and shipping smart port and shipping benchmark.
  • CIMCAI is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced port and waterway AI high-tech enterprise in the world.
  • CIMCAI global port and shipping AI unicorn enterprise, is the first in the world to complete 2.5 million AI container inspections,
  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.
  • CIMCAI ENGINE ™ The container detection cloud serves more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • Ceaspectus UNIT photo video recognition and detection terminal has been mass produced,
  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.
  • 全球港航人工智能独角兽CIMCAI,成熟工业级AI产品与人工智能科技处于全球顶尖水平,
  • 打造新一代国际智慧港航智慧铁路智能化标杆。CIMCAI ENGINE™集装箱AI识别检测云服务,
  • 是全球规模最大,应用最广,最先进集装箱人工智能云服务,CIMCAI ENGINE™已有全球4000+企业用户,
  • 可结合触发装置二次开发,集装箱号识别及铅封识别免费,
  • 全球顶尖集装箱AI正常箱号识别率99.98%以上。
  • CIMCAI即插即用集装箱AI产品:Ceaspectus UNIT,
  • 工业级高性能照片/视频AI全方位集装箱识别检测终端,
  • 输入照片/HTTP接口即刻输出AI识别检测结果,可结合触发装置二次开发。
  • The global port and shipping AI unicorn CIMCAI, mature industrial AI products and AI technology are at the top level in the world,
  • Build a new generation of international smart port and smart railway intelligent benchmark. CIMCAI ENGINE ™ Container AI identification and detection cloud service,
  • CIMCAI ENGINE is the largest, most widely used and most advanced container AI cloud service in the world ™ There are more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • It can be combined with the secondary development of trigger device, and the container number identification and lead seal identification are free of charge,
  • The recognition rate of AI normal container number of the world's top container is more than 99.98%.
  • CIMCAI Plug Container AI Product: Ceaspectus UNIT,
  • Industrial-grade high-performance photo/video AI omni-directional container identification and detection terminal,
  • input photo/HTTP interface and immediately output AI identification and detection results, which can be combined with secondary development of trigger device.
  • 新一代高效能超大型智能港口整体方案Ceaspectus™:
  • ceaspectusT™完成集装箱箱号箱型识别,集装箱箱况残缺识别集装箱箱况检验,作业号识别。
  • 领先技术高识别率99.7%无论箱号残损,高度实时性,50ms返回结果。
  • 岸边智能验箱产品,一步区分好坏箱分流,好箱进入空箱中心发箱坏箱修箱,港口业务升级,
  • 提升空箱流转速度。全球港航人工智能独角兽CIMCAI,
  • ceaspectusG™超级智能闸口验箱产品,CIMCAI做到在港区生产环境,坏箱残损识别检测率100%,
  • 集卡全自动化进出闸口,司机等待时间降低,进出闸口速度加快。
  • Ceaspectus, a new generation of efficient and super large intelligent port ™:
  • ceaspectusT ™ Complete the identification of container number and type, the identification of incomplete container condition, the inspection of container condition, and the identification of operation number.
  • The leading technology has a high recognition rate of 99.7%, no matter the container damaged, it is highly real-time, and the result is returned in 50ms.
  • The intelligent container inspection products on the shore can be divided into good and bad containers in one step. The good containers enter the empty container center and the bad ones are repaired. The port business is upgraded,
  • Increase the flow speed of empty containers. Global port and shipping AI unicorn CIMCAI,
  • ceaspectusG ™ The super intelligent gate container inspection product, CIMCAI achieves 100% of the identification and detection rate of damaged containers in the port production environment,
  • The truck is fully automatic at the entrance and exit, the driver's waiting time is reduced, and the speed of entrance and exit is accelerated.
  • 智能铁路货运方案ceaspectusR™,在铁路装/卸箱各个环节过程中,
  • 全自动化检测集装箱箱号箱型基本信息及箱况残损。
  • 实时上传铁路系统,统一记录管理所有铁路集装箱,数字化智能化高效化管理维护集装箱,提效降本。
  • 案ceaspectusR™视频流/视频/照片通过网络实时上传到云端高算力集群。
  • 高算力集群搭载CIMCAI全球顶尖集装箱集装箱人工智能AI,
  • 完成对视频流解析/人工智能运算推理,得到集装箱箱号箱型基本信息及箱况残损识别结果。
  • Intelligent railway freight solution ceaspectusR ™, In the process of railway loading/unloading,
  • Fully automatic detection of basic information of container number and type and damage of container condition.
  • Upload the railway system in real time, uniformly record and manage all railway containers, manage and maintain the containers in a digital, intelligent and efficient manner, and improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Case ceaspectusR ™ Video streams/videos/photos are uploaded to the cloud computing cluster in real time through the network.
  • The high computing power cluster carries CIMCAI, the world's top container AI,
  • Complete the video stream analysis/artificial intelligence operation and reasoning, and get the basic information of container number and shape and the result of damage identification of container condition.
  • 中国上海人工智能CIMCAI世界第一完成两百万次AI验箱上亿次箱识别,
  • 成熟AI产品运行超7百万小时智慧港航智能化,全球港航人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI成熟港航AI产品,
  • 应用码头港区海关仓库口岸铁路货运,打造世界智慧港航智能港航标杆。
  • CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业。
  • 全球港航人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI,是全球全球第一家完成250万次人工智能验箱,
  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™集装箱检测云服务全球超4000企业用户,
  • Ceaspectus UNIT照片视频识别检测终端已规模化量产,
  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。
  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网。
  • CIMCAI has completed two million times of AI container inspection and hundreds of millions of container identification for the first time in the world,
  • Mature AI products run more than 7 million hours of intelligent port and shipping, and global port and shipping AI unicorn enterprise CIMCAI mature port and shipping AI products,
  • Apply the railway freight at the port of the customs warehouse in the port area to build the world's smart port and shipping smart port and shipping benchmark.
  • CIMCAI is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced port and waterway AI high-tech enterprise in the world.
  • CIMCAI, a global port and shipping AI unicorn enterprise, is the first in the world to complete 2.5 million AI container inspections,
  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.
  • CIMCAI ENGINE ™ The container detection cloud serves more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • Ceaspectus UNIT photo video recognition and detection terminal has been mass produced,
  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.
  • For more information, please visit the official website



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